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Authors: Bruce Henderson

Down to the Sea (44 page)

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“not a good…He should have”: Virginia Marks interview.

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The Dragon's Breath.
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Modern Seamanship.
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Kotsch, William J., and Richard Henderson.
Heavy Weather Guide.
Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1984.

Krauchunas, Alphonso. “USS
: The Typhoon and the Senior Survivor.” Battle Creek, Mi., 1992.

Lemont, Harrison E.
Never Alone Until Admiral Halsey Left
. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Publishing, 2003.

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Day of Infamy
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Faith of My Fathers.
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Sea Cobra.
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USS Hull (DD-350)

Lt. Cmdr. James A. Marks

Lt. Greil I. Gerstley

Lt. (MC) Hira C. Baker

Lt. ( j.g.) Frank L. Snodgrass

Lt. ( j.g.) Arthur L. Fabrick

Lt. ( j.g.) Kenneth W. Kappus

Lt. ( j.g.) George H. Sharp

Lt. ( j.g.) Myron S. Wall

Lt. ( j.g.) H. Norman Byrant

Lt. ( j.g.) Lloyd G. Rust, Jr.

Lt. ( j.g.) Donald C. Watkins

Lt. ( j.g.) Edwin R. Brooks, Jr.

Lt. ( j.g.) G. C. Nelson

Lt ( j.g.) Felix G. Smart

Ensign W. G. Johnson

Ensign Alfred A. Anido

Ensign D. L. Korinko

Ensign O. E. Schuerman

Abreu, Manuel, Jr.

Ackerman, John F.

Adams, Malcolm

Alexander, Scott C.

Anderson, Harold E.

Anderson, James W.

Ashley, Felix

Banes, Donald R.

Banfill, Daniel P.

Beck, Robert C.

Belanger, Francis

Belden, James I.

Bokn, Peter

Boldman, William

Bollin, William H.

Burleson, Earl G.

Carlstrom, Robert D.

Coleman, Homer W.

Colville, Thomas J., Jr.

Cosgrove, Gleason J.

Cothran, Charles R.

Cotten, J. O.

Crossman, Reuben T.

Dean, Billy Bob

Derthick, Gordon K.

DeRyckere, Archie G.

De Vaney, Willis F., Jr.

Douhan, Patrick H.

Drummond, Kenneth L.

Eichen, Douglas J.

Eisele, Edwin F.

Eisinbach, Arthur E.

Farrell, Edward V.

Fenderson, Robert N.

Fernandez, Angel

Fisnefska, George L., Jr.

Fowler, Robert B.

Foster, Henry L.

Franchak, Michael

Gabler, Darrell M.

Gaulke, Donald J.

Geddert, George F.

Gilberg, John A.

Gillette, William F.

Gipson, Roy B.

Gower, Waldo H.

Granby, Haywood

Green, Orville L.

Gruner, Henry

Gundel, Herbert E.

Guthrie, Ray M.

Guy, George A.

Hahn, Lecil A.

Haislip, Claude J., Jr.

Hall, Henry S.

Halladay, Junior Ray

Hart, William F.

Haydon, Martin R.

Henkel, Edward

Henry, George W.

Hicks, Lyman F., Jr.

Hicks, Robert H.

Hill, Lyle G.

Hixon, Merritt B.

Hoghaug, Gilman

Horton, John T.

Houghton, Don C., Jr.

Howland, Walter K.

Hoy, Marshall L.

Hughes, Samuel N.

Ingraham, Theodore M.

Jambor, Joseph J.

Juson, Ralph D.

Karnopp, Wallace E.

Kay, David M.

Kelly, Chester R.

Kelly, Keith W.

Kelly, William L.

Kendrovics, A.

Kennedy, William H., Jr.

Kinderman, Robert R.

King, James P.

Knadler, G. F.

Korponai, Z. A.

Kraus, George W.

Kreidler, John E.

Kunz, Edward W.

Lane, Alton B.

La Gow, Lawson S.

Leabo, Donald C.

Leombrone, Joseph

Lester, Roy

Lewis, George J.

Lindquist, August H.

Loney, Dewey W.

Mabius, John, Jr.

Macchio, Joseph

Mackenzie, Roderick J.

Makris, Manalows

Martin, Francis B.

Martin, Lawrence

Martin, Paul A., Jr.

May, Kent J.

Mc Donough, Walter T.

Mc Gee, T. M.

Mc Gill, Charles J.

Mc Glaughn, W. M.

Mc Intyre, J. F.

Mc Invale, R. R.

Mc Keehan, L.

Melancon, Charles F.

Miller, Ernest H.

Millsaps, Sylvan

Mink, Martin S.

Mohr, Otto E., Jr.

Moon, Roland R.

Moreno, John

Morgan, Roy G.

Mullins, Lawrence W.

Mullins, Lester C.

Murie, John H.

Nagurney, Nicklas

Newsom, Earl T.

Newsom, Geral

Niss, Arnold W.

Novak, Rudolph R.

Oakley, Robert D.

Ostlee, Mareus L.

Palmer, Roger A.

Papcke, Frank A.

Parker, Robert E.

Parrott, Robert T., Jr.

Peek, John T.

Peterson, John M.

Pererson, Verl D.

Pfeifer, John W.

Phillippi, Elden A.

Phillips, Fred F.

Piccin, Ernest R.

Pickett, Frank M., Jr.

Pierce, Clyde W.

Pintvers, John J.

Pippins, Wilburn E.

Poe, Clinton L.

Porter, Charles W.

Powell, Vernon D.

Pratt, Glen L.

Preisser, Thomas E.

Preston, Alton R.

Price, Charles E.

Price, Edward J.

Price, Ernie E.

Pruitt, Paul G.

Rattaro, John J.

Rotter, Ira F.

Ruby, Clarence E., Jr.

Sackmaster, Harold E.

Scarletta, Frank

Scherer, Kenwood R.

Scherzinger, Roy, Jr.

Schmiderer, Joseph A., Jr.

Schrader, Harold D.

Schultz, John Ray

Simons, Martin E.

Smit, Cornelius G.

Smith, Perry A., Jr.

Smith, Johnny H.

Smith, William W., Jr.

Solano, Howard J.

Spencer, Olin G.

Spohn, Thomas L., Jr.

Stacy, Allen J.

Stealey, Thomas A., Jr.

Stennett, James

Stephens, James H.

Stercula, Walter V.

Stevens, Paul Q.

Stilwell, James M.

Stipetich, George L.

Stoddard, Kenneth C.

Szente, George A.

Tabor, Hollis G.

Talmadge, James S.

Taylor, Albert J.

Teiffel, Wesley S.

Tenholder, Alvin J.

Thornton, Kermitt G.

Tong, Raymond H.

Torkildson, Keith B.

Trapp, Edward G.

Travis, Austin H.

Trujillo, Orlando B.

Updegraff, George J.

Valverde, John

Vaughn, Archie L.

Vernon, William H.

Vulcano, Samuel J.

Wall, Carl J.

Ward, Elbert M.

Weathers, John L., Jr.

Webb, Carl T.

Webb, Willard

Webster, Leroy S.

Weimers, Gerald L.

Weiss, Victor J.

Whitney, Robert A.

Wilkerson, Glenn H.

Williams, Calvin E.

Williams, Ernest L.

Wilson, Robert

Winton, Albert J.

Wolfe, Gideon J., Jr.

Wolff, Thomas A.

Wolkins, Marshall W.

Wright, James E.

Yarbrough, Harvey C.

Yonts, Charles W.

Youmans, T. K., Jr.

Young, Joseph A., Jr.

Zawne, Robert C.

Zentner, W. H., Jr.

Zielinski, Leonard A.

USS Monaghan (DD-354)

Lt. Cmdr. F. Bruce Garrett, Jr.

Lt. F. J. Elliott, Jr.

Lt. Donald H. Van Iderstine

Lt. R. C. Mills

Lt. E. W. Siegesmund

Lt. S. F. Stark

Lt. ( j.g.) J. W. Prather

Lt. ( j.g.) R. C. Burden

Lt. ( j.g.) R. F. Pedersen

Lt. ( j.g.) C. H. Blittersdorf

Lt. ( j.g.) L. A. Carlson

Lt. ( j.g.) Robert E. Nolop

Lt. ( j.g.) R. K. Hargrave

Lt. ( j.g.) (MC) R. C. Gavin

Ensign H. E. Davidson

Ensign J. Dubpernell

Ensign E. M. Cochran

Ensign H. H. Weber

Adler, Victor L.

Alessi, Joseph R.

Allen, Fred A.

Amis, Hugh B.

Anspach, Roy R.

Anthony, James C.

Attaway, James R.

Aubrey, John T.

Austin, William J.

Bailey, Clarence A.

Baker, Willard R.

Barber, Horace L.

Bard, Richard F.

Barszczewski, Edward J.

Bassett, William M.

Beach, Gurney A.

Benfatti, John J.

Berger, George W.

Binner, Clyde R.

Borouff, Jerome J.

Brunkow, Ferdinand

Britton, Thomas J.

Bryant, Leonard R.

Burgess, Fred J.

Burtch, Charles D.

Burnett, Raymond O.

Busch, Martin L.

Butler, Ralph J.

Cain, Frank A.

Campbell, Bruce

Camunez, James C.

Carbone, Richard E.

Carpenter, Doil T.

Carriker, Robert R.

Casson, Orval K.

Caswell, Floyd A., Jr.

Chapin, Gail W.

Cieszynski, Stanley J.

Cimino, Ceasar D.

Clark, George M.

Cochran, James H.

Coleman, William D.

Cooper, Carl L.

Conrad, Carl E.

Corley, Howard W.

Cote, Leonard G.

Cotton, Almer A.

Cradduck, Raymond A.

Crater, Ray E.

Croft, Edward J.

Culp, Donald A.

Darden, Robert J.

Debord, John G.

Dedmore, Gale A.

Delis, John S.

Devault, Francois L. J.

Doyle, George W.

Driscoll, Charles J.

Dumas, Frank S.

Eggen, Wendell J.

Ellis, John H., Jr.

Entrican, Carroll V.

Etheridge, Lindsey E.

Evans, Paul R.

Fantozzi, Frederick C.

Faught, Laurence M.

Felton, Russel B.

Fenn, Evan

Ferrero, Robert E.

Ferrier, James J.

Finch, Lester J.

Fisher, Roland D.

Foster, Victor W.

Fox, Loyd S.

Gastmann, Harm

Geier, Donald C.

Genest, Dayton

Givens, Robert P.

Godfrey, Harvey H.

Goetz, Otto J.

Gostyla, Bruno

Green, James B.

Grubham, Fred W.

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