Read Forbidden Embers Online

Authors: Tessa Adams

Forbidden Embers (20 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Embers
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Though Logan hadn’t tried to touch her breasts yesterday—at least not anywhere but in her fantasies—she still couldn’t help tensing. She wanted to skip this part, to go straight to the sex. Somehow she knew he would make that part of it good for her.
Determined to curb her impatience and her fear, Cecily braced herself for the foreplay she figured Logan would insist on. But when he touched her, it wasn’t with the firm grip she’d been dreading. Wasn’t even with his whole hand. Instead, it was one lone finger. His index finger.
He started in the center of her forehead, with a touch so light she could barely feel it. Then skimmed, slow and straight, over her nose to her lips. He paused there for a moment, ran the tip of his finger back and forth across her lower lip until she started to tremble with something other than nerves.
Unsure of herself but unable to stop, she darted her tongue out and licked his finger. He groaned then, his eyes darkening to a deep maroon that was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. His breathing quickened, and she was sure that he would start to rush, but he didn’t. Instead, he slicked his finger across her lips a few more times before trailing it across her cheek to her ear.
Tenderly, slowly, he traced the outer shell. She shivered at the unfamiliar feeling and the delicate sparks his touch sent shooting through her body. He grinned and spent at least a minute toying with her ear and the slender gold loop that dangled from her lobe.
From there, he looped and swirled his way down, pausing at the hollow of her neck to feel the crazy pounding of her heart. She reached for him, circled his waist with her arm and snuggled a little closer to the enticing heat of him.
He did move then, sliding his arm under her head so that his thick, hard bicep made a pillow for her. He curved his body so that he was touching her from her neck to her toes, then slid one heavy leg between hers so that her upper leg curled over his hip.
She gasped at the intimacy of the position, at the way his huge erection was nestled against her sex. They were both naked, and she knew if he wanted to, Logan could slip inside her with one quick thrust of his hips.
But he didn’t. Once he had her positioned where he wanted her, he didn’t move at all. Didn’t try to touch more of her. Didn’t do anything but look at her. Her whole body was shaking now, more from arousal than fear, and she closed her eyes, hoping she could calm down a little if she wasn’t looking at him.
“Look at me.” His voice was hoarse, the words hard-bitten and raw.
Her lashes fluttered and then she was staring directly into those mystical eyes that seemed to see every part of her. “Don’t close your eyes again,” he said. “I need to see, need to know that I’m pleasing you. That I’m not frightening you.”
“You aren’t.” She grabbed his hand, tried to put it on her breast, her earlier misgivings forgotten in her need to make him happy. “I’m ready for you.”
Logan laughed, and she felt the vibrations all the way through her body. His cock jerked against her and she gasped, her body straining against his in an effort to get even closer. “
A stor
, I can feel you.” He flexed his hips a little so she knew what he was talking about. “You’re nowhere near ready.”
She blushed. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m enjoying like hell getting you ready.”
And then that diabolical finger of his was back, drifting from her collarbone to the curve of her shoulder.
Down her arm to her elbow, her forearm, her wrist.
Over her hand to her hip, her outer thigh, the back of her knee.
He paused, took a minute to gently toy with the tendons there. Pleasure shot through her, powerful, intense, overwhelming, and she convulsed, her leg tightening on his hip.
“You like that, hmmm?” He repeated the movements, and she was so caught up in the amazing feelings winding their way through her that she couldn’t answer.
Her lack of response didn’t seem to bother him, though, at least not based on the way his cock twitched against her. She moaned at the sensation, felt herself grow damp at the obvious sign of his desire for her. And nearly sighed in relief.
Surely, he would notice her wetness now.
Surely, he would decide she was ready.
Again she braced herself for the feel of him entering her. Again it didn’t happen. Instead, that damn finger of his made its way up the back of her thigh to her ass. He used his whole hand then, molding her, squeezing her, massaging her, before skimming his finger along the crack of her ass from the top to the very bottom, where he toyed with the damp lips of her sex.
She moaned—she couldn’t help it—as she tangled her fingers in his hair. “Logan,” she breathed, her voice so shaky that his name was almost unrecognizable.
He leaned even closer, so that his lips were only a hairsbreadth from hers. “Yes, Cecily?”
“I don’t . . . I can’t . . . I want—”
“What do you want,
A Ghra
?” His finger delved between her cheeks and she startled, her leg tightening on his thighs.
“I just—” She paused, moaned, as he rested that finger against her anus and began to stroke. He didn’t delve inside, just circled her again and again until she was as close to insane as she’d ever been. “Aren’t you going to make love to me?”
“I thought that’s what I was doing.”
Her hands slid up and grabbed on to his shoulders as her hips thrust gently against his. “You know what I mean!”
“I do.” The words came out as a growl, and Cecily’s heart jumped to her throat as she realized Logan wasn’t nearly as calm and relaxed as she’d thought he was.
“Then do it. Please. I need—” She stopped, still unable to vocalize her needs.
How do people do this?
she wondered.
How do they look at someone and tell them their most intimate desires?
She needed to try again; she knew it. If she didn’t, Logan might not—
“I know what you need,” he answered, rolling onto his back and taking her with him so that she was stretched out, full body, above him.
She’d barely had a chance to absorb the fact that she had six feet, seven inches of hot, rock-hard male below her before he was moving again. Sliding her up his chest a little until her breast was level with his mouth.
He lifted his head then, nuzzled the soft underside of her breast before pressing wet, openmouthed kisses wherever his mouth came into contact. Which was everywhere.
She gasped as he got closer to her nipple, the kisses getting longer and sexier as he slid his tongue out and circled her areola again and again. He made sure not to touch her nipple, though, no matter how much she arched and wiggled against him.
She arched and wiggled a lot.
Minutes passed that felt like hours as he kissed and licked and stroked first one breast and then the other. Over and over he moved between them until she was sobbing his name and her dragon was clawing at the inside of her skin in an effort to get out. It was as crazed as she was by what Logan was doing to her and the proximity of his own dragon, which Cecily could occasionally see peering out at her from Logan’s crazy, lust-darkened eyes.
Fleetingly, she wondered whether he could see her dragon, as well. And if he could, did it excite him as much as the sight of his did her? Then the thought was lost as a wave of need—powerful, overwhelming, indefensible—swept through her. She shuddered with it, bucked against him, lost the last remnants of her pride and begged.
“Please. Logan, please.” It was a whisper, as her voice had all but deserted her, but Logan heard it. His eyes burned a fiery red and he pulled her head down to his.
“Please, what? Tell me what you want, Cecily. I need to hear you say it.”
Her hands shifted until they cupped his head and she pulled him up to meet her breasts again. “Please touch my nipples. Lick them. Suck them. Do whatever you want. Just do something!”
His mouth slammed down over the tip of her breast and he closed his teeth around her nipple. She screamed, her hands tangling in his hair as she held him to her. He licked and sucked, even nipped at her a little, before running his tongue over the hardened bud to soothe the luscious pain that came from feeling his teeth.
A delicious, exciting pressure built inside her, grew hotter and hotter, took her higher and higher. She rocked her hips against him, pressed her breast even deeper into his mouth and wondered if it was possible. Was she really going to come from just the feel of his mouth on her breast? Was she really that far gone? Was she—
Oh, God, she was. She really was. Her breathing got faster and faster, the tension built higher and higher, until she was almost there. Almost there, almost, one more touch and—
He lowered his head, let her nipple pop out of his mouth, and she screamed, her entire body shuddering with the frustration of being denied the release it so desperately needed.
“Logan, Logan, Logan,” she chanted his name as her nails dug into the taut muscles of his shoulders. Tears poured down her face. “Please don’t leave me like this. Don’t leave me like—”
A stor
, it’s okay.” He stroked a soothing hand down her spine, but his touch only made the tension screaming through her even more unbearable.
“It’s not, it’s not, it’s not.” She thrust her hips against him again and again, desperate for him to do something, anything, to put her out of her misery. “I have to—”
He must have realized just how close she really was, because at that moment, he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth at the exact same moment his thumb found her clit.
She screamed again, jerked against him, and he stroked and sucked, stroked and sucked. Once, twice, three times, and then she shattered, her body jerking and trembling and wigging out in fifteen different directions as pleasure unlike anything she had ever imagined burst through her.
It was overwhelming, insane, never ending and terrifying, so terrifying that she tried to jerk away from Logan’s touch when she couldn’t take it any longer. But he wouldn’t let her go, kept his mouth and hand moving in a rhythm that wrung every ounce of unbearable sensation out of her.
Finally, finally, when she was certain she was going to go insane from the pleasure of it all, he released her nipple, his hand tangling in her hair as he dragged her mouth down to his.
Gone were the soft, relaxed kisses of earlier, and in their place was a ravenous hunger that enveloped her completely. He angled her mouth above his and thrust his tongue deep inside her, so deep that she felt his teeth biting into her lips. The sliver of pain whipped through her and shot her up and over again into another orgasm before she’d even had time to come down from the first.
She wasn’t frightened this time. Logan was there to catch her, his hands racing up and down her spine as their kiss went on and on and on. His tongue was everywhere—on the roof of her mouth, against her cheek, on the sensitive bit of skin between her upper lip and gum, sliding over her teeth. He was insatiable and the kiss lasted forever, stoking the flame inside her so that she never really had a chance to come down from the orgasms he’d already given her.
She couldn’t believe it, didn’t understand how she could feel so satisfied and so needy at the same time. But when Logan’s hands fastened on her thighs, adjusting her and spreading her legs so that her knees came down on either side of his hips, pleasure streaked through her all over again. Red-hot and so overwhelming that, once again, she didn’t know what to do with it.
But somehow instinct took over and she scrambled into a sitting position. Unwilling to relinquish her mouth, Logan came with her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on tight and let him do whatever he wanted to her mouth.
His tongue swept against hers and she responded in kind, stroking him with her own tongue in the way he’d taught her. She loved kissing him, loved the way he felt and tasted and smelled. Loved the fact that he couldn’t get enough of her mouth, either. She could stay like this forever, kissing him, tasting him, while her breasts rubbed against the strong muscles of his chest and her sex slid over his hot, hard cock.
It felt like an eternity had passed, felt like only a few seconds, when Logan wrenched his mouth from hers. “Jesus, Cecily, you’re making me crazy. I don’t want to stop kissing you long enough to get inside you.”
“Don’t!” she gasped, grabbing his head and dragging his mouth back to hers. “Don’t stop.” She lifted up a little so that her mouth could reach his, and in doing so was completely spellbound by the realization that one shift of her hips would slide his erection deep inside of her. In this position, he could do nothing to slow her down.
With that thought in mind and her mouth still locked desperately on his, she aligned her body so that the head of his cock was directly below her sex. Then, telling herself that any pain she felt would be worth it when Logan was finally buried deep inside her, she began to lower herself directly onto him.
The head of his cock slid over her labia, began to push into her pussy, and she cried out, shocked at how good he felt against her. She shimmied her hips, pushed a little harder, and he slipped inside another inch. She could feel him there, feel the walls of her vagina clamping down on the tip even as her body screamed out for more. She widened her legs even more, pressed down a little harder, and was shocked at the lack of pain.
She’d heard horror stories about this moment for years from female dragons that she’d grown up with about how terrible, how painful, how awful it was. But with Logan, it didn’t feel awful. It felt amazing. Maybe this first time wouldn’t be nearly as uncomfortable as she’d feared. Maybe her friends had just been trying to scare her.
Or maybe,
she thought as she circled her hips on his erection,
maybe their first lovers weren’t anywhere as wonderful as Logan.
Suddenly, his hands grabbed her hips, stopped her from moving. She didn’t want to stop, but when she tried to jerk free of his grip, he held her in place. “What are you doing?” she demanded, her hips bucking against his hold in an effort to take more of him. “Why are you stopping?”
BOOK: Forbidden Embers
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