Dynasty: The Glorious Strategist (Dynasty Saga Book 3) (16 page)

Lymee stopped in front of her tent and turned around to face the two women. “Could you give me a minute to myself? I need some time to think.”

“Certainly, my lord.”

They both bowed their heads.

“I shall see you tomorrow morning then,” Keo stated. She had been acting as Lymee personal servant since Keo’s charge was back in Su and Lymee’s own personal servant was the one taking care of said charge.

“Tell Yoni that I would like to speak with her when she has a moment,” Lymee said. “But there is no rush and she can take her time.”

“As you say,” Keo nodded and the two walked off as Lymee entered her tent.

It was far less luxurious than Niimu’s had been but it was comfortable enough for her tastes. There were currently no lit lanterns inside the tent causing it to be shrouded it in darkness. The only light was coming from the numerous torches and campfires from outside. She found Kitsune curled up on a chair next to the bed her nose buried in the fur of her tail. An eye opened as Lymee entered and the tip of the tail twitched ever so slightly. Lymee walked over and sat down on the bed facing the fox.

“I will go ahead and presume you heard all of that,” Lymee said as she sat down.

“You can presume all you wish,” Kitsune smirked crossing her legs in the chair her hands folded snugly on top of her knees. She looked at Lymee with her glowing yellow eyes, her large fox ears atop her head twitching with amusement. Her tails flicking behind her swaying in an imaginary breeze.

“Well, if you did hear then you would know what a predicament I am in,” Lymee said deciding it best to just play coy. It was probably for the best that Lymee never actually said the words out loud. Not for fear of what others might hear but for the sake of her own conscience.

“I in fact would,” Kitsune gave a single solitary nod.

Lymee let out a half fake sigh of annoyance. “Then you know that in order for her to help me Lord Niimu needs some sort of sign from The Heavens.”

“No,” Kitsune dragged out the words. “That maybe what she asked for but what she wants is proof that you are truly a Heavenly Fox.”

Lymee pursed her lips together for a second. “You’re right,” Lymee nodded. “Only I’m not. So there is no way for me to do that without outright lying to her. Something I am not willing to do.”

“But if she were to have a dream of some kind,” Kitsune suggested moving her hands back from her knee to her stomach as she leaned back against her own tails for support. “Let us say perhaps a magical fox creature came to her in the night. She might think that it was actually you revealing your true form to her.”

“That would be a strong possibility,” Lymee nodded a strong tightening sensation forming in her chest. “But you are the only person I know who could pull off something like that. And as you have also pointed out. I have no power to make you do anything.”

“But I also said I would not hinder you in any way,” Kitsune reminded, the smug smile having faded, her yellow eyes focusing in on Lymee. “So if you told me that by me doing something it would be a hindrance or detrimental to you in some way then I would most likely not do it.”

“Well then I will be sure to come up with a list for you in the future,” Lymee said kicking off her boots so she could stretch out on the cot. “But Yoni should be here soon. You think you could leave for a bit? You know how I hate you watching me.”

“Of course,” Kitsune stood up and turned towards the exit. She paused for a second as if thinking something over. “I think I will not be back until the morning. After all, I know how you get when you wake up next to a beautiful woman, and I would not want you to restrain yourself because of my presence.”

“That is most kind of you,” Lymee said faking a smile. “Just try not to cause any trouble.”

Kitsune turned her head looking down at Lymee a sinister smile on her face. “I make no promises.”

Lymee looked away and stared up at the ceiling of the dark tent. She knew Kitsune had understood what Lymee had asked of her. More precisely, what Lymee had not asked of her.

Was she doing the right thing?

She hoped so. She could not think of another option. The Empress needed to be stopped. The people in this land were dying under her rule and it was only a matter of time before she turned her attention onto Su Dynasty. But did this fact justify her means? Her father would have said no. He was an avid believer that you had to do things the right way or not bother doing them at all.

Lymee clinched her teeth together as she thought it over. She had been so adamant that they would not use her supposed divinity to their advantage and yet as soon as she had no other option she jumped on the chance.

But did they have no other option? That was one of the problems with having a trump card hidden up the sleeve. It became hard to try and think of anything else because the option to use that trump card was always there blocking out any other ideas.

If Lymee did not have Kitsune would she have been able to come up with some other plan? Maybe, she thought. But she guessed she would never know now. It was already too late to turn back.

“Lymee.” The voice cut through Lymee’s thoughts making her jump slightly.

Lymee looked over and saw Yoni standing by the edge of the cot looking down at her with a worried expression on her face.

“Sorry.” Lymee quickly sitting up in the cot. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Or me call out to you three times.” The look of worry was still plastered on Yoni’s face. “My lord, are you alright?”

No. She was not alright. In fact she felt like she had died a little inside.

“It’s nothing,” Lymee assured giving Yoni a weak smile. “Just have a lot on my mind. Heavy lies the head the wears the crown and all that.” Her smile warmed up a bit. Lymee reached out and grabbed Yoni’s hand. “Can you just stay with me for a bit?”

“Of course,” Yoni nodded reaching up to undo her shirt.

“No,” Lymee held out her hand stopping her. “I just want to,” Lymee searched for the right words. “I just want you to
with me,” she repeated hoping that the change in emphasis clarified her meaning.

“As you say, my lord,” Yoni whispered her hand slowly lowering back down to her side.

“Please,” Lymee winced as if the words had caused her actual pain. “Just call me Lymee. I don’t want to be a lord right now.”

“Alright, Lymee,” Yoni nodded. The look of concern had not left her face but her expression softened a little as she climbed under the covers and snuggled in close to Lymee.

Lymee instantly wrapped her arms around her soft body burying her head into Yoni’s chest almost like a child. Yoni reached up and started to stroke the side of Lymee’s head, her fingers running through Lymee’s long black hair.

After a while Yoni’s breathing slowed and her hand gradually stopped its stroking. Lymee laid there unmoving staring off into the darkness of her tent trying to draw comfort from the woman lying next to her. But sleep never came to her that night.


“My lord,” Keo’s voice called out from outside the tent. The sudden sound woke Yoni with a bit of a startle as she had to take a second to remember where she was.

“What is it Keo?” Lymee asked already awake.

“Lord Niimu wishes to speak with you,” Keo said stepping inside the tent. There seemed to be a bit of energy in her voice as she spoke. She seemed very pleased with this summons.

“Is that so,” Lymee’s voice was flat as she threw off her covers and climbed over Yoni to get out of bed. “She no doubt wishes to tell me that she has accepted my offer.” Lymee finished putting on her boots and started to make her way to the exit of the tent.

Keo noticing Yoni’s and Lymee’s already dressed appearances and frowned slightly as she looked from Yoni back to Lymee. “Did you go somewhere last night?” Keo asked. “You look exhausted.”

“Nope,” Lymee said pushing the tent flap open her voice flat. “I was here all night. Just ask Yoni.” Lymee did not bother to see what Keo did instead stepped outside.

As her eyes squinted from the morning sun Lymee looked down and saw Kitsune sitting in front of the tent her tail coiled around her paws. The fox looked up intently at Lymee not moving in any way. Lymee said nothing as she crouched down extending her hand. Kitsune immediately ran up her arm and laid down across Lymee’s shoulders.

Lymee cupped the side of the fox’s face with her palm as she brought her forehead down and pressed it against the top of the fox’s head. Lymee opened her mouth to thank her but she stopped herself her words dying in her mouth. “Let’s go,” she said instead as she began to walk off.

Lymee would be sure to bring Kitsune with her to the meeting. She would also be sure to stroke Kitsune whenever talk of The Heavens or the Heavenly Fox came up. That should be more than enough subtlety to be constantly reminding Lord Niimu of the previous night. While Lymee did not know exactly what had happened she could speculate and so long as she kept her wording vague and somewhat cryptic that should be enough.

“No regrets,” Lymee said doing her best to steal herself. This was the path that she had chosen and there was no going back. She had made her bed. Now it was time for her to lie in it.  






Lymee rotated her stiff and sore shoulder as she looked down at the game board on the floor table in front of her. She let out a long sigh as she reluctantly moved the game piece across the board feeling in her gut that this move was the wrong one but it was the best wrong move she currently had available to her.

“I am truly going to miss beating you every night,” Lord Kuan stated moving a piece as soon as Lymee let go of her own. The still frightfully young looking girl had on a smug smirk as she sat on a red floor cushion across the table from Lymee. She was wearing the same deep blue dress of Jien Dynasty that she had been wearing when they had first met two weeks ago in the Lords’ Council meeting.

“You saying that I’m going to be beating you from here on out?” Lymee asked trying to figure out a way to save herself from the corner she had been backed into. Lymee had never been one for chess and had found she was equally inept in Gii which was this world’s equivalent.

“I am positive that you wish that was the case,” Kuan laughed slightly as she eyed Lymee, seemingly no longer paying any attention to the board. “No.” Her smile quickly vanished from her face. “It would seem that my dear older sister has had enough with the constant bickering of the lords here and is withdrawing her forces come morning.” Kuan seeing that Lymee had made her move, quickly moved her own piece without any trace of doubt or hesitation barely even looking at the board at all. “So it would seem that this is my last night here.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Lymee said. “But I’ve been hearing that a lot over the past couple of days. Ever since Song Dynasty withdrew their forces everyone seems to have just given up and is going home.” It had been a small miracle that Lord Niimu had managed to keep them together as long as she had. Whenever Lymee asked how she had managed to do it Niimu would only grimace and look away. So maybe Lymee did not really want to know.

“I have advised my older sister to remain,” Kuan stated her hand resting on her knee as she waited for Lymee to make her move. “I told her that you and Lord Niimu were up to something with all the digging you have had your men doing not to mention that ridiculous statue that you are constructing and we should stay a bit longer so we can see what that thing is.”

Lymee inadvertently rotated her stiff shoulder once more at the mention of digging. It was true that for the better part of the past two weeks they had been preparing for their assault but they had been keeping it quiet as to what exactly they were doing. Even their own soldier and officers did not know.

And while Lymee may not have the first clue as how to build a large wooden statue of a fox, she was confident in her skills about digging a large hole in the ground. As such everyday Lymee had been down in the dirt chipping away at the frozen and compact ground trying to get them to the desired six feet.

No small task as she had found out. Even working in shifts nonstop for the better part of two weeks they were still a lot shallower than Lymee would have liked. But they would make it work. One way or another.

Keo had advised Lymee that if she wanted to work that she should at least disguise herself as a soldier or servant first as a lord should never work the dirt in such a way, but Lymee had adamantly refused. She wanted the soldiers to see her working. She wanted to assure them that this was not just some whim of a lord and a waste of their time. By her being there it showed everyone that Lymee was committed and serious about all of this. Even if she could not actually tell them exactly why they had to do all this work.

“Whatever would give you the idea that I was up to anything?” Lymee asked, finally making her move. This game was over and they both knew it. Lymee’s only plan now was to make it as hard of a victory for Kuan as possible and take down as many pieces as she could before she lost.

“You are exceedingly funny,” Kuan said flatly, moving her piece. “Did you honestly think that such brazen work would actually go unnoticed?”

In truth Lymee had not, but so long as no one other than Lord Niimu and Lymee knew exactly what they were planning she doubted anyone would be able to figure it out just by watching. Keo and Sai also knew the gist of it but she had only gone over the very basics with them. She had only told everyone else involved the other night after most of the other lords had already left and they were now nearing completion. 

“We must find something for our men to do,” Lymee stated pretending to be focusing on making her next move. “If they were to just sit around for two weeks doing nothing they will begin to get restless.”

“Restless indeed,” Kuan nodded with a bit of a huff. “We had to segregate the armies to their respective camps to stop fights from breaking out. And even that did little to stop them. Only made it so all the fighting was self-contained.” Kuan let out a sigh shaking her head. “Not that I blame the soldiers though. Their lords marched them across the Kingdom on the onset of winter telling them that they would be in the largest battle in recent history. And when we get here their lords do nothing but squabble amongst themselves all the while they are expected to sit on their hands and do nothing while they freeze.”

“Well in terms of our nightly games,” Lymee finally moved her piece. “I am pulling our forces out the day after tomorrow anyway. So tonight would have probably been our last night regardless.”

“Is that so?” Kuan frowned, a look of confusion flashing across her face. It was actually rather adorable seeing such a young face wearing such a serious look. If this girl had pigtails she would be the quintessential pouting child. Lymee could not help but smile as she looked at her. “And what of the giant fox statue that you have been so hastily constructing?”

“Just a little going away present for our dear Empress,” Lymee grinned innocently.

“Well that is a rather large shame.” Kuan pushed her lips to the side of her mouth in disappointment.

“Why is that?” Lymee asked.

“Because here I was convinced that you were going to do something spectacular.” Kuan put her elbow up on the table and rested her chin in her palm. “Several of us lords had a small pool going on when you would finally implement your strategy and either unite this army or simply bring down the Empress. Probably in a single day.”

“That would be some kind of strategy there,” Lymee laughed and if all went according to plan exactly what would happen. “If you ever think of such a strategy please let me know. I would love to try it out.”

Kuan smiled as she moved her piece. Lymee let out a sigh and knocked over her own piece signaling her resignation.

“Good game,” Lymee said with no hint of bitterness. She had gotten used to losing to this woman by now.

“You were an amusing opponent,” Kuan stated straightening her back. “I do hope this is not the last time that we will get to play with each other.”

“Of that I have no doubt,” Lymee assured. “I get the feeling that our paths will cross again soon enough.”

“Speaking of playing with each other,” Kuan smiled rubbing her lip with her index finger. “And this being our last night together and all. What would you say to making this night even more memorable?”

Lymee smiled looking down at her lap as she picked her words carefully. “I’m flattered,” she said looking up at the young girl. “But honestly you seem a bit too young for me.”

“I will have you know that I am fifteen,” Kuan said her chest swelling with pride. Her voice had lost some of the flowery articulation it previously had. “Or are you simply referring to my breasts?” Kuan reached up a hand and placed it over her rather flat chest. “You like them big, is that it?”

“I do, but that is not my reason for turning you down,” Lymee assured. “While you may be an adult you still look very young to me.” Actually she looked just about right for what Lymee would consider a normal fourteen, fifteen year old girl. She still had a bit of her prepubescent look about her like any girl that hit puberty later in life but all the same she just did not do it for Lymee.

It was funny but most of the women in this world seemed to physically mature faster but they did not always seem to mature mentally as fast. But here was Kuan who seemed more mature than many of the middle aged women ruling these lands yet had the body of a little girl.

“I see,” Kuan pouted a bit looking rather dejected. “Well then I will find some way to make my chest grow out for the next time that we meet then.”

“I hear lots of milk and daily breasts massages help,” Lymee shrugged playfully.

“Well I have half of that already covered,” Kuan said with all seriousness. Lymee chose not to think about which one she was referring too.

“My lord,” Yoni’s voice called out from outside the tent.

“Come on in, Yoni,” Lymee said rising to her feet. “Lord Kuan. Until next time.”

“As you say, Lord Sun.” Kuan climbed to her feet as the tent flap opened and Yoni and Shan walked inside. Upon seeing Lord Kuan both of them gave a deep respectful bow stepping to the sides of the entrance.

“Forgive me my lord,” Yoni said her head still bowed. “I was unaware that you had company.”

“It’s fine, Yoni,” Lymee assured. “Lord Kuan was just leaving.” Lymee smiled looking at Kuan then back at Yoni and Shan. Lymee then realized the very nervous look Shan had as her body tensed up and she refused to raise her gaze to look at the two lords. But she seemed mostly uncomfortable in front of Kuan.

Lymee broke out in a cold sweat realizing why Shan was so nervous. A slave was not to ever be in the presence of a noble of any rank or standing. The thought being that a slave’s very presence would soil the noble in some way. Having Shan there could very well be taken as a huge insult to Kuan and could start all kinds of problems.

Why now? Lymee thought. Kuan was leaving in less than twelve hours. How was it she could go for almost two weeks and never run into Shan but tonight of all nights she does?

Lymee held her breath as she hoped that Kuan had not noticed who Shan was. The only way she could is if she spotted the tattoo on her back and at the moment it was fairly well covered by Shan’s outfit.

“We just came to inform you that preparations have been completed for tomorrow night,” Yoni said raising her head but averting her gaze as was proper. “We should be ready to leave by the next morning.”

“And it took the two of you to deliver such a message?” Kuan asked crossing her arms suspiciously as she glanced between Yoni and Lymee.

“Both Clea and Omie are sparring partners of mine,” Lymee stated probably a little too hastily. “We will often exercise before bed.”

“Is that what you call it?” Kuan snorted jokingly, unfolding her arms. Her eyes darted between Lymee and the other two woman with a knowing smirk on her face.

Kuan looked Shan over for a second reaching out her hand and grabbing one of Shan’s breast giving it several firm squeezes. Lymee took a fast breath clenching her fist as she saw this, wanting to interject in some way but restrained herself, instead waiting to see what happened first.  

“The other woman I can understand why you would choose her over myself,” Kuan stated looking Shan over like she was an art sculpture and she was examining the style. “But this one’s breasts are not that much bigger than mine, and her appearance is average at best. I would like to think that in terms of looks that I have more to offer than she does.” Kuan paused as she leaned in looking closer at Shan as if noticing something on her face. Shan shifted nervously refusing to make any kind of eye contact. “Wait, is this one is a slave?” she gasped reeling back slightly, not in horror but in delight.

Before Lymee could blink Kuan had spun Shan around and had yanked down her shirt revealing the upper part of her back, making it so Shan’s intricate slave tattoo was exposed for all to see.

“By The Heavens she is,” Kuan squealed reaching out and touching the tattoo with her fingers. “You would not only allow slaves to be in your presence but to share your bed as well?”

“Lord Kuan, I think that is more than enough,” Lymee said trying her best to keep her voice calm and diplomatic. She could practically feel Shan’s embarrassment and shame as she stood there nearly disrobed while being manhandled by Kuan.

“How about this?” Kuan let go of Shan and turned around seemingly not having heard Lymee’s protests. “To make up for rejecting me and as a prize for beating you every night in Gii, why not let me have her for the night? I promise you I shall return her in the morning no worse for wear.”

“Lord Kuan,” Lymee snapped having to clench her teeth and fists to keep from yelling. Her nails digging into her palms. She looked at the ground fearful that if she looked Kuan in the eyes she would lose what little restraint she had left. “I like you and I would hate for our friendship to be ruined by your disrespectful treatment of my friends. So please understand that if you ever speak to her in that manner of tone again I will not be held responsible for what I do to you.”

Kuan stood there wide eyed, her body completely rigid as her mind tried to process the threat Lymee had just issued. It was like her entire world had just been shattered. “You consider this slave to be your friend?” she sounded like she could not even believe that she was even uttering such words, much less that such words were actually true.

“That’s right.” Lymee glared at Kuan, her fist still clenched. “They are both very dear friends to me. And make no mistake, I hold their friendship much higher than yours.”

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