Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (18 page)

“Who the fuck died and put you in charge?” Cliff’s voice booms through the room.

“Shut up, asshat. I don’t see you stepping in and doing much of anything,” I reply with a smirk, my hands on my hips.

“Bend over, baby, and I’ll show you just what I can do,” he says with a wink.

“Fuck off, pal. That ass is all mine,” Steve spits out between clenched teeth.

Moving behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer to his chest. Shaking my head, I roll my eyes at the pissing contest playing out before me. Steve knows very well that my ass is all his, Cliff just likes to push his buttons and sometimes he takes things a bit too far.

“Okay, tough guys, no one is messing with anyone’s ass. Ashley is right; there is still a lot to do before tomorrow afternoon. Where’s our mastermind, Etty, anyway? She’s the one that should be spouting off orders.”

“Last I saw she was still at the house in a staring match with Dault. Those two need to just fuck and get it over with,” Cliff barks with a laugh.

“Let them alone, Cliff. Etty is having a hard time with all of this, not to mention the stress over tomorrow’s re-opening,” Jo says stepping into the conversation.

“I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m just saying maybe if she gave him a little action. Ya know…maybe it could trigger a memory.”

“Shut up, Cliff,” I spout back at him with a look of disappointment.

I can’t imagine how shitty Etty must feel. It’s been a rough few days for her and still no memories coming back to Dault. If I had the magic answer, I sure as hell would be acting on it. I can only hope that tomorrow helps, even if just a little.

Stepping away from Steve, I push my way through the reception area and start to busy myself. I need a distraction and we sure as hell need to get this place in order.

Walking back to my room, I start to look around the walls that Steve and I have decorated with my art work. It’s hard to believe all of this is mine. Never in a million years could I have imagined that I’d be sitting back here in a chair at Cursed Magic. If only Cricket were here to see me, I’ve changed a lot since I met him all those years ago. I can only hope that he’d be proud of the artist I’ve become.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Steve’s voice says moving into the room.

Looking to him, I share a small smile.

“I was just looking around the room and got to thinking, I wish Cricket could see me now,” I reply as a tear falls from my eye.

“I know he’d be more than proud of you, Ashley. Look around these walls, all of this art is yours. Every last line of ink is something you’ve created on each of us. It’s astounding the way you came back from years of retirement and fell back into your chair like no time had lapsed at all.”

Moving toward the wall, he looks over each of the photos we hung. Pointing to the piece I inked to his leg, he turns to smile at me.

“This one right here, it’s my favorite, ya know. Not just because it’s mine, nope, it’s because you drew something that expresses so much about you and me. All of these others that you gave to the Cursed and Pink Crew, they’re incredible too but this one is the best by far.”

Moving to stand beside him, I take a closer look. This is my work, my art and my life. I know this is a gift and I’m so proud to be here with these other skilled men sharing our talents with the world.

Together, Linc, Jo, Cliff, Steve and I work our asses off around the shop for the rest of the day. By nightfall, Cursed Magic looks as good as new. Tables are set up within the reception area, the floors shining as if they were just put in and the grand re-opening sign is hung with pride. And each of the artist’s rooms is fully stocked with plenty of equipment and supplies. I think we are totally going to pull this off.

Standing together as a family, we look at the hard work we’ve put in over the past week. I’m excited, anxious, and filled with hope that our event will be a huge success. Finally the Cursed Crew is together as one and Cursed Magic is ready to open its doors.

“Why don’t we all head back to the house and chill for the rest of the night?” Linc suggests.

“Sounds good, babe. We can grab some pizza for dinner and just unwind,” Jo replies, wrapping her arms around Linc’s waist.

Looking to Steve, he nods his head and the rest of us agree to follow them over to the house. As tired as I’m sure we all are, it’ll be nice to kick back and just spend time with everyone. Hopefully by the time we get there, Etty and Dault will still be in one piece.

Steve and I pull up to the house before the others. Rather than waiting in the car, we decide to make our way in and get things ready for dinner. Walking through the front door, sounds of shouting pull from Etty’s side of the house.

“What the….” Steve remarks with a questionable tone.

“Shhh,” I respond. “Are they fighting?” I ask stepping in closer to the wall.

I feel like a Peeping Tom eavesdropping on their conversation.

“Maybe they didn’t hear us pull up. Should we go next door and let them know we’re here?” Steve asks.

“Umm, I don’t know…should we really interrupt them?”

“Well, I sure as hell wouldn’t want anyone hearing the two of us screaming at each other like that,” he remarks with wide eyes.

Stepping away from the wall and next to Steve, I run my hands up underneath his shirt. Pinching his nipple, I smile up through my long lashes.

“Ouch, what the hell was that for?” He asks grabbing at his chest.

“Haha, ‘cause you insinuated that we would fight…I don’t want to ever fight with you, unless it’s under the sheets,” I reply with a coy smirk and a wink.

“Fucking hell, Ashley, don’t you start that sexy shit. Wait until we get home. I doubt Linc and Jo would appreciate me screwing your brains out here in the living room.”

“Tease,” I remark moving closer to the wall.

Trying to listen, I don’t hear anything.

“What’s going on?” Steve asks.

Shrugging my shoulders, I place my ear against the wall.

“They’ve gone quiet. I’m heading over there to let them know we’re here.”

“Suit yourself, woman. I’m going to get napkins and plates out. Yell for me if you need back up.

Turning away from him I walk out the door and take a step toward Etty’s. Without a second thought, I push open the door to find a sight I wasn’t expecting.

Dault has Etty pinned down to the couch, their mouths connected as he devours her with his lips. The sound of my footsteps pulls them apart as they both turn to look at me, shock spread across my face.

“Shit, umm sorry guys. I err, umm shit.”

Etty pushes Dault off of her and moves to stand.

My face is flushed with embarrassment as I spin on my heels heading back towards the door.

“Ash, wait,” Etty calls rushing over to me.

“Etty, I’m so sorry. Had I known he’d be on top of you like that…I’d never have opened the door without knocking.”

Shaking her head she looks to me, her blue hair tussled and her lips swollen.

“It’s fine, we were just talking and well…”

“No, more like she was shouting at me and I needed to simmer her down,” Dault chimes in.

“I was not shouting at you, I was talking…in a very loud voice.”

“Woman, you are incorrigible,” he responds, falling back down on the couch.

“Steve and I just got here. We heard you two from next door and I just wanted to warn you that everyone is coming back here for something to eat.”

“It’s fine, Ash, really it’s all good,” she states looking over to Dault. “We were just finishing up here anyway.”

Pushing past me, she makes her way to the door, slamming it behind her.

“She’s going to be the death of me. That woman gets under my skin.”

Smiling back at him, I move over to the couch.

“She loves you, Dault. All she wants is for you to remember who she was to you. That’s all.”

“That’s all,” he says looking to me with wide eyes. “Believe me, I want to remember her…what we had. I’m fucking attracted as hell to her, but that’s not enough. She wants something I can’t give to her right now and it’s frustrating as hell. If I could catch a glimpse of our life before and remember just the smallest thing, I’d be ecstatic, but I can’t. She’s not willing to try with me until I remember. What if I never remember who we were before?”

Watching as he lets his head fall into his hands, I wish I had the answers that would bring them hope.

“I’m not sure what to tell either of you, to be honest. I think she was hoping something would have triggered your memory by now. We all keep telling her to give you time, the moment will happen when you see, hear, or smell something that reminds you of her. Until then…we wait.”

“She doesn’t want to wait. I’ve been trying. Every fucking night I fall asleep picturing her in my mind, willing myself to see something…and I come up empty every God damn time. I’m afraid if something doesn’t happen soon, she’s going to walk away from me for good.”

Sitting down beside him, I rest my hand on his arm.

“Anything is possible, I believe in fate more now than ever before. Good things take time and as much as neither of you want to hear it, it’s the truth. Steve and I have a history that I never thought would become my reality again and look, here we are. Life throws shit at us, but never too much that we can’t handle. Talk to her, tell her how you feel. If she doesn’t know what’s building up in your mind, she’s going to be frustrated. Only the two of you can work through this, you have to want something bad enough for it to work. Believe me, I’ve been there, done that.”

“Thanks, Ashley. You’re a pretty smart chick.”

“Yes well, your memory will come back soon enough and when it does…you’ll remember how kick ass I really am. Now come on, let’s go next door and spend some time together. We all deserve to be surrounded with the people that care the most about us.”

Moving to stand from the couch, Dault follows me out the door and into Linc’s home. Voices fill the space and instantly my heart feels happy. Time is a bitch, but when we are willing to wait, nothing but good things will come our way.


Chapter 23

As I pull on my brand new Cursed Magic Cursed Crew tee-shirt, I feel nothing but joy filling my spirit. Today is the day all of us have been waiting for—Cursed Magic Grand Re-Opening. I can’t say how anxious I am to sit back in my chair with the rest of our crew. I’m not sure if the excitement is more that we are opening up shop again or the fact that my sweet girl will be working right across the hall from me…who would’ve thought any of this was possible?

Each and every one of us has worked hard to get everything in order and today, it’s finally going to pay off.

Ashley left to meet the girls over at Etty’s house hours ago. I’ve been given strict instructions to pick up Dault and make our way over to the shop no later than noon. The doors are set to open at two and that will give us enough time to bring him in and sit him down in his chair.

With all the stress of Dault being back in Birmingham and no memories, the entire crew is up in arms. Etty is emotional, Linc is frustrated, and the rest of us are clueless. If today doesn’t spark something, I don’t know what more we can do to help him see the life he once knew.

Driving over to the house, I watch as the streets of town pass me by. I may be a tad bit self-centered here, but I’m happy as a pig in shit. A few months ago, I don’t know that I’d have guessed this is where I’d be. I was in a really bad place emotionally and mentally. My life was spiraling out of control and all I wanted was to hide from the agony I created. Pain is all I felt and poison was all I knew that could help me survive. Little did I realize that there was so much more for me…I had a life of love that surrounded me, I was just too damn stupid and blind to see it unfolding right in front of me.

So often I heard others talk about their soul mate. At that point of my life, I didn’t think one existed for me. Now that Ashley is once again by my side, I see that mine was always right here. Opening my eyes to her again was the best thing I could have ever done. No longer do I feel the need to hide from my feelings or my frustrations. She’s helped me see the good in me and now I want to repay the favor to someone else.

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