Falling for Heaven (Four Winds) (19 page)

“That, my sweet Uri, was lust.  Surely you’ve seen it?”

“I’ve seen it, yes.  But I had no idea…”  He looked at her.  “I was out of my head, Heather.  I wasn’t myself.  It was alarming.”

“Lust is a powerful emotion to handle the first time.  Most people spend their entire teenaged lives dealing with it.”  Heather couldn't imagine what it must be like to have lived for thousands of years and not understand lust.

He was quiet for a while, lost in his thoughts, and Heather tried to ease his troubled mind the best she could.  She stroked his arm, then pulled Uri to her, to cradle him in her arms like a child.  He nuzzled his face in her bosom, breathing deeply.

“You smell different, now.”


“Yeah.  But it’s good.  I like the way you smell.”  He breathed deeply again.  “I’m so tired…Will it go away?  This exhaustion?”

“I imagine so.”  She honestly didn’t know what would make him feel better.  She wished she could help him, reassure him somehow.  She stroked his back, feeling his muscles relax under her touch.  “Uri?”

“Hmm…”  She loved that sound coming from him.  So intimate.

“If it helps you, I’ve been in love with you, since the beginning, I think.”

He pulled away and looked up at her.  “You have?  How do you know?”

“That night that you hummed
Swan Lake
and I danced for you, there was something that passed through me then.  I feel safe around you, cherished.  I can’t explain it any better than you can, but I know that’s what it is.  I was so disappointed when you told me what you were, because I didn’t believe you, and I assumed you were crazy.”  She laughed ruefully to herself.  “It was almost a relief to see Damien’s true form because then I realized that I was in love with an angel.”  She pulled him close again, feeling his warmth.

“I love you Heather.”  He said softly, as if trying out the words on his tongue.

“I love you too, Uri.”  She said with conviction.


Chapter 23


              Heather took Uri to her bed, undressing him to his underwear.  She climbed in next to him, holding him until he fell asleep.  She slept too, but it was a fitful sleep, full of dreams.  One dream in particular stood out in her mind.

She was at the park, in the Japanese gardens, meditating, which was strange, because she didn't have time to meditate.  Heather had reached a state of peace, and was just feeling the breeze ruffle her hair, aware of nothing else.

A voice came to her --- a deep, soothing voice, she heard inside her head.

“Heather, thank you for taking care of my cherished Uri.  He is a special one to me.  He has worked for me faithfully for years, and I decided, a long time ago, to release my special ones.  It took a while to find the right woman to release him to.  I know he will be happy with you and you with him.  I have reserved a special place for both of you here with me, when the time is right.  Love him with all your heart, because he needs you.  Show him the pleasures of humanity, because he has seen enough of the dark side.  He was becoming jaded with humanity, as all of my special ones have, which is why I’ve reached my decision.  Help him to see the light within himself, Heather.  And know that I love you both.”

She awoke feeling refreshed and more alive than she had in a long time.  She had reached a conclusion about her life.  Her dreams had brought her more than just a conversation with God, which is what she knew that had been.

“Uri, wake up.”  She gently shook him awake.

“What?”  His eyes opened, groggily.

“I just talked to Him.”

“You did?”  He searched the room with his eyes.  “He was here?”

“In a dream.”             

“What did He say?”

She snuggled under the covers close to Uri, reaching her arm across him to pull him close.  “That we would be happy together.”

He had stiffened when she touched him, but seemed to relax somewhat at her words.  “What else?”

“That He was releasing all of His ‘special ones,’ and you had seen too much darkness.”

“All of the archangels?” 

She shrugged, “I guess so.”  Her hand wandered over his body, feeling his smooth, warm skin.  She had a wicked thought, and her hands wandered lower.  “He told me to show you the pleasures of humanity.”  Looking up at him, she flashed him a wicked smile.  “Are you feeling better this morning?”

His voice came out as a hoarse whisper.  “Yes.”

“Good.”  She leaned over and kissed his lips, a kiss that started tenderly but, as he responded, grew into hunger.

Their lips devoured each other, as her hands roamed over his hard body, feeling his responsiveness.  She didn’t want to push him, but at the moment, he seemed to be wanting this as much as she did.

Uri’s hands stroked her hair, tangling his fingers in the softness.  He moaned into her mouth, as his tongue plundered it, sucking, nibbling.  His ragged breaths came in harsh bursts when he pulled his face away.  “Heather…”

“Yes?”  She didn’t recognize her own voice, so thick with need.

“I want to feel you.  All of you.”  He looked funny, his eyes filled with longing, yet flashing with embarrassment.

“It’s okay, Uri.  This is all part of it.”  She wanted him to feel good about this.  “This is part of making love.  Feel it; it’s wonderful.  Don’t be sorry for your feelings.  They aren’t wrong.” 

The longing in his eyes turned to blue pools of desire, and the embarrassment fled, leaving Heather breathless as she stared at the man in her arms.  She wanted to make him feel good.  She wanted to make this experience one that he wouldn’t regret when they were finished.  She knew in her heart that this wasn’t sinful; it was beautiful. And she wanted Uri to see that too.

She undressed herself and rolled on top of him, telling him, “Feel me, Uri.”

His hands roamed across her body, and she relished the feel of his strong fingers against her skin.  She moaned as he cupped her breasts, stroking her areolas with his thumbs, bringing the nipples to stiff peaks, and she watched the wonder in his eyes, as his hands explored her softness.  She kissed him then, slowly, before pulling down his underwear.  Looking at him, asking the question with her eyes, he nodded at her, dazed. 

She wanted him so badly, but she would take her time today.  The roles were reversed, here.  She could see the irony in the situation.  She was taking his virginity, of sorts, and didn’t want to overwhelm him.  She had no idea what sex felt like when he had done it before, "for appearances sake," but she knew that this time would be different.  For both of them.

As Heather slid herself onto Uri, she watched the glazed look in his eyes disappear, as his cobalt blue irises widened, and he hissed through his teeth, long and slow.  She stilled herself, allowing her opening to adjust to his size.  When he relaxed a little bit, she began to move on top of him, slowly.  She listened to his coarse breathing, as his hands came down to her hips.

“Oh, sweet Mary, that feels so…”  Heather watched Uri search for words, as she moved on top of him.  His hands clenched her hips, sinking into the flesh.  Heather could feel the warmth inside herself build but was concentrating on his enjoyment and didn’t want to distract him with her own feelings of pleasure. She clenched her inner muscles around him and watched his reaction.  His mouth came open in a large “oh,” and she could hear him as he tried not to lose control.  His hips were thrusting under her, matching her movements, as she drew him in and out of her.

As Heather watched Uri, she felt a closeness to him that she didn’t think had been possible.  She wanted to spend the rest of her life making him feel this good.  As she writhed and ground her body on top of him, Heather could see Uri's head thrown back into the pillow, and his teeth were clenched, causing a vein in his temple to pulse, violently.  Time slowed, and a realization struck her with a force that stilled her movements.

“What’s wrong?”  He panted at her, looking alarmed.

“Nothing, Uri.”  She said, gently, stroking his face with her palm.  “I just love you.”

He pulled her down onto him in a scorching kiss, then rolled over, until he was on top of her, still joined.  “I love you too, Heather.”  He held her face in his hands and gazed at her tenderly.  “Marry me.  Stay with me forever.  Please.”  He kissed her again, and she answered him through his kisses.

“Of course.  I thought you’d never ask.”  She giggled.

He gave her a look of complete jubilation and kissed her again, deeply, before he started moving inside of her.

She let herself concentrate on the warmth building inside, knowing that Uri would be okay.  Gripping his shoulders, she moaned as his pace increased.

“Is this okay?”  He asked her, his voice husky.

“Oh, yes.”  She responded, not caring anymore about anything except the waves building inside of her.  As the exquisite pain ripped through her, she screamed his name, right before he froze on top of her, a mask of pure pleasure on his face.

He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily into her hair.

“When I’m with you, nothing else matters to me.”  He said, gruffly.  “I want these feelings to last forever, Heather.”

She was limp under him, unable to move.  “I know.  Me too.”

He lowered his face to hers for another kiss, this one loving and tender.  He came up, and looked at her squarely, as if ready for a fight.  “I want you to quit your job, Heather.”


His look of surprise made her giggle.  “That was easier than I expected.”  He said sheepishly.

“Well, don’t get used to it.  I had already decided to quit.  I’m going to open a ballet studio, teaching little girls.  What do you think of that?”

He smiled at her warmly.  “I love it.”

“I will need to work a little while longer, to save up enough money.”

“I’ve got money.”


“Steve invested for me, I’m probably what you could consider rich.  I’ll take care of whatever start up costs you need.  And I’ll pay for your mother’s care.”

“I told Tiffany she could move in with me when she gets out of rehab.”

“No problem.  We’ll get a bigger place.”

“This is too easy.”

Uri shot her a toe-curling smile, before kissing her fully on the mouth.  “Somebody’s watching out for us.”



As Uri kissed Heather, he reveled in the sensations that he hadn't noticed before.  The rough softness of her tongue, the warmth under the cool skin of her body, the way their bodies moved together, as if it were a private dance, just the two of them.  She smelled different, now that his senses weren't archangel-sharp, but she still reminded him of purity and freshness, only tonight, he could smell something musky underneath the freshness.  Her desire was heavy, as was his, and he knew that the desire was for
, and it made Uri want to do things with her that he'd never done with another woman.

He wanted to experience everything with Heather.  It was an overwhelming need, and Uri had to pace himself, or he knew he would make a fool of himself, acting like a rutting billy goat.

Centering his thoughts on her skin, Uri set out to taste and feel every inch of her body.  His senses were different now, dulled slightly, yet everything had an emotion connected to it somehow, and that was different for him.  The taste and touch of Heather made him feel emotions that he'd never experienced and couldn't put a name to now.  But he wanted to know what they felt like.  He wanted to learn about it all.

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