Fierce Salon, Episode Four: A New Adult Smexy Serial (3 page)




Chapter Five



That fucker thought I had sex at lunchtime. With Mason! No wonder he’s been giving me dirty looks all afternoon. I thought he was just concerned about my emotional state after Sharon’s episode this morning but obviously he doesn’t think I’m fragile. He thinks I’m a slut.

I’m so pissed that I practically throw the door open when I leave, not caring what anyone thinks about my tantrum. If he wants to fire me because I had too much Benadryl, he can go right ahead. I’m not sure I even want to work for such a jackass.

The cool air hits me hard and I feel a little lightheaded. I steady myself with one hand on the salon window then take a deep breath. When I look up again, Nate’s steely gaze is locked on me. He’s a few steps away from my chair but once he catches my eye, he doesn’t move. He’s frozen in the salon, watching me through the glass.

Not willing to let him think me any weaker than he already does, I square up my shoulders, run my hand through my hair and adjust my bag. I’m fine now. Just a little sleepy.

Since I don’t feel completely ready to drive, I cross the street and head to the coffee shop. I could use a jolt of caffeine and a few minutes to calm down before I head up the hill.

The shop is quiet so I sit at the window bar and people watch for a few minutes. There’s a well-read romance novel in the magazine rack so I pull it out and start to thumb through it.

I can’t remember the last time I took the time to read a book but I quickly get caught up in the story of a disabled war vet that finds himself at the mercy of a primitive community of wolf shifters. It’s actually quite interesting so when I hear a tap against the window in front of me, I’m startled.

Shane is standing outside the café with a smug look on his face. How could I have ever found that endearing? It just looks stupid.

I quickly gather my stuff and head to the door. I don’t want to deal with him so leaving is the best option. I must have been reading for a while because the sun has set and the street lights are already glowing.

Shane is standing at the entrance with his arms open as if he’s expecting me to rush into them. I scoff at his absurdity and turn in the other direction, walking away from my car just to avoid him.

“Amy, babe, what are you doing?” He’s walking directly behind me but I don’t turn back. As soon as I see a break in the traffic, I cross back toward the salon. I’m debating whether I should seek shelter in the brightly lit salon or just head to my car. As soon as I approach the door, I decide against going in. If he follows me in, that would just be more humiliating. “Just stop for a minute,” he begs from behind.

I walk past Fierce without a glance in, trying not to be noticed or let on to Shane that I’m connected to that place. The last thing I want is for him to show up when I’m with a client.

Before I get within ten feet of the alley, Shane grabs my arm. “I said stop.” He’s got a crazy look in his eyes like he’s high or something. I’ve never known him to use drugs but he doesn’t seem completely lucid. “You can’t still be mad. Just come home, baby.  I miss you.”

“Let go of me, Shane.” I try to yank free but his grip doesn’t budge. Instead, his fingers dig into my skin and pull, causing me to curl with his movement to lessen the tension.

“Shane, please let go.” I don’t think begging will get me very far so I try to placate him. “We can talk it out. Just let go and I’ll follow you home.”

“That’s my girl.” His other arm wraps around my back and he pulls me into his chest. “I knew you missed me too. Let’s go home.”

I nod and try to smile through the tears in my eyes. He’s completely lost it. “Okay,” I whisper, willing to agree to anything just to get to my car so I can get away from him.

“No, it’s not okay.” The deep voice behind Shane causes both of us to freeze.

I don’t even look up. I can’t bear to face Nate in yet another moment of need. How many times has he had to rescue me in the past two weeks? He doesn’t even like me and it’s no wonder why. I’m a complete mess.

“We’re good, buddy.” Shane glances over his shoulder but doesn’t pay much attention to my angry boss. “I’m taking her home now. You can keep walking.”

Not sure what I could possibly say to make this end any faster, I don’t say anything at all. I just drop my chin to my chest and turn back toward the alley.

“Take your fucking hands off her before I remove them from your body.” Nate sounds murderous as he rests a hand on Shane’s shoulder.

I don’t know if it’s the words or the valiant act itself but I can’t stop the shudder that runs down my spine. I use Shane’s moment of shock to pull away from him. Taking a few steps back, I’m free and finally meet Nate’s gaze. He’s completely unreadable as he squeezes Shane’s shoulder hard enough that his knees buckle. Shane drops to one knee and flails against Nate’s hand, trying to pry his fingers out of his muscles.

“What the fuck is your problem, dude.” Some of the crazy is leaving his eyes as the reality of what’s happening sets in. “That’s my girlfriend and I’m taking her home.”

Nate’s furious glare is now centered on me. Thank god I can’t read his mind because I couldn’t handle knowing what he really thinks of me after this. I shake my head. “My ex-boyfriend is having a hard time saying goodbye.”

“Baby, don’t say that. Just come home and we’ll figure it out. I think you’ll like some of the things I’ve learned since you’ve been gone.”

That fucking perv. Now that Nate has him incapacitated, my fear is taking a backseat to my anger. “Yeah, I saw what you’ve fucking learned.” I walk up to Shane and slap him across the face. “I hope you and whoever has been fucking you with that strap-on have a very nice life together but I don’t ever want to see you again.”

Without a backward glance, I turn on my heel and march toward my car. I know Nate will hold on to him long enough for me to get in my car but I feel bad that he had to get involved at all.

By the time I slide into my driver’s seat, I can’t hold in my emotions any longer. Between the woman convulsing in my chair and the fucking bee sting, today was not the best day for a confrontation with Shane and yet another rescue by my frustratingly stoic boss. I must hold the record for bringing drama to his salon.

What starts out as a few stubborn drops quickly turns into a deluge of snot and tears pouring down my face. Burrowing into both hands, I lean into the steering wheel and sob.

I’m just starting to catch my breath when a sharp knock on my window scares the hell out of me. I scream and flinch away, fumbling for my key. After swiping my sweater sleeve across my nose, I glance up.

Nate’s beautiful face is peering in at me. When I don’t move, he motions for me to roll down the window. After another swipe across both cheeks with my palms, I turn the key and roll down the window.

“Are you okay?” Nate’s eyes scan my face then my body. As soon as he takes inventory of everything, his intense stare is back on my face.

I nod my head slowly, not trusting my voice enough to attempt words. As much as I try to will them away, a few stray tears escape my eyes.

Nate’s palm is suddenly cupping my face as his thumb brushes away the moisture on my cheek. “I don’t think he’ll be bothering you anymore.”

I look into his eyes, trying to read between the lines of what he’s saying. “You didn’t hurt him, right?”

His brows furrow for just an instant before his expression pulls back into its neutral position. As if just realizing his hand is still on my face, he quickly pulls back and shoves both fists into his pockets. “Would you be upset if I did?”

“Not about him but I don’t want you to get in trouble.” My lips twitch into an almost smile. “And I wouldn’t want his blood to mess up your clothes.”

He exhales and gives me a small smile in return. “I called my brother and asked about a restraining order. He can help you file one so that guy can’t come to the salon or within 100 yards of you.”

“Thanks but I don’t want to cause you any more drama. He’s a pussy so if you scared him away, that’s probably sufficient.”

Nate actually laughs at that. “Yeah, he seemed eager to be on his way.”

“Thanks, Nate.” I force myself to look up at him. “I promise I’m not always so much of a shit magnet.”

“A shit magnet?” His eyebrow pops up. “That’s a new one.”

“Am I wrong?” I sniffle loudly, clearing my runny sinuses.

“You’ve just been in the wrong place at the wrong time…often.” Despite the dim lighting, I can see the change in his irises as his pupils overtake the light blue that haunts my dreams. He clears his throat before continuing. “But, I know you’re tough enough to handle whatever shit is attracted to you and still come out smelling like roses.”

I shake my head. “Uh, I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should. It was meant as one.” His whispered words catch my attention and my eyes are drawn to his lips. I spend entirely too long staring before I realize they have pulled into that elusive sexy smirk.

“Thanks.” I can’t manage any more than that.

“Are you okay to drive?” He glances at my white knuckles on the steering wheel. “I can give you a lift and bring you back in the morning.”

I want to say yes but I can’t. I’m so emotional I’d probably throw myself at him in some pathetic hero worship move.

“Thanks but I’m fine.” I take a loud breath and exhale slowly. “See, I can even breathe without crying.”

“Does he know where you’re staying?”

I shake my head. “No. He’s never been to Gabi’s place and has no idea where it is.”

Nate pulls back from the window and nods curtly. “I’ll see you in the morning then.”

“You sure you want me and my bad juju back in your salon?” I peek up at him from under my lashes, afraid to witness any uncertainty on his face.

“You don’t have bad juju.” Nate’s hand reaches out to me but he pulls it back and rests it on the side of my window instead. “And I expect to see you at your chair by nine thirty…sharp.”

I finally relax my shoulders and smile. “If you say so.”

“Goodnight, Amy.”

“Goodnight, Nate. And thanks…again.”




Chapter Six



I waited until Amy fully pulled out of the lot before walking back into the salon. When I saw that asshole following her as she passed, it took everything in me not to tear out of there and bury my shears in his throat. It’s probably a good thing I had a walk-in client under a bleach wash and couldn’t just leave but the moments it took for me to get Carly to cover for me seemed like hours.

I’m actually impressed by my self-control. I’ve never been a hothead but I’ve also never been one to ask questions first. I’m more of a kick the shit out of him then let his buddies clean him up kind of bar brawler.

But, without knowing who he was and what she actually wanted to happen, I couldn’t act so hastily. That douche could have been Amy’s brother for all I knew.

All it took was for him to say he was taking her home and then I had to step in. I’m glad she had the balls to walk away before things got ugly. I didn’t do any permanent physical damage but I think the time my foot spent with his balls will keep him out of the area for a while.

Carly is the only stylist still in the salon but she’s on her way out. “Wanna grab a drink, Nate?”

Startled by her offer, I have to remind myself not to scowl or make a face. “Thanks but I’ve got plans tonight. Have a good evening.”

I turn toward my office with a dismissive wave. A small voice in my head says I should be nicer to her but I don’t want to encourage her pursuit. She must know my rules and if she’s still trying to bend them, I have to be tough.

“Okay. Night, Nate,” she says as she leaves. “I’ll lock up in front.”

I quickly grab my keys, turn everything off and head out the back door. I want to make sure Amy made it home okay before I turn in early. I haven’t been sleeping well and worrying about her psycho ex stalking her on my parents’ property isn’t going to help me get any rest.

On my way up the hill, I call Pierre and ask him to have the security guys add Amy’s cottage to their regular circuit for a few days. They usually stick to the perimeter of the property and the main buildings but he’s willing to increase the detail if a woman is being harassed.

I wave out the window to the cameras as I pull onto the private driveway. When I get to the road that leads to Amy’s house, I pull over and kill the lights. I don’t want to startle her or end up with a face full of pepper spray but I’m hoping she’ll already be asleep so I can just peek in and take off unnoticed.

As I approach the cottage, I only see one light on in the family room. Amy’s car is the only car so her roommate might not be home yet.

Walking as lightly as I can on the hard packed dirt, I press my body against the siding and turn to look through the window. With the lights on inside, I know she can’t see me on the outside. If she looks at the glass, she’ll just see her own reflection. I make a mental note to ask Pierre to install motion detector lights outside the cottage so no one else can peer in on her.

Amy is on the couch in an oversized t-shirt with a pint of ice cream in her hand. Her bare feet are crossed at the ankle and propped up on the arm rest. Within the first minute of standing there, Amy has repositioned herself and her pint three times. She’s punchy.

After another minute, she hops up and takes her ice cream to the kitchen. When she returns, she pulls out a duffle bag from under the coffee table and rummages around in it.

Her eyes light up and a devilish smile spreads across her face when she finds the object of her search. I almost groan out loud when she pulls out a small, pink dildo and leans back on the couch. From my angle, I can’t see everything but when her head drops back on the arm rest and her hips arch up, I know she’s made contact.

My cock is a steel rod but I’m standing out in the middle of the yard and I’ve personally asked the security team to keep an eye on the house so I can’t exactly drop trou and join her.

As much as I know I should walk away, I can’t do that either. The only thing I can do is watch her beautiful face as she quickly finds the release she needs. Her eyes are closed and the hand that isn’t holding the vibrator is kneading her breasts through her shirt.
Just take off the fucking shirt!
But she knows what she needs and it doesn’t take long for her face to flush and the bucking to speed up. I can hear her soft moans through the plate glass window and have to bite my lip to keep from moaning along with her.

She’s beautiful on a bad day but as her body shakes with ecstasy, she’s absolutely angelic. Strands of her brown hair are slightly matted against her cheeks and forehead from the layer of sweat glistening over her body. I want to slide my nose along her skin and smell her essence. Taste her. I want to be the reason her skin is flushed with pleasure.

Almost as soon as it started, it’s over. She runs to the bathroom while I’m left standing in the dark with the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had.

When Amy emerges, she’s still flushed pink in a very different way from how she looked after lunch today. Fuck, I’m an ass. How could I have assumed her messy hair and blotchy skin was from a romp with the donut man? Of course she wouldn’t look like that after sex. She’d look like this. Like the angel in front of me that’s oozing endorphins and blushing from warmth.

When Amy turns off the lamp next to her, I lean back from the window, unsure whether she can see me from my perch in her garden. There must be a nightlight on somewhere because the room isn’t completely dark. There’s enough light for me to see her wrap up in a thick down blanket and curl around a pillow.

I tell myself I’ll leave in just a few more seconds but as the minutes tick by, I lose the will to leave. Amy is sleeping better than I would have expected after the day she had. She appears at peace for the first time since I met her. It wasn’t a long time ago but it was long enough for me to wish she had more moments like this.

After an embarrassingly long time just leering at her sleeping form, I turn to leave. I’ve only taken one step when I hear her cry out.

“Nate!” Amy’s voice is loud and strong but I can’t tell if it is afraid or confused.

I slowly turn while thinking of an excuse for why I’m here when I realize she’s not standing at the window in terror. She’s still sleeping peacefully with a content smile on her face. Did I just imagine my name on her lips?

When she doesn’t open her eyes and no more subconscious words escape her full lips, I head back to the road where I left my car.

Why did she say my name? She didn’t sound afraid. Based on the look on her face, she was actually…happy. With me. Was I making her smile like that in her dreams?

The thought brings a smile to my face that is quickly wiped off by darker thoughts. The thoughts that have kept me from opening up to a woman since Janelle. I vowed to never let myself be vulnerable to the pain a beautiful woman can cause but as I think about every encounter with Amy since I met her, I just want more of them. More of her.

I want to be the kind of man capable of loving her. And it’s actually possible she wants me to be that kind of man. For the first time in ages, I have hope for a happy future as I hop in my car.

Instead of tearing up the hill like I usually do, I take my time, plotting ways to get the angel in my salon to want to tame the devil out of me.



Read more in Episode Five of Fierce Salon. Coming soon on Amazon.

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