Read Double Coverage Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Double Coverage (9 page)

“It is. I’m talking about Piper.”

“Piper?” Mason watched Ryker’s mind work and saw the light bulb turn on in his head when he recalled who Piper was. “The hot redhead from Jake’s wedding? You still thinking about her? Mace, did she really make that much of an impact on you?”

“Shit, I don’t know, but she keeps popping up in my head and its annoying as hell. I didn’t even like her; she was a sassy little bitch, but I can’t stop thinking about her body.”

Just talking about her made Mason visualize her creamy skin, soft perky breasts, and lips to die for. Not to mention the way her hair framed her face and the way her tattoos glided across her body in a graceful way that made him want to explore them with his tongue. He tried to remind himself what an unruly whore she was on the airplane and the way she tricked him into taking his clothes off at the wedding, but nothing worked; his dick, Godzilla, wanted her and wanted her badly. She was one building Godzilla wanted to climb up and into.

“Well, you need to forget about her because, believe me when I tell you this, she wanted nothing to do with you then and wants nothing to do with you now. What needs to happen is you need to get fucked, and fucked good. I’m going to this bar tonight I just found out about and you’re coming with me.”

Mason rolled his eyes at Ryker. He really didn’t feel like going out, but Mason had to admit, he was losing the swagger he built up over the summer and needed to replenish it. Ryker was right, even if Piper was right under his nose, there was no way she would even go near him. What he needed was to get his ass out in the social scene, maybe have his dick sucked and fucked a little and then he would be good to go.

“Alright, I’m in,” Mason said.

Ryker was just about to respond when their coach screamed from across the field. “Get your lazy asses over here and run green-eighty five more times until you get it right.”

Green-eighty, fucking fantastic, Mason thought as he put his helmet back on and jogged into place. A couple more fifty yard sprints, why not? It’s not like he hadn’t already run twenty of them today. Mason just got in place when Coach Ryan came over and grabbed his face mask, yanking Mason’s head to the side.

“Get your head in the game, dickhead, and make this God damn catch or you can kiss your starting position goodbye.” The coach released Mason’s mask, slightly tossing it to the side.

Mason gritted his teeth and held back the retort that was hanging at the tip of his tongue.

The quarterback got into position and called out the play. When the ball was snapped, Mason took off for a sprint down the field; ten paces down, he veered to the right where he saw the ball floating way off to the right. Mason leapt into the air and pulled the ball into his chest, landing on his side. Mason got up, tossed the ball to his teammate and smiled at his completion of the play. When he went back to where Coach Ryan was, his coach looked up at him and then said, “Next time, sprint a little faster so you can stay on your feet to gain more yards.”

Mason turned away from his coach and muttered obscenities about the man. He couldn’t wait to get out of practice, clean up, and grab a drink with Ryker; at the rate the season was going already, he might as well start buying stock in a bar because he would be spending a lot of money there to get through the season with his asshole of a coach.


Piper was scrubbing down the bar when Hannah walked through the door, just in time for her shift to start. Hannah was one of the sweetest girls she had ever met. She was kindhearted, polite and wouldn’t swear; it was endearing. When Piper started at the bar, they instantly made a connection since they were the only two girls who worked at the bar. They were able to con the owner into putting them on the same shift. They convinced him when they worked together, they brought in more money because of their looks combined and, funny thing was, it was true.

“Hey Piper,” Hannah called out, while she stuffed her purse into the employee lockers. She quickly reappeared and took a seat at the bar. It was currently slow right now since their shifts just started, so they always took the time to catch up while the regulars did their own thing. “How did last night go? Tell me all about it…but don’t go into too much detail, if you know what I mean.”

“Are you asking if we had sex?”

Hannah’s cheeks blushed. The girl couldn’t even hear the word sex without getting all middle school on Piper. Hannah could be a good time, especially when she was drunk and occasionally she let loose and dropped her prim and proper exterior, which Piper took advantage of when she could.

Hannah leaned over the bar and lowered her voice. “Piper, I did not say that.”

Piper just laughed. “Lighten up, girl.” Hannah smiled sheepishly. Piper had too much fun pulling her friend’s leg, it was way too easy.

“Well go on…” Hannah said, while motioning her hand.

Piper put her elbows on the bar and her head in her hands. “Hannah, I can’t even describe how much of a great night I had. Jax is beyond adorable, sweet, caring and, God, is he hot. You know how I described him as the boy next door?” Hannah nodded. “Well, think of boy next door gone bad. He was so cute at the 7-Eleven, but when he picked me up last night for our date, I think I almost drooled. He was wearing a polo and cargo shorts with flip flops, but he looked good enough to eat.”

“Do you have a picture?”

Piper laughed. “No, sorry. I’ll make sure to get one, though. We played mini golf last night and I’m pretty sure he let me win because a man that athletic looking can’t be that bad at mini golf. Then we grabbed ice cream and ate it in the bed of his truck while looking up at the stars.”

Hannah sighed. “I wish Todd and I did things like that still. I feel like he’s always on business. I miss having him around all the time.”


Piper could not stand the man. Hannah had been dating him for two years now and no proposal yet. He keeps talking about getting engaged, but never acts on it. He is an investment banker and is always out of town on business. When he is in town, though, he does treat Hannah like she is a princess. He’s always buying her things and taking her to expensive dinners.

Piper didn’t quite understand what Hannah saw in him. He was one of those guys with blonde slicked back hair and clothes so expensive you could pay off a house with the money spent on them. He even took time out of his busy schedule to get a pedicure and his eyebrows shaped. That might be appealing to some women, but Piper liked her men rugged.

Piper patted her friend’s hands. “When will he be in town again?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s coming back on Wednesday. He said he was going to take me to the symphony. He even sent me a dress to wear. I’m excited.”

“See, he still does romantic stuff.”

Hannah smiled and looked up at the ceiling, as if she was thinking about all the romantic things Todd had done for her. “You’re right, he does. I just get upset sometimes when he’s out of town for so long, but I get it. So, do you think Jax might be the one?”

Piper laughed and shook her head at her friend. Hannah’s goal in life was to be married and to have a family. She tried to project that goal onto everyone around her as well.

“I think it’s a little soon to be asking that question. We only had one date…and one kiss.”

“Oooh, how was it?”

“So good. His lips were so soft and when he held me, I felt safe.” Piper felt herself smiling while talking to Hannah. She hadn’t felt like this in a very long time.

“When are you going to see him next?”

“I don’t know. He was going to text me.”

As if he knew they were talking about him, Piper’s phone chimed with a text message. She looked down at her phone she kept in her pocket and smiled. “Look at that, it’s Jax.”

“What does he say?”

Piper read the text message out loud.

Jax: Hey Beautiful, had a great time last night and can’t wait to see you again. Can I see you tomorrow?”

Hannah got off her stool and headed around the bar. “I’m so jealous.” While Piper lived in her own little world, Hannah took charge of the bar and started visiting the patrons, making sure no one needed anything.

Piper kept smiling as she typed back.

Piper: Depends, what did you have in mind?

Jax: You, me, movie and popcorn?

Piper: At a theatre?

Jax: Nothing less for you.

Piper: Do I get to pick the movie?

Jax: That can be settled later.

Piper: You drive a hard bargain, but I’m in. Text me the details tomorrow. P.S. I had a great time last night as well. Xxx

Piper put her phone back in her pocket and tried to focus on doing her job, but she found it quite difficult with thoughts of Jax running through her mind. The bar was starting to pick up and she was going to have to help Hannah out; the poor girl couldn’t handle everything by herself. Before Piper started taking more orders, she took a second to think about how much she liked it in Denver and how she actually might have found her home. She had a great friend, a good job, and a possible boy toy in the works. For once, she was living happily.

Chapter 6

Ryker practically had to drag Mason out of the locker room to have a good time. His friend needed to get off his couch and find a woman to help him out of his funk. Ryker had noticed a definite change in Mason from when he broke up with Brooke to after Jake’s wedding.

Jake called Ryker the other day, expressing his concerns about Mason’s funk. Jake asked Ryker to get him out of it because it was a little scary. Ryker hadn’t known Mason that long, but he knew him while Brooke was around and when she wasn’t and there was a definite change. Ryker could understand Jake’s concerns. Therefore, Ryker put on his tight jeans and button-up shirt and vest to go out for the night.

“You ready for this, man?”

Mason stepped out of the taxi wearing jeans and a button-up shirt. The man didn’t even bother to shave. Ryker hoped once he got some drinks into his friend’s system, he was going to loosen up a bit because right now it seemed like he had a cleat stuck up his ass.

Mason ran his hand over his unshaven jaw. “I guess so. What’s this place called?”

“Dick’s Last Chance. It’s a sports bar that worships the Stallions…so I’ve heard.”

Mason walked toward the door. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Ryker followed behind him, clapping Mason on the back. “Have I told you how excited I am you’re here? You’re really brightening up the night.”

“I can go home if you’re going to be a dick.”

“Don’t be so sensitive.”

Once they got in the bar, Ryker took a look around. The lighting was low, which was nice because Ryker didn’t want to attract too much attention. The walls were brick and so was the bar. There were stools lining the bar and booths lining the wall. A couple of pool tables took up one side of the room and it was a surprisingly newer-looking establishment that had the feel of an old bar. Chrome, moss green, and brick brought together the ambiance as well as the soft lights and the laid back patrons.
played on every flat screen TV flanking the walls. Ryker could get pretty used to this place.

Ryker led Mason to a booth that sat across from a giant flat screen. They passed some old men playing poker and some extremely hot women playing pool. The bar was an eclectic group of people, ranging from college students to old timers.

They both sat down in the booth and Ryker was about to ask Mason if he wanted to split some buffalo wings when he lost all ability to think. Standing across from him, taking the order of another booth was, by far, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was average height, curvy in all the right places and, to him, that was breasts and hips. She had light brown hair and the creamiest white skin he had ever seen. Her hair was down and curled, while she sported a headband. She wore a short skirt, tight white T-shirt, and flats. When she looked in his direction, signaling that she would be right there to take their order, he got a peek at her ice-blue eyes and button nose.

“Holy shit,” Ryker said under his breath.

“I know,” Mason said. “The prices here are ridiculously cheap, no wonder everyone and their mother comes here. This better be good beer and not that watered down piss they sell at college bars.”

Ryker punched Mason in the arm. “I’m not talking about the prices, dickwad; look over there.” Ryker pointed at the gorgeous waitress. Ryker watched Mason eye the woman up and down, sending jealousy through his bones. “Don’t even think about it. I call dibs.”

“Hey, don’t you want me to get out of my funk? I think she might be the cure.”

“I’m not fucking kidding, man. Lay off.” Ryker could feel his blood boil. Why was he getting all possessive? It was just a girl…the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

“Jesus, put your dick on some ice, man, and cool it. I wouldn’t cock block you.”

Ryker was going to respond, but the pretty waitress walked toward them. She smiled brightly and said, “Hi, my name is Hannah. What can I get you two gentlemen?”

Mason chimed in. “My friend here would like your number.”

“Mason!” Ryker said. He felt like he was in high school again.

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