Dark Desire in Elk's Crossing [Sequel to Ecstasy in Elk's Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

Joshua asked, “And what’s that?”

In a tone more fitting for the boardroom than the bedroom, Annika replied, “Get fucked in the pussy and ass at the same time.”

She saw their shock written in their expressions. Whatever they had thought she was going to say wasn’t what she had said. Not even close. Never in her life, until coming to Elk’s Crossing, had she been truly daring sexually, but with Joshua and Sven, she felt confident that whatever it was she wanted, they wouldn’t belittle her because of it. And whatever it was they wanted, she was willing to do.

She put a hand beneath the table and touched her front right pocket. She felt the small tube of lubricant.

It’s probably going to hurt like hell. I don’t give a damn. This is my one and only chance at letting go of all my inhibitions, and I’m going to go all the way. For once, there’ll be no half-measures, no settling for something less than everything.
She looked at Joshua and Sven, who were looking at her now with eyes smoldering with sensuality.
I’m going to get fucked tonight like I’ve never been fucked before, and the men who are going to fuck me are fucking gorgeous!
She closed her eyes for a moment.
I’ve got to stop thinking the word “fuck.” It’s just not ladylike.

Katie showed up at the booth then, asking if they wanted dessert.

“No,” Joshua said rather sharply. “Um, something’s come up, so we have to leave
. Thanks for asking, though.”

They got in the Silverado, with Annika sitting in the middle, and before Joshua had gotten completely out of the parking lot, Sven’s arm was around her shoulders to fondle her breast through her blouse and bra, and his other hand was between her legs to caress her pussy through her jeans while he French kissed her with a lusty abandon.


* * * *


Joshua had to remind himself rather often that getting into a crash would be a lousy way to end the evening. That meant that even though the North Dakota roads were flat and straight, it still wasn’t a good idea to drive over ninety. Especially not when his attention was diverted by the activities of the other two people in the pickup with him.

Occasionally he’d glance to his right and watch Sven’s hand as he squeezed Annika’s breast. She had the most lovely, full breasts, and he knew from experience they were sensitive. Sucking on her nipples and hearing her moans was enough to give Joshua a hard-on solid enough to hunt with.

The gravel road to his ranch was straight as an arrow, so Joshua allowed himself the luxury of looking to his right. He saw that Annika’s hand was in Sven’s crotch as she kissed him, and he was rubbing her pussy through her jeans. Joshua’s cock responded to the visual stimulation by getting even harder than it had been, and he groaned at the awareness that he was at least another ten minutes from home.

Stop here and fuck her on the side of the road.

It was a tempting thought, but a quickie fuck with Annika wasn’t what he had in mind. Most certainly not after she’d said she wanted to get double penetrated.

She’s beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, and she’s got a body to die for. She gives a blow job worthy of writing sonnets about, and she kisses like a fallen angel.

Joshua stepped down a little harder on the accelerator. He had to get home soon or he’d come in his jeans.


* * * *


I can feel the heat of her pussy through her jeans and panties. Holy fuck, this is one passionate woman in my arms.

Sven danced his tongue with Annika’s and felt his heart pounding against his ribs. She excited him as no woman ever had. Of that, he was with no doubt. He was a man abundantly experienced in the sexual arena, but with Annika he felt somehow unfamiliar with the unwritten rules and strangely lacking in confidence. Even though countless women had complimented him for his prowess in the bedroom, with Annika it was different. He wanted to please her more than he’d ever wanted to please other women he’d had affairs with. This intense desire to make her happy made him insecure in his sexual ability. There was a great irony in this, he understood, but that didn’t change the reality of his emotions.

His left arm was over her shoulders, his hand filled with her left breast while his right was busy pleasing her pussy through her jeans. As he kissed her, he felt his cock throbbing, pulsing hotly, aching to be freed from the confines of his jeans. He thought of himself as embarrassingly like some teenager feeling up a girl for the first time. What had happened to the sophisticated multimillionaire who had his choice of women? This question taunted Sven as his tongue searched for all the most sensitive places in Annika’s mouth, and his hands groped and squeezed, wanting to please her more and more with each passing second.

This is our last night in Elk’s Crossing.

The thought put a chill through Sven. He ended his passionate kiss with Annika, kissed the tip of her nose, and took his hand out from between her legs.

Chapter Eleven


Joshua stepped into the library wearing black boxer-briefs, a black T-shirt, and an old robe that had seen a few too many washings. He went straight to the liquor cart. He took ice from the bucket and put it into his lowball glass then filled it with whiskey. He felt foolish, childish, and terribly put upon.

She can’t leave. I can’t let her leave, but there’s not a goddamned thing I can do to make her stay. Shit. I hate feeling powerless.

Many, many women had traversed through his life, and while he had occasionally regretted the end of an affair, the emotions he felt those times were mere pangs of remorse. The notion—soon to be reality—that Annika would fly back to Norway and out of his life, was like a sucker punch to the stomach for Joshua.

He drank half the contents of the lowball glass in a couple quick swallows. He was refilling his glass when Sven stepped into the library.

“Good, she’s not here yet,” Sven said as he crossed the room. “Mind making me a vodka?”

“My pleasure.” Joshua put ice and vodka into a glass. “You know, when this whole thing got started, I thought it was just because she’s such a sexy woman. I’ve got to tell you, now it’s something more than that for me.”

“I’m clumsy sometimes with my English, but what you’ve just said is exactly what I feel.” He accepted the glass, clicked it lightly against Joshua’s, then took a big swallow. Sven immediately filled his glass again. “Thanks. I get the feeling that tonight is going to be equal measures of joy and sorrow.”

Joshua took another sip, enjoying the satisfying burn of the liquor going down. “She said she needed some time to get ready, so I’ll give it to her, but I feel as nervous as a teenager. I never meant for this to mean as much as it does.”

“Me, too, my friend. And I’ve got to tell you, I don’t like it. I never dreamed I’d feel this way.” He took a rather large swallow of his vodka. “From the very beginning, I thought she was beautiful, sexy. But a lot of women are beautiful and sexy, and I’ve had no trouble walking away from them…”

Joshua looked at the big Norwegian and gave him a guarded smile. “I’ve never shared a woman before. Never even thought of sharing. I can’t say why it’s so, but it seems natural with you and Annika. Not only am I not jealous of you, I find it sexy as hell to watch you with her.”

It appeared as though Sven was about to respond, but Annika stepped into the library, and all attention turned toward her.

She was wearing the strap-sleeve T-shirt she’d borrowed from Joshua, and though it was massively oversized for her, the fullness of her breasts filled out the garment. Joshua could see the size and shape of her rounded breasts and the fact that her nipples were erect. The bottom hem of the T-shirt came to the middle of her thighs. Her hair was loose, flowing over her shoulders and parted down the middle. Annika appeared a little nervous, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She had touched up her makeup and lipstick. Though she was just wearing a man’s T-shirt, Joshua was certain he’d never seen a sexier apparition in all his life.

“I’m sorry it took so long. I…”

Joshua shook his head. “There’s nothing for you to apologize for.” He smiled at her. “Sven and I have waited a lifetime to be with you.”

His bold and intimate statement caused her to inhale sharply, and Joshua felt his groin stir when her breasts rose slightly and wobbled beneath the T-shirt. Joshua’s cock responded to Annika’s feminine allure, beginning to grow.

“Would you like a drink?” Sven asked.

Annika stepped forward until she was standing between the two men. She shook her head, raising her hands to put one on Joshua’s shoulder and one on Sven’s.

“I’m already drunk with want of you,” she said softly. “You intoxicate me.”

Joshua slipped his free hand around her middle and pulled her in against his body as he bent down to press his lips against hers. When she moaned softly with his kiss, his cock flared to life, tenting his underwear as it grew swiftly, lengthening and thickening with his accelerating heartbeat.

After nearly a full minute, Joshua had to remind himself that he couldn’t—or at least shouldn’t—monopolize Annika. Being in a loving
relationship still had unwritten rules that Joshua couldn’t always remember, especially not when lust blossomed and Annika was in his arms.

Straightening, he ended the kiss with Annika then watched as she began kissing Sven. Joshua set his drink down on the liquor cart then took Sven’s cocktail glass from him. Drinking time was over. Now it was time to give Annika more sensual pleasure than she’d ever dreamed possible.

As Annika continued kissing Sven, Joshua put his hand over her breast, watching as his fingers pressed deeply into the lush mound. The heft and firmness of her luscious breast added fuel to Joshua’s lust, enticing his erection to reach full stature. Continuing to fondle her breast, pinching and tugging on her nipple, he used his left hand to push his underwear down to the tops of his thighs, freeing his cock.

He watched as Sven reached low and slid his hand, palm upward, between Annika’s slightly spread thighs. She moaned when his fingers pressed against the lips of her pussy, and Joshua felt a raw jolt of lust go through his veins. Against all odds, it
supremely erotic to watch Sven caressing Annika, giving her pleasure at the same time Joshua was himself.

Bending at the waist, Joshua kissed Annika’s throat as she continued kissing Sven. He bared his teeth and lightly nipped at her skin, enjoying the delicate fragrance of her perfume which heightened his senses. She trembled when his teeth teased her flesh. He pinched her nipple, rolling it with index finger and thumb, and she moaned.

When Annika turned her face toward him, Joshua slanted his mouth firmly down over her and slipped his tongue between her parted lips. He was dancing his tongue with hers when he felt her fingers curling around the shaft of his cock. With a low groan of lust, he acknowledged her caress and pressed his fingers into her breast.


* * * *


This was everything that Annika had imagined it would be, everything that she had fantasized about. She ran her fist back and forth over Joshua’s hard cock as she kissed him, sucking his tongue even deeper into her mouth. When Sven’s finger slipped between the lips of her pussy, the invasion was smooth, made easy with her slick cream.

They want me as much as I want them.

She spread her bare feet a little farther apart and blindly reached for Sven’s cock. He guided her hand, and when she squeezed his cock, she found it hot and hard, ready to give her the thrilling penetration that could make her bones feel like they were melting.

The surface of her skin was tingling with desire. She felt Sven’s finger slipping back and forth between the lips of her sex and Joshua’s right hand on her ass, squeezing her naked buns. Each man had a hand on her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples through the thin barrier of Joshua’s T-shirt.

She stroked the two cocks, rubbing the twin heads against her bared torso.
Two delicious cocks, and they’re all mine.

She bent her knees, ending her kiss with Sven. The men seemed positively huge, their powerful bodies bracketing Annika, making her feel dominated and feminine, lusted for and safe.

Annika settled on her knees, sitting on the backs of her heels, the cocks she held now at face level to her. She watched her hands moving back and forth over their lengths, amazed at her own good fortune that such a bounty was exclusively hers.

“Take your clothes off,” she whispered, looking up at her men. “I want you naked. I don’t want there to be anything separating us.”

To assist the process, she released her grip on their cocks and tugged Sven’s boxers down his legs, then Joshua’s. The men shrugged out of their robes and pulled off their T-shirts. Remaining on her knees, Annika pulled off her own T-shirt and tossed it.

She angled her head and tucked her face beneath Joshua’s throbbing shaft. Softly, tenderly, she sucked on his balls, first taking one between her lips to lick, then the other. She was in no hurry, wanting this evening to last an eternity.

“That feels so good,” Joshua said through a groan when Annika drew a vacuum on him. “So fucking sexy to see you on your knees. It’s electric when you suck on my balls.”

Annika released him, smiling as she looked up into his eyes. “I’ll do anything you want. Anything at all. Whatever you need to be happy, I’ll do.”

She then pushed her lips over the knob of Sven’s cock, moaning softly as she savored the taste of her lover’s intimate flesh. Annika began bobbing slowly, enjoying the slight tang of the pre-cum that she drew from her lovers. She made a point of trying to give each man equal time, equal satisfaction as she learned to give blow jobs to two men.

I’m on my knees sucking on two cocks, and it’s the sexiest thing I can think of doing. Never in a thousand years did I think that something like this would happen to me.

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