Read Featherlight Online

Authors: Laura Fields

Featherlight (30 page)

a breather?" John leaned down and whispered.

nodded and vaguely heard him saying farewell to Zackier. John's palm steered us
through the growing crowd as I followed silently. The lights were flashing
deeper, brighter colors and the music was getting louder. Voices rose all
around us, laughing and chatting.

glanced our way as we passed, recognizing John and then checking me out
curiously. I smiled politely and kept my gaze unfocused as we maneuvered
through the throng. Eventually we came to a pair of imposing glass doors that
led to a large terrace, and we emerged into the cool darkness.

blessed quiet gave enormous relief to my dizzy head. I walked to the edge and
gazed out at Davor. The city’s oddness was still present, but it seemed much
more familiar than earlier. The sky was now lit with billions of lively stars,
and together they gave off enough brightness to see the immediate surroundings.

I whispered into the night.

I am," he replied, joining me on the terrace edge.

voice was barely audible to human ears, but I knew he could hear me. "I'm

are you scared?"

don't trust Zackier or his uncle, or anyone else here for that matter. I'm
afraid that they will go to drastic measures if I'm seen as the folium. I'm
sorry I didn't let you take me before, because I really do trust you. It was
just that I was so afraid of being at someone else’s mercy. I still am afraid
of that, I guess. It's just that now I see how different you are from everyone
else. I know that I will always be in good hands with you."

words fell unhindered from my lips. "I know it's silly, but I've
always believed in true love. I always expected to meet someone and to simply
that they were the one for me. After meeting you, I've come to realize that
love usually doesn't leap out with fireworks and trumpets; it sneaks into your
soul so subtly that your heart makes up its mind without permission. And
somehow you end up denying what has been present since the beginning."

kissed my forehead gently, "Jacqueline, you have no idea what a gift you
are to me. You've proven your strength over and over again, and I've realized
that I would feel the same way about you no matter what your background. I was
fortunate enough to be in a position to court such an amazing woman, and as
soon as this festival is over we can stop worrying about everyone else and just
focus on us."

smiled. Now
sounded like the John I knew.

leaned down to press his forehead against mine and said, "Just so you
know, all this sappy stuff is completely uncharacteristic of lullary men."

grinned even wider. "That makes it all the more special."

leisurely closed the distance between our lips and I shut my eyes. His breath
was intoxicating, and for the first time I truly let myself enjoy his
proximity. His mouth lightly brushed mine once before he leaned back and looked
into my eyes. This time I closed the distance and eagerly pressed my lips
against his.

head spun dangerously as I reveled in the relinquishment of control. My arms
wrapped around his neck to press him closer, and John's hands held my waist
gently before tugging my body forward to be flush with his. It felt like we
could float away together, into the black night. I wanted to jump, I wanted to

the direction of the glass doors, someone cleared their throat. We broke apart
reluctantly, and he kept me by his side as we turned to the onlooker. I swayed
dangerously and noticed that John's wings had darkened into a deep gold. I had
no idea how close he'd come to starting the Chase. 

of Zitan's advisors had been standing by the door and had also noticed John's
wings. I was practically swooning, and an embarrassed flush crept into my
cheeks. He watched us with interest before saying, "I was sent to inform
you that the festivities will soon begin."

information is appreciated," John replied dismissively.

leaned down to gently kiss my cheek before leading me inside by the hand. My
head felt light with joy, so I was thankful for his help. When we reentered the
spire the lights were on and the music was low. I figured that would have
helped my disorientation, but unfortunately everything had started to swirl in
spinning colors.

to John’s hand tighter had him looking at me in concern, so I gave a reassuring
smile. Being able to see other people clearly was a relief, so I took a swift
look around the room. There was a healthy mix of golden, brown, and black wings.
In fact, the only race that was missing was mine.

brown paint made my wings itchy, and I resisted the urge to scratch them.
Colors kept swirling. I gazed up at the stars through the glass to help center
myself. They secretly winked at me.

you’re back,” I head Zackier sarcastically say from afar. Or maybe he was
nearby. I didn’t know. “We are still eagerly awaiting the folium’s arrival.”

was tired of everyone wanting to see me and chase me and take me. “Shut up
already, she’ll get here when she gets here!”

let my head loll in Zackier’s direction, trying to convey exasperation. His
eyes narrowed, and I narrowed mine exaggeratedly right back at him.

bit of a lightweight, are we?” he hissed.

mocked, “A bit of a lightweight, are we?”

lightweight? Jacque, what did you drink?” John turned me to face him.

I haven’t had anything, promise,” I smiled.

What did you eat?” I rolled my eyes and he gave me a slight shake.

okay! I had a tiny dessert, why?”

did you get it?”

was the big deal with a little sweet?

here gave it to me.” I gave him a sweet smile as thanks.

jaw clenched as he turned to Zackier and asked, "You gave her

Oh, don't look so angry. It was just a small bite, and she knew what she was
eating. Besides, you’ll be the one reaping all the benefits later,"
Zackier said, sneering.

What is he talking about? What did I eat?” My head was swimming in lights and
colors. Oh crud, what the heck did I consume?

she really didn’t know, I guess. Well, allow me to explain.” Zackier’s voice
was pitched lower. He stepped closer to me, I stepped back to keep some distance,
and he snagged my arm quickly. I tried yanking it out of his grasp, but my body
felt light and awkward.

fist shot out and solidly connected with Zackier's jaw. My arm was released as
he turned his attention to John. Faster than my eye could see, Zackier swung
back and John dodged. They danced like that for several moments, neither one
touching the other.

wanted to yell at them to stop, but I knew better than to get between two
brawling men. I guess no matter what world you're on, males never change. So
instead of breaking up the fight, I took several steps back to wait for my head
to stop floating. I would be no help to John until my current intoxicated-like
state was fixed.

had been watching the exchange, because he came over to stand by my side. He
casually said, "Don't take it personally. Zackier will have you out of his
sights once the folium
arrives. It will be much better for everyone once
my nephew takes her."

glanced up at him with wide eyes, startled.

look so shocked, dear. John has had his chance to chase her, but he didn’t. Not
to mention with the folium out of the question he will be all yours. It's a win
for all."

you're right,” I admitted, keeping my eyes on the fighting boys. Another young kiren
came to stand by Zitan and me.

The excitement from the fight was making my mouth dry and my body
thirsty. Oddly enough, I didn’t feel any concern for John.

“I’m thirsty,” I commented randomly.

The kiren snagged two cups of some red liquid from the nearest
glittery table and let me have one. The drink tasted vile, but it quenched my
thirst. Was that a shot glass? Was I supposed to drink that? I couldn’t

No, I wasn’t supposed to do that. Crap. Too late now.

They had stopped fighting. John was headed my way, and fast. Uhoh. I
was totally busted. “You’re coming with me.

He dragged me to the nearest exit while I made a vain attempt at
digging in my heels. Yeah, it didn’t work. People were staring, but I didn’t
feel embarrassed. We finally emerged into a long hallway out of sight, and John
pulled me into the shadows between two columns.

“Why the hell did you do that?” He asked, raking a hand through his
hair and leaning against the wall. The question seemed to be directed at him as
much as me.

His proximity distracted me greatly. About three and a half feet
separated us, and I could smell John’s delicious aroma of man. Then again, we
had been a lot closer than this just a few minutes ago.

“The real question is, why didn’t you stop me?” I asked him, trying to
keep a stern face. “Have
been drinking?” I stepped closer.

“Nope,” he responded instantly while slightly turning his head.

“Are you lying? Your voice sounded strange,” I said huskily. Standing
on my tiptoes, I leaned forward and whispered, “I won’t tell… it’ll be our
little secret.”

My fingers began climbing up his chest and he gently grabbed my hand.

“You’re testing me, woman,” he growled.

I felt so light and powerful. I knew I could seduce him. John was
resisting my advances, but that just made me even more determined. The rational
side of my brain had gone on a drug-induced vacation, which left my instincts
in control. My body wanted John, and my body wanted him

Although I was flirting with him, I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to
chase me or if I wanted him physically. If I made him do a True Chase, then
wouldn’t we do physical stuff after?

I accidentally said aloud, “Two birds with one stone!”

“Let’s get you to your room,” John told me, taking my arm.

“No! I’m having so fun. So mush fun! What the heck?” A brown thing fluttered
in my peripheral vision. I picked my wing tip up and examined it. “Is this
mine? Why is it the color of poo?”

I looked at John with big eyes, seduction forgotten.

“I want them to be white like an angel again! I love angels. They are
so pretty.” I laughed while John ‘shushed’ me. My knees gave out, but John held
me up with one strong arm.

For some reason, John’s lips made a delicious oval when they ‘shushed’
me, and I doubled over while giggling. After standing straight, I was
determined not to be deterred from my task. I took a step forward until less
than an inch divided us. I had to crane my neck back to see John’s face. He was
looking down at me warily.

Knowing I didn’t have much time, I pressed my body against his and
shut my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me. I waited. And waited.

When his lips didn’t meet mine, I opened my lids and glared at him.
John’s face was devoid of emotion except for the burning intensity in his eyes.

“Why don’t you want me? I want you!” I cried, pushing against his

“Jacqueline, you are unwell. We need to get you out of here,” he told
me while trapping my arms.

“You don’t want me!” I moaned with a voice loud and distraught. “I can
scream that I’m the folium, you know. Right now. I’ll do it!” I was desperate
enough to blackmail him.

John switched from serious to playful in an instant.

“Jacque, I want you so badly. Can you find your room? I will be right
behind you. Go there and wait for me, okay? And then I can ravish you
properly.” John’s voice was deep and sexy. His words worked like a charm. Where
was my room? I needed to get there

“You have no idea,” I breathed.

“Go on,” he said urgently. “Up the stairs. I’m right behind you. Don’t
say a word about being the folium
and I’ll keep following you.” He
looked relieved, but surely that was because of my agreement of his plan. Ha!
Like I’d ever reject that hunk of man.

I slipped out of our hiding place and the lights assaulted me. I
squinted. Nothing would keep me from getting to my room, so I stumbled to the
stairs at the far end of the hallway.

A man was shouting in the main spire lobby. “You fools! What is this
deception? There is no folium
imbeciles! What kind of plan is this, hm?
We think to celebrate their return and we were deceived?”

I was making my way across hallway quite well, but the shouting man
would not shut his mouth. My throat burned. Was John following me? I glanced
back. Yep, he was right there, surely as eager as I was to get to my room. The
stairs were so close. John helped me climb them. Actually, he practically
carried me up the whole way, not that I minded one bit.

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