Read For Her Eyes Only Online

Authors: Shannon Curtis

For Her Eyes Only (29 page)

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He glanced at his watch and frowned. He had to go.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Vicky shuffled items around on her desk, frowning. Did Mal have a system here? For the life of her, she couldn’t figure it out.

“Come on, Vicky, it will do you good,” Maggie urged, leaning against her desk.

“Yeah, you need a break after what you’ve been through,” Jessica said softly, her blonde bob gleaming as she nodded.

Vicky sighed and looked up at her friends. “I’m just not in the mood.”

“It’s a Christmas party. It will put you in the mood,” Maggie said. “Besides, one in four people hook up at an office Christmas party.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Ryan might be there.”

Jessica turned to her. “One in four? Are you sure?”

Maggie nodded. “Yep.”

Vicky shook her head. “I’m not in a party mood.” Hell. That would be hell, going to another work Christmas party and have Ryan there, slinging his arm around her shoulders and calling her the F word.

Maggie narrowed her eyes. “But you’re the party queen. Sure, Mal organized this one, so who knows how it’s going to pan out, but you’ll have a good time. I promise.”

Jessica held up a hand. “It’s okay, Vicky, if you don’t want to go. Especially after all you’ve been through.” She shushed Maggie as she started to protest. “If you don’t want to come, you shouldn’t come. Such a pity, though, because I found this dress that would look absolutely awesome on you.”

Vicky cocked an eyebrow. “Are you trying to bribe me, Jess?”

Noah’s fiancée shook her head. “No, reward maybe. Provide incentive, possibly. Bribe, no.” She shuddered. “It’s such an unsavory term.”

Vicky smiled as she looked between the two beautiful and fiercely loyal women. She was lucky to count them as friends. “The answer is still no.”

Jessica pouted.

“Don’t you want to see Ryan?” Maggie asked bluntly.

Vicky gasped, and this time Jessica nudged Maggie. “I don’t know what you mean.” She didn’t want to talk about it. It was humiliating. It was painful. She’d lost her heart to a man who couldn’t see her as more than a friend. One day, when she could tell them without bursting into tears, she might confide. But that day wasn’t today.

“You know exactly what I mean,” Maggie stated. “Everybody knows you and Ryan have this...thing. How did it go?”

Vicky covered her face with her free hand. “What do you mean, everybody knows?”

“What she means, Vicky, is that we’re your friends, we care about you, and we notice...things. Like how you look at him. And how he looks at you.”

Vicky peered up at them through the cracks between her fingers. “I think I want to die.”

Maggie grimaced. “So it didn’t go very well, then, huh?”

Vicky lowered her face to the desk, caving. “No, it was the most humiliating experience.”

She felt someone pat her uninjured shoulder. Must be Jessica. “Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

Vicky sat up, waving her hand to cool her cheeks. “I don’t know what I did wrong.”

Maggie frowned. “Maybe he did something wrong. You know, lots of men have issues with impotency. Although I wouldn’t have expected Ryan to have to deal with it.”

“Maggie,” Jessica gasped, swiping her gently on the arm.

Maggie nodded. “Sorry, you’re right. The term is erectile dysfunction.”

Vicky gaped at her. “Uh, no. No, Ryan doesn’t have an issue with erectile dysfunction.” No, siree, no problem there.

“So what is the problem?”

“He still sees me as a friend,” Vicky said, sighing. She shoved a stack of pens into the top drawer of her desk and slammed it shut.

It was Jessica’s turn to frown. “Did you wear that negligee I packed for you?”

Maggie turned to her. “You packed a negligee for her? Oh, good move,” she said, and gave her a gentle high five.

“Yes, I wore the negligee,” Vicky admitted.

Jessica smiled. “Did it work?”

Vicky’s cheeks blazed as she looked down at the desk. She wasn’t going to talk about

Maggie clapped her hands. “Oh, it worked.”

“And then we went back to being friends,” Vicky told them.

Jessica sighed. “Honey, there is no way he’s going to think of you as just a friend after wearing that nightgown. He’s going to remember that. Trust me.”

“Look, come to the party. Even if it’s just for a little while. Please. I need to celebrate, and I want you there,” Maggie told her.

Vicky lifted her gaze to her friend. “Celebrate? Celebrate what?”

Maggie smiled, gazing between the two women. “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, that’s fantastic news,” Vicky exclaimed, and left her seat to hobble around the desk and give her friend a one-armed hug. Jessica was jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

“Oh, that’s so wonderful, Maggie. How far along are you?”

Maggie grimaced. “Only ten weeks, but I’ve been so sick, we didn’t see the point in trying to hide it from you guys.”

Vicky beamed. She was truly happy for her friend. Maggie held up a finger at her.

“So now you really must come to the party with us.”

Vicky rolled her eyes. “You are going to be fabulous mother, you’ve already got the guilt trip thing down pat.” She nodded. “Of course I’ll come.” She’ll just have to nod politely if she saw Ryan, and act as though her heart was still in one piece.

Mal rounded the corner of the hall, carrying a box, and frowned as he approached them. “Hey, what are you doing to my desk?”

Vicky drew back from Maggie and arched an eyebrow. “I believe it’s my desk now.”

Mal fumbled with the box, as though he’d lost his grip for a moment. He took a step closer. “Seriously?”

Vicky nodded. “Seriously. I’m taking over operations, effective immediately.”

Mal placed the box on her desk and hugged her gently, careful not to squeeze her injured arm. “Oh, thank God. I love you. I don’t know how you do it. Noah was driving me crazy, and sometimes the clients want the most ridiculous things, and Reese doesn’t like my coffee—but that was kind of intentional—and all the paperwork. I thought I’d never see daylight again.” He stepped back, his eyes wide. “But I don’t really love you. Well, I do, but not like that, it’s just that I don’t have to do this thankless job anymore and I get to go have fun and shoot things and blow things up. I’ve really missed that.”

Vicky nodded slowly. “O-kay.” She looked at the box. “What’s that?”

He grabbed the box and clutched it to his chest. “Oh, this? It’s nothing. It’s...mine.” He started to back away toward the bank of elevators. “Er, so, I’ll see you ladies at the Christmas party, yeah?” He pointed at each of them. “And you are going to enjoy it, damn it. I put a lot of effort into this one.”

Maggie cleared her throat. Mal winced.

“Okay, I put a lot of effort into finding a party planner. Pick a color theme? Puh-leeze.”

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Mal stepped inside. “7:00 p.m. sharp, ladies,” he called as the doors slid closed.

Vicky eyed the elevator. “That was...weird. Even for Mal.”

Maggie scoffed. “Oh, no. That was close to normal. You should have seen him trying to do your job.
was weird. I think everyone around here has a newfound appreciation for everything you do.”

Vicky forced a smile. It would be nice if Ryan would find that newfound appreciation. “Thanks,” she said instead.

Jessica lifted a shopping bag and gave it to her. It had the discrete logo of a classy boutique located in Chicago’s Magnificent Mile district. “Here is that dress. Wear it.”

Vicky gaped as she took the bag, eyeing the logo. “I can’t, Jess,” she whispered.

Jessica smiled. “Yes, you can. I added it to Reese’s bill for your wardrobe on this mission.” She entwined her arm through Maggie’s, and both women strolled to the elevator.

“Shall we go make ourselves beautiful, Mrs. Fletcher?”

“Why, let’s, Ms. Soon-To-Be Samuels.”

Vicky smiled as both women left, then looked down at the bag in her hand, and her smile died.

Tonight she’d see Ryan. It was going to be difficult. He’d seen her naked, after all.

Oh, well, the sooner she got it over and done with, the sooner they’d be able to move on. She might need to find a new job. She hated to think that, but the alternative, watching Ryan return, mission after mission, with a different woman on his arm, would be like a living hell. But then, if she left, she wouldn’t see him at all—and that would be hell, too.

She sighed as she grabbed her handbag and started walking toward the elevators. One step at a time. She’d see how awkward it got tonight. Then she’d figure out how she was going to live without Ryan.

The jerk

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Ryan fumbled with his tie in exasperation. He felt like it was cutting off his air supply. He growled. He only had one hand to work with, and he thought he might be making it worse.

“Here, let me,” Drew said, sighing. “Before you choke yourself with it.”

“Are they all here?” Ryan asked.

Drew nodded. “Yep.”

“What about Vicky? Is Vicky here?”


“How does she look?”


“I know she’s gorgeous. Does she still look mad?”

Drew’s lips quirked. “Yep. She mentioned something about shooting you again, if she could.”

Ryan’s eyes narrowed. “You’re lying.” She’d already apologized profusely in the helicopter they’d shared on the way to the hospital.

“Well, stop asking me stupid questions.” Drew stepped back, cocking his head. Eventually he nodded. “You’ll do.” Drew hesitated. “If you hurt her, we’re all going to beat you up, you know that, right?”

Ryan grinned. “I know.” There wasn’t going to be an opportunity. He’d spent a lot of his time thinking about “the situation”. He hated the idea of Vicky moving into the field with every fiber of his being, but if she wanted to do it, he would support her—just like she supported him. And he’d be at home, waiting for her each time. Coming so close to losing her, he’d decided to refocus his energies on building their relationship instead of hiding from it. He figured they could still be friends, but they could be so much more.

The door behind Drew opened and Noah stuck his head in. “Are you girls ready yet?”

Ryan swallowed. He was about as ready as he’d ever be. “I hope this works,” he muttered. He didn’t have butterflies in his stomach. He had breakdancing elephants wreaking havoc in his gut.

Noah shrugged. “Well, look at it this way, if it doesn’t, Drew and I will have something to laugh over for the rest of our lives.” He leaned in close. “Hurt her and I’ll kill you.” He stood back and smiled.

Ryan nodded, not taking any offense. Everyone knew Noah didn’t do subtle.

Reese and Mal came up behind Noah. Ryan sagged in relief. “Oh, thank God you’re here.”

Mal held a box that he’d already opened, and started to hand out something to each of them. Noah looked at his and laughed.

Ryan frowned. “What is it?”

Mal handed him one. It was a cap, with a slogan embroidered across the front. In bright yellow. He read it.

“Oh, funny. Very friggin’ funny.”

Reese grinned as he donned his. “We thought so.”

Ryan looked around the circle of men. He was beginning to understand Vicky’s notion of friendship. He did see these guys as friends, maybe even family, but it had taken Vicky to show him what was right in front of him.

“Thanks for this, guys.”

Drew winced. “Don’t go getting all emotional on us, okay? We have a job to do.”

Ryan nodded. “You’re right. Let’s do it.”

* * *

Vicky stood just inside the entrance. Mal had organized the party at a karaoke club. She loved it. She glanced around. Long tables were set up, with candles set in a line down the center. It gave the club a warm, intimate ambience. Several people mingled in the darkness, and she nodded at a few of the new recruits. Mitch Blake and Cooper Reed were onstage singing a popular boy band song. Vicky frowned.
Where are the others?
Others being Ryan. Not that she was specifically looking for Ryan, she told herself. She wasn’t hankering for a glimpse of him, even if it was from across a crowded room.


She started to wend her way through the tables, smiling politely at those she passed as she made her way to where Maggie and Jessica sat. Jessica saw her coming and waved at her, indicating the seat next to hers. They’d chosen a table close to the front.

“Wow, you look fantastic,” Maggie said, raising her voice above the music.

Vicky smiled her thanks. Jessica had chosen well. The jersey knit dress was modest on the hanger, but it skimmed and caressed every line of her figure with a sinfully flattering drape. The material was a rich pomegranate color that set off the red highlights in her hair, and the side twist emphasized the deep crossover vee of her neckline. It was gorgeous, quite possibly one of the most feminine dresses she’d ever worn. It was a seductive armor, and she was amazed at how confident she felt. There were plenty of guys who had already approached her on the way in, and they’d eyed her with something more than a friendly flirt in their eyes.

Unfortunately, none of them were Ryan.

Travis, one of the MSA recruits, took to the stage and started to belt out a Johnny Cash tune. He was actually pretty good, Vicky realized, and smiled and waved at him. He winked and continued with his number.

“Where is their song list?” Vicky asked loudly.

“Oh, over there on the side of the stage.”

“Have you guys had a look yet?”

Maggie glanced at Jessica. “Yes, Jess and I have already selected one.”

“Oh, okay. Do you want to get up with me, too?”

“Uh, sure.”

Vicky stood up, but Jessica clutched her hand. “Why don’t we sit down for a while? I’m still nervous and need to work up the courage.”

Vicky smiled and sat down again. “Sure. Don’t worry, it’s loads of fun.”

Travis finished his song and bowed to the applause. He raised the mic to his lips. “Okay, everyone, we have a special number coming up next. Please put your hands together for the MSA All-Stars!”

The crowd erupted into cheers, and Vicky started to laugh. “The who?”

Mal walked onto the stage, followed by more MSA staff. Vicky started to laugh and cheer as each of the guys took to the stage. They all wore dark suits, white shirts, black ties and sunglasses, and they all looked smoking-hot gorgeous. Vicky’s cheer faltered when Ryan took center stage, noticeable because of the snowy white sling he wore on one arm. All of the men stood with their backs to the audience and placed a black cap on their heads.

“But he doesn’t do karaoke,” Vicky sputtered, confused. Ryan

“Shh,” Maggie said, and sat back with a smile on her face.

Vicky watched, her jaw dropping, as Ryan counted them in. All of them started to chant, and Vicky squealed when she recognized the ABBA song as others in the crowd started to clap in time.

Ryan turned around, mic in hand, and started singing while the rest of the team performed a well-rehearsed choreographed number, continuously chanting “take a chance, take a chance.”

Maggie and Jessica cheered as each man did a turn. Vicky stared in amazement. Each man wore a cap emblazoned with Suck It Up, Buttercup. She started to laugh.

The women in the audience went wild as the all the guys except for Ryan slipped out of their jackets. Ryan kept singing, pointing to Vicky as he warbled his way through the rest of the lyrics.

She winced. She now understood why he didn’t do karaoke. He was bad. Really,

Then Drew, Noah, Reese and Mal joined in, and they almost drowned out Ryan’s wailing. Almost. Vicky didn’t care. Her man was up there, singing his heart out. She knew this song. He pointed to her, then brought his finger back to his chest.

“Take a chance on me,” he sang with a flourish as he bounded off the stage and danced his way over to her table. Women clapped in time as he slinked his way across like some sort of sexy stripper, his hips moving in a hypnotic routine that had her crossing her legs. The rest of the MSA team stayed on stage, getting into the groove of the song as they sang backup.

He might not be able to hold a note, she reflected, but he sure had the moves. He looked like sex on steroids, with his dark glasses, cap, suit and sexy sway to his hips. She sighed as he arrived at her table and the crowd erupted as he dropped down on one knee and dug a little box out of his pants pocket.

Vicky’s eyes widened and she gasped as he removed his sunglasses, his gray eyes earnest.

“Vic, you’re my best friend, but above all, you’re the love of my life. Take a chance on me. Marry me?” He opened the ring box and presented it to her.

Vicky felt the blood drain from her face as she stared at him, incredulously. “No way!” She couldn’t believe this. Was he really asking her to marry him—and not as a friend? This couldn’t be happening. She had to be dreaming. “No way,” she shook her head in disbelief. She looked at the ring nestled in black silk. It twinkled under the lights, an emerald surrounded by band of smaller diamonds. It was lovely. Beautiful, subtle, classy. Just what she would have picked.

“Say yes,” he said.

“Are you crazy?”

“Maybe. I jumped off a bridge for you, Vic. I ran into a burning building for you—I even took a bullet for you. Your bullet. Say yes.”

“I can’t believe this,” she gasped. “You kept saying we were just friends.”

“We’re so much more than friends, and we both know it,” he whispered. “Say yes.”

“But—what about the complications? This will change everything.”

“It will be different,” he admitted, then smiled, “It’ll be better. Say yes.”

“For real?”

He nodded. “For real, now say yes, damn it!”

Vicky smiled. “Yes! Yes, damn you, yes!” He slid the ring on her finger. It was a little loose, but she didn’t care. She squealed as his good arm wrapped around her waist and he lifted her from her seat. The crowd was deafening as they roared their approval, and tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks as she peppered his face with kisses.

“I love you, you big jerk.”

“I love you, too, Buttercup.” He took her lips in a kiss that had the crowd cheering even louder, and she laughed against his lips.

“Just promise me one thing,” she whispered to him, smiling.

He cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

“Please don’t sing. Ever.”

Ryan laughed. “Gladly.”

BOOK: For Her Eyes Only
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