Read Essentia Online

Authors: Ninana Howard

Tags: #BluA

Essentia (28 page)

"No you have done enough, you need to stop" I tell her. pulling her in my arms. The crowd starts to cheer loudly. Thank you's are being yelled from the people. I sit her down, beside me. "You did well, but you went too far, you cannot do that. We do not know what would happen to you" I say to her.

              "I’m sorry" she says in a weak voice. I pull her close and motion for Thegan’s attention. When he looks at me, he sees terra and announces to the people that we must be going, but we will return soon, thanking them for their generosity, he sits down as the carriage starts to move. After we get through the town gate Terra says "did you see how happy they were?" I don’t know whether it was a question or a statement, so I just pulled her in to my chest.

              Thegan says to her "What you did was great for the peoples moral, but do not ever push yourself that far again sister. we do not want anything to happen to you". She nods her head. The next thing I know she goes limp in my arms.

              "We need to hurry back. she has passed out" I tell Thegan. He yells at the guard to ride ahead and have Mrs. Anna waiting on us. The guard darts off at full speed. We arrive soon after the guard.

              Mrs. Anna was waiting with two other nurses. when we come to a stop I hurry out of the carriage and Thegan lifts Terra up and passes her down to me. I tell Anna what happened and we rush up to our chambers. I lay her down on the bed gently. "Go on now, I will take care of her, then come find you" Mrs. Anna Says to me ushering me out of the room.

              "I will be in the main hall" I tell her. I pace the hall in front of the door for a few minutes. Worried to death about Terra. Why in the hell did she have to push herself so hard. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

              "Come brother, she is in good hands" He says. we go to the main hall and sit at one of the tables. A maid brings us both a drink and sets it down in front of us. I sit there with my head in my hands, sending up silent prayers to the goddess's to ask them to help her. "She is a lot more powerful than we thought brother, from now on we need to make sure she doesn't overdo it" Thegan says. I look at him, my eyes moist from worry. I do not know what to say to him so I just nod my head yes.

              After sitting in silence for what seemed like hours, the door finally opens and Mrs. Anna comes in. I jump to my feet, anxious to hear what she has to say about Terra. "Your wife will be fine; she has just over did it. A couple days’ rest and she will be as good as new" she says in a calm voice. My heart starts beating once again. I felt like I was dying, not knowing if she was going to be ok or not.  "she is sleeping now, so do not go wake her" Anna says pointing a finger in my face. Firm as always.              

I Tell her "Thank you". She waves me off and heads out of the main hall.

              What she said makes me wonder though. If she over did it with the flowers, which caused her to pass out. why did she not pass out when she caught on fire and when she disintegrated the prisoner at Norpool. Or when she caught fire in the loft. I wonder what has changed.

              Me an Thegan sit at the table discussing various things that we need to do before we head off to battle Molven and his men, when a Guard Enters and says "My lords, you have visitors". Thegan nods his head and takes his place up on the dais. Me standing beside him. He nods to the guard to let them enter.

              When the door opens Dazna and Crios walk in. "Welcome" Thegan says to them.

              "We came to speak to Prince Enre My lord" Dazna says. Strait to the point.

              "Alright, I will leave you for now" Thegan says getting up and heading out of the room. I wonder what they need to speak with me about.

              "Come, sit" I tell them.

              Crios says "We came because we have seen a vision, that concerns You and your wife my lord".

              "Speak Then" I say to them. Dazna looks to Crios. And he urges her to speak. "Will one of you tell me what is going on?" I say in a stern voice.

              Crios starts talking first. "The vision we seen was of A baby that is in danger" A baby in danger?

              "What does that have to do with Me and Terra?". I am completely confused.

They look at each other than Dazna says "Your wife is with child, and we need to cast a protection
on the child, so
that her powers will not harm it". She's pregnant, I am going to be a father. I sit back in my seat, stunned at what I have just learned. "It is very doubtful that she knows at this point, but we need to act quick my lord" Crios says. I fill them in on what has happened to her today as we rush to her room.

              Mrs. Anna is sitting outside of the door, guarding The Princess. "The princess is still asleep my lord" Anna says. We tell her what is going on and she says "Can the spell be done while she is sleeping?".

              Crios nods his head and says "We will try not to wake her". Mrs. Anna opens the door and lets us in. Walking over to the bed I notice Terra in her night gown. Anna must have changed her.

              The Haruspex get to work on the protection spell, mumbling words and moving their hands just above the belly of my sleeping wife. Watching intently, I notice her belly start to Glow, just a faint light shining through the material on her gown. Starting to worry that something is going wrong I look to Crios. When he stops chanting. he nods his head and him and Dazna motion for me to follow them. I take one more look at Terra before I follow them. When we are outside the door Crios says "It is done, nothing can harm them now, Not her powers or anyone else’s". Them?               

I ask him " you said them?"

              He nods his head and says "Twins, A boy and a girl" twins. I am having twins.

              "Are they healthy?" I ask. Just wanting to make sure.

              Dazna answered my question this time. "They are very healthy My Lord, and now that the protection is on them, nothing will be able to hurt them". Thank the Goddess's that they are alright, all three of them. I am so excited that I am about to jump out of my skin.

              I ask them "Do you mind staying here at the castle for a while, so you can explain to her what you did, when she wakes?"              

Crios says without hesitation "It would be an honor My lord, we are at your service". Mrs. Anna tells them that she will have rooms made up for them and leads them away. I sit down in the chair that Anna was sitting in. I say to myself 'I am going to be a father'. not just to one, But two babies.

              Thegan comes around the corner and looks at me. "What is the matter brother, Is it Terra?" I shake my head no, changing my mind I nod yes.

              Then I tell him in a low voice "I am going to be a father, The Haruspex- The Haruspex told me I am to have twins. A boy and a Girl, they had to put a protection spell on them to keep them safe from her powers".

              Thegan clasps me on my shoulder and says "Congratulations Brother". We walk to the kitchen to get us something to eat. I tell him everything the Haruspex told me about the spell blocking all damage and the health of the babies. "Does Terra know yet?" He asks.

              Shaking my head, no, I tell him "I am going to tell her when she recovers from the events today". 

              He nods his head and says "Let me know when you do tell her so we can celebrate". He is almost more excited than I am.

              "You know this is going to make you an uncle" I say to him.               "I know, And I am going to spoil them rotten" he says with a laugh. I laugh with him.

              After eating supper, we both head to our chamber for the night. When I climb in behind Terra she makes a small mumbling sound and curls in to me, Wrapping her arm over my stomach. "My beautiful Wife, I love you" I whisper to her and kiss her on top of the head. Soon after my dreams are filled with the sounds of children playing.

              The sound of someone talking wakes me up from my child filled dreams. Opening my eyes slowly to adjust to the light I see Terra and Mrs. Anna sitting at the table talking. She shouldn't be out of bed yet; she needs to be resting. I sit up and Mrs. Anna says "I just came to check on her, it seems she has made a miraculous recovery". That’s right we never told her about Terra’s fast healing. "I will leave you two alone" Anna says winking at me on her way out.

              "Good morning" Terra says to me in a cheerful voice.

              "Good morning Love" I say back, getting out of bed and going over to the table to sit with her. "Are you sure you feel alright?" I ask.

              She nods her head and says "I feel much better, I am sorry about yesterday, I really did not mean to use that much power".              

"I know love, but from now on you are going to have to be mindful of how much power you use" I say. I do not know how to tell her she is pregnant. Do I just come out and say it? I sit and try to play over in my head what to say to her.

              "Is something bothering you Enre?" She asks me. She must have noticed my hesitation.

              "Umm well, honestly I was trying to figure out how to tell you something" I say. there is no need on hiding what I was doing.

              Her face turns blank and she says "Good or bad?". After thinking on it I decided that she will not be going into battle with us.

              "Both" I say.

              She paused for a minute then says "Well tell me the bad first then". She Looks as though she is bracing herself for something really bad.

              "You will not be going with us when we fight Molven" I say waiting for her response.

              "Why not, I am a part of this too" she snaps.

              "Because you are pregnant with twins" I let it spill out a little to bluntly. Her jaw drops and she puts her hand on her stomach.

              "How do you know that?" she asked in a nicer tone. I proceed to tell her about the Haruspex and what we had to do to make sure the babies would be safe. "This protection spell is to protect them from me?" She says sadly. 

              I nod my head and say "They placed it because they did not know what would happen to the babies if you were to over use your powers. They cannot be harmed now, what so ever". She looks out the window.

              "Can I come if I stay away from the fighting" She asks. not looking at me. I know she wants to help; I am just worried about her safety. Even though the babies are under a protection spell, she can still die.

              But I do not want to make her sad so I tell her "Let us go talk to Thegan about it, and see what we can come up with". She smiles. Hopefully Thegan will back me up on this.

              I get up and walk around the table, scooping her up in my arms I say to her "Do you want to know what they are?"

              She squeaked and said "Of course I do". I sit down on the bed with her in my lap.

              I lay my hand on her belly then I look her in the eye and say "A boy and a Girl, and they are healthy". Her eyes start to glass over, tears on the verge of spilling over. I hold her like that for a while, till Someone knocks on the door.

"Come in" I say. It is the maids here to dress Terra. I see the dresses they have brought, all of them are going to be tight on her before too long. I will see about getting her some new ones.

"I will step out while you get dress love. Meet me in the dining hall?" I ask. she nods and smiles at me as I walk out the door.









Chapter Thirty-Five



              Pregnant. I cannot believe that I am going to be a mother. I do not know how to be a mother. What if I am bad at it? I am going to gain so much weight. Huge, I am going to be huge. Two, we are having two. I can barely handle myself. How am I going to handle two babies? My mind is running a hundred miles an hour thinking of the what ifs and can i's. Is it possible to be completely excited and terrified at the same time? Yes, yes it is. As I sit there waiting for the maids to get finished with my hair, I bite my lip almost panicking. 'I can do this; I can be a mother' I keep trying to tell myself. I mean, I do have enre and Thegan for help. He seemed very happy about it. Thinking of how he held me and comforted me calms my mind down. I have nine months to worry about all this stuff. There is no sense in making myself upset when they haven't even been born yet.

              The older maid leans down to me and whispers "Congratulations My lady". she knows? I wonder if everyone knows.

              "Does everyone know?" I ask her.

              She shakes her head no saying "Just Mrs. Anna and myself and the king My lady". I smile at her and she squeezes my hand. She tells me when the jewelry maker is going to visit and how Enre asked her to have the dress maker visit as well. He has thought that far ahead, I am not even showing yet.

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