Read Curves for the Alpha Wolf Online

Authors: Caroline Knox

Curves for the Alpha Wolf (3 page)

“Of course. I
had to. You shouldn’t have been left isolated and vulnerable. And alone.”

I remembered
the loneliness of the small apartment. A pang of hurt hollowed my belly. “I had
Digger to keep me company,” I muttered. “I took care of her, and she was a
friend when I was lonely.”

He spoke with a
passion that raised the fine hairs on my body and made my heart pound hard. His
warm breath tickled my cheek. “You were always so caring. So nurturing.” His
hands dropped to my curvy hips. “You’ll make a fine mother.”

At his words,
an ache of longing shot though me.

“So, Chrissy.
Are we going to do this? We have to mate hard and deep, and soon.” His words
were making a mush of my mind. Hard and deep. Yes and yes. I looked at him
shyly, hesitating. Was this fantasy too good to be true?

His hands
raised the hem of the shirt, rubbed tantalizing circles at the base of my
spine. His soft, deep voice made my knees weak as he added, “You’ll be glad, I

The moment I
nodded he swept me up again, making my head spin as he rushed me inside. But it
was happening too fast. In a whirlwind of heat and speed, Justin got us inside
and to the bedroom, at which point I started fighting him again. This time he
ignored my struggles, moving against me until I fell onto the bed. The low
light mercifully hid my blushing as the shirt I wore rode up, exposing my
curvaceous innocent flesh.

Justin removed
his tee shirt, revealing a broad chest sleek with muscle. He tossed the garment
aside and moved over me even as my hand rose to his pecs. His muscles twitched
against my fingers. He let me touch him, inhaling sharply when my palm caressed
his nipples. I trailed my fingers down his stomach, feeling the line of hair
that disappeared into his jeans. I didn’t quite dare to touch the material
covering his intimidating bulge.

He didn’t need
to remove my panties or bra since I was already naked under his shirt. Would he
just mount me? Would it be bestial and brutal? Would it hurt very badly? I
didn’t know what to expect.

My breath came
fast with nervousness as he unbuttoned his jeans and started to unzip. He
noticed my expression, and stopped. He cupped my face in his hand, his thumb
caressing my cheek. “You’re a virgin. I’m frightening you.” He laughed shakily.
“The last thing I want to do is frighten you.”

“I’m not
frightened,” I said bravely. “Much.”

“Liar.” But he
gave me a smile that lit up his eyes to a mellow gold. “Don’t be nervous.
You’re in good hands.” True to his word, his hands enclosed my shoulders in a
warm grip, his thumbs circling the skin on each shoulder. He leaned in, gentle
for the moment, and kissed the hollow in my throat. His touch was a light and
gentle as a feather. Too gentle. I moved against him, restless, and I saw his
grin. His jaw and his cheek, sandpapery with a dark five o’clock shadow, grazed
my neck teasingly before he nibbled me there, licking my skin like I was a
special treat.

In response, my
skin tingled and seemed to light up all over my body. Could Justin really be
interested in a curvy girl like me?

As if in
answer, he murmured against my neck, “I’m going to make you howl. I’ve wanted
this for so long.” He bit me harder, sucking my skin into his mouth then
tonguing it. His fingers moved lightly on the buttons of the shirt I wore and
the material parted, exposing more of me to him. My large, soft breasts spilled
out, ample curves offered up to him. The air was cool on my body. I shuddered
as goosebumps rose on my skin. My nipples puckered and hardened.

Justin cupped a
breast in each hand, warming me instantly. His teeth grazed one nipple, then
the other, his hot tongue flicking at the tips until my breath started to
hitch. Then he took a nipple deep into his mouth and suckled. The sensation was
like warm velvet stroking me. I gasped when he increased the suction, my hands
rising to his broad shoulders and hanging on, grounding myself against the
heady sensation. A ball of tension at my core tightened pleasurably.

I began to pant
like an animal. Justin continued to tease my breasts as his fingers worked
their way down and into the cleft between my legs. One thick finger moved
deeper into my slit to touch the wet heat there. I moaned.

Instead of my
voice emerging as a woman’s groan of pleasure, it sounded animalistic. Like the
whimper of a beast. The ball of tension in me tightened further and I began to
shake and shudder. The shift was about to happen again. I writhed under him,
unable to control it. My hands left his shoulders to grasp at the bedding in
two convulsive grips.

“No,” Justin
commanded. He pushed me down on the bed and lowered his pants.

Even though I
was in no condition to appreciate the magnificent length and girth of his cock,
it was impossible to miss. He was much bigger than I’d expected. Exposed and
erect, it bumped against my belly. Then Justin maneuvered lower. I had the urge
to wrap my fingers around his shaft and hold him tightly, anchoring me to him,
so I did. Justin made a startled sound that was half-laughter, half-pleasure as
my hands skimmed the length of him, feeling his pulse throb against my palm.

The most primal
part of me clenched with need, eager to have him buried inside me. If he didn’t
do it soon, the other primal need would overcome me. I whimpered with desire
and urgency, shuddering with the force of the twin competing needs. Justin had
to mate with me immediately. A tingle went through my body at the thought.

crossed his features, and his playfulness gave way to determination. The head
of his cock bumped against my slick folds. One more change in his angle pushed
it snug against my tight entrance, and, with one firm thrust, Justin pushed his
way inside.

It pinched,
stretching me pleasurably. The sensation and wonder of it took over my mind. I
was being taken, losing my virginity to Justin himself. I knew beyond a shadow
of a doubt this was a profound and meaningful act that was happening to us. Vast
satisfaction filled me along with Justin’s length. This meant we were finally
together, together as I’d always craved, and just when I was starting to
believe I’d never find anyone meant for me. Much less a man like Justin.

I moved against
him, accustoming myself to his width and length. The piercing of my maidenhead
made me gasp from the sharp pain of it for a moment, but the hurt faded quickly
as Justin sank deeper into me. He pushed inside until he was lying atop me and
pressed firmly to me, his abs against my soft stomach. I rubbed my nipples
again his chest, wanton. He pumped his hips and I shouted with the ferocious
desire of it, raking my nails down his back, grinding hard against his thrust.
I was obeying a primal imperative and achieving an instinctual purpose I hadn’t
known I had.

A throbbing heat spiraled up through
me, the urge to reach orgasm blending with the urge to shift. He increased his
pace, causing a jolt of ecstasy to cascade through me each time he sank into
me. “Justin,” I panted. The pressure built in me, and with it the worry. I was
going to shift this time one way or another. I quivered with pleasure. I
shuddered with concern. “I can’t hold it off,” I gasped.

He grunted
acknowledgment, thrusting faster and faster. He went ever deeper into me,
longer than before, hitting new nerves that had me moaning helplessly. Passion
roared through my veins and I couldn’t stop my outcry of delight. My back
arched as I clutched at Justin. His response equaled mine and he met me
halfway, roaring with pleasure, pushing with a frenzied strength that would
have stunned me if I hadn’t been feeling the exact same imperative. The musky
smell of sex and fur rose in my nostrils. The scent of Justin and I, together
as we were supposed to be.

I yielded to
the searing need that had been building for so long. My heart thundered in my
ears while all my muscles flexed, then shuddered with release. My orgasm burst
over me.

I screamed. The
sound transformed into a howl halfway through as Justin gave three final
thrusts into me, reaching his own orgasm. Between my legs, a new sticky warmth
filled me completely as we ground against each other, milking every last drop.

Then my eyes
rolled back in my head and my heart seemed to roar in my ears. My body felt
strange: too long in new places, and cramped up in other places. I was at the
mercy of a force I couldn’t control. The room spun. Dots of blackness raced
over my vision, growing until my vision disappeared. The last thing I was aware
of was Justin beside me, cradling me and saying, “I’ve got you. Go with it,
Chrissy. Let it happen.” I took comfort from his presence even as I passed out.

When I finally
opened my eyes, the moon shone silvery through the huge bay windows. I blinked
at it, reading its message that I’d been out for roughly an hour. The bed was
soft beneath me. It smelled of fabric softener and sex. I lay still, savoring
the memories. Even if Justin never slept with me again, I’d now cataloged
enough sexy details about him to fuel a lifetime of fantasies.

I hoped he
would, though.

I inhaled,
marveling at the many scents. I could smell Justin radiating familiar musky
comfort next to me. The perfume of sex was new to me but I wouldn’t have
thought the aromas would be so nuanced. I could identify each captivating
smell. I sucked in a long drag of scent-laden air and realized my doglike
tongue was lolling out of my mouth.


I jumped up,
looking around at my body. I had a grey pelt and a long, bushy tail. It had
worked. I was a werewolf! I yelped with excitement.

Justin propped
himself up on an elbow. I watched him with rapt attention. As a man he was a
splendid specimen. Without a doubt too handsome, too powerful, too magnificent
for someone like me. My tail drooped. I owed this alpha my undying gratitude
though. I’d do my best to keep from being clingy when he inevitably moved on.

Justin cocked
his head in a wolf-like manner as he examined me. He opened his mouth to speak,
but just then the big bay window shattered inward as a large, lean, and hairy
monster crashed through. I saw a snarling mouth full of foam-bracketed sharp
white teeth. The creature had enormous paws that didn’t seem to feel the jagged
glass underfoot as it bounded directly for me.

I had just
enough time to recognize an angry Meredith in her wolf form. The next moment
she was lunging for my throat. Her fangs snapped, missing, then closed on my
throat. I knew I was going to die.

But then her
sharp teeth raked my tender skin, drawing lines of fire but not ripping my
throat out. Justin had knocked her sideways. I saw his strong, muscular frame
guarding me as she rolled and twisted to face him. She crouched, looking him
over hungrily and licking her chops. She looked at me with malevolent hate just
before she launched herself at Justin with a fearsome roar.

Meredith was
hurting someone I loved again. I couldn’t believe this was happening
. The horror of it turned my knees to water. I
shouted Justin’s name but it came out as a howl. He hadn’t had time to shift
and his human body was far too vulnerable to withstand a furious assault by a
werewolf as vicious as Meredith. He got in one good punch, then tried to
wrestle Meredith down, but her fangs snapped in a fast blur. She got past his
guard to slash and rip at his throat. I saw Justin’s blood.

My body went
from numb to outraged in a heartbeat. I shook off my paralysis and charged
Meredith, fear filling me that I was too late. I tackled her, heedless of the
consequences. I didn’t know anything about fighting but I knew I had to keep
this homicidal bitch from killing my alpha, the werewolf I loved.

She tumbled
sideways. She hadn’t expected me to attack. That, alone, gave me the advantage.
My fear and determination gave me the courage to do what needed to be done. My
pain about what she’d done to Digger combined with my fury about her attack on
Justin, building my resolve. This werewolf would never again hurt a living
creature with her malice. I went for her throat as I’d seen her do to Justin,
clamping down and shaking my head. I refused to let go. In my human form the
gruesome death I gave her would’ve revolted me, but in my wolf form it seemed
appropriate, natural, and right. It felt like justice. I kept my fangs pressed
together until I tasted blood, kept them buried in her throat despite her
scrabbling claws at my belly or her eventual desperate whimpering tugs to get
away. Then I ripped out her windpipe. I turned away as she collapsed into a
spreading pool of red already on the floor.

Terror iced my veins when I saw all that
blood. If Justin was dead, I’d never forgive myself for my hesitation. I’d
finally mated with Justin. He couldn’t be dead, I told myself. I’d found
someone to truly love who not only made me feel beautiful but who was an alpha
who had the power to rescue me. An alpha who’d killed for me. We belonged

I made myself
turn to look at Justin. All the breath whooshed out of my body with relief. He
was sitting up, pale and clammy but not bleeding to death. The wound on his
throat seemed to be healing with supernatural rapidity. I emitted a
high-pitched whimper of happiness and bounded over to nuzzle him fiercely. He
laughed and petted me. “I’m fine. Change back,” he suggested. I backed up,
gazing deep into his eyes. I saw nothing but love. My heart skipped a beat,
then started to glow.

I knew what I
had to do now. Even as I did it, I was contentedly envisioning moving out of my
crappy little apartment and into Justin’s wonderful house, where Digger would
be the most spoiled Labrador Retriever in the world, roaming fearlessly in the
werewolf wilderness now that the threat to her had been permanently removed.
And I’d live happily ever after too, mated for life to Justin.

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