Easton [Belt Buckle Ranch 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (11 page)

“Yes, ma’am. I’m serious. I’d like to get the paperwork started right away.”

“Okay.” She sighed as if she didn’t agree with his decision. “I’ll start the paperwork.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Just give me a couple of days to file the paperwork. I will need your signature. Can you come to my office?”

“I’ll come to your office tomorrow, if that’s okay?”

“Sure, I’ll see you then.”

“Thanks again,” Trent said before hanging up the phone.

Pushing his chair back, Trent stood up and strolled down the hall to his bedroom. Not the bedroom he’d shown Easton to, but his personal space. The space he’d been afraid to share. He walked into the large master suite and realized for the first time that if everything went as planned, Easton would be curled up in his bed every night. The blond beauty would be the last thing he saw when he went to sleep and the first thing he saw when he woke up. The image brought a smile to his face.

Trent toed off his boots before pulling off his socks. He curled his toes into the plush carpet as he walked toward the laundry basket and tossed them inside. He unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it in as well before marching into the walk-in closet that would make anyone green with envy. It wasn’t just a closet. It was the size of a bedroom.

Walking in, a floor-to-ceiling window was the first thing that drew the eye, giving him a glimpse of the property without allowing anybody to see inside. With black hardwood floors, closet space, and built-in shelves and drawers, he knew it would be easy to give Easton as much space as the young man wanted.

Trent spent the evening cleaning out his bedroom and the rest of the house so that Easton could fill it with his own belongings and treasures. Now, he just needed to convince Easton’s brothers to help him move the cowboy’s things to his house. Once they were convinced, he had the rest of the week to prepare for Easton’s arrival.



The week flew by and before Easton knew what was happening he was back in Colorado. Having a week away from the Belt Buckle Ranch was both a blessing and a curse. He loved seeing his grandmother, but he missed his brothers and Trent even more. Distance didn’t make the heart grow fonder, it made his heart ache.

Walking through the terminal, Easton looked around, hoping to spot a familiar face. When his eyes landed on Trent, he stopped dead in his tracks.
Oh fuck! We’re all screwed.
Licking his dry lips, Easton swallowed down his nerves and started walking toward the man once more. When he was standing in front of Trent, the man took his duffle bag from his shoulder.

“Did you have a nice trip?” Trent asked.

“It’s my fault,” he blurted out, hoping that Trent wouldn’t use his power as executor to punish them all because he left the ranch.

“What’s your fault, baby?”

The man had used that word before, but now, it confused him. Why would Trent be calling him baby?

“Don’t blame my brothers. Don’t take the ranch from us. It was my choice to leave.”

“And you’ll be punished accordingly.” He smiled as if the thought excited him, which confused Easton even more.

He felt as if he’d stepped off the plane and right into the
Twilight Zone
. Why was Trent picking him up from the airport? Why was the man acting so weird? Wasn’t their so-called relationship over?

“I’m parked right outside. Let’s head home.” Trent held out his hand and Easton took it, allowing the older man to lead him out of the terminal and toward his truck.

He didn’t say a single word, his mind moving faster than his mouth could process. The silence continued as Trent opened the passenger-side door and buckled him in. The drive toward the ranch filled Easton with anxiety and kicked his heart into overdrive. Trent tried to engage him in conversation with simple questions about Oklahoma and his grandma, but Easton was barely able to answer with more than a couple syllables.

Easton’s palms began to sweat as his panic grew, overwhelming him. He was confused and scared. Had leaving the ranch ruined everything he and his brothers had worked so hard to accomplish? Would they lose their father’s legacy? By the time they neared the turn-off, he was sick to his stomach and thought he might actually puke or pass out from the stress. He just hoped his brothers would be able to forgive him after all was said and done.

“Wait…” Easton whispered as Trent drove past the Belt Buckle. “The ranch.” He looked over his shoulder as sign became smaller and finally disappeared altogether.

“I’m taking you home.” Trent reached across the bench seat and squeezed his knee.

The gesture was probably supposed to calm Easton and put him at ease, but it had the opposite effect. Trent had made himself pretty clear the day Easton wrapped a truck around a tree. The man didn’t want a relationship. So why was he acting as if the two of them were together? Shouldn’t Trent be keeping his distance?

When Trent pulled off the main road, Easton glanced up at the metal
Twin Acres Ranch
sign. He didn’t say a word until Trent was parked in the front of his home.

“What’s going on?” Easton asked, looking over at Trent.

“I’d like the two of us to talk. Would you please come inside?”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “I guess.” Easton had no idea what Trent wanted to talk about. He didn’t allow himself the opportunity to assume, either.

Opening the door, Easton climbed out and shut the door behind him. Trent grabbed his bag, tossing it over his shoulder as he headed toward the front door. Easton followed his lead up onto the porch and inside the house. Everything looked exactly the same as he remembered, incredible. Trent really did have a beautiful home. Trent clasped Easton’s hand and pulled him down the hallway. Instead of stopping at the guest room the two of them had shared, Trent took him into a large suite.

The walls were painted a light blue, with the same exposed wooden beams and iron ties. Thick carpet turned into hard wood, opening up to a second room that appeared to be a closet. A giant king-sized bed dominated the room with large wooden posts. This time, Easton could see all the metal eye-hooks screwed around the bed. Pulling his lower lip into his mouth, a wave of sadness hit him. He wouldn’t be experiencing Trent’s ropes, cuff, or chains again.

Hell, after today, he probably wouldn’t see the man again.

“Here.” Trent held a manila envelope and Easton started shaking his head.

The last time he’d opened an envelope his life changed. He didn’t want his life to change again. He loved the Belt Buckle Ranch. Creating some distance between him and Trent, Easton walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress. He felt dizzy, his vision becoming blurry.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Why are you calling me baby? Why did you bring me here? What’s inside that envelope? Why the hell are you dragging this out?” He jumped up. “Just punish me already so that I can move on with my life.”

Trent stared at him intently before saying, “Take off your clothes.” His heart rate kicked up a notch and Easton could feel a slight tremor skimming over him. He was almost positive that he misheard. Trent moved closer. “Clothes. Off.”

With a shaky hand, Easton awkwardly lifted the hem of his shirt and pulled the thin cotton over his head. He placed it on the bed before working on the buttons of his jeans. Trent watched him struggle to get naked without offering a helpful hand. It took him longer than usual since he was still dealing with a cast on his right arm.

Trent moved in front of Easton. He walked around him, inspecting his body, and Easton stood a little straighter, wanting to impress the older man. When Trent was standing in front of him once more, he pinched his nipple, causing only a slight amount pain. Easton groaned, licking his lips. He wanted more. Every night away from Trent was full of fantasies.

“There isn’t anything scary inside this envelope, Easton.” Trent lifted it up and flicked the little metal teeth open, pulling out a thick bundle of paperwork. “Here, please read the documents.” He held the paperwork out, but Easton couldn’t bring himself to take the paperwork.

Closing his eyes, Easton shook his head. “Just read it to me, please.”

“Come here.” Trent took Easton’s hand in his once more and pulled him into the large walk-in closet. “Anything look familiar?”

“Um…” Easton looked around. “Are these my clothes? Is this my stuff?”

“I think I’m doing this all wrong.” The man pushed a hand through his short silver-streaked brown locks. The confidence the man wore like a second skin slowly seeped away, exposing a vulnerability that Easton hadn’t expected. “I had everything all planned out and it’s not happening like I thought it would.”

“What was supposed to happen?”

“I called your cell phone and talked to your grandmother. I told her that I was in love with you. I told her that I needed a second chance to show you that I cared. I cleaned out my closet to make room for you and I signed over half of the Twin Acres Ranch to you.”

Easton’s mouth dropped open. Here he was standing inside Trent’s closet buck-ass naked and he merely stared at Trent, tongue-tied. It was a surprise he never expected.

“I made a mistake, Easton. When I sent you away, I thought I was making the right decision, but I was wrong. I was scared to lose you, but that doesn’t even make any sense now. I missed you so much and I realized that I didn’t want to live without you in my life. After spending only a short amount of time with you, I fell in love. And I brought you here because I don’t want you to leave,” Trent said, sincerity lacing each word.

“Wow,” he breathed out. He couldn’t believe that Trent was saying everything he’d been desperate to hear.

“Is that all you have to say?”

“I love you, too,” he exclaimed with intense pleasure as a blanket of peace and contentment wrapped around him, knowing that Trent was his.

Trent took a few steps until he was standing in front of Easton. Reaching up, his large hand took Easton’s face and held it gently as if he were something fragile. He waited a moment before swooping down and claiming Easton’s lips. Crushing him to his hard muscular body, his kiss was slow and drugging, building up Easton’s arousal. There was an intimacy that wasn’t there before and Easton’s heart expanded, allowing Trent access once more.

He moved against Trent’s fully clothed body, hating the tight denim material and button shirt. He wanted naked skin against naked skin. Trent slowly pulled away, leaving his mouth burning with fire.

“I’m going to punish you, Easton. You got hurt while leaving my property and you kept it from me. I had to find out about everything from Jacob and your brothers. That’s unacceptable.”

“Yes, sir,” Easton whispered.

“I’m going to spank you,” Trent said, the confidence back once more, and Easton shuddered just hearing the promise in the man’s words.

“Yes,” he murmured, his shaft jerking. It was exactly what he wanted. He couldn’t wait to be bent over Trent’s lap and feel the man’s hand as he spanked his ass.

Trent wrapped an arm around Easton’s waist and led him from the closet back toward the bed. Sitting on the edge, he patted his thighs. “I want you across my lap,” he ordered.

Easton shuffled his bare feet against the thick carpet as he moved toward Trent. He awkwardly tried to arrange himself over the older man’s lap without Trent’s help. He just sat there until Easton stopped moving. Once he did, Trent placed a hand on Easton’s ass. He shifted, rubbing his cock against Trent’s denim-covered thighs. He bit his bottom lip to hold back a moan.

“Don’t hold back, baby. I want to hear all the sounds you make. I love the sounds that come out of your mouth when I play with your sexy body.”

“Okay.” Easton couldn’t believe that Trent was calling him
. The pet name made him feel as if the man really did care.

All thoughts fled when Trent started stroking his skin. Back and forth, Trent’s callused hand moved, making Easton’s brain melt. He’d missed the man’s strong hands on his body. He missed it all. Trent took his hand away from Easton’s ass. A second later, the sharp sound of skin against skin filled the air. Easton jerked at the unexpected jolt the spank sent through his body. He barely had time to process before Trent’s hand fell against his other ass cheek.

He started off slow and Easton knew he wasn’t using all his strength. He alternated from one cheek to the other, the pace and intensity increasing in slow increments.

Slap! Slap!

Closing his eyes, Easton dropped his head forward. It hurt, but the pain turned to pleasure. Trent paused for a moment, caressing each cheek, outlining his handprint with his fingertip, before landing a few more smacks.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Easton’s mouth dropped open as he continued to moan and groan out his pleasure.

The spanks became harder as the man’s hand continued to move against Easton’s ass. Trent found a rhythm—hard, fast, and in rapid succession. Heat danced through his veins, making his cock jerk and twitch. Easton rocked his hips, trying to push back into each set of spanks that fell against his skin. His cock rubbed against Trent’s leg each time he moved, and that only made it more difficult to still himself. The friction against his cock was pure pleasure as heat built on his ass.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The mixture of pain and pleasure was intense and Easton was unable to keep the sounds locked away. He squirmed across Trent’s lap as a series of nonsensical sounds fell from his lips. He lost track of his own movements and words, his focus completely on Trent. The older man was in control, and that was just as it should be. He’d missed Trent and the man’s dominant nature.

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