Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (17 page)

She wasn’t
shocked. She
. I no longer felt unsure, I felt relieved, and
hellishly excited. Jo knew, and she was in charge.

The elevator
drew to a halt and the doors slid open. Jo lifted the card key from Nigel’s
hand as she walked past him. I jolted into action and followed her. Nigel was
close behind. As we walked along the carpeted hallway I was both wired and
What would happen once we got inside the room?
The question
flitted around my mind and I kept running up against the fact that she had led
Nigel to believe there really was something between us, and that he believed
it. That turned me on so much.

“Very nice,” Jo
said when the door clicked open and she walked into the room, her hands
touching the furniture. She closed the heavy curtains as she passed. “You have
good taste, but we knew that.”

She grinned at
Nigel and he shrugged off his coat then shut the door behind us, smiling back
at her. The pair of them made this seem as if it was the most natural thing in
the world. Nigel walked around the room, looking at the furniture and the
prints on the walls as if they were exhibits and he was evaluating them.

It was then that
I caught sight of myself in the mirror, standing there by the doorway with my
hair a mess, my eyes rounded and my coat done up so tightly that it made me
that like a badly stuffed scarecrow. Yes, I was the odd one out here.
Meanwhile, the other two were playing it as if they had done this many times
before. My hands were shaking as I undid the buttons of my coat, and I fretted
about what underwear I’d put on that morning.

The room was
plush, and warm, wonderfully warm. Jo kicked off her boots and then grabbed the
remote and put the TV on. She quickly found a music channel and left it on in
the background, banishing the possibility of awkward silence. Then she went to
the bed, and tested it by bouncing the mattress with her hands. Nigel had
thrown his coat over a chair and leaned his back up against the wall, watching
her intently; arms folded loosely across his chest. He was waiting for her
instruction, as was I. Both of us were focused on Jo and she seemed to thrive
under our attention. She reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out a
phone. She put it on the bedside table and climbed onto the bed on her hands
and knees.

Beckoning to me
with one hand, she set me in motion.

He thinks
we’ve already done this, he thinks Jo and I are already lovers.

The thought kept
echoing around my mind as I took off my boots and walked over to the bed, but
there was an odd sense of liberation bound up with that. It meant I couldn’t be
awkward. I had to move forward—which was exactly the thing I wanted to do
most in the world. By pretending we’d really been intimate, Jo had set the
scene and all I had to do was play into the part.

She kneeled on
the bed, looking at me. “Take off your top, lover.”

. I
took a deep breath, not wanting to fail her, and pulled my top over my head.
god for the wine.
I wasn’t wearing a bra and a shiver ran over my skin as I
bared myself. As I dropped my top on the floor. Her eyelids flickered, her lips
She wants me.

Thrilled, I
acted on it. “You’re going to let Nigel watch us together, aren’t you?” I
delivered the statement quickly, lest I trip on the words. I glanced his way.
He was riveted, his attention on my breasts.

Jo responded
immediately—she obviously liked what I’d said. Her hands went to her
hips. “I’ve always loved your cute little bottom. Why don’t you take off the
rest of your things and show Nigel how adorable it is.”

Jo had been
looking at what was apparently my cute little bottom. I didn’t allow myself
time to think about the fact I was going to be the naked one in this equation.
I just responded while the buzz from her statement helped me along, unbuttoning
my fly and pushing my jeans and my underwear down my thighs. My hands were
shaking as I stepped out of the clothing and kicked them aside.

Jo nodded
approvingly and then moved her fingers in a walking action, indicating I should
turn around. Face burning, I turned around quickly. It was only the fact that
she was looking at me with hungry eyes that made me brave enough to do it. I
flicked my hair back over my shoulders, counting to ten to level myself. When I
glanced back at Nigel I could see he was turned on. That helped, a lot.

“You two are
amazing,” he said.

“It’s nice to be
appreciated," Jo quipped. Then she growled n her throat and issued me an instruction.
“Get on the bed, open your legs and show Nigel your gorgeous pussy.”

Oh boy
She was looking at me right there and began to strip off her clothes as she
urged me on. “Come on, don’t keep us waiting.”

I could barely
drag my attention away from her body as it was being revealed, watching her as
I moved onto the bed and rested back against the pillows. Then I cursed aloud,
because Nigel was right there, watching me avidly. The bulge in his jeans
assured me that this was distracting him from any damaged ego he might have

Jo climbed onto
the bed beside me, her bare breasts swaying gently as she settled. “Open wide,”
she said and stroked me from breast bone to clit, before splaying my pussy lips
with two fingers.

I had to shut my
eyes before I opened my legs.

“Oh yes, so wet,
aren’t you, lover?” Moving her fingers over the slippery surface of my exposed
pussy, she resisted her free hand on my chest, holding me steady.

Even so, I
squirmed, hips shifting against the bed covers. With her exposing me to Nigel’s
avid gaze and touching me that way, I was lost to reason. My blodd was rushing,
my responses were borne of instinct alone. A garbled plea blurted from my open
mouth. Grasping her arm, I pulled her closer against me.

Chuckling, Jo
clambered over me and for a moment we locked eyes. Mutual desire ricocheted
between us. She moved in to kiss me. We rolled together, bodies locked in a
hungry embrace, hands exploring each other while we kissed. The weight of her
body felt too good, her skin soft and supple under my fingers. Beneath her
breasts, her skin was warm and damp, and that made me want to touch her
elsewhere, where I knew she would be even warmer.

Legs entangled,
we eventually settled side by side. I looked into her hazel flecked eyes while
we stroked each other's breasts before our fingers magnetized to each other’s
pussy. I wanted to please her, to touch her in the right way. When I explored
the territory of her sex with my fingers she nodded, her lips parting as she
urged me on. Her chin lifted, her head dropping back, her thighs clenching my
hand rhythmically, locking it in place.

The beauty of
her arched neck burned into my memory. I was so high on it that for a while
there I forgot there was anyone else in the room. Watching Jo as I made her
come was too good, and I was close behind her, the back and forth passage of
her thumb over my clit building me to my peak, releasing every pent up longing
I'd had for this experience.

It took a while
to register that the cries of pleasure filling the room were my own. I was
barely surfacing from my climax, my cunt still clenching and releasing, when
she whispered in my ear.

“Look at him,
look what you did to our professor.”

opened my eyes and rolled my head on the pillow.

was sprawled in a winged armchair. He had his jeans open, and his cock in his
fist. It was long and hard and looked about ready to burst. He was wanking it
in his fist and the crown was already slick. When he saw us both look his way
in unison, his hand stilled. His mouth opened, his face contorting. A
split-second later, semen spurted from his cock end.

When he slumped
back in the chair and his eyes closed, Jo shifted and reached for her phone on
the bedside table. She put her finger to her lips. Sliding the phone open, she
flicked on the camera setting and took a quick picture of him. Nigel didn’t
even notice. He was too far gone.

“Insurance,” she
whispered to me, as she shut the camera and put it aside. “Just in case he gets
too demanding for us.”

I liked that. When I breathed out, a soft laugh escaped me. My admiration for
her grew. Her self-confidence was the least of it. She was clever, wily, and
sexually self-assured in a way that was breathtaking.

With one finger
she circled my right nipple. It was still nut-hard and peaked. “Now, where were

My nipple burned
under her touch, darts of sensation flying from the point of contact, carrying
with them the suggestion of more physical action. It wired my entire body,
hauling me back from the afterglow to the here and now.

“I’m not done
with you yet,” she added, “in case you were wondering”

My chest
tightened and a sense of euphoria filled me. I cupped her face, unable to
resist kissing her. Her mouth was soft and warm, her lips supple. They parted
readily, and her tongue teased against mine. She growled with pleasure, and it
made me ache and open to her. She rolled against me, our bodies pressed
together at mouth, breast and hip.

It was the sound
of running water that made us draw apart. Nigel had gone into the bathroom. .

Jo chuckled.
“I’m not surprised he lost it, you make me so horny.”

My heart missed
a beat. ”Me?”

“Yeah, it’s that
wild rabbit look in your eyes, it turns me on.”

I stared at her
for the longest moment. “No, Nigel wanted you,” I said.

“I reckon this
was because he sensed the attraction between us. It’s fun to play into it

I tried not to
be embarrassed by the reminder that all and sundry knew about my crush on her.
Pushing my hair back, I sighed. “I was mortified, when I realized people knew.
That you knew…”

“Don’t be. I was
about to ask you out, then this happened.”

I was reeling.
Then she put her hand between my legs, and slipped a finger into my wet cunt.

“Oh fuck.”

“Mm, yes.”

I could see the
pleasure I felt reflected in her eyes.

“I want to eat
you while he fucks me,” she whispered.

I just about
came on the spot.

“You two are
insatiable.” Nigel was back, and he was naked.

“I hope you have
a condom,” she responded, rising up onto her hands and knees above me, so
suggestively, and looked back over her shoulder at him.

Nigel’s face was
a picture. I had to bite my lip to save myself from chuckling aloud. His cock
was up like a pole again inside seconds. He staggered to where he’d left his
jeans, cock bouncing against his abdomen, and snatched a condom packet out of
the pocket.

Jo returned her
attention to me and my entire body arched and squirmed against the surface of
the bed, the thought of what was coming next sending me into overdrive. If she
knelt up like that and he fucked her, I would be able to watch them. Somehow I
knew it wasn’t going to take me long to come all over again. I was right.

She pushed my
legs apart and climbed between them. First she breathed over my sensitive clit,
making me moan aloud. My fingers clutched at the bed cover, my knees lifting on
either side of her. She grinned, then lowered her head and closed her mouth
over my clit, sucking gently—making the afterglow of my orgasm last and

As if that
wasn’t enough, the sight of her head between my legs made me tremble all over.
I stroked her cherry crop adoringly. Her hips swayed in response, like bait.
Nigel couldn’t get the condom packet open quick enough.. He kept looking back
at her offering, shaking his head as if he couldn't quite believe it. I could
relate to that.

When he got into
place he locked his hands around her hips and quickly entered her. Her head
lifted from my pussy when he filled her, and her eyelids closed. Her lips
glistened with my juices. My cunt spasmed. I was already close to release.

Her eyelids
flickered open, pupils dilated. Her eyes were unseeing for a moment and then
they flashed at me and her head dipped back down. She placed a kiss on the
curve of my belly, and I instinctively stroked her head as she dipped back down
and slid her tongue into the groove of my pussy. I watched the arch of her back
and the flare of her hips and imagined what Nigel must feel like, pleasuring
her like that, bringing her off. I wanted to wear a strap-on cock and find out
for myself. I wanted to make her cry out when I filled her up with my fingers,
with my tongue. I wanted to taste her and bathe my face in her juices, and
after what had been said between us, I knew it was going to happen. Just
thinking that pushed me closer to orgasm.

Jo’s tongue lapped
at my swollen, sensitized clit. Back and forth she went, speeding in time to
Nigel’s plunges. I could see and feel it happening – she was moving in
time to the thrusts of his cock inside her cunt. Like a chain reaction, I could
feel him thrusting into her through her responses on my pussy.

I came first,
overloaded with sensation and imagery. I heard Nigel's roar, and felt Jo
lapping at me until her tongue slowed and her body arched and bucked.

Panting, I lay
back on the pillows.

Moments later, I
felt Jo crawl alongside me. She mumbled affectionately and kissed my cheek,
then put her arm loosely around me. Nigel was sitting on the end of the bed,
removing the condom. Playfully, Jo touched him with her foot. “You can get on
the bed now, Nigel.”

Her tone was
teasing. He slapped her playfully on the arse when he joined us. He lay
alongside Jo, but he kissed us both one at a time, before he spoke. I found his
mouth so firm and strong after Jo’s, it made me tingle. It made me curious.

“So, what would
you ladies like to do now, brave the snow and check out the train situation, or
stay warm in here for a while longer?” He looked happy, and there was humor in
his tone.

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