Read Essential Facts on the Go: Internal Medicine Online

Authors: Lauren Stern,Vijay Lapsia

Tags: #Medical, #Family & General Practice, #Internal Medicine

Essential Facts on the Go: Internal Medicine (23 page)

The patient is typically very volume depleted
Start with isotonic IVF normal saline boluses until hemodynamically stable, then transition to a drip
Management of Ketosis
Insulin will shut off ketone production
It will also lower blood glucose, but stopping ketone production is its most important job
Check FS every hour
Check anion gap (AG) with chemistry every 3 hours
IV insulin
Bolus: 0.1 units/kg
Drip: 0.1 units/kg/hr
Do not turn off insulin drip until the anion gap is closed × 2!
Once FS < 250
– Change IVF to D5 1/2 NS
– This will allow the insulin GTT to continue until the AG is closed × 2!
Transitioning to subcutaneous insulin

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