Read Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy) Online

Authors: Nikki Narvaez

Tags: #Paranormal

Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy) (17 page)

BOOK: Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy)
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He joined me in the shower, and I studied him further. He had tattoos on both arms, one arm with a beautiful tribal piece, not some common, mundane one you see on every other guy. His was detailed, similar to the one that wrestler, The Rock, had on his arm, but not identical. His other arm had part of a huge dragon, which continued onto his back, covering the area from his shoulder down to below his ribs. The dragon was breathing fire that turned into a phoenix that claimed the other half of his upper back. I had always wanted tattoos, but Dad would never let me get one until I turned 18. I planned to get one as soon as I had time, but who knows when that would be with the craziness that was now my life.

He eyed me hungrily right before he pressed his lips to mine. He pushed me up against the wall of the shower as his mouth claimed mine, our tongues intertwining in passion. His hands roamed all over my body as the water cascaded over us, and I arched my body against him. He moaned into my mouth, breaking the kiss to nip and suck on my neck and collarbone. I laid my head back against the tile, relishing in his touch as his teeth grazed my skin. I ran my hands over his chest and shoulders as his mouth explored me, venturing down to my breasts. He took one into his mouth, causing me to gasp in pleasure. I stroked his erection, and his breathing became labored as he clutched me to him while he sucked my nipples. He gently pulled each with his teeth before claiming them with his mouth, making sure to give each breast equal attention.

I wrapped my legs around him as he supported my weight against the tile wall. His cock rubbed against my moist warmth, and I ached for him to plunge deep into me. He teased me as he rocked back and forth, his arousal stroking mine but not venturing inside. He continued to torture me, circling my opening with his shaft, his head slightly entering me, then immediately pulling back out. I growled in frustration, repositioning my hips as his tip once again teased my entrance. I pulled him to me with my legs, causing him to immerse into my slick center. We groaned in unison, finally obtaining what we sought as he thrust harder into me. He clasped my ass, bringing me closer to him so he could drive deeper inside me as I grabbed his shoulders, digging my nails into them. He captured my mouth as he continued to thrust, slow but hard, and I gasped each time from the force he used. The pain he inflicted was the ultimate pleasure.

I felt our connection thrumming through my entire body. It was like we were one—our souls and minds coalesced as Jace's body fused with mine, our skin flush against one another, and his thoughts and feelings became joined with my own. The combined emotion would have brought me to my knees if Jace wasn't holding me upright. Even with his strength, I could feel him trembling against me from the intensity of our bond. He released my ass and clasped my face in his hands, his body still supporting me by pressing me up against the wall as he kissed me breathlessly. Fire burned through me from the contact of Jace's skin on mine, blissfully cooled by the water from the shower, leaving a tingling sensation from their combination. My pleasure was climbing higher and higher, almost on the precipice of climax, and Jace's face strained from holding back his. “Don't hold back, my love, please. I want it all, give it to me,” I moaned.

He groaned in response as he began to pump into me harder and faster. He wrapped his arms around me, one hand in my hair, the other sprawled against my lower back, as he buried his face in my neck. He thrust deeper into me, sending us both into ecstasy as he drove into me, spilling his arousal and filling me with warmth. He rested his forehead against mine as we caught our breath. His eyes bore into mine, specks of orange interspersed amongst the warm brown. “I love you,” he spoke softly.

I smiled. “I love you, too,” I replied. My legs wobbled as he set me down gently on the shower floor. His eyes focused on something behind me, and he smirked. I turned my head, and gaped in surprise at the small crack in the tile where Jace had pinned me. I turned back to look at him, lifting my eyebrow to in silent question. He chuckled, “I guess I don't know my own strength.” His expression changed to concern as he asked, “Did I hurt you?”

“I don't think so,” I replied. He motioned for me to turn around, and swore under his breath, “Fuck!”

“What?” I asked anxiously.

“You have bruises on your back. I'm so sorry, baby.”

I laughed, causing him to frown. “What? I liked it,” I said mischievously. “I don't even feel anything.”

His features loosened slightly, but he still looked at me guiltily. “Turn around again,” he said. He gently placed his hands on my back, and I heard him gasp a few seconds later. I craned my neck to look at him, his eyes wide in the familiar face of awe he frequently displayed around me. “What now?” I asked.

“The bruises are disappearing, just like when you healed me.”

“So you can heal me too, apparently. That should come in handy,” I raised my eyebrows suggestively at him.

“Don't even think about it. I'm going to be much gentler with you from now on.”

“What?! Why?! You can heal me so what does it matter if you're rough with me? I didn't even feel it!”

“I don't like hurting you,” he replied.

“You don't! I don't want you to hold back from me—I like it rough,” I insisted. Obviously. Every second of our sex was incredible, to say the least, and I didn't want to change anything about the passion we shared. I'd be damn if he restrained himself because he was afraid to hurt me.

He smirked. “I'll think about it,” he said, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. The water trickling down his golden skin silently begged for me to lick it off, inch by inch. I flushed, clearing the delicious thoughts from my head and focusing back on our little argument. Jace locked his eyes on mine, and smirked, revealing his dimple. I narrowed my eyes at him in challenge and grumbled, “We'll see about that.”




Brielle had thoroughly exhausted herself today. She was snuggled into my side, snoring softly with her head on my chest over my heart, and her arm draped over my stomach—it was so damn adorable. I went over what had happened this evening, my brain too wired to sleep. Brielle had created a hurricane—a fucking hurricane! I was so proud of the progress she was making, and she was demonstrating that she would be a force to be reckoned with.

Even with the magnitude of her powers, I was still anxious about facing Uranus. I wondered who, or what, was attempting to help him return, and how it benefited them. Uranus reuniting with Gaia would unleash all sorts of hell. He could release his “children” from the Underworld, along with many other horrific creatures that dwelt in the depths of Tartarus. The humans would be gravely unprepared for that.

My thoughts drifted to the “Five” in the prophecy. I knew that four of the five had to be Brielle, Zane, Kimber, and myself because of all the circumstances surrounding us—Kimber being Brielle's best friend, Zane being my best friend and Kimber's twin flame. Then, Kimber, Zane, and I each represented a different element, and I assumed that four of the five would have to represent each of the elements, complimenting Brielle, the fifth and all-powerful Elemental. That left an Air Elemental, and I didn't know any Air Elementals except my mother. She might have answers, but I couldn't leave Brielle to visit her, nor could I take Brielle with me off the island. A phone call would have to do.

My phone beeped, notifying me that I had a text message; I reached for my phone on the nightstand, careful not to wake up Brielle. The text was from Zane:


2:14 AM Zane: You were right bro the sex was AMAZING!


2:15 AM Me: Told ya lol and it only gets better did you take her back to your place


2:15 AM Zane: Yea she still lives with her parents so we couldn't do anything there lol but Kimber is somethin else she's crazy


2:16 AM Me: LMAO good crazy I hope


2:16 AM Zane: Definitely good crazy she can do some
tricks I've never even seen lol


2:16 AM Me: I do not even wanna know I have my hands full over here lol


2:17 AM Zane: Speaking of which, do you want us over there tomorrow to train again


2:17 AM Me: Nah spend some time with Kimber and enjoy it we have a lot in store for us soon


2:18 AM Zane: Alright bro be safe let us know if anything comes u


I put my phone back on the nightstand, and smiled. I was happy that Zane had found his twin flame, and that he was able to experience with Kimber what Brielle and I shared. God, when did I turn so sappy? I needed to stop being so transparent with my emotions or they would definitely be used against Brielle and I. I didn't want other Elementals to target her to try to use her against me. I knew that would end any confrontation because I would give anything they wanted to keep her safe and unharmed.

I wish the damn Oracle would hurry up and come see Brielle, hopefully giving her more information on her part in the Prophecy. I wondered if the Oracle would report Brielle's existence to the High Council, and how they would react. If they thought they were going to punish Brielle, they had another thing coming. I would tear them apart before they got the chance to touch her.

Just then, my wish was granted—the air in front of our bed started to distort and tremble. I instinctively covered Brielle to protect her, but I knew the Oracle meant her no harm. Smoke swirled from the ground up as the Oracle appeared where the air was distorted. “Hello, Jace Vasquez, Elemental of Fire,” she addressed.

I stepped out of bed and bowed in respect. “Oracle,” I responded.

“Wake your flame. This matter concerns her,” she instructed. I did as she said, gently nudging Brielle until she woke up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. “What time is it Jace? It's still dark outside.”

“Mi amante, the Oracle has come to speak with you,” I told her. She opened her eyes and took in the scene in our bedroom. Her eyes widened at the glowing woman in front of her. She looked to me for reassurance, and I nodded my head. She got out of bed to stand next to me, her eyes locked on the Oracle.

“Hello, Brielle De Luca, All That Is. I understand you have some questions to ask of me.”

Brielle hesitated before answering, “Yes I do. Can I stop my nightmares from happening? From losing Jace?”

“The future can always be changed, my child.”

“How do I stop it?”

“That I cannot say—it is your path to follow,” the Oracle answered cryptically. I could feel my anger rising along with Brielle's. I reached out to touch her, hoping to calm her.
I thought, trying to reach her mind with my own. Our bond wasn't fully complete yet, but it seemed that strong thoughts could reach through at times. She looked to me, fury and sadness etched on her face. She turned back to the Oracle before angrily asking, “Is this how you are going to answer all of my questions? If so, there is no point in me asking them.”

The Oracle chuckled. “I like your spirit, child. I do not wish to upset you, but I cannot tell you how to alter the future. I cannot interfere with your destiny—you must find your own way.”

“I don't want to find my own way if it means losing Jace,” she replied.

“Let your heart guide you, and love will prevail. Our time is limited, but I know there are other answers you seek.”

“Yes. How am I supposed to defeat Uranus? He's a God, and I am only human.”

“You are much more powerful than you know. With time, you will possess the skills needed to defeat Ouranos, along with the aid of the other four in the Prophecy. Your great-grandparents will also assist you.”

“My great-grandparents? They will help?”

“Yes, my child. Not many would benefit from Ouranos returning. You will find that most will offer their aid along your journey.”

“When will this happen? How will we know when it is time to make our journey?”

“On November 3. The final eclipse of the year occurs on this day, and it is a rare hybrid eclipse between a total and annular eclipse.”

“Why does that matter?”

“Evil is strengthened during eclipses, and the location where Uranus is imprisoned will be caught in the moon's umbral shadow, the dark inner shadow cast during an eclipse from which you must be in to see it. The increased power from the eclipse will help free Uranus, but other factors will also come into play.”

BOOK: Envisioned (The Elemental Prophecy)
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