Read Fear Me Online

Authors: B. B. Reid

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Fear Me (22 page)

“And that, Monroe, is your

He proceeded to spank me with hard, unyielding hits across my bottom. He didn’t stop. No matter how long or loud I screamed and begged; he wouldn’t stop. I realized that those licks from before were the prelude to what was to come. When he finally finished with me he shoved me off his lap and onto the floor. My entire body was flushed red and throbbing in pain. I could see the bed through blurry eyes and the sheets that had been ripped off by me. He stood up from the bed and walked over to the closet and pulled out my small duffel bag and started to fill them with clothing.

“What are you doing?”


“What does it look like?”

“Like you’ve gone mad?”

“How does your ass feel Monroe?” The threatening look he gave me told me to shut up and shut up fast so I did.
It’s cool. I can talk shit in my head.

He went to my dresser and started stuffing the bag with my undergarments. “If there is anything you need, I suggest you get it now. You aren’t coming back.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“My place.”

“What? I can’t stay with you. My aunt will kill me!”

“Your aunt won’t make it back if you keep talking.”

I made a sound of frustration and hurried into the bathroom to redress and grab the essentials. When I returned to my bedroom he had my backpack and duffel in hand and was waiting for me.

“Let’s go,” he commanded.


* * *

When we walked into his house I immediately looked around for his uncle and once again found him absent.
What is it that keeps him gone all the time?
“Your uncle is gone a lot,” I remarked aloud.


“Won’t he be upset when he comes home and finds me moved in for the weekend?” His nonchalant attitude about everything, especially his uncle’s absence was unusual at best.

“My uncle only comes home when one of us is in trouble.”


“Stop asking questions that you don’t need to know the answer to.” He led me into the kitchen where he dropped my bag on the floor and opened the refrigerator to peer inside.

“Why am I here?” I asked with extreme exasperation. Dealing with Keiran for long periods of time always made me weary, confused, and…horny. “What are you planning to do with me for the rest of the weekend?”

“You’re here because you have a conscience. That’s an inconvenience for me. But it is convenient for you to be available to service me immediately,” he said matter-of-factly. He slammed the fridge door and before I knew what he was going to do, my back was up against the fridge and his erection was being pressed into my stomach. “I want to fuck you hard and I want to fuck you often.” He lifted my leg to wrap around his hip, bringing my center closer to his erection. “I’m not asking, Monroe. You want it just as bad as I do. I can feel your need…it’s wet, hot, and all mine.”

There was something annoyingly but incredibly hot hearing him claiming my pussy as his but I managed to shake off the urge to ask for exactly what he threatened to do, right here and now. “Why do you talk to me like that?” I asked instead.

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a slut.”

“Because it makes you angry and it also makes you hot. Slut, or not.”

“But I’m not. You were the only one I had sex with.”

The sound he made low in his throat was angry. “Good, because if you have it with anyone else I will kill him…slowly…and then you.” His voice was unmistakably aroused and possessive.

“You can’t just threaten to kill people!”

“It’s not a threat.”

“Normal teenagers don’t threaten to kill people and mean it.”

“Who said I was normal?”

“I know you’re not.”
I just wish you were.

I looked into his grey eyes and wished I had the courage and ability to deny him. But I couldn’t. I have always given him exactly what he wanted whether it was my tears, my fear, or my body. “Why do you test me?” he asked.

I wasn’t expecting his question but the answer that followed was even more surprising. “It makes me feel like I’m trying.”

“Trying what?”

“To not be afraid.”

“Why, when you have so much to be afraid of?”

I looked at him carefully. “Why do you want me to be afraid of you? What do you gain?”

“What makes you think I gain something? Maybe it’s just fun for me.”

“You know some people think you have a thing for me?” I watched him carefully for a reaction or sign that I might be right but of course he remained perfectly impassive.

“Some people are stupid. I don’t have ‘things’.” He dropped my leg from around his waist and walked away to sit in one of the kitchen chairs.

“So why fear? People are bullied in school all the time for shits and giggles but you don’t want laughs.”

“You don’t know what I want.”

“Enlighten me then,” I demanded with more force than necessary.



“Don’t ask questions you don’t need the answers to,” he said, repeating his statement from earlier. His tone was bored but the muscles in his shoulders and back was tense.

“Why do you keep saying that?” My frustration was mounting and when he smirked I knew he wasn’t done making me miserable.

“Because it’s the best you’re going to get so leave me the fuck alone.” It was a warning I should have heeded but I was never one to listen to my instincts.

“When you said you would make my aunt disappear…what did you mean? Are you going to kill her?”

“Why would I do that? I would much rather you live with the agony of knowing she was somewhere suffering.”

“Please, listen to me. I didn’t frame you but I know who did.”

His eyes narrowed as he watched me. “Careful, Monroe. My goodwill is fading. Fast.”

“No. You need to hear this. I knew about it only because –” He was out of seat with his arms around me, crushing my body to his. I cried out when he bit down into my neck. I screamed again but he ignored my heated protests and bit down harder. He bent me over the kitchen table and pushed aside my panties.

“Because you’re a conniving bitch?” he asked with unsuppressed scorn. I heard the distinct sound of a condom packet rip and soon after felt the force of his punishing thrust as he entered me. The table moved a few inches so I grabbed onto it to keep from falling.

“No,” I denied and pushed my hips into him. We both moaned from the feeling of him burying deeper. My pussy clenched at his cock in welcome.

“You did this. You.” Each word he spoke was paired with a hard thrust until he let go completely and was pounding all of his frustration and anger into me. He was in my head and my body at the same time with no hope of escape. His hands were rough and hard on my hips as he pulled me into him. When his teeth sunk into my spine I released a throaty moan. “Such a hot bitch aren’t you? I can feel you creaming all over my dick.”

“Don’t call me that.” I squealed when he rammed his cock into me once and held it deep inside me while he growled in my ear.

“I’ll call you whatever I want,” he said, grabbing my ponytail and delivering a series of short, hard thrusts.

“Oh God…why does it feel so good?” I wailed as I tightened around him. He had me pinned to the table, completely immobile and vulnerable to the demands of his cock.

“Good,” he thrust deeper into me, stealing away my breath. “That means you feel all of me. You’re mine, Monroe. You always will be and I won’t let you go. Do you hear that? I won’t.”

“You have to…”

The sound of the front door opening and Keenan’s voice could barely be heard over the sound of our fucking. Keiran continued to pound me so I wasn’t sure if he’d heard his cousin come in but I knew Keenan would be able to hear us. The sound of our skin slapping, his groans, and my screams were echoing throughout the kitchen and the kitchen door was wide open.

“Stop. He’ll hear us,” I moaned out weakly.

“I can see just fine too sweetheart. Please don’t stop on my account. You look like your enjoying that.” I looked to the side to see Keenan leaning against the door watching us with a grin. I immediately swung my arm behind me to push Keiran away but he caught it and held it at the small of my back.

“Let me go. He’s watching!” Keiran’s fingers being stuffed into my mouth silenced the rest of my protests. I bit down on his fingers but he only chuckled and slapped my already sore ass. The need to come was strong but my release was evading me. “Keiran, please,” I begged.

“You’ve displeased me today, Monroe. You think you deserve to come?” His thrusts slowed down to a teasing rhythm.

“I want it…please.” My body shook uncontrollably from the need to come.

He gripped the back of my neck and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Then take what you need. Fuck me, Monroe.”

His words were barely out before I pushed my hips back against him again and again, desperately searching for what only he could give me. “Damn…she looks like a hot fuck,” Keenan groaned. I’d forgotten he was watching us.

“Keiran, please!” I begged once more. His low groans and sinful promises told me he wasn’t as immune to me as he pretended but I needed him so he wanted me to beg. I wasn’t above begging. Not when his cock was buried deep. His fingers finally slid down to tease ad rub the tiny bundle of nerves and once he touched me a powerful orgasm ripped through me. My back curved and locked in place as I let my orgasm take over.

Keiran was still moving inside me, slowly as he watched me come. I could feel his eyes on me even now. “Had enough?” he asked. I knew without turning around that the ever-present smirk was there.

My body couldn’t take any more of his aggressive demands and the painful pleasure he subjected my body to so I nodded my head.

“Stand up,” he ordered.

“I can’t.” My legs were too weak to hold me up much less walk.

“Either stand up or get fucked again. Your choice.”

He was still inside me, moving lightly.
I could already feel the beginning of another orgasm rising. I stood up on wobbly legs and rested my back against his chest and surprisingly he let me. He slowly pulled out of me and it felt as if he was still hard which meant he hadn’t come. I discreetly fixed my dress and panties when I noticed Keenan still watching us silently.

“Go upstairs, clean up, and wait for me.”

I did as he ordered without arguing. I knew where that usually got me.


* * *


I walked into Keiran’s room and couldn’t help but admire the smell. He and everything he owned always smelled fresh and cool. I looked around curiously but didn’t know what I was looking for but like any person, the bedroom was a person’s domain. It was the most likely place a person would hide their secrets to keep them close; and everyone had secrets…so what was Keiran’s?

I walked over to his dresser first, forgetting about his order to clean up. There wasn’t anything particularly telling or unusual on the top, just as before so I quickly opened the first dresser drawer while listening closely for the sound of Keiran coming. A quick inspection through his dresser revealed nothing.
What are you looking for, Lake?
It would probably help if I knew that much.

I opened his closet door and walked inside. Keiran’s closet looked like every normal teenage boy’s closet but Keiran wasn’t normal. Whatever it was, had to here. Dark clothing and various sneakers and boots littered the shelves and hung on the railing. I lightly touched his clothing being careful not to disturb anything too much. The worst thing I could do is be caught snooping. After a few minutes, I was looking through my third shoe box and almost gave up my search when I hit the jackpot. I wasn’t expecting to find what I did. I swallowed and picked it up hesitantly, feeling the weight of it in my hands.

What is Keiran doing with a gun?

I inspected it further, turning it over in my hands. There was a button on the side near the handle and trigger so I pressed it. A slim case fell out the bottom and inside I could see it loaded with bullets. I dropped the clip and hurriedly picked it back up to deposit it back into the gun. That’s when I noticed the thin chain of a gold locket with a pearl wrapped around the handle. It was beautiful and…familiar. I searched my memory for where I might have seen the necklace. It wasn’t new. It was…
the picture!

I was almost sure the dead girl in the picture was wearing the same necklace when she died. I just needed to get my hands on the picture to confirm. I’d hidden it in my desk and haven’t looked at it since I found it. At first glance, I didn’t pay much attention to her jewelry or see it as a clue considering I wasn’t ever expecting to come across it much less in Keiran’s closet.

Because Keiran wasn’t the one to break in my house, I ruled out the possibility that he left the picture to scare me. It wasn’t his style to be vague. He was much more direct when delivering threats.

But if he had the necklace now, he must have known that girl. So how did he get it and who was she to him? The walls began closing in on me and the closet suddenly felt too small as many questions flooded my mind. However, when I looked down at the gun in my hand, it was only one that stood out, and was the most dangerous to answer.
Did he kill her?

I forgot to breathe as I stared down at the cold, hard steel of my reality.
I had to get out of here
. I needed to escape him before he took away everything I ever loved. I couldn’t let him hurt my aunt. I knew what it was like to be hurt by Keiran. It dug deep and never let go.

Instinct was screaming at me to get out and for once I listened to it. I quickly slammed the clip back into the gun and carefully arranged it back in the box and threw it back on the top shelf. Just as I was sitting down Keiran walked in. He immediately looked at me suspiciously. I probably looked as nervous as I was feeling.

“What were you doing?” he asked calmly.

“No – nothing. I was waiting for you like you told me to.”

“You didn’t do what I told you to do.” I stared at him confused, feeling sweat form on my brow. “I also told you to clean up, so what were you doing?”

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