Read Flesh & Blood Online

Authors: John Argus

Tags: #erotic, #chimera, #vampire, #domination, #dominatrix, #dom, #femdom, #damsel, #submission, #submissive, #corporal, #punishment, #spank, #spanking, #bdsm, #s&m, #bondage, #tied, #twilight, #pattinson

Flesh & Blood (21 page)

BOOK: Flesh & Blood
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‘Do all vampires do this when they’re bored or playful?’

‘It depends on how bored,’ he said, turning dark eyes upon her, ‘and how playful.’

‘They said… one of them said I was marked. Was that why they chose me?’

He hesitated, and Christine cried out in her orgasm.

‘Not all of us have the same strength, of course, and younger vampires have the least,’ he explained. ‘The mind of a human is putty in the hands of one of my age and power, but to the newly risen, well, it can be quite a challenge.’

‘That doesn’t answer my question,’ Leah pressed.

The two girls rolled on the sidewalk, still kissing, still madly fondling and caressing each other. They twisted about so that their heads were between each other’s legs and began to lick and tongue each other’s pussies.

‘Those who have been touched by one such as I have a… a glow about them which lasts for quite some time. They possess a heightened sexuality, as you are aware, and their minds are much more vulnerable, more open to further enhancement.’

‘You mean they’re much easier for others of your kind to take over,’ she said bitterly.

‘Crudely put.’

Both girls began to cry out in orgasm, their bodies twisting and bucking and grinding.

‘So what you just did to those two will leave them vulnerable to any other vampires who come upon them, allowing them to be used as I was in the nightclub.’

He turned his dark eyes on her and smiled. ‘And was it such a terrible experience?’

She glared at him. It had been a shocking, stunning, thrilling experience, one of the most fantastic of her life. ‘But it’s not up to you to do that without even asking!’ she insisted vehemently.

‘Very well.’ He raised a hand and seemed to clutch at something, and almost immediately the two girls rolled apart. They cried out in shock, springing away from each other and staring around them, their eyes wide. Then they began to frantically scramble after their clothes, tugging them on as quickly as they could.

‘Now instead of the joy and wonder they could have felt they will be left feeling shame and guilt,’ he said. ‘Are you content with that?’

Leah shook her head and he shrugged helplessly.

‘You’re an arrogant asshole!’ she spat.

He frowned at her and his eyes narrowed. ‘Beware of angering me, my sweet.’

Leah felt a sudden swelling heat within her body and tried to swallow her anger. ‘You have no right to… to a-abuse… you s-stop this!’ she gasped. The heat rose around her like a curtain, a sweltering heat that had her body trembling with need. ‘B-bastard,’ she panted, trying to keep her trembling hands away from her body – and his.

He smiled condescendingly. ‘You may apologize at any time.’

‘F-fu-fuc… oh!’ Her hands slid under the short hem of her dress and she arched her back as she felt her bare sex against her fingers. She stumbled back against the wall behind her, rubbing frantically at herself with one hand as she squeezed the other down the front of her dress to fondle and knead her breasts. She tore the top of the dress down, her breasts spilling free, and groaned as she sank to her knees on the sidewalk, squeezing and mauling herself. She bent forward, gasping, thrusting one, two, then three fingers into her pussy, pumping desperately as her climax neared.

Yet it hovered on the edge, a sliver away, and despite the terrible heat and need driving her she could not push herself across. Gasping, moaning, she pulled her head up and back and stared at him, understanding somehow that he was preventing her from climaxing. ‘P-please!’ she begged.

‘Remove your dress,’ he said calmly, and her hands tore at it, ripping it up and off. It brushed against the ankles of an old lady tottering by.

‘Your climax is denied you,’ he told her coldly.

‘Please,’ she whimpered, pumping furiously, four fingers inside her now.

‘Do you acknowledge my power?’

‘Yes!’ she cried.

‘My supremacy?’

‘Yes,’ she sobbed. ‘Anything!’

‘And you do apologize for your rudeness, of course.’


‘And will accept my punishment?’

‘Yes! Please, please, master!’ She had never felt a need so intense, so all consuming. She was feverish with the sexual pressure tearing through her body and mind. A group of young men walked by, talking about a football game. One detoured to her left, another to her right. None looked down at her in passing.

The orgasm burst within her. She screamed, thrown over onto her back. Her legs flopped aside as her body began to buck and heave, her back arching, her head rolling from side to side. Her fingers drove desperately into her pussy again and again as the power of her release set her nerve-endings spitting like live electrical wires and forced her muscles to spasm violently again and again.

A deliveryman stepped across her going one way, and a middle-aged couple skirted her flailing feet going the other. The final explosive surge of ecstasy tore her hands from her body and flung them up and back behind her so hard her knuckles cracked against the sidewalk. Her back arched so sharply her spine creaked, and then she went limp, drained, her breasts heaving.

A mother holding her child’s hand strolled past her, the small girl skipping across Leah’s outspread legs, singing softly to herself.

Leah felt a sudden flush hit her body, a shimmer of cold passing across the surface of her skin. She felt the breeze across her flesh, felt the small pebbles and bits of grit beneath her buttocks and back. She shuddered and moaned, gulping in air as she stared up into the night sky.

‘Do not mistake my tolerance for weakness, child,’ he said, standing over her. ‘If I am angered you will come to regret it. Passion is not the only emotion I can raise in you. Now put on your dress.’ He kicked the discarded dress against her body and her eyes opened slowly, then closed again. ‘In one minute I will release the vision set on your body and those around you will see you as you are.’

Panic hit her but for long seconds her body failed to react. Then she twisted over on her side. She gulped in air and put her hands flat against the sidewalk, pushing repeatedly until she was able to sit up, then lifting herself to her knees. She stared around, then clawed at her dress and pulled it against her.

‘Thirty seconds.’

She tried to tug the dress over her head, but discovered she had it upside-down. She stumbled to her feet and turned it around, then tugged it over her head and shoulders and down around her waist. She folded the top back up, smoothing it over her breasts as he raised a hand and gestured.

‘Just in time,’ he said with a wry smile. He reached for her and she took his hand, trembling. He started walking along the sidewalk again, holding her arm in his, and Leah followed on shaky legs.

‘Ah, my kind of store,’ he said, and she looked up wearily and saw the glaring neon sign of a sex shop. ‘Shall we go inside and see what perversions mere humans can invent?’

He did not wait for an answer, but led her inside.

Chapter Fourteen

She followed him inside, gaining more control over herself now as she recovered from the exertion of her lust.

The shop was busy, with more than six or so men prowling its cluttered aisles. Leah dropped her eyes, blushing, as they all looked at her.

‘They think you’re a slut,’ Morales said indifferently, leading her further inside. And perhaps she was, which was the worst part. Knowing what was behind their eyes, the lurid thoughts they would be having, she squirmed and tried to keep Morales between she and them.

‘Hmm, here’s one almost as large as me,’ he said smugly, picking up an enormous dildo. He held it out to her. ‘Care to try it out?’

‘No,’ she hissed, flushing as other men nearby stared at them, but she felt the rings begin to burn and gasped. ‘Master,’ he said quietly. ‘
,’ she repeated more desperately.

‘Louder,’ he quietly urged, his attention on another large dildo which he turned this way and that in his manicured fingers, examining it as though it were a piece of antique porcelain.

‘Master!’ she pleaded, loud enough for the two nearest men to hear her. Thankfully the rings stopped burning, but her face grew hotter with humiliation instead.

He picked up a vibrator and played with it, smiling at her, then activated it and pressed it against a nipple through her dress.

Leah gasped and jerked back, but he held her arm and rolled the buzzing toy in place, rubbing it back and forth across her nipple until she moaned softly, her body trembling. He chuckled, then slid it downwards, still holding her arm to keep her from backing away, sliding the shiny metal tube up beneath the short hem of her dress and pressing it against the little ball dangling from her clitoris.

‘Oh!’ she gasped, jerking and trembling. ‘Please!’

More men were drifting closer, attracted by her and what Morales was doing, and she cringed with mortification. ‘Please, master!’

‘You have too much pride,’ he calmly decreed. ‘You need to lose some of it.’

Sex heat flared through her groin and up through her belly and chest. She moaned and twisted from side to side, gasping and biting her lip to keep from crying out.

‘Take your dress off,’ he ordered.

‘Please,’ she gasped. ‘Please, no.’

‘You forgot to call me
again,’ he admonished impatiently. ‘Your pride keeps getting in your way. Remove the dress.’

Shame was beaten down by the terrible sexual hunger gripping her body, and her hands shook as she reached for the hem of the dress and tugged it up, baring her naked sex and bottom, then her flat tummy, then her ringed nipples. With her face blazing she peeled it over her head and off, dropping it behind her.

Her rubbery legs stumbled and she fell back against a counter, her hands reaching for his as he rubbed the vibrator back and forth across her swollen sex. All the men in the store, including the proprietor, were watching with amusement and hunger.

But Morales would not let her orgasm, and so she could only tremble and writhe and moan and yearn. ‘Please…’ she panted. ‘Please, master…’

‘Still too much pride.’ He withdrew the vibrator and picked up the really large dildo, then pressed it against her sex, forcing it slowly up through the taut lips and into the moist channel of her belly. She groaned and shuddered, mortified that so many strange eyes were watching, yet unable to stop him, shaking with lust so badly her fingers were digging into the counter on either side to keep herself from masturbating right then and there.

The dildo slid deeper, achingly deep, painfully deep, and she could only groan and let her head fall back, staring at the ceiling as sweat beaded on her forehead.

Morales forced the dildo deep and left it in place, the last inch or so protruding from between her slick lips.

‘Hands and knees,’ he ordered abruptly, and whimpering she obeyed, dropping her eyes to the floor as all the men stared, sensing the murmur of hunger within them.

‘Let us see what else we can find in this establishment,’ he said, placing the vibrator aside with disinterest and proceeding further along the aisle, Leah obediently crawling beside him, the shame and humiliation burning her face even as the hunger made her body tremble with need.

‘Ah,’ he said, clearly pleased. ‘We did speak about your punishment for impertinence, did we not?’ He picked up a smooth flat strap, perhaps eighteen inches in length, rounded at the tip.

‘Bend yourself across this counter,’ he ordered, pulling her up by the hair until the pain forced her to her feet.

‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘not hear. Please, I beg you, master.’

‘Bend over the counter,’ he sternly insisted, and disgraced she meekly obeyed, exposing her trembling lower body for them all, the dildo still protruding, the tight grip of her sex lips readily apparent to anyone watching.

He drew his arm back and the strap struck her bottom with a loud crack of noise and a sudden crack of pain. Leah gasped and rocked forward a little.

‘Were you a bad girl?’ he asked.

The strap again cracked across her bottom with stinging force.

‘Yes, master!’ she cried.

Again the strap cut across her buttocks, and again. The pain was intense and her bottom was quickly flaring and throbbing with heat.

The men gathered around, the evidence of their hardening cocks distending their trousers, staring rapturously at the lewdly displayed beauty as her bottom glowed red and the strap splatted across it repeatedly, a couple hungrily licking their lips, several openly rubbing their groins. They were ratty looking men in grubby clothes, none normally with a chance at a girl like her, men who were used to only watching them saunter past, fantasizing about what they would do to such a gorgeous female given half the chance.

‘Are you sorry for being a naughty girl?’ Morales asked mildly.

‘Y-yes!’ she squealed, but the strap bit loudly across her blotchy ass and she cried out again.

‘Master,’ he reminded her.

‘I’m sorry, master,’ Leah gasped, moaning as the strap bit into her aching bottom yet again.

‘Are you a naughty girl?’

‘Yes, master,’ she conceded, knowing it was the correct response.

‘Say it.’

She felt tears fill her eyes, partly from shame, partly from pain. ‘I’m a naughty girl, master,’ she said, her voice breaking, feeling his hand at her sex, gripping the dildo and forcing it even deeper, her fingers clutching the opposite edge of the counter as she held her breath.

‘This,’ he said, tapping the base of the dildo, ‘belongs to me. But if anyone wants this,’ he pressed his finger against her tight anus, ‘it will cost him a dollar.’

She did not at first understand, and then she did and her face paled with shock as she heard and sensed the men crowd around her.

‘Here’s your dollar!’

‘No, me!’

‘Me first!’

‘It’s my shop. I get first go!’

Leah could not force herself to look around, but focused on one wall, trembling then gasping as the first of them moved behind her and began to grope her bottom. She felt his cock against her anus and closed her eyes, biting her lip as she felt the pressure increase. But her secret yearning was intense, and despite her shame she could not bring herself to resist, could not bring herself to tear herself away, to deny these animals what they craved, to say no and leave the seedy shop. It was not his mind controlling her, but her own body’s hunger, and it craved the ugly sex she was about to be subjected to.

BOOK: Flesh & Blood
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