Read Deke Brolin Rhol Online

Authors: Doug Backus

Deke Brolin Rhol (46 page)

Deke thought for several moments before speaking
. “And if I choose to retrieve the Amulet of Beltic?”

“Then you will find yourself in Beltic against impossible odds. You will never be able to return to
Earth again until you have located the amulet of your own world.”

“And what will happen if I choose to go back to
Earth now?”

“Then you will never be able to leave
Earth again. More than likely, Beltic will become extinct, devoid of life. If that happens, other worlds will follow the same path. Eventually the balance will be unable to recover itself, and every planet in the Balance of Five will cease to exist. It is inevitable, unless Solharn is sent back to the Abyss never to return. For that to take place, the other Blackpools must all be destroyed.”

“Why me,
Elissa, why am I the one that was chosen to follow this path and to determine whether the balance survives or doesn’t. Why does the amulet even work in my hands?” Deke asked.

As she answered he thought he could see her smile slightly
. “I cannot say Deke. Only you can answer the questions that define your life.”

He looked at Mary who gave him a nod of approval. They had no life left on Earth anyway. They had spent countless days in an effort to find a new path to follow, one that had meaning. So they would follow this one.

“I am sure Kiran described the amulet to me once before but can you refresh my memory?” Deke asked.

Elissa did not question his decision. She already knew what it would be.

“It is that of a gold moon and it represents birth. It can be found with the Kilto where their sanctuary lies. Ensure you learn everything that the Kilto are willing to teach you before you depart. It will be imperative if you are to succeed. They have a deeper understanding of the Universe surrounding the Balance of Five. Their knowledge will assist you in connecting with those who may help you succeed on your quest.”

“But Elissa, nobody knows where that is. Nobody has ever walked upon that hallowed ground. How will he find it?” Jayden asked.

“There are some who know,” Elissa answered pointing to the sky behind them.

They turned and followed her finger
. In the distant sky, they could see a dragon gradually gliding toward them. Phanthus and Oisin had returned.  

“Was your quest a success, Phanthus?” Elissa enquired.

“It was Elissa. And what decisions have been made in our absence?”

“I will let Deke speak to your question.”

“We have decided to continue with the path we have already started down,” Deke answered. “Are you to take us to where the Amulet lies?”

“It would be our honor. Before we go
however, we would like to say some goodbyes if we may,” Oisin answered.

“Goodbyes?” Jayden enquired.

Oisin slid from Phanthus and approached Jayden. “You are the last one to know my friend. Please do not be angry with anyone but me. I asked Elissa and the others to allow me to tell you personally. You are my friend above all else and I could not imagine you finding out any other way.”

“What is it Oisin? What is wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong Jayden except that the path my life now leads me in will take me far away from the reaches of Leal. It has always been my legacy, my family’s legacy. I just didn’t know it until recently. I now understand where I came from, what my past was and who my family was.

My family’s heritage is that of a Dragon Warrior. That is why fate placed Phanthus and me together. Our paths were joined by our ancient bloodlines. Our families were sworn to protect the people of Kilto many centuries ago, and over the many decades that followed, our heritage was forgotten. People struck out against the dragons. They blamed them for horrible acts of violence and death. It was Solharn who cast the blame and convinced them to destroy the dragons. He needed them destroyed so he could get at the Kilto.

In the turmoil of it all and sensing a rebellion the Dragon Warriors flew the Kilto, the most spiritual people of Rhol, to a place where nobody would ever find them, a sanctuary. If they chose to stay there, the Dragon Warriors believed that they would never be found, and that they would always be protected. They were asked by the Kilto to live with them, but they refused out of fear that, although unlikely, they would be hunted down even there and the Kilto who they were sworn to protect would be placed in danger. So they returned in hopes of changing the minds of those who had been misled. It was not to be however; they would not listen. They had been convinced that the dragons of Rhol had to be exterminated to protect themselves and their children.

My relatives fought alongside the dragons in a desperate struggle to survive, to exist. They refused to leave them at the hands of such injustice. So, they too were killed by the swords of the ignorant and the misguided.

Before that final battle, the Dragon Warriors agreed that they would protect their bloodlines. They chose a young girl and a dragon, no more than two years old. They told them nothing of who they were, or what their heritage was in order to shield them from the people who would accuse them and persecute them. 

The girl was sent to Aura where she eventually blended in. She married a Lealian and they unknowingly kept the bloodline of the Dragon Warriors alive. Solharn however, learned of the bloodline and he spent years exterminating my ancestors. He knew how powerful the Dragon Warriors would be if ever they realized their calling, and he knew they would oppose him. My mother and father did not understand why their families were being systematically wiped out, but they were not foolish enough to think that they would escape that curse. So, when I was born, they hid me away in the mountains. They were murdered a mere two weeks later. I was taken care of by a family of Brawltug. They honored my parents’ wishes and told me nothing of my past. Out of fear that Solharn would learn of my existence, they would not let me leave the confines of their home. So there I stayed, ignorant of the ways of the world outside. One day they left to go out on one of their excursions. I waited for days for their return, alone and hungry, but they never came back.  I set out on my own, wandering from place to place for years. Eventually I found my way to Leal, and was taken in by your father just prior to Elissa casting the protective field around it. I would be safe there for the next decade.

The dragon lived a much harsher life. He watched as the last of the dragons were slaughtered. He assumed that the people that lay lifelessly beside them were simply casualties of the persons responsible for killing them. He did not know any better, as he was never told what his purpose was. The ancients hid him
in a lair and told him that he needed to protect the bloodline of the dragons. He was told that he could never reveal himself to anyone until it was time, or else he would be responsible for the extinction of the dragons. As they left, he asked them how he would know when the time to reveal himself, had come. They had simply told him a legend. A legend about a dragon’s tear, and that if the legend ever came to fruition then he would know.

Over the many years of seclusion hatred built up within that dragon. Solharn tracked him down, intent on destroying him to ensure that the Dragon Warriors of Rhol would never again reunite.

When Solharn finally found the dragon, he realized that the dragon had no idea what his true heritage was. He also discovered, to his delight, that the dragon had a profound hatred for the inhabitants of Rhol. So Solharn did not kill the dragon. Instead, he saw the value in having this dragon work on his side, to fight with his armies and he convinced him to do just that.

Over time the dragon eventually came to realize his true purpose through the compassion of a boy, and through the valiance of a warrior who refused to leave his side. That warrior gave his own life to try to save the dragon, like his ancestors had done before him. The dragon gave that life back. That dragon was Phanthus, Jayden, and the warrior was me. 

We are the last in the bloodline that protects the Kilto. They are of great importance to the Balance of Five, more than anyone knows. We will stay with them and look over them, at least until the Balance is saved forever.”

Jayden did not say much, he merely hugged his friend and wished him the best. He told them both that should they ever need his help he would be there for them
. With that, the Dragon Warriors prepared to leave to fulfill their purpose, to follow their path.

“Wait! I want to go with them
Elissa. It would be my honor if you would allow me this request. I have no family left in this world. I only wish to help save what remains. I can help the boy,” said Duffy.

“I am quite sure you
can Duffy and I believe you will. Please, go with them and may the energy of the souls protect you all.”

he night drew to a close as the full moon cast its glow over Mount Kartago. Palto stood beside Elissa and they watched as Phanthus flew his weary travelers to what would be the start of their most challenging journey yet, a journey that would lead them to the Amulet of Beltic and to a new world.

“Solharn will be far more powerful and far more prepared the next time he comes in contact with the boy, Elissa. Will
Deke be able to resist the Dark Angels temptations and remain on the path he follows?”

“Every path has its twists and turns that inevitably lead to a chasm, Palt
o. We can only hope that when he comes to one of those chasms, he can find a bridge that will help him across it.”














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