Read Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter Online

Authors: Edited by Selena Kitt

Tags: #Erotica, #anthology, #BDSM, #fiction

Excessica Anthology BOX SET Winter (100 page)

OH!” Haleth gasped in some surprise, but it didn’t sound like he was in pain.

it hurt?” Sebastian asked, momentarily concerned.

sir. It feels wonderful!”

Well, Sebastian had always assumed he was an adequate lover, but no one had
ever called what he did to them wonderful before, and he felt a rush of pride
that he had made Haleth feel that way: wonderful. He added a second finger and
a third in quick succession.

feel strange…” Haleth moaned, looking around over his shoulder, green eyes
sparkling with desire.


want... I need... something bigger,” Haleth whispered. “I want to feel so

groaned and had to twist on his own cock so he wouldn’t come too soon himself
at Haleth’s words. He had intended to take the boy like this, draped over the
chair, but now that the moment came, he wanted to see Haleth’s face as he
breached him this first time.

think I can oblige you,” he said, removing his fingers and swapping them for
his cock. “Turn over. I want you to sit on my cock.” Sebastian sat down
cross-legged on the floor, his cock standing vertically from his groin.
Haleth’s eyes were drawn to it; he licked his lips as he watched precum drip
from the tip. The alien’s whole body was flushed and his eyes were lust-hazed,
barely any iris showing at all.

stood over him, then hunched down and lowered himself slowly onto Sebastian’s
waiting cock. Sebastian gripped his hips, but only to help keep Haleth steady,
not to control the angle, he left that up to Haleth. Inch by glorious inch
Haleth took him in and accepted all that Sebastian had to give. Sebastian could
feel the skin of Haleth’s bottom on his thighs and he shivered at the

hurts!” Haleth gasped out, gripping Sebastian’s shoulder.

does at first,” Sebastian agreed. “It will get better, I promise. Relax your
muscles a bit, that's it, that's it.”

moved slightly, the angle changing so he could find Haleth’s prostate, knowing
that would help him forget the pain and only concentrate on the pleasure.

Haleth hissed. “Oh, so good!”

pet was so tight it was almost painful. The friction was almost too much and
Sebastian had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself. He arched up towards
Haleth, pushing, straining, hearing Haleth’s whimpers and moans beside him. He
had never had so vocal a lover before and it was adding something extra to his
desire, knowing how much his partner was enjoying himself. Haleth’s renewed
erection was clasped between them, leaving a trail of precum along their bare
abdomens and Haleth was almost bouncing in his pleasure now. His movements were
getting faster, less coordinated.

please, sir! Let me come!” Haleth begged, lifting himself almost completely off
Sebastian’s aching cock and then slamming right back down again. Sebastian had
never felt anything like it. The alien atop him was wild; writhing and gasping
as if he couldn’t get enough of Sebastian. His hands tugged at Sebastian’s hair
and brought their lips together for a messy kiss.

Come for me, Haleth! Come now!” Sebastian cried as he pulled his mouth away.

screamed, his back arching as he came, his head thrown back. Seed came flying
out of the tip of his cock, spurting along Sebastian’s shoulder as the pet
shuddered with his climax. “Master!” He shrieked as his buttocks clenched
tightly around Sebastian. Sebastian could hold on no longer, his own control
shattering in a rush of blinding white heat. His cock pulsed as he released
deep within Haleth, deep within his lover. His hands tightened their grip on
Haleth’s hips and even before the orgasm had finished, Sebastian had tugged
Haleth’s face towards him as he kissed the pet as fervently as if their passion
hadn't already been spent.

passed as they kissed the breath from each other, lips and teeth colliding with
the force of their kissing. They only pulled apart because it soon became
necessary to breathe.

looked up at him smiling, his hair mussed, his lips kiss-swollen, his eyelids
heavy with languor. The alien looked thoroughly debauched. And Sebastian could
have him in his bed whenever he wanted. The thought sent another tremor through
him as he basked in the afterglow.

fitted snugly against him, as if he was made to be there.

you, Master,” said Haleth, “for letting me come. You didn't have to, did you?”

was true; a pet was there for their Master’s pleasure, no other reason. But
Sebastian found he didn’t want that from Haleth. He didn’t want someone to just
lie there and take it. Despite his age and inexperience, Haleth had been
passionate and had sought out his own pleasure too, much to Sebastian’s

would still be in control, of course, but there was no reason why their
pleasure shouldn’t be mutual. In fact, it had been better that way, it had been
one of the strongest orgasms Sebastian had ever had.

are mine, Haleth,” Sebastian whispered as he hugged the youth to his chest, not
minding the stickiness in the least. “And I want you to feel pleasure too. But
you’ve had a long day. I think you need a bath and then I’ll show you your

– my rooms?” Haleth asked in some surprise.

did you think you were going to sleep? In a cave? Or a cage?”

silence was answer enough.

no! You have your own suite of rooms, Haleth. My rooms are across the hall from
yours so you are nearby if I want you.”

you’ll want to do things like this again?” Haleth asked shyly, hiding his head
on Sebastian’s shoulder.

certainly will, Haleth. You are a divine companion.”

didn’t call me your slave.”

tonight, I expect you realize I think of you as more than that, don’t you? I
have never taken a pet before, Haleth, and now I know I will never take

me? You’ll only ever be with me?”


thank you, Master! Thank you!” exclaimed Haleth as he sat up and kissed
Sebastian hard on the mouth.

was unused to such gratitude, but he found he liked it all the same. And if it
made Haleth happy, all the better. Wrapping his arms around Haleth, Sebastian
realized he wanted to do everything in his power to make Haleth as happy with
him as he could be. The suite of rooms was just the start.

send for the tailor tomorrow, and then we’ll need to interview some tutors for
you so you can learn some more about human culture. And perhaps you can teach
me about yours too. Have you ever been off Terra, Haleth?”


well rounded education should always include some travelling. I have never been
too far myself, as it would have felt rather lonely. But we can go together,
can’t we? I hope you're going to like it here with me,” said Sebastian.

going to love it,” Haleth said firmly. “I'll be with you.”



Annette Gisby

Gisby grew up in a small town in Northern Ireland moving to London when she was
seventeen. Being a very small town there were no bookshops and a small library.
When she’d devoured every book she could get her hands on in the library, she
started writing her own stories so she would always have something to read

not writing she enjoys reading, cinema, theatre, walks along deserted beaches
or wandering around ruined castles (great places for inspiration!)

still lives in London with her husband, a collection of porcelain dolls and
stuffed penguins and enough books to fill a small library. It’s diminishing
gradually since the discovery of ebooks but still has a way to go.



Angels Would Fall

Erin O’Riordan

angel moved through the garden, disguised as the wind. Father Diego Alba, knelt
on a bright green pad in front of the peas, concentrating on the weeding. He
noticed the fragrance from the delicately pink blossoms, but paid little mind
to the breeze carrying its scent, even as the breeze ruffled Diego’s dark
auburn hair.

was still early, and the heat of the day was just beginning to bother Diego. He
scanned the bed of peas again, making sure he hadn’t left any weeds behind,
then swept the pile of pulled weeds into his hands and deposited them on the
compost heap. He shook the loose dirt from his hands, then went inside the

angel followed him, first as the warm wind, and then in the intimate fashion to
which the angel was accustomed, as the very breath Diego drew.

went to his small, plain bedroom on the rectory’s second floor and took off his
work clothes, placing his gardening clogs at the foot of his bed. He had no
masses to say that day, and so he dressed casually, in an off-white guayabera
shirt and dark blue slacks. He owned only one other pair of shoes, so the black
loafers were a given. He went to the sink and splashed a little water on his
face, rubbing the back of his neck to rid himself of the last of the garden
soil and sweat that clung to him.

didn’t stay in his bare bedroom long, though. The angel flowed through his body
as Diego rapidly descended the stairs. He went down the hallway, to the daytime
offices, and knocked on the door of Father Charles Newton.

Newt,” Diego said, announcing his presence to the tall, slightly plump blond
man who sat at the desk, going over his sermon for the following Sunday.

hi, Diego,” Newt said. “How does your garden grow?”

silver bells and cockle bells and pretty maids all in a row,” Diego replied,
smirking. “Newt, do you have time to hear my confession?”

cleared his throat. “Of course. I’ll meet you in the confessional.”

angel felt the quickening of Diego’s breath, the increased pounding of his
heart. Diego wasn’t nervous about this confession; it was something he had done
daily for the last four years of his life. No, there was something else.

entered the face-to-face confession booth. Newt sat in the chair across from
him, almost near enough for their knees to touch. “Bless me, Father, for I have
sinned,” Diego began. He recited the traditional Act of Contrition.

face remained neutral. “All have sinned and fallen short, my son,” Newt said.
Naturally, he didn’t need to remind Diego what came next, so the two men fell
into a rhythm, reciting the “Our Father.” Newt then said, “What are your sins?”

exhaled audibly. “I’ve had impure thoughts, Father. I

I miss sex.”

angel stirred inside him, touched by the sincerity of his words. The vow of
chastity was a sacrifice that touched Diego’s soul; the angel could see it
quite clearly.

Lord created physical pleasure in procreation to be one of the greatest joys of
human life, Diego. It’s perfectly natural to miss it. The Lord intended that
pleasure to take place in the context of a marriage, though, and not in the
life of a priest.”

sighed. “The pleasures sanctioned by the Church are not the ones I miss.”

there another sin you would like to confess?”

my last confession, I have only sinned inside my mind. Newt, do you think the
memories of making love ever go away?”

shook his head. “You’d better hope not. Those memories are a blessing.”

they? If I allow myself to weaken for a moment and dwell on them, the desire is
almost unbearable. I miss that first awkward kiss with someone new, how one
moment my lips have barely touched his as we struggle for the best position,
and the next moment, the kiss explodes into flames.” Newt barely sighed; Diego
went on. “Not to mention the flames when his fingertips touch my skin! I can
almost feel it now, that firm grip of a man in lust as he wraps his fingers
around my biceps, while I feel his hot breath on my neck. More than feeling it,
Newt, I can taste it.”

swallowed hard. “Lust is one of the seven deadly sins, Diego.”

nodded gravely. “I know, I know! I can, and will, control myself, with His
intervention. Absolve me, Father Newton. I’ve drifted. Make me pure again.”

continued with the rites of absolution, while inside Diego, the angel spun and
swirled. Diego barely detected the rising storm in his lungs, but shifted
slightly in his stiff-backed wooden chair.

he’d been given his penance, Diego went back to his room and knelt beside his
bed to pray. He exhaled deeply, and the angel left his body, hovering over the

wasn’t easy to become solid, to take on a form. It was even more difficult,
while taking on a form, to choose from the bank of unrelentingly lovely images
the angel had seen in Diego’s mind, images of his lovers. The angel wanted to
take on a form that would please Diego. The angel took these eyes, that nose,
an unforgettable pair of shoulders, and so on, from shining jet-black hair down
to the delicate skin at the bottom of the feet. The angel appeared to Diego as
one of the russet-skinned native American men Diego had so admired as a younger
man…with the requisite wings human beings seemed to believe angels were
supposed to have, of course. His feathers were brilliant shades of red, yellow
and green, like those of a tropical bird. His wingspan was so large, the
feathers nearly touched the walls on either side of him. For modesty, the angel
clad himself in white cloth that wrapped around his hips, hiding his nakedness.

looked up and was stunned, frightened. He tried to stand, stumbled, and fell
backwards onto his back. The angel let his peace radiate, enveloping Diego,
calming him, then extended a hand and helped Diego to his feet.

are you?” Diego asked. His eyes were wide in wonder, and he looked down at his
hands as if the touch of the angel would leave a mark.

messenger, a guardian, a companion, and a comfort,” the angel replied.

an angel,” Diego stuttered. “What’s your name?”

angel smiled, exposing brilliantly white teeth that glowed in the dimly-lit
room. “I have no earthly name, but you may call me Rafael.”

Diego repeated reverently. “What are you doing here? Were you sent by God?”

was sent by Him to be with you while your mother knitted you in her womb. I am
with you always, near to you as your very breath.”

looked around the room as if looking for some explanation. “I’ve never seen

Diego Alba, but I have seen everything about you. I heard your confession, and
I know how you suffer.”

suffer?” Diego asked. His lips quivered; despite the angel’s calming effect, he
was still unnerved by the experience. Overtaken by awe, actually.

nodded. “You are sincere in your vows, yet they have left you with an empty
space inside. You miss the pleasure of making love.”

cast his eyes down, ashamed.

is nothing to be ashamed of.” Rafael held out his hands; Diego took them
reluctantly. With his thumbs, Rafael stroked Diego’s fingers and palms, passing
peaceful feelings from his skin to Diego’s. Briefly, their eyes met, but Diego
quickly looked away. Rafael understood; the Creator had mentioned to him that
human beings had a hard time looking directly into the face of pure love.
“Human beings, each and every one of you, were created to be sexual beings. The
Creator, with great wisdom, created this wonderful sexuality to take on many
forms, but the Creator never intended any of you to suffer as a result of
foregoing what is rightfully and naturally yours.” Rafael laid a hand on
Diego’s cheek and felt the heat, the rush of blood there.

going to take the suffering from me?” Diego asked, incredulous. “You’ll make
this sin, this terrible longing go away?”

laughed. He loved to laugh in this corporeal human form; the sound was like the
music of the heavens. “Don’t talk like that, Diego. Didn’t you hear my words?
It is no sin to do what your Creator intended your body to do, what your
Creator made you for.”

I desire men, not women,” Diego said. “The acts I long to do can’t create

life means many things,” Rafael explained. “It means creating a spark of life
inside your heart, creating fulfillment, creating joy. Let me make you joyful,
Diego. Make love with me.”

face was frozen in a look of absolute astonishment. “I couldn’t,” he said.

leaned forward, closing in the space between them. Diego tilted his head back
slightly, and though he seemed to be moving away, Rafael pulled him close and
allowed his lips to brush against Diego’s. He felt the shudder through Diego’s
entire body.

can,” Rafael sighed. “Free your mind, and allow me to relieve your suffering.”

just a thought, Rafael removed the small garment that covered his body, making
it disappear. From the look on Diego’s face, Rafael could tell the corporeal
form he’d chosen was Diego’s ideal of human perfection. Okay, so maybe Rafael
had gone a little overboard with the size of the genitals; the cock looked
ostentatious as it stood out from his body, proud and erect. He sensed the
desire rising inside Diego, his heart pounding, his blood racing.

body pleases you,” Rafael stated frankly. “Why fight it? Do you not feel the
presence of the Creator inside me and all around me?”

do,” Diego said. Rafael reached out to touch Diego’s dark red-brown hair, and
with his soothing caress removed the last traces of doubt from Diego’s mind,
the last thoughts that Rafael was a temptation to sin. Diego leaned in this
time, and Rafael gave him a full-mouthed kiss.

Diego muttered, semi-coherently, as Rafael placed his hands on Diego’s shoulder
and let Diego feel his body heat.

Rafael agreed, “and it only gets better. Will you allow me to undress you?”

said nothing, but made no motion to stop him as Rafael unbutton his shirt and
peeled it from Diego’s shoulders. Rafael caressed Diego’s muscular, bare chest,
admiring the Creator’s design anew. Diego took slow, deep breaths, almost as if
he were asleep and dreaming. Or, as if he wanted to stretch out the moment,
make it last forever.

ran the tips of his fingers over Diego’s nipples, both at the same time, to
test their sensitivity. Diego’s slow breathing was interrupted by a trill of surprise
and pleasure. Rafael leaned in and brought his lips to one of Diego’s nipples,
alternating gentle tonguing with blowing cool breaths on the stiff, wet, brown
skin. Rafael was aware of Diego’s cock, aching with need, and unbuckled Diego’s

ran the back of his hand over Diego’s cock through his pants, and Diego
shuddered again. But Diego’s need was great, and growing greater by the second,
so he could hesitate no more. Rafael removed Diego’s shoes, his socks, his
pants. When Diego finally stood naked before him, Rafael took a moment to
admire the Creator’s work again before directing Diego to sit on the end of the
bed. Rafael sank to his knees between Diego’s legs. The bare wooden floor was
hard, but this did not deter the angel of mercy.

please,” Diego said hoarsely, letting his legs fall apart wider, allowing
Rafael access. His eagerness matching Diego’s need, Rafael lowered his lips to
Diego’s rigid cock and licked. As soon as the skin was slick with his human
body’s saliva, Rafael let the head of Diego’s cock slide further and further up
his tongue. He took Diego deep inside, so deeply he was certain this act would
have gagged an actual human being. Diego responded passionately, pumping his
hips and fucking Rafael’s mouth. Rafael was careful not to look up, not wanting
to intimidate Diego with his eyes, but he knew Diego’s eyes were wide open,
watching his cock disappear, up to the thick auburn hair, inside Rafael.

felt the growing tension inside Diego’s balls, the rising throb foretelling the
impending explosion. Rafael wasn’t willing to allow Diego to be satisfied so
easily, though. Although he knew Diego loved fucking his mouth, he wouldn’t
allow Diego to find his ultimate release there. He wanted to give Diego what
Diego truly longed for. Rafael rose from his knees and scanned Diego’s body,
his eyes coming to rest on Diego’s mouth. He would look Diego in the eyes, let
him see a glimpse of the pure love there, but not yet. He planted a kiss on
those unbelievably soft lips again, silently thanking the Creator for the
wonder that was the human body.

around to the side of the bed, Rafael bypassed Diego and stretched out across
Diego’s thin mattress, staring at the plain white ceiling. His wings folded
comfortably underneath him. “Come to me,” Rafael said insistently.

turned around and looked at him. “I couldn’t,” he said with a sigh. “I can’t.
It’s too much. You are too generous.”

couldn’t help but be a little impatient with Diego. “You take nothing, you hurt
no one, and it is no sin. What I give you is a gift, and mine to give. Now come
to me.”

seemingly inhuman speed, Diego was on top of Rafael, kissing and caressing him.
As their mouths locked together, Diego’s large, strong hands took possession of
Rafael’s hips and angled them under Diego’s body. Rafael pulled his mouth free
from Diego’s only long enough to whisper, “I’m ready.”

reached under Rafael to finger his tight opening. “Amazing,” Diego remarked as
one of his fingers explored the entrance. “So smooth. Like velvet.”

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