Read Gathering Storm Online

Authors: Jess Parry

Gathering Storm (11 page)

Siobhan breathed in the cloves and cinnamon, there was an underlying bitter copper scent lingering
around her
. She felt her limb’s loosening their grip on Jason. Giggling she looked over as Sarah leaned her head against Simon’s chest.

“What shall we do lovelies?” Simon asked smirking at Marcus

“I want to go back to the club” Sarah whined

“Ah, don’t think that would be a good idea” Marcus cleared his throat as he walked over
his arm through Siobhan’s. “There is a little pub just down the way, which has a lovely band playing tonight”

“That sounds boring” Sarah wistfully looked at the direction of the club

“Come on lovely, you and I can go on to the club. Marcus we’ll meet you at O’Rileys shortly”

Simon turned and started walking back towards the club with Sarah wrapped around his waist.

“Toodles” Sarah called back

“Come on, they won’t stay too long as I think the bouncer will not be as welcoming” Marcus muttered

Jason pulled Siobhan out of Marcus embrace, sighing Marcus turned
motioning them to follow. T
hey made their way in the opposite direction
of the club
. The evening air had a bitter chill to it
into Siobhan’s bones. She felt cold all over
shivered in Jason’s embrace. She leaned closer into Jason as he pulled her to him tighter. Her fingers were numb, but she held tightly onto Jason clinging to his stability.

Marcus was a few feet ahead of them, his agile body moved easily over the cobble stones unlike the clumsy steps Jason and Siobhan made. Siobhan watched his feet touch the stones
suddenly noticing
no sound emanated from his foot falls. She could hear the click of her shoes and light smack of Jason’s shoes as they walked, but silence encircled Marcus.

Marcus smiled to himself as he felt Siobhan watching him. Her fear washed over him, he felt an underlying power simmering within her. She had yet to tap into it and for now he was content to absorb her fear, it gave him additional strength to keep up his glamo
r. That glamour he held dimmed his iridescent eyes from humans. The chaos that ran through his blood was tamed by Siobhan’s quiet shudders. He knew he would need to leave them soon and feast, but for now he could manage.

Marcus stopped abruptly in front of dimly lit tavern open
a thick wooden door that had several symbols carved into the dark word. The intricate design called to Siobhan as she neared the entrance. Reaching out she tentatively brushed her fingertips over the deeply chiseled designs. She felt the door humming as she continued to follow the pattern. Power washed over her, closing her eyes she embraced the longing that soaked into her. She felt her heart pulling her to turn away, but the yearning to step through the archway into the darkness was overbearing.

Taking a deep breath she glanced up at Marcus who was looking down at her with an eyebrow arched curiously. A rainbow of color emanated from his eyes and Siobhan instinctively took a step back from him. His features were suddenly sharper; his lips were darker, fuller and
calling to her. She felt herself falling; she felt whispers clawing at her body. Her heart was racing
once again began
clouding her vision. Her lungs started to scream for air,
the breath she had been holding
greedily inhaled the cool night air.

“Hey Siobhan, you ok?”

Turning to Jason, she blinked as the words he had just asked became clearer. The laughter coming from inside the tavern was no longer tiny, but clear. Glancing at Marcus his features were normal, but a slight scowl framed his mouth.

“I’m fine” Siobhan responded as she took the first step through the door.

The old wood floor creaked slightly from her weight as she continued inside the tavern. The wall sconces held actual torches a
firelight danced across the chipped walls. Jason followed behind her holding her hips with his hands. As they came into the main part of the tavern, several booths were occupied and Siobhan felt several eyes watching them as they crossed to the bar.

Marcus silently passed them
over to the bar as Siobhan and Jason pulled out a couple of stools. The old man behind the bar looked quizzically at Jason
, then
just as he
started to open his mouth
to say something to them

“Seamus, they are with me, I’m having my usual, get them whatever they want” Marcus voice rose above the voices inside.

“Since when did you start to bring you’re…”

“Seamus, just get the damn drinks” Marcus voice grew deeper and Siobhan thought she caught a glimmer of light shoot out towards the older man. She watched as the weathered face of the bar keeps closed his lips into a thin line as he reached over pulling a bottle off the shelf. He
hastily tugged
off the cork
, instantly
a deep copper scent clung to Siobhan. He tipped the bottle over a tall wine glass
liquid black as a starless night began filling the glass.

The rich aroma of earth mingled with the copper scent
Siobhan felt her mouth water. Marcus took the glass and swallowed deeply from the rich dark liquid. Closing his eyes; Siobhan watched a tiny shiver run through his body.

“What is that?” Siobhan asked as she learned closer to Marcus taking in a deep inhale as the aroma surrounded her.

“This is an old wine love, I doubt you would like it, as it’s very potent” Marcus replied before taking a smaller sip this time. He watched her watching him as he raised the glass to his lips. Siobhan licked her lips as she saw the dark liquid disappear into his mouth.

“You are welcome to try a sip, but I promise love, you will not like it” Marcus held the glass out to her.

Taking the stem, she brought the glass closer to her
its scent; she felt darkness clouding her vision. She heard the sea
ashing against the shore, the salty brine of the air clos
around her. She brought the glass to her lips and tipped it just enough for a small sip. Her eyes closed as she felt the warmth slide down her throat, coating her

Beads of sweat broke out on her upper lip, a single tear slide down her cheek catching the light. Marcus reached over
the tear before it fell to the floor. Siobhan opened her eyes and watched as he took the tip of his finger to his lips
the tear off. Pleasure filled Siobhan as Marcus features twisted into ecstasy; he looked back at Siobhan
with a devilish grin

“Hey, can I have a sip?” Jason asked as he took in the reaction Siobhan was having.

“Why not, the more the merrier” Marcus replied back his voice seductively deeper

Jason took the glass tipped it up and drank. His eyes widened in shock as he spit the liquid out and starting coughing.

“What the hell is that crap? It tasted like blood
and dirt with a shitload of salt
” he spat a couple of more times trying to get the copper taste out of his mouth.

“Some say only a lost soul can taste the beauty of this wine” Marcus responded quietly as he took the glass back.

“Beauty my ass that was awful. Hey can I get a beer or something, I gotta get this taste out of my mouth” Jason leaned over as the barkeep pulled a bottle out of the cooler. He yanked the bottle out of the older man’s grip and twisted off the top. He gulped down the contents
the bottle onto the bar.

Siobhan felt lighter than a feather, she wanted to go back to the hotel and soak in a hot bath. A giggle escaped her lips as she heard Jason order another beer.

“Slow down Jason, I’m not dealing with you hung over tomorrow when we have to go to Trinity College and start our research project at the library there” Siobhan watched as Jason took the second bottle and drank deeply from it.

She watched his Adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed, his eyes closed. Jason put the bottle down turn
ing slowly
to look at her. A lopsided grin
on his face
with a wild twinkle in his eyes caused
to hitch at the sight before her.

“Come on, a beer and an a half aren’t going to do anything to me” Jason mumbled back as he pulled Siobhan closer to him
down to kiss her. His lips still held some of the beer
taste it as he deepened the kiss. She felt his tongue teasing her lips
she opened herself to him.

A low growl interrupted the kiss; Siobhan turned her head
at the scowl forming on Marcus face. His features were sharper again, his eyes shining brightly
colors swirling
in the deep depths. She leaned closer to Marcus, reaching out to brush her hand down his cheek. He felt the warmth of her hand before she actually touched him. Sucking in a breath, he leaned his head into the palm of her hand breath
in her scent.

“Lovely, I would be careful with that one” Simon’s voiced broke their embrace
Siobhan quickly dropped her hand.

“The damn bouncers wouldn’t let us back in” Sarah whined as she pulled a stool up to Siobhan and sat heavily. “Can I get a drink; I want something that will make me feel happy”

The old barkeep looked at Marcus who just sighed
his head. The older man shrugged his shoulders
before he
reached over to grip a dark green bottle.
a glass
he began
, he filled the glass half full with sparking clear liquid. The bubbles within clung to the side of the glass. A sweet smell of summer, flowers at their peak of blooming flooded Siobhan. She could feel the warm summer breeze, the heat of the summer sun warm her skin. She watched as Sarah took the glass from the bar keep
it to her lips.

“Wait lovely, this is pretty potent, are you sure you want to have a taste?” Simon asked as he held Sarah’s arm down to keep her from drinking.

“It’s a fruity wine, what’s the dealio?” Sarah asked with a slight twinge of anger in her voice “let go”

Simon dropped his arm
, letting
Sarah raise the glass
a sip. Siobhan felt a breeze ripple past her
to play in Sarah’s
long hair
ing softly
. Sarah’s eyes sparkled
her lips
opening she mouthed “wow” to Siobhan

“Oh my Becky, you have got to taste this! It’s like summer in a glass!” Sarah exclaimed as she handed the wine to Siobhan.

“No!” Marcus
the glass out of Siobhan’s hand and hand
it back to Sarah. “Siobhan has already had a taste of another wine; you don’t mix your wines”

“Oh come on, like you believe that myth? Besides its beer before liquor that makes you puke” Sarah replied
as she
started to hand the glass back Siobhan.

Marcus turned sharply to Simon holding his glass with the dark liquid
nodding his head slightly as he
glanced at Siobhan. Simon’s eyes widened in surprise as Marcus
brought the glass back to Siobhan’s lips watching her take another sip

“No, lovely, see Siobhan drank Marcus wine, which is potent on its own, but if you are foolish enough to mix that with anything, then you will be sicker than anything you could imagine.” Simon took the glass from Sarah
the rest of the contents in one drink. “So temptation is gone, lovely, I’m sorry”

Pouting Sarah took the glass back
daggers at Marcus “Really, I don’t understand what the big deal is”

“There are just some wines that are not to be mixed together and those are two. Come let’s grab a table near the stage the music will start soon” Simon pulled Sarah off the stool taking her arm into his
her closer to the stage.

Siobhan turned her head in the direction Simon and Sarah had gone, blinking she didn’t remember seeing a stage there when they walked in earlier. There had been a row of booths against the wall filled with people talking in hushed tones.

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