Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

Dorthena (3 page)

Telme spoke,
“That is unbelievable, Cue refused to leave the table when you told
him to, then he is accountable for what had happened to him the
blame shouldn’t be placed on anyone else but himself, so why the
hell is his father pissed at you?”

feels I should have enforced Cue to leave, if the man was
treacherous, then we both could have faced him and then maybe Cue
would not be dead now. Cue was Melrodger’s only son and heir to the
estate, it is set up in such a way that only the sons can inherit
the estate, females are forbidden to inherit anything. Melrodger
has two daughters and another son who killed himself by accident or
so they say. That in itself is a long story, so to make it short
his oldest son was not acceptable and Melrodger turned his back on
him so the young man killed himself, the suicide was covered up by
Melrodger. That left Cue with being the only son to inherit the
estate. I am not sure Cue was all there at times, he was one hell
of a nice guy, but he did some freaky shit at times. ”

“Damn Seeker
that is the worst. Melrodger must have been a selfish son of a
bitch of a hard man to have done that to his own son!”

“Yes it was,
and now he wants me dead he feels it was my fault for his son’s
death. And the man who killed Cue is now dead, that means Melrodger
hired someone to do the job, more then likely it was the woman who
called me! Why she is taking an opportunity on losing her own life
to save mine has me confused.”

Telme laughed,
“Maybe she has the hot’s for you, or maybe she just likes you, or
more then likely she thinks you’re not to blame. Whatever the case
is, feel lucky, she called you, and warned your ass!”

The next
morning Seeker’s home phone rang. Seeker picked up the receiver and
smiled, “Hello!”

Women on the
other end whispered, “You’re going to receive a call in a while it
will be a couple who are going to want to move into your pack,
refuse them or they will kill you quicker.” All of a sudden there
was no one at the other end of the phone.

It was just
under not even the half hour, when the phone rang again. “Hello may
I speak to Seeker Pelrine?”

Seeker felt
uneasy for the first time in his life, “speaking, what can I do for

“We would like
to join you’re alpha house, our names are Betty and Dylan Cullen
and if your available we would like to come to your home and have
an interview. We think it is so nice of you to open your home to
people and help them get started.” Seeker suddenly realized these
people were not werewolves, but ordinary people looking for a free
place or free hand outs.

frowned, “I am sorry but I cannot do an interview any time soon I
am leaving the area on a trip that came up unexpectedly. You can
wait until I return in three weeks or you can have the interview
done by my beta Telme, Mr. Cullen.”

“The timing is
off for you I am sorry to hear that, we will wait until your return
in three weeks! Where are you off to May I ask?”

Seeker gave
the wall a nasty look “no you may not ask it is of a personal
nature. Call back in three weeks. Thank you again for calling.”

When Seeker
hung up the phone it rang again. Seeker picked the receiver up and
spoke softly, “hello!”

The woman on
the other end of the phone spoke, “I would like to come and stay at
your alpha house for a visit short term make a room ready for me. I
will be there in an hour.” The woman hung up the phone.

“What the hell
is going on? Seeker did not feel comfortable about anyone coming to
his home uninvited. Maybe this woman is here to kill him and he
should be more careful of her then of someone else! The other thing
that bothered him was she was a take charge kind of female, the
kind alpha males were attracted too.

An hour came
and went, twenty minutes more, a SUV drove up the drive way. Seeker
watched from the window of the living room. The woman stepped out
and down from the SUV as she watched her entire surroundings by
shifting her head in different directions. She had a long braid
that traveled down her back to her slender hour glass waist of
blonde hair that shimmered and glistened in the sunlight. She had a
stunning shape, and a smile that would melt the coldest of hearts.
Her eyes were medium blue, and her cute nose had freckles on it.
She opened the back of the SUV took out a suit case and a medium
size brown box. She stepped up to the door and was about to knock
when the door surprisingly opened. The woman rushed into tossed her
suitcase and box in side. Then swiftly stepped into Seekers arms
planted a kiss on his lips then hugged him. As she hugged him she
whispered, “Call me Thena and you are expecting me, is my room

Seeker smiled
while the knot in his stomach slowly dissipated Seeker pulled her
in close and hugged her, then kissed her again and again and pulled
her inside the door and closed it. Her suit case and brown box sat
at her feet. Seeker pushed her out of his arms by her petite waste
and stood there looking at her. Her eyes were as dark blue as the
midnight sky with a quarter moon, appearing almost black, yet out
side they had been a medium blue, he new with one scent, one look,
he was looking at a multi shape-shifter. Seeker smiled, “You’re
late as usual sweet cakes?”

Thena smiled
warmly, “only because I had to lose someone tailing me for one and
for two I set up some electronic devices on your long drive way as
I drove in. In truth I was on time you just did not realize

Seeker stepped
forward with a big smile on his face, pulled her into his arms to
kiss her again and found that she had turned the tables on him.
Seeker was suddenly facing the wall with his arm twisted behind
him. Thena leaning up against him and rubbing her chest into his
back, then she whispered, “don’t touch unless invited.” She
released Seekers arm, stepped one foot back and waited for a
violent reaction that never came. Instead Seeker turned around with
a big smile on his face.

When seeker
smiled he looked Thena straight in the eye, he said, “Bang your

Thena looked
puzzled at Seeker, “what do you mean bang your dead?”

Seeker smiled,
“Turn around sweet thing!”

Thena turned
around and was starring at a man on the stair case smiling with a
hand gun in his hand pointing it directly at her!

gracefully turned looked at Seeker, smiled warmly, good thing he
didn’t speak he would be dead not me!

Seeker was
shocked when he noticed a small silver hand gun inside her light
jacket with her hand ready to pull the trigger. Thena turned smiled
at Telme, “hi Telme how are you doing?”

Telme was
shocked, “how do you know my name?”

I investigated
this pack before I came, before I accepted a previous job. Now put
the gun away or I will pull the trigger, the chances of you hitting
me will be slim at best where I am a professional; I never miss.”
Thena said with a big smile on her face and a winked at Telme.
Telme never had a woman treat him this way and now he was in love
for the first time in his life. She was an independent strong woman
even if she was delicate in appearance.

gradually dropped the gun down to his side, smiled and walked up to
Thena. “Go out with me to night?”

Thena smiled,
“I’ll make us all dinner and we stay in for the night I am
expecting company soon.”

“Then what is
for dinner?” Telme said with a big smile on his face as he leaned
in to kiss Thena as she stepped back. Telme frown disappointed at
Thena, and then smiled.

“Where is the
kitchen Telme and you will have to wait and see what I decide to
prepare for dinner?”

An hour later
the table was set, A tossed salad set in the center of the table,
Grilled salmon with a hollandaise sauce set to the right of the
salad, shrimp cocktails were sitting on the saucers that were
placed on their plates, baked potatoes and dark string beans for a
vegetable. Hot coffee was poured into the cups. Seeker took his
coffee black one sugar; Telme took his coffee with cream, and one
sugar. Coal took his coffee black two sugars. Thena had done her
home work, and had done it well. After dinner was over Thena
cleaned up the table did the dishes. Walked into the den turned on
the TV picked up a horror flick placed it in the CD player, the
movie was Jaws three. Thena just sat down in a chair that was much
more comfortable then it looked. An alarm went off on her wrist.
She shut the TV off, turned out the lights, rushed to Seekers
office where he was sitting doing paper work, “shut down the lights
now! “

Seeker did as
he was told. Thena moved from window to window checking out side.
She saw nothing. She opened a window slightly telling Seeker to
close it behind her and lock it. Thena shifted down into a black
panther and moved away from the house. She made a circle around the
house found nothing. She moved out and away from the house into a
larger circle. She crept silently trying not to make a sound.

Then she heard
a male’s voice. “If we intend to kill Seeker we are going to have
to wait until his girl friend leaves or he is alone some place. It
is far too risky to kill him if someone is around as witnesses
against me or us.”

The females
spoke, “I agree, however things are not as they seem. I am not so
sure about the female being Seekers girl friend. She seems like
someone I should know some how. What do you want to do if she
doesn’t leave?

The man
chuckled, “Then we kill her too, what Melrodger doesn’t know won’t
hurt him. She will just be some unidentified female found with
Seeker is all? Let’s get the hell out of here before someone finds
us here casing the place!”

As the couple
moved away and down the driveway Thena followed them just inside
the woods moving silently making sure she did not disturb anything
in her path. Once the couple was back into there vehicle and drove
away Thena ran back to the house.

Thena took her
cell phone out of her pocket just before she reached the house made
a call to her friend, “Ned, if anything happens to me make sure
Melrodger gets the blame for my death. Don’t ask questions you
don’t want answers to. Great work on the detectors you built for me
they work like a charm, and were not even noticed by two intruders.
And Ned, do me a favor tell Ry; oh never mind.”

Ned snickered,
“I’ll tell him you said hello or good bye which ever the case maybe
Thena.” Ned hung up the phone. Ned was worried, he wondered if he
should call Ryker or not. Deciding for now he would not call. Thena
had been in tuff places before, always got out ok.

She moved from
window to window looking in checking each room. Then a shot rang
out a whish rushed by Thena’s ear and she dropped to the ground.
Thena did not move she laid there, her heart beating quickly, but
she never moved a muscle. The lights went on in the house she
noticed through her eye lids, the window went up and glass showered
down on Thena and still she never moved even when she realized a
piece of glass had hit her hand and blood made her skin shiver as
it dripped on to the ground.

“Damn,” Seeker
yelled, “you shot Thena you damn fool!” Seeker went around to the
back door and rushed around to Thena. Checking her out, he found no
blood on her body. When Telme rushed up with the gun in his hand,
Thena grabbed the gun from Telme and tossed it into a rose bush.
Thena looked at Telme and thought he should be the one who was
alpha of this pack; he had the built for it, domination attitude so
why was he sitting back and letting Seeker run the show she
wondered. It was just a matter of time when Telme would take over
the pack as leader. Seeker would fail.

“You damn fool
you could have killed me, what the hell is the matter with you.
Stay the hell away from guns unless you’re sure of your target! You
think first then shoot, not the reverse!” Thena picked herself up
and calmly walked to the back door and went into the kitchen.
“Board that damn window up before you go to bed!” Thena then
noticed blood on her hand. “Damn it all! The fool is going to kill
someone!” Thena turned on the cold water and ran water over her
hand. The hand had been cut when the glass fall from the window,
when Seeker opened it. The cut was pretty bad. After checking for
glass she bandaged her hand tight to stop the bleeding. Then
realized by morning it should be healed. Scar will be gone in
another three days.

Turning to
Seeker she smiled, “Which room is mine please?”

Seeker smiled
warmly, “Come this way,” as they were heading Seeker turned to look
at Thena and noticed how pale she appeared, Seeker grabbed her
before she fall! Seeker helped her into his private bedroom.

Once inside
Thena laid down on the bed, “it’s just the blood; I can’t handle
losing blood, because of the nature of my species. Seeker lifted
Thena’s leg up and onto the bed”

Seeker looked
at her, “then you’re in the wrong profession sweet cakes!”

Thena smiled,
“right profession, because I am really good at what I do. Just
can’t handle losing my own blood.”

laughed, “you’re staying in my room, and I won’t take no for an
answer. I’ll get you a blanket and you can either sleep under the
sheets with me, or use a blanket and sleep on top of the

“I will crawl
under the sheets, but do not expect sex or anything in that nature
at least, not if you’re smart that is. I don’t take you for being
any where near stupid or a fool. Besides the couple that was here
earlier are not sure we are girlfriend and boyfriend and I want
them to think we are a couple! It might keep you safer longer.




The sun was
shining bright in the sky it was a nice sixty degree’s out side.
The bedroom had cream white walls a picture of an animal here and
there the bed was oak head board. The dressers were oak. The
hardwood floors of oak were shining and looked freshly polished.
Thena woke up snuggled up against Seeker and realized he had been
watching her sleep. When she looked at him he smiled. Thena felt
very warm and comfortable. She slipped out of the bed with her
night gown on walked to the window to make sure someone saw her.
Thena then turned towards Seeker asked, “Come over to me and give
me a sexy kiss and then pick me up as if you’re taking me to your

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