Read Explorers of Gor Online

Authors: John Norman

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #General, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Erotica

Explorers of Gor (7 page)

The girl, hearing my approach, drew her legs up quickly under her, and rose to her feet, turning to meet me. She smiled, brightly. She was pretty.

“Tal,” said she.

“Tal,” said I.

“You are strong,” she said.

We were in the vicinity of the pier of the Red Urt. It is not a desirable district.

I put down my sea bag.

She looked up at me.

“It is dangerous for you here,” I said. “You should be home.”

“I have no home,” she said.

She traced an idle pattern on my left shoulder with her finger tip.

“Who would want to hurt a little she-urt,” she said.

“What do you want?” I asked. I was alert to the tiny sound behind me.

“I will please you for a tarsk bit,” she said.

I did not speak.

She suddenly knelt before me. “I will please you as a slave girl, if you wish,” she said.

“When I want a slave girl,” I said, “I will have a real slave girl, not a free woman pretending to be a slave girl.”

She looked up at me, angrily.

“On your feet, free woman,” I said.

She got up angrily. She was not a slave. Why should I accord her the privilege of kneeling at my feet?

“I’m hot and I’m pretty,” she said. “Try me.”

I touched her flanks. They were good. I then took her by the upper arms. I looked into her eyes. She lifted her lips to mine.

“No!” she screamed, wild-eyed, as I suddenly lifted her from her feet and spun about, she knowing herself lifted helplessly into the path of the blow. I dropped her inert body to one side.

“You should take your breath,” I told him, “before you approach. Too, you should have your arm raised early, that the movement of the sleeve not be audible. Too, you should have the girl, in her diversion, keep her eyes closed. That could be natural enough, and, in that way, you would not be reflected in the mirror of her eyes.” It had not been difficult to detect his approach, even apart from the more obvious clues I had called to his attention. The senses of a warrior are trained. His life may depend on it.

With a cry of rage the man attacked. I caught the club hand, which was clumsy, and, twisting it, dashed his face first into the walkway. I then took him by the hair and thrust the side of his head into the wall. He slumped down, unconscious. I took binding fiber from my sea bag and tied his wrists together behind his back, and crossed and tied his ankles. I then turned to the girl. I tied her hands behind her back, and then took her by the ankles and held her upside down, thrusting her head and shoulders, and upper body, under the cold waters of the canal. In a few seconds I pulled her up, sputtering, and sat her, tied, against the wall across from me. She gasped for air; she tried to clear water from her eyes. She choked. Her hair and the rag she wore were wet. She backed further against the wall, drawing her legs up, pressing her knees closely together. She looked at me, frightened. “Please, let me go,” she said. Dawn would be well glistening now over the marshes to the east. It was still rather dark in the canal streets with the buildings on each side. There was fog visible on the canals.

“Please, let me go,” she said. “It will mean the collar for me.”

“Do you recall what you said to me,” I asked, “shortly before I turned you about?”

“No,” she said.

“Oh?” I asked.

“Yes, yes!” she said.

“Say it, again,” I told her.

“Please,” she begged.

“Say it,” I said.

“I’m hot and I’m pretty,” she stammered. “Try me,” she said. She swallowed hard.

“Very well,” I said.

I drew her to me by the ankles.

“Please let me go,” she said. “It will mean the collar for me. Oh, oh.”

Then in moments she moaned and wept.

I forced her to yield well, to the very limits of the free woman. Then I was finished with her.

She looked up at me. “Have I pleased you?” she asked, tears in her eyes.

“Yes,” I said.

“Let me go,” she said.

I took her ankles, crossed and tied them. Then I threw her beside the man, her head to his feet. I tied her neck to his feet, and her feet to his neck. They would wait, thus, for the guardsmen.

“They will banish him and collar me,” she said.

“Yes,” I said.

I knelt down on one knee beside her. I took a tarsk bit from my pouch, and thrust it in her mouth. She was a free woman. Since I had no intent of enslaving her myself, it seemed fit that I should pay her for her use. She had asked, as I recalled, for a tarsk bit. Had I intended to keep her, I might have simply raped her, and then put the collar on her. A slave has no recourse.

I rose to my feet, and, shouldering my sea bag, whistling, continued on toward the pier of the Red Urt, where Ulafi’s ship, the Palms of Schendi, was moored.

I soon hurried my steps, for an alarm bar had begun to ring.

I heard steps running behind me, too, and I turned about. A black seaman ran past me, he, too, heading toward the wharves. I followed him toward the pier of the Red Urt.


I Recapture An Escaped Slave; I Book Passage On A Ship For Schendi



“How long has she been missing?” I asked.

“Over an Ahn,” said a man. “But only now have they rung the bar.”

We stood in the vicinity of the high desk of the wharf praetor.

“There seemed no reason to ring it earlier,” said the man. “It was thought she would be soon picked up, by guardsmen, or the crew of the Palms of Schendi.”

“She was to be shipped on that craft?” I asked.

“Yes,” said the man. “I suppose now her feet must be cut off.”

“Is it her first attempt to escape?” asked another man.

“I do not know,” said another.

“Why is there this bother about an escaped slave,” demanded a man, his clothing torn and blood at his ear. “I have been robbed! What are you doing about this?”

“Be patient,” said the wharf praetor. “We know the pair. We have been searching for them for weeks.” The praetor handed a sheet of paper to one of his guardsmen. People were gathered around. Another guardsman stopped ringing the alarm bar. It hung from a projection on a pole, the pole fixed upright on the roof of a nearby warehouse.

“Be on the watch for an escaped female slave,” called the guardsman. “She is blond-haired and blue-eyed. She is barbarian. When last seen she was naked.”

I did not think it would take them long to apprehend her. She was a fool to try to escape. There was no escape for such as she. Yet she was unmarked and uncollared. It might not prove easy to retake her immediately.

“How did she escape?” I asked a fellow.

“Vart’s man,” said he, “delivered her to the wharf, where he knelt her among the cargo to be loaded on the Palms of Schendi. He obtained his receipt for her and then left.”

“He did not leave her tied, hand and foot, among the bales and crates for loading?” I asked.

“No,” said the man. “But who, either Vart’s man, or those of the Palms of Schendi, would have thought it necessary?”

I nodded. There was reason in what he said. Inwardly I smiled. She had simply left the loading area, when no one was watching, simply slipping away. Had she been less ignorant of Gor she would not have dared to escape. She did not yet fully understand that she was a slave girl. She did not yet understand that escape was not permitted to such as she.

“Return the girl to the praetor’s station on this pier,” said the guardsman.

“What of those who robbed me!” cried the fellow with the torn clothing and the blood behind his ear.

“You are not the first,” said the praetor, looking down at him from the high desk. “They stand under a general warrant.”

“Who robbed you?” I asked the man.

“I think there were two,” said the man. “There was a dark-haired she-urt in a brown tunic. I was struck from behind. Apparently there is a male confederate.”

“She approached you, engaging your attention,” I asked, “and then you, when diverted, were struck from behind?”

“Yes,” said the fellow, sourly.

“I saw two individuals, who may be your friends,” I said, “on the north walkway of the Rim canal, leading to the vicinity of this very pier.”

“We shall send two guardsmen to investigate,” said the praetor. “Thank you, Citizen, for this information.”

“They will be gone now,” said the man with the blood behind his ear.

“Perhaps not,” I said.

The praetor dispatched a pair of guardsmen, who moved swiftly toward the Rim canal.

“Be on the watch for an escaped female slave,” repeated the guardsman with the paper. He spoke loudly, calling out, over the crowd. I heard him adding to the available information. New data had been furnished to him from a wharf runner, who had her sales information in hand, brought from the records of the house of Vart. This included, however, little more than her measurements and the sizes of the collar, and wrist and ankle rings that would well fit her.

I went over to the edge of the pier, some hundred yards or so away, to where the Palms of Schendi, was moored. Longshoremen, bales and crates on their shoulders, were filling her hold. They were being supervised by the second officer. It was now grayishly light, a few Ehn past dawn. I could not yet see the golden rim of Tor-tu-Gor, Light Upon the Home Stone, rising in the east over the city.

“Are you bound for Schendi?” I called to the officer.

“Yes,” said he, looking up from his lading list.

“I would take passage with you,” I said.

“We do not carry passengers,” said he.

“I can pay as much as a silver tarsk,” I said. It did not seem well to suggest that I could afford more. If worse came to worse I could book passage on another vessel. It would not be wise to hire a ship, for this would surely provoke suspicion. Similarly, it would not be wise to take one of my own ships, say, the Dorna or the Tesephone, south. They might be recognized. Gorean seamen recognize ships with the same ease that they recognize faces. This is common, of course, among seamen anywhere.

“We do not carry passengers,” said the second officer.

I shrugged, and turned away. I would prefer, of course, to have passage on this ship, for it would be on this ship that the girl, when apprehended, would be transported. I did not wish to risk losing track of her.

I looked up to the stern castle of’ the Palms of Schendi. There I saw her captain, Ulafi, engaged in conversation with one whom I took to be the first officer. They did not look at me.

I stood there for a few moments, regarding the lines of the Palms of Schendi. She was a medium-class round ship, with a keel-to-beam ratio of about six to one; that of the long ship is usually about eight to one. She had ten oars to a side, two rudders, and two, permanent, lateen-rigged masts. Most Gorean ships were double ruddered. The masts of round ships are usually permanently fixed; those of long ships, usually single-masted, are removed before battle; most Gorean ships are lateen-rigged; this permits sailing closer to the wind. The long, triangular sail, incidentally, is very beautiful.

I turned away from the ship. I did not wish to be observed looking at it too closely. I wore the garb of the metal workers.

According to the tide tables the first tide would be full at six Ehn past the seventh Ahn.

I wondered if Ulafi would sail without the blond-haired barbarian. I did not think so. I hoped that he had not put out a silver tarsk for her simply because she had struck his fancy. That would indeed be infuriating. I was certain that he would wait until she was regained. If he missed the tide, however, I did not think he would be pleased.

There seemed to be something going on now at the post of the wharf praetor, so I returned to that area.

“It is she!” said the fellow in the torn tunic with the blood behind his ear, pointing at the small, dark-haired girl. She stood before the high desk of the praetor, her wrists tied be-hind her back. Beside her, his hands, too, bound behind him, stood the fellow who had been her accomplice. They were fastened together by the neck, by a guardsman’s neck strap. The girl, interestingly, was stripped, the brief, brown tunic having been taken from her. I had not removed it. I had only thrust it up, over her hips. It did not seem likely to me that the guardsman, either, would have removed it, as she was, I presumed, a free woman. Yet it was gone, and she was naked.

“We found them both trussed like vulos,” laughed a guardsman.

“Who could do such a thing?” asked a man.

“It was not guardsmen,” said a guardsman. “We would have brought them in.”

“It seems they picked the wrong fellow to waylay,” said a man.

“It is she,” said the fellow with the blood behind his ear. “She is the one who diverted me, while her fellow, he, I suppose, struck me.” He pointed then to the man.

The girl shook her head; negatively. It seemed she wanted to speak.

“What do you have in your mouth, Girl?” asked the praetor.

One of the guardsmen opened her mouth, not gently, and retrieved the coin, a rather large one, a tarsk bit. Ten such coins make a copper tarsk. A hundred copper tarsks make a silver tarsk.

The praetor placed the coin on his desk, the surface of which was some seven feet high, below the low, solid wooden bar The height of the praetor’s desk, he on the high stool behind it, permits him to see a goodly way up and down the wharves. Also, of course, one standing before the desk must look up to see the praetor, which, psychologically, tends to induce a feeling of fear for the power of the law. The wooden bar before the desk’s front edge makes it impossible to see what evidence or papers the praetor has at his disposal as he considers your case. Thus, you do not know for certain how much he knows. Similarly, you cannot tell what he writes on your papers.

“Give me back my coin!” said the girl.

“Be silent,” said a guardsman.

“She is the one who cooperated in the attack upon you?” asked the praetor, indicating the bound girl.

“Yes,” said the man with blood behind his ear.

“No!” cried the girl. “I have never seen him before in my life!”

“I see,” said the praetor. He apparently was not unfamiliar with the girl.

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