Read Domination Inc. Online

Authors: Drusilla Leather

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #obedience, #sexual, #fantasy, #dark, #wild

Domination Inc. (15 page)

He waited till her feet were dangling a good foot off the floor once more, and then he said, ‘Hold it there.'

‘Wh-what?' Natalie said, startled. ‘I can't – at least, not for very long.'

‘There's no such word as “can't” when you're training with me,' Joe replied. ‘Do as you're told.'

Natalie obediently dangled in mid-air, knowing what was to follow. Joe obliged her, by using the belt on her bottom once more. The length of leather sliced repeatedly across her buttocks and the tops of her thighs, and she could not prevent her legs from jerking convulsively as she fought against the pain Joe was inflicting.

‘Please, no more,' she begged, but for the moment Joe seemed oblivious to her entreaties. The belt whistled in the air and fell hard against her burning cheeks time and again. Though he could not have given her more than a dozen strokes in total, it must have felt to her throbbing flesh as though the punishment was continuing for an eternity.

At last he permitted her to drop gently back to the floor. By now her air of cool composure had been shattered, and tears sparkled in her dark eyes. Joe looked her up and down levelly.

‘I expected you to take those with much less fuss,' he said. ‘You've forfeited the right to wear that T-shirt. Take it off.'

Natalie hesitated for a moment, then her fingers went to the tattered hem of the sweat-soaked garment. She peeled it off and over her head, baring her upper torso to Joe's delighted gaze. Her nipples were large and dark, surrounded by soft chocolate-brown aureoles. Little droplets of sweat had gathered on her skin, and Joe longed to lick them away.

Instead, he motioned to the pec deck, anxious to see the muscles beneath those impressive breasts at work. While Natalie positioned herself, he adjusted the weights. He was not requiring her to lift as much as he had been doing before she arrived, but it was still an impressive poundage for a woman to deal with, however fit.

‘Twenty repetitions,' he ordered.

‘Sure thing.' The first ten were easy for Natalie, and Joe wondered if he had misjudged her remaining strength. By the time she had completed fifteen, however, she was visibly struggling, the sweat forming in beads on her collar bone and trickling down the valley of her cleavage. She could still have managed the last five, he was sure, but with three to go, she gave up, her bare breasts heaving as she fought for breath.

Joe shook his head and tutted in displeasure. ‘Only seventeen, Natalie. You know that's not good enough, don't you?'

‘I'm sorry. I – I tried,' Natalie replied.

‘It's earned you three more stripes with the belt. On the bare, this time.'

‘On the—?' The terminology was unfamiliar to Natalie, but she quickly twigged what Joe meant. ‘You mean I have to take my shorts off, right.'

‘Right,' Joe confirmed.

‘And if I refuse?' Natalie asked.

‘Then you'll have the chance to know what it feels like when this belt slices into those tits of yours,' Joe replied.

For an anxious moment Natalie stared back at him, calling his bluff. He responded by slapping the end of the belt meaningfully and dropping his gaze to her stiff nipples. The implied threat was enough; she shrugged out of the cycling shorts, pulling them off over her trainer-clad feet. She was not, as he had hoped, naked beneath them, but the little G-string she wore did almost nothing to conceal her bush of dark hair, and when she turned round on his command and bent over, there was nothing to protect her buttocks from the sting of the belt. He could see how the dark skin was already well-marked from previous lashes, and could not resist running his fingers over the weals he had raised. Natalie moaned as he stroked the tender flesh.

‘It's what you wanted, don't forget,' he reminded her.

‘I know, but...' She broke off as his finger skated along the barely-covered crease between her cheeks, settling in the depression of her anus and rubbing gently until he elicited a guilty groan from her. He knew in that moment that she was entirely his.

‘Steady yourself, Natalie,' Joe said.

He spaced the three strokes out for what must have been, to Natalie, an interminable length of time. The belt seared her naked buttocks, making her sob as it caught skin which had already been striped. Her ponytail hung down limply, and the remaining fight seemed to have been beaten out of her.

Joe was not quite finished, however. There was one last exercise Natalie had asked to perform, and he was more than happy to oblige. Though first came the small matter of her G-string.

‘I want you completely naked for this one,' Joe told her, and meekly she complied, tossing the scrap of fabric to the floor. Joe wanted to pick it up and bury his nose in it, sure that it would be fragrant with her spicy, feminine aroma.

‘Leg curls,' he said simply, and Natalie went to lie on the padded bench which had leg weights attached. She hooked her ankles round the back of the weights, and began to lift them. As she moved, Joe had a perfect view of her sex from behind, flexing and opening rhythmically. The sight was such a powerful turn-on that he wanted to push her flat to the bench and slide his cock deep into her moist channel then and there.

He let her raise the weights a couple of dozen times, before judging that he had finally exhausted her. Once more he ordered her to bend and touch her toes. She clasped her ankles and waited patiently for him to use the belt on her arse again, but Joe felt he had punished her enough. He quickly stripped off his vest and jogging bottoms, and then went to hunt in his kit bag. Among the tangle of clothes and toiletries in the bottom of the bag was a jar of petroleum jelly. He snatched it up and went to stand behind Natalie.

Taking a generous dollop of the greasy jelly from the jar, he reached between Natalie's legs and began to smooth it over her puffy labia. She was already wet there, with a mixture of sweat and her own natural juices, and as his fingers explored her intricate, hidden crevices, she began to lubricate more freely, and widened her stance to offer him easier access. He dipped his finger into the jelly once more. This time he bypassed her sex, rubbing it instead into her dark anal rosebud. She whimpered as his finger pushed at the tight ring of muscle, seeking entry; whimpered more vigorously when he pushed past the resistance of her sphincter.

‘Not there…' she whispered. ‘No one's ever touched me there.'

‘There's a first time for everything,' Joe told her. ‘Relax, Natalie. Go with the feeling.'

‘I know what you're doing,' she gasped, as Joe's finger started to move gently in and out of her virgin hole. ‘You're getting me ready so you can fuck me there, aren't you?'

As he heard that word coming from Natalie's full, sensual lips, it took all Joe's self-control not to come on the spot. He let the jar of petroleum jelly fall to the floor, and pressed his body tightly to hers, so that his erect cock lay snugly in the valley between her bottom cheeks. She groaned at the feel of his hot, rigid length.

Joe wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, his lips aching to shape a paean to the perfection of her body, but that was not how Warren, his rôle model, would behave. Warren would call her a slut and a whore, and with every cruel, deliberately unfeeling word, he would push her closer to orgasm. He sighed inwardly, and settled for reaching round to fondle Natalie's magnificent breasts. His touch was intentionally rough, grasping and twisting her hard nipples, and she writhed against him, her shudders more of pleasure than pain.

At last he turned his attentions back to her bottom, the mouth of the little hole pouting at him where his finger had penetrated it. He stopped playing with her nipples and used his hands to part her arse cheeks more widely, opening her up her further, and causing her to moan as he pressed against flesh that was tender from prolonged punishment. Then he took hold of his cock and guided its blunt head until it was resting against that expectant hole. Infinitesimally slowly, he pushed into her, breaching what remained of her resistance. He took his time, moving inch by steady inch into the untried passage. Natalie cried out as she was stretched painfully, wanting to fight against the unfamiliar intrusion that she seemed to both fear and welcome.

‘Touch yourself,' Joe ordered. ‘I want you to slide two fingers into that wet cunt of yours.'

Natalie did as she was told, and as Joe's cock rubbed against the thin wall of muscle that divided her anal and vaginal passages, he could feel her fingers moving in tandem. Natalie cooed in wonderment as she experienced the full sensation of this dual penetration, and when the pace of Joe's strokes began to rise inexorably, she matched him with her own hand.

It was impossible for Joe to hold out as his dick was milked by the tight embrace of Natalie's anus, and he cried out as the spunk shot up from his balls, gushing deep into Natalie's bowels. Realising what had happened, Natalie screamed in shocked pleasure as her own orgasm hit her.

Joe held her until her body stilled, and then he withdrew from her. She said nothing, and he knew he'd fulfilled the demand she'd made when she booked his services – to bring her lower than she had ever been, and yet take her to heights of ecstasy like she had never experienced.

‘Come on, let's go and clean up,' he said. There was a private suite of offices adjoining the gym for the instructors who normally worked there, and Joe helped Natalie into her discarded T-shirt and shorts before pulling on his own jogging bottoms and ushering her out of the room. Unlocking the office door, he took her through to the little shower room where they could change in privacy.

He stripped as quickly as he had dressed, and stepped into the shower. Adjusting the temperature of the water until it was pleasantly hot, he beckoned for Natalie to join him. She did not hesitate to undress and free her hair from its sweaty ponytail, happy for Joe to command her.

Now his touch was tender, rather than cruel. There was grapefruit-scented shower gel, and he used it to shampoo her hair and wash every inch of her body, lathering away the traces of the workout and their lovemaking. She made no protest as his soapy hands lingered on the full curves of her breasts, then snaked down between her legs to touch her sex. Natalie responded by reaching for the shower gel and smoothing it into Joe's chest, back and buttocks.

Soon they were kissing, wet bodies twined together as the steamy spray pounded down on them. When Natalie reached for Joe's cock, it stiffened under her caress, and he sighed as she soaped his balls and the sensitive flesh between them. Her touch was greedy and demanding, wanting him hard and ready for her again, and as soon as he was fully erect she guided him to the entrance of her vagina, moaning as he slipped easily inside.

Their lovemaking was as urgent this time round, with Joe pressing her against the tiled wall of the shower as she thrust back at him.

‘W-when I spoke to your boss, she said you d-didn't do extras,' Natalie said between gasps.

‘Oh, this one's on the house,' Joe replied, groaning as he came inside Natalie for the second time in half an hour.

‘And what's your boss going to say about that?' Natalie asked, her last coherent utterance before her own orgasm hit her and she slumped against Joe, unable to speak for the shudders of ecstasy that were running through her body.


Laurel, to Joe's surprise, said very little when he told her that his encounter with Natalie Wolf had overstepped the bounds of the specified scenario.

‘You can't blame me, though,' Joe told her, as they sat in the office. ‘She's probably the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. Present company excepted, of course.'

‘Flattery won't get you anywhere, Joe,' Laurel replied.

‘Perhaps not, but you can't tell me you don't appreciate it,' Joe retorted. ‘And anyway, I felt like I needed a little treat, seeing as these days my sex life seems to end as soon as I stop working for this place.' He shot a meaningful look at Laurel. ‘You ought to try it, too. Treat yourself to a night of passion with someone you're never going to see again. Get rid of some of that pent-up tension.'

‘You know that isn't my style.' Laurel sounded annoyed. ‘And what do you mean, pent-up tension? Joe, we've been mates for a long time. I don't expect to get a lecture on my private life from you, of all people.'

‘All I'm trying to do is get you to let your hair down a bit. I'm concerned about you, if you want the truth.' Joe went to stand behind her, and dropped his hands to her shoulders, massaging them through her white wraparound top. ‘This is the tension I'm talking about,' he said, as his fingers worked on the knotted muscles. ‘You spend all day in this office, you put in stupid hours, and you seem to have forgotten how to have fun. And I know for a fact you haven't slept with anyone since we took over the agency. Warren's started calling you the Born-again Virgin.'

Laurel, who had been relaxing under Joe's ministrations, stiffened in her seat. ‘Warren can go fuck himself.'

‘I think he'd rather fuck you, given the choice,' Joe said. He was aware he was tormenting both of them by bringing up the subject of Warren Keating, but he needed to know how Laurel felt about the man.

‘In his dreams,' Laurel replied vehemently, but she had hesitated for long enough to suggest to Joe that, on a subconscious level at least, she had thought seriously about such a scenario. ‘I'm sorry, Joe,' she said, slumping back against the chair, ‘but everything's going so well at the moment. The agency's started turning a profit, we're getting repeat bookings and we've had some great write-ups in
and on a couple of the American fetish web sites. I'll take a few days off in a couple of weeks, I promise, but I just need to know that the agency will be able to run okay in my absence.'

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