Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (80 page)

rolled her hips forward, and he watched her loveliness. A fine sheen of
perspiration covered her breasts, just like the first night, and he lowered his
head to flick his tongue along some of it. She shouldn’t be able to do such a
mundane thing—for Christ’s sake, sweating of all things—but that
she could excited him. Someone upstairs had been kind enough to allow them to
relive that night together down to the finest detail. He would not shun any of

moved over him like a dancer, pulling him into her warmth and then leaving him
barren in a rhythm that caught his breath. He wanted to last, he wanted to feel
her shudder beneath him, but knew better. Already his balls tightened, the base
of his spine sending out throbbing pulses that signaled his inevitable release.

soft moans didn’t help. He swallowed hard, clenching his eyes shut, groaning
disappointment in himself. He thought hard about overflowing garbage pails,
about blood and guts, about mathematical equations. The slide of fingernails on
his sensitive nipples whisked those thoughts away.

he roared, his muscles locking as every ounce of his power, every part of his
being came flooding out of him. His cock surged forward, spilling his cum in
powerful jets that caught his breath. Blood rumbled through his ears, and
throwing his head back made his vision swim, but it was all he could muster as
his body shuddered.

nails continued their delicate flick on his nipples, each touch painful,


Eric captured her lips, distracting her for a moment, and nibbled across her
mouth. “Why the fuck do you keep doing that?” he complained. Every God damned
year, she made certain he came first. No matter how many tricks he brought to
the table, she insisted he lost control. “Fucking devil.”

laughed, and kissed him back. “You know why.”

thrusting, he kept his dick hard inside of her, letting their combined cum coat
his length. “Only for you,” he murmured before dipping in for another kiss.

pulled her hips away from him, and he moved quickly. The damp air encouraged
them, and she swung her legs over the bike when he got off. Eric watched her
spread her thighs, the insides glistening. The lips of her pussy pink and
abused. A trail of moisture spilling from between them and onto the leather

didn’t think when he dropped before her, using his thumbs to spread open her
cunt. Her aroused clit stood erect, all but calling to him, but he knew what
his woman wanted.

first glide of his tongue through the dripping cum flooded his mouth with a
tang that made him harden all over again. Like her pussy, it was warm, the
aroma slightly bleach-like. The first time he’d given in to her request had
been nothing like this. It only took her single coarse cry, the way her fingers
curled into his hair, almost drawing blood in her fervor to get him closer to
arouse him as well. Now, he gave in to her request every single time. It was
his fucking pleasure.

tongue pulled from her cunt and he swallowed down the cum in large swallows.
Occasionally, he moved up, stimulating her clit with teasing licks. Each one
elicited a jerk of her hips, another low moan.

licked over the puckered entrance of her anus, wiping away all traces of cum
from the sensitive area until Laura wrapped her legs around his head, pulling
him closer. Silently encouraging him to dip into her pussy.

could smother in her heat and die a happy man. He could and would drink until
her body would give him no more. He would stay before her, on his knees,
worshiping her body while the wind whipped around them, and his cock froze from
their previous coupling, if it meant being with Laura for a few minutes longer.

my God,” she sighed. “My Eric.”

stiffened milliseconds later, and he toyed with her clit more. Sucking harder
and teased gently until she shuddered. He wrapped his hands over her flexing
thighs, holding her in place and demanding she ride through the waves of

hips chased his mouth, her pelvis rocking back and forth as he worked over her.
By the time she loosened her hold, his jaw was sore, his mouth and chin covered
in their combined cream. Laura placed a hand beneath his chin and he tilted his
face up. She kissed him again, her tongue plunging and tasting the remnants
still in his mouth. No matter how many times they did this, it would never be

he finally found the strength to pull away, it was driven by the way the
weather kicked up in intensity around them. Although he now stood between her
thighs, the fact of the matter was his dick still bobbed free. Only the
strategic placement next to her pussy’s heat kept him even remotely
comfortable. The cabin, only a few feet away, waited. Now that adamant urgings
had been quieted for the time being, it was time to love his lady the way he
wanted to the remaining three hundred and sixty-four days of the year.

tucked himself into his leathers and held out his hand. “Come on,” he said with
a jerk of his head.

cheeks were flushed, her breath still coming in an exerted effort. Still, there
was hunger in her eyes when she smiled.

in hand, they walked inside. It took a few minutes to get a fire going, but
Eric forced himself to remember that he still walked among the living. Things
like heat, and comfort still meant something to him. Unless he planned on
joining her tonight—which wasn’t out of the realm of possibility—he
needed to tend to his basic survival needs.

time to time, he glanced up and caught the way she silently watched him. Her
image flickered once or twice, but he pretended he hadn’t seen. Just being with
her tonight was too painful a reminder that she didn’t exist any longer. What
he’d been touching, what he would find pleasure in for the next few hours, was
a shadow of Laura’s former self. If any of their previous friends knew about
these clandestine meetings, about his obsession with her, they would have him
locked away. He knew what he was doing though. He accepted tonight for what it
was, taking it minute by minute, hour by hour. Fuck the rest of the world.

might be a ghost. A spirit. A demon.


matter who this Laura was that came to him annually, he didn’t think too hard
about what it all meant. This was Laura. His Laura. The woman he loved.

her, he was fearless.


waited until he lay down on the bed, nude and primed, before she removed her
clothing. Full of grace, Laura slipped off the scrap of blouse, shimmied out of
the little skirt. She arched a brow, and waited for him to make a decision.

them off,” he ordered.

the time she stopped at the bedside, her slim black boots no longer hugged her
feet. The bed dipped, an almost imperceptible shift beneath her weight, as she
climbed aboard. She dragged her slender fingers across his thigh, stroking over
his pelvis, bypassing his rigid erection with a coy smile.

allowed her to hold on to her precious confidence when she swung her leg over
his waist, positioning herself to sink down and impale him, but Eric had
already decided to change things up a little this year. In one deft maneuver,
he reached around her slim waist and flipped her beneath him.

she shrieked, then laughed. She lay beneath him, in no danger, other than
perhaps from his ardor. He’d given up control on the bike, now, on the bed, he
would claim her bodily.

gaze softened. “Do you know how much I love you?”


her response. Always this ravenous appetite for him that never waned. Never
vanished. The same as his feelings for her, truth be told.

tonight he needed more. He needed those words from her.

stared into his eyes as he trailed two fingers down her throat, finding the
beating pulse along the side. He didn’t question why it was there. If he did,
he might have to question this night. Instead, he traced over the dip at the
base of her neck, before running his touch across the delicate framework of

should have been married by now,” he murmured. Skimming the round curve of her
breast, he ran his thumb over the pink bud of her nipple. She turned her head,
and brushed her lips against his wrist.

babies…maybe, three?”

knew this conversation well. He rewarded her by plucking the sensitive tip of
her breast, before capturing it in his mouth. He suckled well from her, the
woman who should have made him a father.

crossed over and feasted on her neglected breast. Pulling until she arched her
back and cried out. He pulled back his anger at the injustice of life and tried
again. “We should have a home together.”

in the suburbs, maybe.” Laura took his hand in hers, used it to slide down her
belly to the thicket of curls on her mound.

heat greeted his fingertips just beneath. His heart thumped erratically, his
excitement barely contained. If he hadn’t been there himself, he wouldn’t have
believed he’d just been inside her only minutes ago. A desperate need to be
there again wrapped around him, almost to the point of strangling.

went lower and curled his fingers inside, twisting until he reached the smooth
ridge that never failed to make her pussy flood with moisture. His thumb rested
on her clit, but slowly he skated across its surface. Laura’s mouth fell slack,
her eyes rolling as she succumbed to blinding pleasure. She rocked her hips,
chasing his touch, her body flushed in the dim firelight. As her moans grew
louder, he lightened his caresses, forcing her to work, to feed her addiction.
His fingers kept twisting though, kept touching the sweet spot that made her
legs tremble.

should never be apart, my little devil” he whispered.

in that moment, she came undone.

bowed, her pelvis rising into the air and hips rolling as she clenched the bed
between fists. Eric withdrew his hands quickly, and pushed forward, splitting
her lips with his cock. He slammed his hips into hers, burying himself, his
anger, his love, the injustice of her death in the wet channel of her cunt. His
thrusts were forceful, demanding. Loving.

rode his assault, nails digging into his back, mouth clamping on to his.
Together they moaned, and sighed. The heat of her pussy was so erotic, he saw
stars as he pushed forward and withdrew. She came calling his name. She pulsed
around him, pulling from him what he was not ready yet to give. He had to hear
her say it this time. He needed.

glorious silk walls grasped onto him, but he focused. He had to hear it. “Tell
me, Laura. Tell me.”

mouth pressed against his shoulder, her teeth scraping against his skin. His
flesh felt raw, exposed and he wouldn’t be surprised if she drew blood, but if
it was the price of her passion, it was one he’d gladly pay again and again.

drove forward, his pelvis mashing against the sensitive nerves of her clit, eliciting
more erotic cries from her. Warmth coated his cock and her cream dripped onto
his balls, her perfume amplifying into the air.

me this one time,” he demanded.

shivered, her head lolling to the side as another orgasm rolled through her. “No,”
she moaned as she shuddered.

renewed his thrusts, knowing his restraint was at the edge of his control.
“Damn it, tell me!”

hands grasped onto the cheeks of his ass, and he recognized her intent too
late. Perspiration sliding down his back made it easy for her to slide her
finger in between the crevice and over his anus. As she knew it would, the bold
stroke had its desired effect.

bolt of heat climbed through him, wrapping around his spine, spilling into his
mind. It raced through his limbs, and filled him until the pressure became too
much to bear and he had to let it go. The dizzying rush built, piled high and
before he could restrain it, pull it back and hold on…it toppled over, taking
Eric with it.

a shout, Eric came. All of his love poured out of him and into Laura. Her cunt
drank from him, pulsing in little vibrations that suckled his essence until he
had no more to give. Tears pricked the backs of his eyes, disappointment making
his throat tight.

loved her so God damned much, and all he had to offer her was this night, once
a year. He wanted so much more for her. For them. But this…this slide of his
body against hers, his body filling hers. This ritual of fucking was all he had
to offer.

from her took a reserve of strength he didn’t know he possessed, but he managed
it somehow. “We should have been married by now.” His voice was dry, raspy.
“Babies and house. We should have had it all by now.”

watched him, concern locked into her features. “Sweetheart—“

all we have is this. This one terrible, terrible night.”

stood and went to the back door, throwing it open before she told him the same
thing she said every year to offer some sort of comfort.
It was more than
most. It had to be enough.

it wasn’t enough. Not any longer. He was tired of living like this. Tired of
hurting for her all year long. Tired of watching the minutes tick by every year
on this night, silently begging the sun not to rise.


heard the alarm in her voice, but stepped outside without acknowledging it. The
bitter wind had picked up and now it drove against his naked flesh like little
pin-pricks. He hadn’t realized how much warmth the small fire had provided
until he braved the elements.

a hundred yards away, the glass-top of the lake glistened in the moonlight. His
feet ceased feeling the cold ground after three steps. Still, he managed to
pick up the concrete slabs that seemed to have replaced his feet and put one in
front of the other, moving in the direction of the idyllic scene before him.

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