Read Forbidden Kiss Online

Authors: Shannon Leigh

Forbidden Kiss (14 page)

“So what’s going on now? Are you working or taking a sex vacation?”

“Oh, I’m working all right. Come to find out Rom is working on the same thing, coming at it from a little different angle, but we’ve formed a partnership. Time will tell if it was wise or not.”

“Yeah, but in the mean time, have fun.”

Jule steered the conversation to home. “How’s it going there?”

“Oh,” Natala stalled. Obviously not well. “Mom and Dad are totally freaked about you leaving and the press has been going crazy about Pio. Apparently he’s been doing shady business deals for years—duh! no surprise there—and someone finally figured it out. The city and even some feds are putting a lot of questions to Dad. They want their money back. Fat chance they’ll get it.”

Crap. Although angry and hurt, Jule didn’t want to see her family suffer more than they already had.

“It sucks, but Dad has some new lawyer, a guy named Valerio who seems to know what’s going on. You’d like the guy, I think.”

Valerio? He was going to help her father? Why?


Jule didn’t see any sense in telling Natala about Pio being in Verona. It would only serve to scare and worry her. She’d let the authorities handle him.

“Tell Mom and Dad not to worry. I’m fine.”

“You know they will anyway, but I’ll tell them.”

“And, maybe it would be better not to mention anything about Rom for the time being.” Jule just didn’t want to share the information with her father. He’d lost that right when he’d taken Pio’s blood money.

“Take care of yourself, sis,” Natala said. Jule could feel her sister’s embrace across thousands of miles of ocean. “I mean it.”

Jule laughed and hung up the phone. Max, who’d been lying at her feet throughout the conversation, stood suddenly and growled at the door. The hairs on the back of Jule’s neck rose in response.

It was too early for Rom to be back. Maybe an animal wondering down from the woods?

She looked at the sheathed dagger on the table where she’d pushed it to the center, far out of reach. With a deep breath, she picked it up and slipped it free from the leather.

It felt warm in her hand. Weighty, but right. That scared the hell out of her.

“Let’s go see what the ruckus is, Max,” she whispered to the dog. He rose to his feet and headed to the door ahead of Jule.

As soon as she opened it, he bounded out and around the side of the house.

Great. She’d lost her protector. But she had the knife. Not that she thought she could use it if confronted.

“Max!” she called, following the sounds of his barking to the rear of the villa.

She made it to the back just in time to catch a glimpse of color disappearing through the trees, leaving branches swaying in its wake.

“Max!” Jule shouted again, catching his attention this time. He bounded back and sat on his hind legs, forcing his head under her hand, his favorite position these last hours.

“What was it boy? Something I should worry about?” Or just a deer fleeing the mighty hunter here?

Jule figured if Max wasn’t too worried, she probably shouldn’t be either. They turned back to the front of the villa, but Jule keep the dagger handy.

Just in case.

Rom brushed past Rossi’s secretary and opened the door to the man’s office without knocking.

Rossi sat behind his desk, his ear pressed to the phone while he furiously scribbled notes on a pad. His eyebrows shot up into his hairline as Rom shut the door behind him and took a seat.

“Someone just came into my office. Let me call you back,” he told the person on the other end of the phone. Dropping the earpiece into its cradle, he sat back and surveyed Rom.

“And what can I do for you, Mr. Montgomery?”

“You can tell me how Pio Mascaro found out about the palazzo museum.”

Rossi looked thoughtful for a moment. “The gentleman inquiring after our Ms. Casale, si?”

“The same,” Rom replied.

Rossi shook his head. “I am sorry, but I do not know.”

“He called here looking for Jule. She told me as much.” After he’d had to pry it out of her.

“He did, but following a discussion I had with Ms. Casale, I expressed my apologies to the man and told him I could not help him.” Rossi folded his hands on top of his desk. “I have not talked to him since.”

Rom believed him.

“However, I should advise you, Mr. Montgomery, that my office was burglarized two nights ago and my papers either destroyed or stolen.”

Ah. They were getting somewhere now. “And what was taken?”

Rossi unfolded his hands and crossed them over his chest, staring intently at Rom. “I don’t feel comfortable sharing that information with you.”

“The background you’d been gathering on the museum group? The files meant for Jule?”

Rossi blinked and Rom knew. Pio had been there. That was how he’d known.

“Ms. Casale is in some kind of danger, si?” Rossi asked.

“Of the stalking variety,” Rom told him.

Stalking apparently translated just fine into Italian. Rossi got the picture.

“Is there anything I can do to help? Ms. Casale’s reputation follows her. She is an asset to the art community,” he said by way of hurried explanation.

Rom scowled. “Do you have duplicates of those files?”

“I had them at home.” Rossi produced a manila folder and handed it to Rom. “You will be seeing Jule shortly, then?”

Rom opened the folder and thumbed through the documents. An eight by ten of the altar caught his attention.

“Yes. Ms. Casale,” Rom said, looking up from the picture to reaffirm Rossi’s social distance from Jule, “is staying with me.”

“Ah. I see.”

Rom snatched the picture out and laid it on top of Rossi’s desk. “What can you tell me about this altar?”

“A common enough piece from the early Renaissance. Unfortunately, most of the panels have been lost through the centuries and the altar suffered damage as a result of the pilfering.”

He looked up at Rom, understanding shining in his eyes. “You think this is the link you’ve been searching for?”

Rom played it cool. “I don’t know. I’ll have to confer with Ms. Casale.”

“But it’s promising, si?”

Rom ignored the question. “Do you have any idea where the last three panels might be?” He pointed to the empty sockets where the final paintings in the series should be.

“Um, no. That would be a question for the museum group,” Rossi said.

“The group we can’t get in touch with?” Rom’s voice betrayed a slight edge of irritation.

Rossi smiled like a preservationist with a secret. “Let me update you on the museum group. Much has changed since I started my investigation.”

Rossi continued, “An unidentified investor has come forward to rescue the group from bankruptcy. Appearing from out of nowhere with much money. All outstanding liabilities have been accounted for, bills paid and a trust initiated.”

Rom smelled a rat. “Who’s the backer?”

“Unknown.” Rossi said shrugging.

“I suppose the lights will be back on shortly?” Rom said.

“Not necessarily. A source at the bank where the trust was set up said the investor wants to hold off on reopening.”

“Is that unusual?”

Rossi shook his head. “Not really. They could mean to acquire new art or change out old exhibits. Hire staff, etc. I just thought the both of you would want to know.”

“Yes,” Rom said absently, trying to discern if the acquisition could somehow be the work of Pio. But to what end, Rom couldn’t guess.

“Do you want me to make contact and continue my efforts to get you inside?”

“Thank you, but no.”

Rom stood, taking the picture from Rossi’s desk and stuffing it back in the folder.

“We’ll be in touch.”

“I’m sure,” Rossi smiled, as if to silently say, “you Americans.”

Chapter Seventeen

The lights of the villa blazed cheerfully as Rom pulled up outside the house. The domesticity of the scene warmed his blood and the thought of Jule waiting for him inside squeezed his heart.

A wife. A home.

Wouldn’t it be nice?

Yeah, if he didn’t outlive them to become a widower.

Rom pushed the front door open expecting to see Jule curled up on the couch with a book or a drink. A reassuring image he’d thought of the entire way back from Verona.

She wasn’t there.

“Jule?” he called, stepping through the kitchen and into the hall heading to the back of the house.



Rom looked in every room before bolting for the back door.

He closed it quietly behind him and stepped out into the night. Winter sounds greeted his ears and chilled his bones. Light reflected off Lake Garda in the distance.

Where was she?

He circled the villa, staying in the shadows, looking for any signs of entry or struggle.

Nothing. Just dormant winter grass and the sounds of rustling wind in the trees.

As he rounded back to the front he saw Max sitting next to the car.

Stepping away from the house, but still in full shadow, Rom felt a sharp point bite through the back of his coat.

“What are you doing creeping around here?”


Rom turned quickly, displacing the dagger from his back and nearly from her hand.

“Jesus, Jule. Where were you? You scared the hell out of me.”

“Max and I have been hearing some strange things today, so we’ve been patrolling.”

Patrolling? He looked her over. Dressed in several layers of clothing, she’d topped it off with his discarded sweater from the chapel.

Max appeared at his legs and sat next to Jule as if to take her side.

He grabbed her and held her tight, letting the breath rush out of him while he soaked in her warmth. Then he pushed her out to arm’s length.

“What kind of noises?”

She wiped her nose with the dangling sleeve of his sweater. “Well, I don’t know. It was Max, actually, who’s been hearing things. We came out this afternoon and that’s when I saw something disappear into the trees. A deer, a bear, whatever. We’ve been walking around ever since.”

“With this?” he lifted her hand to reveal Juliet’s dagger.

“What else was there?” She stuck out her chin, daring him to say something.

Rom lowered his mouth and kissed her jutting chin. “I’m proud of you is all,” he said, moving back enough to see her shining eyes.

“For almost stabbing you?”


She pushed away and signaled for Max to follow her. “Immortality has warped your brain,” she said heading for the house.

Perhaps, but with her by his side, he was willing to live with it.

Rom followed at a distance, intent on showing her how warped he actually was. And Max could just damn well stay outside.

“What were you doing in the woods today?” Rom asked as they shed their coats at the front door and stepped into the kitchen.

Jule walked over to the stovetop and picked up a spoon to stir a pot. “I didn’t say I was in the woods. I said Max and I saw something moving in the trees. I don’t know if it was man or beast, but we played it cautious anyway.”

Rom at last noticed the delicious aroma emanating from the kitchen. “What is that smell?”

Jule glowered at him. “What? You don’t like it?” The glower was quickly replaced with a startled expression. “You do eat? Right? I didn’t even think…”

Rom smiled. “I eat. It’s not necessary, but I enjoy food. And that smells good.” He said nodding at the pot.

“It’s just noodles with a basil pesto. When in Rome…” She smiled crookedly and set the lid on the pot and busied herself with setting out dishes.

Rom swallowed tightly. He looked at Jule standing there, barefoot in jeans and one of his shirts.

“You cooked for me.”

“It’s no big deal. I have to eat anyway.”

He wanted to share the significance of the gesture and stepped around the counter to lay his hands on her shoulders.

“Nobody has cooked for me in quite sometime. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Her husky voice sent blood rushing south.

Jule turned in Rom’s embrace, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. He was without a doubt the best time she’d ever had in her life.

She remembered the way their bodies had fit together so well, the pleasure of his touch and the heat of his kisses. Just his scent, damn it, was enough to send her into a near climax.

Rom wore a pair of low-slung jeans and a snug T-shirt that allowed her hands to play over his chest, his back, and down to his waist. Rock solid muscle created peaks and valleys she explored with her hands, but wanted to investigate with her tongue.

His hair was heavy and silky under her fingers and still slightly cool to the touch from their walk outside. Jule opened her eyes to watch his face, see the heat echo in his eyes as he touched her too.

She wanted to kick off her pants and strip off her bra, freeing her breasts for his hands, his mouth.

Rom groaned into her mouth. Jule answered.

His eyes were swirling with streaks of warm amber, exuding heat that found its way straight into her soul. Had she ever really thought his eyes were cold and cruel?

She tugged one of his shirts over her head, letting it hit the floor beside their feet. He swallowed as she reached behind and undid the fastener that held her bra closed.

So much tenderness in his expression had Jule yearning to feel him close. Inside her. Rocking them both to highs she feared never wanting to leave.

“I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, Rom,” she admitted. “But I know that I want you.” She guided his hand to her bare breast. “Please.”

“Jule,” he breathed as his hand closed around her breast.

Oh, yes, please…

He kissed her, providing the only answer he could. The kiss was passionate, hot, feverish, as were his hands skimming down and across her body, tugging her upwards to plop her bottom on the kitchen counter next to the stovetop.

She tugged his shirt out of his waistband, eager to feel his naked skin under her hands. He stepped back long enough to jerk the shirt over his head and threw it behind him where it landed half on Max’s food bowl.

He eased away from her and gazed at her, from toes to hair. The look consumed her and set every nerve to tingling. Jule refused to feel self-conscious and instead pulled her shoulders back, leaning against the overhead cupboards until her breasts thrust forward, focusing his attention.

She loved the way he worshiped her with his eyes. It made her feel like the sexiest, most beautiful woman alive. And what he did to her! Holy crap. Words couldn’t describe the glory of his body, standing there between her legs. Sculpted muscle and gorgeous male perfection.

He scooped her off the counter, cradling her bottom in his hands. Jule helped by twining her legs around his waist as he carried her down the hall to the bedroom.

“What was wrong with the kitchen?” she asked, watching heat spark in his eyes.

“I was worried about the dinner.” To her surprise, he made a joke. “The way we were going, that pot wasn’t all that safe so close to us. Wouldn’t want to end up lying on a pile of angel hair pasta while I make you scream my name.”

It was Jule’s turn to laugh.

He dropped her onto the golden comforter and stepped back to take off his shoes.

“Now’s the time if you want to change your mind,” he said, his dark, dark eyes and tanned body filling her vision.

Stop? Now? Was he crazy?

But she owed him honesty. She owed herself that much as well.

“Rom, I’ll admit, I’m lost. This is a whole new world for me. You. This quest. I promised myself we wouldn’t do this again until I knew you better, but you know what? It doesn’t matter.”

He dropped to his knees on the tiled floor until he was level with her on the bed.

“You matter,” he said.

She touched his face and smiled. He was so very beautiful. “I’ve spent the last several years living a lie. First as a wife and then an ex-wife. As a dutiful daughter trying to make her parents happy and do the right thing by everybody else. But what did it get me? Grief. Guilt.” She cleared her throat. “I don’t want to live that life anymore. I’m not that woman anymore.”

There was pride and hope in his eyes.

“I don’t know where this is going…or really, where I want it to go. It’s too early, or maybe I just don’t want to think about that right now. Not while you’re half naked and kneeling down in front of me.”

The pride in his eyes was replaced by desire. He leaned forward and kissed her then. Truly kissed her, pushing her back onto the bed and forcing her legs apart as he slid between. His weight was heavy and oh, God, right.

Jule wanted their pants gone. Now.

She reached between them, fumbling with the top button just below his belly button. She felt his stomach muscles ripple as her fingers circled and pulled at his jeans.

“Ahhh!” She jerked and arched against him as his tongue found a nipple, drawing her into his mouth.

“You want some help with these pants?” he asked around the breast in his mouth.

Jule couldn’t form the words, so she nodded. He pushed his weight up on one arm, still licking a very sensitive nipple. In short order, his pants were gone and so were hers.

They came together, finally, exquisitely naked. Jule thought she’d come the moment his erection touched her, but she held on, looking into his eyes.

“Thought I’d lost you there for a minute,” he said, his voice harsh with the strain.

“You almost did.”

He kissed her again and the world shifted, clicking into place. The rightness of the moment swept over her, pushing everything else out of the way. It was just the two of them.

He touched her, slowly. In ways and in places that no one else could know would drive her over the top and around the bend.

He breathed her name.

Jule answered.

It was the confirmation he needed. He slipped inside her.

Oh, my. Oh, yes. Please.

He rocked them back and forth, at first gentle, but when Jule wrapped her legs around his waist, he plunged harder and she cried out.

Was that her own voice? So full of tension and need? She opened her eyes to find Rom watching her. And she saw in his face the same struggle to stave off release. It was too good to be over so soon.

Jule laughed and she knew in that moment that she loved him. Body and soul. For eternity.

Rom laughed with her, thrusting faster until Jule exploded into starlit pieces. He stayed with her, growling her name as he came on a final shuddering thrust.

Like a spent firework, she felt those pieces drift back down to earth and gather back into her body. A body that clung to Rom for everything she was worth and then some.

“We should be about ready for that pasta now, dontcha think?” She asked after several minutes, licking his ear.


He couldn’t move a muscle, because if he did, Jule would stop stroking his neck and shoulders. “Yeah?”

“I was wondering something.” Jule ran her fingernails across his scalp, which sent delicious, spine tingling ecstasy lightening across his body. “About my previous, er, former life.”

Rom rolled over onto his back and stared up at her. “What do you want to know?”
And would she believe it?

Her eyes glowed electric blue in the softly lit bedroom. “What was sex like the first time, we, ah, you know, did it?”

“You mean, was it like it is now?”

Jule nodded, smiling tightly.

He pushed himself into a sitting position and stroked the curtain of hair back from her face, letting it cascade across her shoulder and down her back.

“No. Juliet was painfully young and inexperienced. I don’t think she’d ever even kissed a man before, outside her family.”

Jule looked away, pulling her lip between her teeth as she did so.

She was jealous? Rom kissed her lips, easing the tension. “It was,” and here he struggled for the right words, “beautiful. Pure. Right.”

Shock shone in her eyes. “Not to say what we share isn’t all of those things, because, my God, it is. But it’s an adult’s passion. An adult’s experience and patience, making it more. Bigger.”

“Am I like her?” she asked him.

Rom had thought about the answer to that very question for the last three days.

“This is going to sound vague, but yes and no. Yes in that you share the same passion for fighting for what’s right and just. She was compassionate to a fault and you are too, I think. Juliet was always guarded with her feelings, but when she shared them, they were honest and true. Like you.”

A ghost of a smile played around her lips. “And how am I different?”

“Wiser. Stronger. More sure of yourself and your place in this world. And with a decided vulgarity to your language that would never have crossed Juliet’s lips.”

She shoved his shoulder, but her smile moved from ghostly to full out shiner. “You think my language can be bad, you should hear my sister.”

Had they just had a conversation about her past life? Was she believing it?

Rom had to remember that convincing her and wooing Jule would take time. She was Juliet, but she wasn’t. Jule wasn’t going to fall into marriage with him after just a few days and some great sex.

And would it even be wise considering he was still immortal?

Rom had to keep his mind on the bigger goal. Mortality. If he didn’t have that, they didn’t have a chance.

“Rom?” Jule shifted next to him. “We, ah, didn’t use protection.”

Was that fear in her voice?

“Don’t worry. I can’t have kids.”

She didn’t look convinced. “How do you know?”

Well, didn’t that put him in a fix? Now he was going to have to talk about the sex he’d had with other women as well? Not something he really wanted to do.

“Trust me.”

For now, he wanted to hold her, make love to her. He looked directly into her eyes when he spoke, driving his point home.

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