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Authors: Maddie Jane

Fixed Up (19 page)

‘Come inside.' Luke towed her up the steps, unlocked the door and led her into a brightly lit sitting room. Settling in a big leather armchair he pulled her down into his lap and cradled her in his arms. Her knees went weak and her body flooded with warmth. Her fingers itched to touch his face.

‘I've told you before, you're the strongest woman I know. You're amazing. But it's completely unnecessary to go it alone.' Luke had never looked as serious as he did now. ‘I'll keep telling you that until you believe me.'

‘I think I do believe you. I just didn't believe it in time …'

‘Sure you did.' Luke's eyes met hers, molten blue steel, with a twist of promise. His mouth quirked up in a half smile. ‘Hallelujah.' He pulled her harder, closer, until she was surrounded by him, by his intoxicating scent, and his love for her.

‘You said you loved me.'

‘I do love you. And stupid arguments, little neuroses and weird families aren't going to change that. I'm sorry for the things I did. I overreacted when Mum had her accident and I've regretted it ever since. I should never have called Cliff King without asking you first. And I should never have been so determined about pursuing you. I went about everything wrong.'

‘Thank God you did, or where would we be today?' Harper's limbs felt like they were floating. If it wasn't for Luke anchoring her in his arms she'd have fluttered away. Her face stretched into a smile, cautious but full of hope. ‘I really thought you'd given up on me and I had so much I wanted to tell you. I went to see Cliff King.'

‘That's my girl.' Luke nuzzled into her neck and she felt a rush of heat to her core. ‘How'd it go?'

‘Great. He really liked my proposal. We're going to work something out.' She had so much she wanted to tell him but he was already lifting her so she straddled his lap. His hands pulled her even closer, until they were nose to nose and she forgot exactly what she was going to say. With a sigh she leaned forward until there was no distance left between them. Her hands slid underneath the hem of his T-shirt and glided over his skin. With a sharp intake of breath, his eyes darkening with passion, he bent his head to trail his mouth up her throat.

His touch sent a delicious shiver down her spine, joy from head to toe. ‘If you keep that up I might let you be my boyfriend,' she murmured.

Luke dragged his lips away. ‘Really?'

‘Really. But only if you remember the rule about the pants.' She felt Luke vibrate with laughter before silencing her with a deep, soul-drugging kiss. Her fingers slipped inside the waistband of his jeans. ‘But of course, that rule only applies if we're actually

She opened her eyes long enough to look at her gorgeous man. He smiled the heart-wrenchingly sexy smile she loved so much and she pulsated with happiness. ‘Oh, I just remembered what I was going to tell you,' she said. ‘I love you.' And she pulled his lips firmly back to hers. Where they belonged.

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