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Authors: Editor

[excerpt] (15 page)

“Could you switch positions? Now?”

“Hold that thought!” Lucian ducked under the dress giving her one last kiss as he slid his tongue deeply inside her again making sure she was ready for him. He dragged his tongue slowly and stiffly over her mons, flicked it hard then bit down and shook his head back and forth until she screamed.

“Lucian, now!”

When I’m ready and not a second sooner.

He drew her little button taut between his teeth and tugged.

“Lucian!” She screamed again and pounded her fists into the dirt.

“So impatient, little one.” With two fingers he flicked her from the inside while his tongue mirrored the same actions over her swollen nub. Her body convulsed and quivered as she writhed beneath him. Releasing her, he crawled out and stood in front of her. He liked what he saw, Serina flat on her back, panting better than a dog basking in the hot sun.

May not have been polite to stare, but his size both scared and intrigued her as he undid his trousers to reveal a firm, silky erection. Was she seeing things? His shaft grew thicker and wider before her disbelieving eyes. She gnawed her bottom lip with both anticipation and desire to have him fully inside her. Another minute and she’d lose her mind. She mustered her best “come hither look” and in a low voice asked, “Do you have any idea what you do to me? I need you now! This very instant or it may be too late.”

Thoroughly enthralled, this moment had to last. His undid the remaining buttons of his shirt and flashed one side of his chest. He rubbed his nipple and fought the urge not to laugh as he played. Switching sides, he continued toying with her. With a little spin, the shirt fell and he showed off a firm, flat abdomen, and dark curls that got lost beneath the confines of his trousers. Then he dropped the trousers and flashed her a quick peek of that
she’d admitted to fancying.

“You put the strip-tease artists to shame, m’lord.”

“That I do,” he laughed. He licked his lips and tasted her essence upon him. “Serina, you are the sweetest nectar I’ve ever tasted. I have found my dessert buried deep within you.”

“That’s nice—really luv,” she grunted from clenched teeth. “I’m done with my appetizer, now might I enjoy my dessert? Ple—”

Lucian bent down and pressed his fingers over her lips stilling her. “Ah, ah, now, m’lady, what was that I said ’bout you asking? Ask again and I’ll have to place your luscious little bum over my knee and paddle you.”

“Whatever it takes, m’lord! Just stop your taunting.”

Lucian laughed long and heavy, as he blanketed her body with his. “You’re absolutely positive?”

Serina giggled. “Ask me again and I’ll say no.”

“Right then, relax.” Lucian crushed her and slid his penis between the folds of Serina’s private lips and pressed into her mons, then ever-so-gently inched his way inside her. He took his time and eased his way out, getting her used to having him inside her. “Wrap your legs around me. Oh, my wild rose!” Lucian closed his eyes, a strained look on his face. “I ne’er imagined this could feel so...unbelievable,” came out heavy, breathy. “I’m not hurting you?”

“Quite the opposite, m’lord.”

With each thrust he gave, she returned the favor with a upward bump and grind. The mixture of prurient and graceful moves of her body almost became his undoing. He slid his hands beneath her bottom and pulled her hips closer to him, pressing harder and deeper into her. Her orgasm exploded around him with that tiny change of position. Muscles deep within Serina contracted, tightened and squeezed him repeatedly until his release followed, spilling his seed deeply within her.

Lucian propped himself up on his elbows and eagerly kissed the woman he’d flattened beneath him. “I think we should do this again and again. Later today?”

“Lucian, don’t move quite yet. Something’s going on.” She pointed between her thighs. “Oh, ’tis delightful.” She closed her eyes with anticipation. “I’m becoming ripe all over again.

Just from Lucian’s laughter, and the slightest of movement of his body brought Serina a second time. “I can see later happening quite nicely.”

Exhausted and sated, Lucian lay quiet encased in his lover’s arms, waiting to regain his strength so he could at least crawl back to the carriage if need be.

Yes, the lake would be his all-time favorite hideaway.

Serina wiggled her way from under Lucian and laughed.

“What? Why do you insist on laughing at me?”

“You kept your word to me last night, but there is a giant spider on your bum.”

Not a split second passed and Lucian found an abundance of energy. He danced out of synch to the world, brushing his arse and legs off. He admitted unashamed, “I absolutely loathe anything that can hide on you, take a chunk out of you and then crawl away laughing. Speaking of which, do you want to jump into the lake before we head home?” He flashed her a quick grin.

Shaking her head a frantic no, she blurted out, “ lakes. Ever! I hate the feeling of my toes sinking into the muck and slime on the bottom, knowing full well it’s mostly fish excrement and dead bugs in a watery grave. But you go in...Really. I’ll watch safely from this spot. Enjoy your dip.” She gave him a smug smile as she waved her hand toward the water, shooing him off.

“M’lady, I fear I cannot allow you to sit here all alone.” Lucian bent over and scooped Serina up into his arms. She kicked and screamed as they headed for the water. “Why do you fight me, little one? I’ll hold you so your feet don’t sink, just mine and then we’ll both be effectively trapped in the water until the fish start to nibble at you…”

“Why me? Why can’t they bite your bum? Lucian really…I can’t do “
” words. No swimming, sailing, skiing, skating, cycling—I know that doesn’t start with an “
” but…” Serina prattled on through her wiggling, in an effort to get away from Lucian as he waded her deeper into the water, “Lucian, this beautiful dress. It’ll be ruined. Please take me back.” Serina’s last ditch pleas fell upon deaf ears.

“Little liar. I know one “
” word you do rather well. I’ll have another dress made for you. Hold on and relax. I promise I’ll be the only one that nibbles on you.”

The water rose up and over her waist as Serina lay across Lucian’s arms, hanging on for dear life. Lucian bent over and whispered, “Hold your breath.”

“Wha—” She never finished her question. Under they went.

Lucian came up laughing. Serina emerged gasping for air and spitting out water.

“See, you didn’t drown.” He covered her lips with his before she could launch further protest, and he held her until she stopped shaking.

Breaking away, she watched the waves come up and blanket their bodies. She relaxed slightly, and attempted to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Later, when she was safely out of the water, she’d find a daddy long legs and place it on him.

Setting her down on dry ground and watching her regain her land legs, Lucian said, “You are truly the most beautiful drowned rat I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“I can’t believe you just did that.” Serina bent at her waist, and shook out her hair like a dog would his coat. She straightened her posture and then tried to peel the dress from her legs so she could effectively take some steps.

Lucian glanced at her every curve. “I like what happens to you when you get wet.”

“Which end of me?” Serina asked, feeling sexy.

“Both. Definitely both.”

Lucian mimicked Serina, sending black, silky curls wildly about to rid the excess water. His soaked clothes showed the hard, masculine outline of him as well. “Well, my little mop, shall we make our way home?”

Serina mouthed the words, “little mop,” back to him and pushed him back into the lake. He sunk up to his neck in the water, his eyes wide. She turned and sprinted toward the carriage laughing, until her foot caught a root sticking up and she tumbled face first to the ground. Then it was Lucian’s laughter she heard moments before he rescued her from her entanglement.


Sound asleep in Molly’s parlor, Lucian found Raven on a chaise lounge, and Duncan and Molly sandwiched on the couch.

“Good morning sleepy heads, the day’s half gone,” Lucian whispered to the three of them. He walked to Raven and bent down to kiss her cheek. “Wake up.”

Raven glanced between Serina and Lucian. “Good morning, my knight. Is it raining? You’re both soaked to the bone.”

Lucian shrugged his shoulders. “Everyone up. We need to get back to the manor and take care of some things. No rain, Ray, we were at the lake.”

“Luce, you still need a bath today. Swimming in muck doesn’t count.”

Lucian sniffed his armpit and winked. “I’m good for a few more days,” he jested, as he followed Serina out the door.

“Serina will you come and spend the day at the manor with me? I want to show you everything our home has to offer.” Lucian wasn’t going to take no for an answer. The very idea of her being apart from him, for even a moment, left his heart racing. He knew he was in trouble then. How could he go back to work or do anything if she wasn’t tied to his side?

“Give me a few minutes to get out of this soggy dress and look a little less like a mop.” Serina gave him a slight shove as she waltzed passed him.

“Need any help? Willing and able, here at your service,” Lucian offered, but Serina trudged forward, ignoring him. “Serina, you didn’t answer me, want some help?” Lucian asked trying to undo the buttons on the back of the dress as they crossed the road to her home.

“Lucian,” Serina turned, serious. She swatted at his philandering fingers. “Could we get inside first? How long do you plan on waiting before you go to the constable?” She purposefully batted her eyelashes at him, in hopes of persuading him. “Also, I should pop in at the hospital to check in. We could kill two birds with one stone. Do you think you and Duncan could fix my door today?” she asked heading up her stairs. Lucian brushed passed her and went to her closet, pulling out a matching skirt and blouse.

Serina dressed in front of Lucian before he realized he’d missed his opportunity to have her again. Lucian threw himself atop her bed, and patted the area beside him. “How did you do that?” He was beginning to think himself quite the lothario.

“So, your intentions to help me out of the dress were solely for your own reward?”

“I would definitely reward you too.” He puckered up and hoped she met him half way.

Unable to resist those lips, Serina walked over and kissed him, and then turned to walk out of the room.

That didn’t go quite as he thought it might have. “Hey!” Lucian patted the bed again with his eyebrows raised.

“Lucian, my body needs a few hours of recovery time. Not much, mind you, but a bit more. I don’t think I could walk if we were to make love again.”

“I’ll carry you all night. Your dainty little toes shall never touch the floor.” He sprung from the bed and followed on her heels.

“You, sir, are incorrigible. Is this how we are to spend our days and nights?”

“M’lady, I do hope so. I can think of no other place on earth I’d rather be, than wrapped up in your arms with your legs securing you to my body.” Lucian dropped on his hands and knees and lifted the hem of her skirt.

“Hello—hello...Lucian? Serina? Your chariot awaits.” Duncan’s voice echoed throughout the house.

Disappointed, Lucian let her skirt fall and leaned back on his feet, his lips at a full pout.

Serina tousled his hair, and whispered, “Big baby.”

“We’ll be right there, Duncan.” Lucian hollered. “Serina is just packing a few things in case she wants to stay on a few days.”

Serina threw Lucian a look of total surprise. He returned it with one solid smile and asked, “What? Can I help you get anything?”

“Go lock up the back of the house for me? Although it’s overkill since the front’s wide open. I’ll be down shortly with a few things.”

Thirty minutes, umpteen nails and a sore thumb later

Duncan’s, when Lucian hit the wrong nail with the hammer

they headed out, Serina’s front door fixed.


Crabapple trees dripping with fragrant delicate pink flowers stood beside monstrous maple trees and smaller Japanese dwarf maples acting as sentinels along the road to the manor. A white picket fence hid behind overgrown rose bushes, their thorns a deterrent to any sane person. Wildflowers scattered themselves into the mix. Serina couldn’t figure out if the landscape fell into the category of gardener’s delight, or absolute nightmare, depending on how much work was needed. And who cared for it. Serina wondered if Lucian had an ulterior motive for asking her along.

Nearing the end of the driveway, Serina realized this house was the same one she admired last night. Surrounded by tulips, a stone path wound its way from the water’s edge to the back veranda. Lilac bushes created a giant tapestry of both beauty and fragrance. Sticking her head outside the carriage, she inhaled the light scent. About to say, “Umm,” she instead swallowed a bug. After gagging and choking on the vile insect, she hollered to Lucian, “You could have told me, you know—about the house.”

Witnessing the ordeal as Lucian leaned over the side of the carriage, he tapped his finger to his teeth, laughing. “You have something stuck.”

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