Read Crossing the Line Online

Authors: Annabelle Eaton

Crossing the Line (11 page)


Chapter Eleven


Aden kicks the door shut, picks me up, hitching
my skirt at the same time, and slams me down on the freezing cold sink. I gasp,
digging my nails into his shoulder. “God that’s cold!”

His lips crash down on mine, and I could be
sitting on a block of fucking ice for all I care. We’re like wild animals
attacking each other. He rubs himself against me, and I moan at the throbbing
sensation between my legs.

“I need you,” he grows through gritted
teeth. My underwear is pulled to the side by his fumbling hands. Wow he’s
wasting no time. I stare at his lust filled face with an open mouth. His
desperation is so bloody hot my body is in flames.

With one quick, smooth movement, he plunges
himself inside me, gripping my hips. Digging my nails in his shoulders, I bite
my lip, muffling the deep cry as he fills me completely. The walls of the
bathroom are paper-thin, so I try to keep quiet.

It feels too good; every thrust shoots
me higher and higher, and I feel myself tightening around his thick cock
already. I moan against the crook of his neck as feel his fingers bite into my
skin. I love it when he loses control.

“Fuck,” he hisses in return as my teeth
scrape his skin. He likes the biting. It’s necessary.

Very quickly, he picks up the pace until
he’s pounding into me relentlessly – it’s maddening. I glide my hand up
his shirt and over the slick sweat on his toned back.

“Millie,” he calls through clenched teeth,
and I tilt my head up, my lips finding his instantly. He kisses me deeply, his
tongue wrestling mine for dominance. I know I won’t win, but because I can barely
breathe. I give in, handing myself over as my body reaches the top of the

Aden’s deep, throaty moan is the sexiest
noises I have ever heard. I pant into his mouth; still kissing him like it’s
our last kiss. He angles his hips upwards, and I gasp, biting down on his
bottom lip as he hits the right spot deep inside.

“Oh God,” I mumble against his lips, and
I’m falling, spiralling as my orgasm takes over of my body. Aden follows
shortly after, thrusting hard ones last time and then stills, pouring into me.

The kiss changes and it’s almost too sweet.
One of his hands leaves my thigh to tangle in my hair. It’s different this
time. Before sex was sex, but now it’s something else. He’s different
too; more tender after. Whatever it is I like it. Aden slowly lifts me and
slides out.

He’s staring into my eyes, and neither of
us says a word; the only sound I hear is our heavy breathing. Aden presses his
lips to mine and then gives me the most breath-taking smile it makes my heart

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his
eyes widen and a blush tints his cheeks. I grin. He isn’t supposed to say that

Pressing my lips to his, I kiss him for a
second. Yes, I want to tease the crap out of him, but I really, really don’t
want to ruin the moment. Things like that don’t happen to me much. Only a
handful of people in my life take me as I am and not try to change anything.

“We should get back out there,” I say,
running my fingers through my hair where Aden’s hand messed it up.

Aden grins, resting his hands on my hips.
“You might want to give it a minute, you’ve got that post-orgasm glow.”

I don’t give it a minute. I slap his chest
and spin around, opening the door. There stand three people, waiting in line.
Fabulous. Holding my head high, even though I just want to bash it against the
wall, I walk past them and back to my seat. I don’t care that the people
sitting closer to the toilet are watching our walk of shame. I’m not ashamed of
the ridiculous attraction I feel to him. Would’ve been nice if they weren’t
there, though.

I slip back in my seat and grin to myself.
I’m now a member of the mile high club. Mother will be proud. Aden sits beside
me, and the grin on his face rivals that of a teen who’s just lost their

The airport is big, and I’m tired. I’ve had
enough and just want to be home now. My arse is still sore from Aden slamming
me down on that sink. I bet it’s going to bruise. Aden will be kissing it
better later.

“Come on, Millie,” Aden says, smirking back
at me as I lag behind.

Walking around in what seem like circles,
I’m ready to kill someone.
Where the fuck
are our
fucking suitcases!
are we going?” I snap to Aden when Richard and Amanda are standing at the help
desk. We must have taken a wrong turn, following a group of half-drunk lads
weekend arseholes when we got off the plane. We should have hung back a bit.

“You’re cranky when you’re tired, huh?” he

I stare at him blankly. “Shut up and find
the damn cases.” Aden’s eyebrows twitch and his eyes flicker over my body. He
likes it when I’m tired and snappy? He has issues. “Aden. Bags!”

He holds his hands up, smirking again, and
I no longer find it cute or sexy, not it’s just plain annoying. “Chill out.” Grabbing
my hand, he pulls me towards his dad. We haven’t held hands or done anything in
front of anyone else so it surprises me he’s doing it now. I tuck our hands
behind me so if anyone sees us it will just look like we’re walking closely

I try to get his attention to ask what’s
gotten into him but just as we approach the desk his hand drops from mine. I
can’t help feeling disappointed, even though I understand why we have to keep
us secret for now. If I weren’t about to die from exhaustion, I’d question why
he did it just for those four seconds.

We eventually find our cases, after being
instructed to walk back the way we came and take a right, and make our way to
find taxi. I haven’t spoken to Aden since he dropped my hand, and, stupidly,
I’m still hurt. His eyes are on me the whole time, though.


I’ve lucked out. My room and Aden’s are both
on the fifth floor, one above Richard and Amanda’s rooms. I fall against Aden’s
chest as the lift closes behind his dad and the woman that’s already on her second
call to her girlfriend. His arms immediately snake around my back and he buries
his head in my hair, breathing deeply.

“What was that about earlier?” I ask.

He sighs into my hair. “Starting something
with an employee is frowned upon. A lot actually. I want to wait and see how
things go before everyone knows. Millie, I’ve worked so hard to get the company
where it is today.” I know this. What I didn’t know is that he’s also waiting
because he doesn’t know if we’re going to work. His faith in us is heart-warming!

“So you want to wait to see if you get
bored of me or not?”

He laughs and rolls his eyes. I don’t find
this particularly funny. “The other way actually. Don’t look for things that
aren’t there. I’m not ashamed of you. I just need to be careful for a while. I
want to know that we’re going somewhere, and you’re not going to run for the
hills first. Okay?”

“Okay,” I reply feeling like I’ve just been
run over by a bus. He’s worried that I’ll leave, fat chance of that.

“Stay in my room tonight.” He makes it
sound like a question. He’s not sure if I still want to be here.

Nodding against his chest, I grip is shirt.
It scares me how much I already feel for him. We haven’t even known each other
long, and he’s my boss, yet he has the power to pretty much break my heart.

God I’m so stupid for letting that happen.
Could no-strings sex really ever work or are strings always gonna creep up and
wrap themselves around your neck? My thoughts are ended when Aden starts
walking forwards, making me walk back.

We walk past my hotel room – what a
waste of money that is – and arrive at his. Aden quickly swipes the card
and opens the door. “I’m tired,” I whine, dragging the word out and stumbling
to the bed, flopping down. “I need to sleep.”

“You really think you’re getting any sleep
tonight?” Aden asks, grinning as his eyes darken.

“No, I know I’m sleeping, and if you try to
wake me up I’ll scratch your balls off,” I mumble.

Aden chuckles and probably makes some face,
but I can’t see because my face is now pressed in the pillow. “Kinky.” I don’t
have the energy to argue that I am, in fact, deadly serious. I like my sleep. I
need my sleep. If he’s going to start… something with me, then he needs to
learn not to fuck with my sleep. After a few seconds, he sighs, finally
realising I’m not joking, and Aden Junior is staying in his boxers. For tonight

My shoes suddenly disappear off my feet,
and I’m flipped onto my back. His hands land on the waistband of my skirt.
“Aden, I’m tired.”


“Yeah, I got that. I’m just helping you get
ready for bed.”

“Such a gentlemen,” I reply, rubbing my
eyes. Aden chuckles and kisses the inside of my knee as he slowly slides my
skirt over my knees. “Aden,” I moan breathlessly. By the time he’s kissed his
way to the top of my thigh I’m awake and gripping the sheets. His mouth opens,
and this tongue grazes my skin. I throb in anticipation of having his mouth on
me, his tongue driving me wild.

“Right, I’m going to bed,” Aden says and
sits up.

I bolt up and glare at him. “What the…?”

“Now I thought you were tired, Millie,” he
teases as he pulls his shirt off, exposing that toned, muscular chest. Gulping,
I reach my hand out and trace the contours of his muscles. My fingertips glide
over his skin greedily.

“Oh we’re having sex,” I say, pushing
myself up on my knees as he removes his trousers and boxers. “Lay down.” I pull
off my top and unclasp my bra, letting it fall onto the bed.

“I feel like a piece of meat, Millie.”

“So.” I grab his hand and pull him onto the
bed. “No more talking.” I shove him down, run my nails down his chest and grip
his erection.


It’s safe to say that, after our exercise,
I’m well and truly fucked – figuratively and literally. I roll beside
Aden and curl into his chest. “Night then,” Aden replies sarcastically.

“Mmm hmm, night, Aden.”

I’m woken in the morning by Aden kissing
his way down my chest. I tangle my hands in his hair and moan as he captures my
nipple between his lips. This is the best anyone has ever woken me up before.
Even better than the day I was woken up with a phone call from my mum saying
her and Dad are on their way to a last minute weeklong trip to Venice.

“I don’t want to go to the stupid meeting
today,” I whisper breathlessly, arching my back into his mouth. He flicks his
tongue over my nipple and moves to the other one. I moan again. “Aden.”

“Neither do I but I have to.”

I groan and suddenly gasp as his finger
slides inside me. Jesus! Closing my eyes to absorb the pleasure, I thrust my
hips to meet his rhythm. “What time do we need to leave?” I ask, praying he
says at least two hours so we can spend longer in bed.

“Twenty minutes.”

My eyes fly open, and I push myself up on
my elbows. “What?”

“Shh,” he whispers against my skin. “I’m
going to make you come quick, and then we’re going to get ready.”

All the air leaves my lungs in a lust
filled rush. I lay back as Aden adds a finger and rubs my clitoris with his
thumb. He’s right; this is going to be quick. My body tightens. I pant, bucking
my hips onto his hand harder and grip the sheets so tight my knuckles turn

“Shit,” I hiss and arch my back again as
his teeth nips my breast. “Oh God.” My body explodes around his fingers, and I
cry out incoherently as my orgasm rips through me.

“Okay fifteen minutes,” Aden says, getting
off me.

“Crap!” I swing my legs over the bed and
walk like I need the toilet towards the bathroom to have a quick shower.

He laughs. The bastard laughs. Bet he won’t
find it funny when I turn up at his important meeting looking like a tramp. I
turn the shower on and nothing happens. “Aden,” I scream.

He’s in the bathroom in second, eyes wide.
“You being murdered?”

“Now is not the time. Fix the shower.”

“Do I look like a plumber?”

“What does a plumber look like?” I shake my
head. No time for that. “Who cares? You’re a man and men fix things. Do

“Amelie, I have no idea how to fix this
thing,” he says as he looks at it. “You don’t need a shower, you look fine,
just get dressed.” It’s then I realise I’m still completely naked.

I turn to the large mirror over the sink
and realise this is the first time Aden has lied to me. Nothing about me looks
fine. Not the smudged eye make-up, making me look like a panda, my hair that
rivals a bird’s nest or the dark red love bite on the base of my neck that
screams cheap whore.

Groaning, I run the cold tap and splash
water over my face. At least I can reapply make-up and wrestle a brush through
my hair. Aden’s lack of general manliness really pisses me off. I thought DIY
was part of the package of having balls?

Second day reapplied make-up makes me feel
gross, but at least I don’t look like a clown anymore. My hair wasn’t
happening, so I’ve tied it up in a high ponytail. Next is clothes. At least
they’re all clean and thankfully I have a shirt so the collar will hide my slut

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