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Authors: Skyy

Crossroads (22 page)

BOOK: Crossroads
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“Big Ron knows about us,” Cooley added. “He's known for a year.”
“I don't give a fuck who knows. This is my department and I'm putting my foot down. Cooley, you are off of Sahara's project!”
“What!” Cooley hit her desk.
“Be glad I'm not firing you!” James yelled.
Cooley wanted to kick his ass but knew he was right.
“What! I don't want her off of my project!” Sahara's arms flew up in rage. “This is some bullshit!”
“It's not about what you want at this point. You are not about to ruin what we have worked our asses off on. And let me tell you right now, if this goes public, if a single person so much as even sees you giving googly eyes at each other, you are fired!”
James stormed out of the room. Marco and Tommy were shocked. Cooley was speechless.
Marco shook his head while closing the door. “Why, Cool? Why would you give him ammo like that?”
“What are you talking about?” Tommy looked at the others, confused.
“James doesn't like the fact that I walked in and got my job. He feels I should have started at the bottom like him.”
“And the fact that he was sweet on you doesn't make it any better.” Marco looked at Sahara. Sahara looked up.
“Look, all of this is irrelevant,” Tommy added. “However, I do have to protect your image. This cannot go public now, for more than one reason.”
Sahara stood in her place with her arms crossed. She was livid.
Cooley watched as Tommy and Marco walked out of the office. Cooley closed the door behind them.
“You OK?”
“No!” Sahara threw her hands up. “This is some bullshit. I'm not hiding my relationship.”
“Yes, you are.” Cooley stood in front of Sahara, her face straight. “We have to think of both of our careers now.”
“So, you want to hide me?”
“No, I just don't want to lose my job or you lose everything you have worked hard for. James is an ass. You think he won't shelf your project? We got to think like adults here and not love-sick teenagers. We have both worked too hard. If we have to not be seen together in public, then that's just something we have to deal with.”
Cooley wrapped her arms around the upset Sahara.
Sahara placed her head on Cooley's chest. “If this is what you want, then fine, but it's still some bullshit.”
“Agreed, but we will make it through it.” Cooley kissed Sahara on her forehead. She could only hope she was right.
Denise stood outside of the Park Avenue apartment building. She looked up at the tall building. She looked down on the invitation and sighed. She thought about Mariah. She didn't want to go in. Butterflies filled her stomach. A cool breeze caused her wrap to blow in the wind.
“Well, so we meet again.”
Denise turned her head and smiled. “I see. Miss... .”
The chocolate beauty walked up to her. She smiled. Her bright white teeth were perfectly aligned. The beauty was even more beautiful. Her black mini dress showed off her long, toned legs. She stood so statuesque, Denise couldn't help her attraction.
“Farih ... Farih Okoro. I see we are headed to the same place.” Farih held up her black invitation.
“I see.” Denise paused. “Wait, I thought these parties were for gay and lesbian people.”
“Really?” Farih gave Denise a surprised look then smiled. “Well, now I'm sure I'm in the right place. Shall we?”
Denise stood stunned as Farih walked up the steps. Intrigued, Denise quickly followed.
“So, Okoro ... that's—”
“Nigerian. My father is Nigerian,” Farih replied as they rode the elevator up to the penthouse.
“Does it mean anything in particular?”
Farih smiled. “It actually means light-complexioned. When I was born I was very fair-skinned, so my father named me Farih. I'm still the lightest in my family.”
“Wow, that's interesting.”
“Yes, it doesn't really fit nowadays.” Farih giggled. “I'm far from that. But hey, black is beautiful, right?” Farih glanced at Denise.
“It sure is.” Denise agreed. Their eyes met.
The elevator door opened. They both walked down to the end of the hall. A large man in a black suit stood in front of the door. They handed their invitations to the man, who opened the door.
Denise tried to not show her amazement at the lavish penthouse. She could almost see her reflection in the shiny Italian marble floors. Beautiful spreads of fresh-cut orchids, calla lilies, and other beautiful flowers sat on most tables. Guests stood around talking.
Denise tried not to get star-struck by some of the well-known, and very closeted GLBT community that was in the room.
“Welcome, Denise.” Melanie appeared in the doorway wearing a pair of slacks and a blue blazer. Two attractive models stood on either side of her.
Denise walked up to them and shook Melanie's hand.
“Thank you for having me. I must say I was surprised to open the envelope.”
“Why is that?”
“Well, I ... I guess I didn't get why.”
“Denise, walk with me.” Melanie walked away, leaving the two girls in their places.
Denise followed.
Melanie led Denise outside onto her balcony. The view of the city was breathtaking at their height. Melanie closed the sliding glass door behind them.
“So, you are wondering why you were invited here.” Melanie smiled.
“Yeah, I mean, I'm not that important. I have one modeling gig, and even you said I'm not very good at doing it.”
Melanie let out a chuckle. “I said you are no model.” Melanie sat down in one of the two Monaco swivel lounge chairs that faced the matching loveseat. She motioned for Denise to sit. “Tell me, Denise, what is it that you want to accomplish here in New York?”
Denise sat in the plush black chair. “Well, honestly, after my basketball dream was shattered, I didn't know what I was going to do. My agent and friend Mariah got me the job with Jocku.” Denise noticed Melanie staring at her.
“And once Jocku is no more, what do you plan to do?” Melanie's strong voice commanded attention and made Denise nervous.
“Honestly, I really don't know.”
Melanie stared at Denise. The tips of her lips curved upward. “Denise, I must admit when I saw you in the Jocku ad, I was impressed. Not with your modeling, but with you in general. You have something about you, something very special. I don't even think you realize it.”
“I can't say that I do. I was always known as the ballplayer. Not really as anything besides that.” Denise lowered her head. She couldn't help feel a little ashamed.
“That is one of the things that make you unique. You didn't come here hoping to be a star, even though you have amazing star potential.” Melanie smiled. “Tell me a little more about your family, Denise. Your mother, grandmother.”
Denise's guard was up. She wondered why Melanie was so interested in her family life. Melanie's eyes were warm, Denise felt she was sincere, but something wasn't sitting right with her.
“Well, there's not much to tell. I already told you that my grandmother raised me. I don't know my father. As for my mom, she was on drugs.”
Melanie's lip quivered as Denise spoke. “It's such a shame.”
“That you didn't know your mother.” Melanie sat up. “Or your father.”
“I guess, I just take it as it being life. I doubt there was much I missed out on.”
“How can you say that?” Melanie snapped. “You could be just like them and not know it.”
“I doubt it. My mom was a crackhead. That will never be me.” Denise was irritated.
Melanie crossed her arms. “I can see the subject is sensitive for you.”
“I'm just not used to anyone being so interested in my family life like this.”
“I'm sorry if you feel I was prying. I just like to know what makes a person the way they are. Your features are so defined, I'm sure you got them from your mother. You should thank her for that. She made a beautiful child.”
Denise noticed the change in Melanie's eyes. She looked as though she was going to cry.
“I can tell you that I do get my looks from my mother. We looked just alike. Her hair was longer than mine, but besides that, everything else seemed to be from her.”
Melanie smiled. “I'm sure you did.” Melanie couldn't take her eyes off of Denise. “Denise, what did your agent friend tell you about me?”
Denise thought about Mariah's words. “She just said that you are a good person to be in contact with.”
“She is right. The fashion world is only one aspect of what I'm involved in. I believe in uplifting the black gay and lesbian community, especially the lesbian community. Helping us to finally have a voice in the entertainment industry.”
Denise nodded. “That sounds great.”
“When I see potential in someone, I like to take them under my wing, help them to be the best they can be.” Melanie's eyes met Denise's. “I would like to take you under my wing, if you are interested.”
“Why? Why would you want to do that, and what would you get out of it?” Denise stood up with her guard up.
Her stance caused Melanie to laugh.
“This is not the movies, Denise, everyone isn't out for blood. I told you, I see something special in you. And when you blow up I expect you to mention my name in your award acceptance speeches. Now, let's get back to the party. There is someone I want you to meet.”
The two walked back into the living room. Denise noticed the decadent spread of foods. Waiters walked around serving cocktails to the guests. Denise noticed Farih talking to a group of people. Her beautiful smile lit up the corner.
“Ahh ... I see you walked in with Farih,” Melanie whispered. “That is a good pick, you two would be dynamite together.”
Denise looked at Melanie and smiled. She liked the idea herself. Mariah entered Denise's head, ruining her dream of Farih.
Melanie and Denise walked up to a group of gay men. Denise couldn't believe her eyes as Melanie kissed the cheek of movie director George Kyles.
“This is Denise Chambers.”
The men looked at Denise and greeted her with handshakes and nods.
George looked at her from head to toe. He reached his hand out and shook hers.
“You are the Jocku girl,” George responded in a deep Southern accent.
“Yes, I am. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Devious Minds
was an amazing movie.”
George cracked half of a smile. “You were right, Melanie. She does have the look.”
Denise looked at Melanie, who nodded her head. She wanted to say something but stayed silent. Denise suddenly felt like she was on display. The men studied her like she was a piece of art.
“Tell me something, Denise. Can you act?”
“Act?” Denise repeated.
“Yes.” George didn't take his eyes off of her face.
“I don't really know. I've never done it before.” Denise felt like she was standing naked in front of a room full of people.
“Well, how would you like the chance to try?”
Denise's eyes widened. “Are you serious? Sure, I would like the chance to try.”
George snapped his fingers. A young gay man walked up holding a bag. He handed a card to George. Denise could tell the young assistant was well trained.
“Be here. Let's see what you can do.”
Denise looked at the card. The front was black with George Kyles Productions embossed in gold. She turned it over to see a location, date and time written on the back.
“I will be there.”
Farih walked up with two glasses of champagne. “I thought you might want a glass.”
“Oh, Farih, do you get more stunning each time I see you, darling?” George's flamboyant gay male side appeared as he kissed Farih on both of her cheeks.
“I only do it just for you.” Farih schmoozed with the males, who were hanging on her every word.
George looked at Denise and Farih. “Are you two ...?”
Farih looked at Denise and blushed. She turned back to the group. “Oh no, we just met.”
“Thank goodness. That would be too much beauty in one relationship,” one of the other gay males stated, causing everyone to laugh.
“Well, people, sit back and enjoy. Drink and eat, so we don't have anything to clean up afterwards,” Melanie declared.
“Melanie, please, like you lift a finger in this place.” George flicked his wrist.
“Well, my workers don't want a lot to do.” Melanie snapped her fingers in a
-formation. “Now get drunk, bitches.”
The crowd laughed.
Denise no longer felt like the center of attention. She looked at Farih and smiled. She took a sip of the bubbly, determined to make the one glass last the whole night.
Denise and Farih walked out of the building. They'd spent the majority of the night at each other's side. Denise loved the way Farih commanded attention with her beauty and grace. She could hold a conversation with anyone. One minute she was talking foreign policies, the next, laughing about the crazy reality shows that covered TV.
Denise also noticed how sexy Farih was. Farih swayed her body to a song playing. Her body moved with little effort. She was naturally sexy, stunningly beautiful like Lena, but she had a regal appeal to her.
“So do you want me to hail you a cab?” Denise looked at Farih.
“That's sweet of you, however, I live right down the way.”
“Oh, well, excuse me then.”
They both laughed.
“At least let me walk you to your place.”
“That would be fine.”
Farih's smile caused butterflies to flutter inside of Denise. They walked down the expensive street.
Farih turned to Denise. “So tell me something, Denise. Did you really not recognize me when we met at the go-see?”
“I'm sorry, but no, I didn't. I don't read many fashion magazines. Let me guess. You are in some big campaigns, aren't you?”
Farih laughed. “You could say that.”
“Like what?”
“Ummm, let me see ...
Victoria's Secret
Cover Girl
Sports Illustrated
Denise froze in her spot. Her face dropped. “Are you serious?”
Farih chuckled as she nodded her head.
“Excuse me while I wipe the egg off of my face. You must think I'm an idiot.”
“No.” Farih placed her hand on Denise's shoulder. “I actually find it refreshing. You didn't flirt with me because of who I am.”
“So you think I'm flirting with you?” Denise retorted.
BOOK: Crossroads
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