Read Criminal: A Bad-Boy Stepbrother Romance Online

Authors: Alexis Abbott,Alex Abbott

Criminal: A Bad-Boy Stepbrother Romance (23 page)

The rocking of the boat inhibits us, but only at
first. It wasn’t long before Kaiden’s big, strong limbs
have us steadied.

We were lost in each other's lips, kissing and
lashing our tongues against one another as he took hold of my hips,
squeezing my sides. Those strong, hard hands such a long missed
feeling. So familiar even after so long.

The lash of his studded tongue such a titillating

It's all coming back so fast, so natural. Even though
ours was a lust given bloom for only a short while.

It isn’t easy. Our lust is tempered by physics,
by our life jackets, by the fact that I just
to wear pants
to our meeting. Maybe I thought it would serve as protection against
my desires, but instead, it’s just another hindrance that keeps
me from feeling his body against mine right now.

I wrap my arms around him, and even the subtle
grinding of my hips, that instinctual need, rocks the boat a little

The moon is out in full force, making everything
sparkle in its silver hue, giving the world such an enchanting sheen.

“I’ve missed you,” I confess
urgently between kisses, my tongue warring with his. “I was so,
so mad, but I couldn’t turn off how much I missed you.”

He’s pressing down upon me as the boat wobbles
back and forth, and I can feel that big, thick manhood of his
pulsating with desire. For me.

With a smack of our lips, he pulls back, looks into
my eyes as they glint moonlight.

“The only moment of happiness I’ve had
these past few months was when I saw you drive up, back into my life,
Princess… Everythin’ before was just passing time,
tryin’ to fill a void that couldn’t ever be filled. I
need you to be happy, babe, I need you in every which way a man can
need another. And it’s ingrained, right down to my marrow.”

His words are deep and husky, so powerful and full of

He says them all with such passion before he lunges
in and kisses me once more, his two big hands rubbing in under my
shirt, feeling the swell of my belly before sliding down to work at
my pants again.

There's such awe in the way he touches me, the
awareness of the life we created in me so significant. But not enough
to distract him from the lust we have for each other.

There’s no way either of us can fight it
anymore, and my hands are running over his fine, tailored suit. It
feels so good, different from the usual hard denim he wears, and it
makes my hand eagerly dance over it until they reach his leather

I don’t pause, and deep in my heart, I know we
can’t ever leave one another again. We can live without one
another, but that’s all we can do.

Just go through the motions.

His fingers are undoing my jeans as I open his suit
pants. Clumsily I stand, the boat threatening to tip but he grabs
hold of me, guiding me to his lap.

It’s dark, but my eyes have adjusted with the
dimming light, and I can see the faint outline of his cock as his
pants are pulled away. As thick and large as I remember it.

He guides me on down, helping keep the boat as steady
as possible.

Though once that thick crown of his is teasing along
my slit and I’m moaning and squirming, we’re wobbling

“Easy, Princess,” he husks to me, holding
me in his hands, guiding me on down along his shaft, letting me feel
that thick girth spreading my pussy open wide again.

It’s so thick! And after so long without him,
it’s like the first time again.

That broad shaft splaying my sex open wide, making
him groan and shudder until, at last, he’s embedded right to my
utmost depths, pulsating wildly with his own desires.

“Ohh Abby,” he husks out, his words so
gravelly and hoarse. “I have missed everythin’ about you…
but the feel of your cunt wrapped around my cock…”

It was indescribable for us both.

I suck in a deep breath and hold it, just focusing on
trying not to tip us over, but I can barely stay still.

He feels amazing, better than I even remembered it,
even on those few occasions I couldn’t resist anymore and
touched myself to the thought of what we’d done.

My mouth is on his, and he presses back into me so
hard that my lips feel sore, but I want more.

I moan into him, the sensation sending little
vibrations down my tongue and into his mouth, and we try to sit
still, just letting his thickness spread me open.

The rhythmic throbbing of his cock as it impales me
is such a damn turn-on. It’s as if that thick pole is really
uniting us in body and spirit, down to even the beating of his heart.

I'm worried about how I can ride him like that, but
my he takes control.

His powerful hands grip me, one on my hip and waist,
the other on my ass. He lifts me up with such ease, my pussy clinging
to his cock as I slide up, the two of us moaning.

Then he lets me slide back down, all of those sweet,
seductively satisfying motions fully within his control.

“Ohh Princess… we were made for each
other,” he growls, rocking me up and down along his shaft a
little faster, the smack of our bodies growing as his fingers sink
into my flesh so tightly.

“There’s nothin’ in the world that
compares to the feelin’ of your lil’ pussy wrapped around
my cock… nothin’. Nothin’ felt satisfyin’
while you were away,” he whispers in a husky confession,
kissing at my neck, my chest. His dick throbbing wildly within me as
we continued to rock from the motions.

“I couldn’t even go back to before,
knowing how other women pale compared to you,” he growls, and
maybe that’s what surprises me most of all.

I clasp onto his knees, arching my back, and suddenly
it’s like an explosion behind my eyes. I don’t know what
part of me he was hitting with my body contorted like this, but I
like it!

My lips hang open, and I look towards the litany of
stars sparkling in the sky, and I feel like I’m soaring with
them. Just the lapping of the water against the boat as Kaiden lifts
and impales me, bringing me so quickly to a peak that has nearly
eluded me since he left.

We’re in such a public place, houses dotting
the lake, but it feels like it’s just us, in our own private,
perfect world.

I can feel his manhood pulsating, stretching me with
each new throb, though all my focus is torn away as he brings his
thumb on down to rub at my clit. That hard digit circling my
sensitive little bud, prodding and teasing it as he continues to move
my whole body, making me ride him up and down with only minimal help
from me.

“I need you Abby,” he says in almost a
growl. “I’ve needed you all the while you were gone…
I need you to make me happy. I need you to get off,” he says
through strained words as he moans aloud, his own pleasure mounting
so rapidly as I bob atop his dick.

We’re in such a precarious situation, something
I’d almost see as comical if not for the fact that I’m
running purely on blind passion. Excitement and hope has combined
within me along with the carnal passion, and I grind into his hand.

It only takes a few bliss-filled moments for me to
hit that point of no return, but when I do, there’s no holding
back. There’s no stopping the fact that I’m jerking like
a mad woman, that my legs are kicking and I’m holding onto
Kaiden for dear life as my orgasm strikes through my core.

Heat rises up between my thighs, wetness coating him
as my fragrance becomes richer in the air, and I scream into the

“Yes! Kaiden!” My voice is heavy with
lust and desire, my entire body exploding in pleasure, all because of

He's in control of it all, of me and my movements, of
the boat and himself.

Yet as I lost all claim on reality to spasm and
climax atop his cock, he soon after joins me.

He arches back his head and lets loose a loud wail,
his own feet kicking out as I feel him swell and blow his load into

There’s no longer any womb for him to
fertilize, because he’d already more than taken care of that.
But it’s so satisfying nonetheless, and together we’re
lost to a sea of pleasure amid a placid lake of memories.

He bucks up into me wildly as he shoots each thick,
creamy jet of come, and we’re rocking almost as chaotically,
the boat precariously close to tipping over as we both lose all our

The passion that unites us, though, is not rational
or logical, and we simply use one another’s bodies, so
desperate to find the thing that we’d once more turned our back
on. Months we’d lost, but our love had only burned brighter in
the absence of one another.

There’s no more turning back or denying what we
are to one another, what we need to be, and I milk his cock of every
bit of come I can, absolutely ravenous to feel his pleasure run
through me.

Kaiden lunges for me again, and he’s kissing
and suckling upon my neck, the two of us utterly ravenous for each

Though in our heedless passion, we lose sight of what
we’re doing, and the boat rocks too far…

Just too far enough.

And we’re toppling over into the inky black
night waters together, our two bodies still tangled up and enjoined.

It’s only a brief moment of submersion before
the two of us bob our heads up above the surface, gasping and wet.
The lifejackets make it easy to stay afloat, however, and we’re
grinning at each other like foolish kids again.

Kaiden reaches out, wraps his arms back around me and
pulls me in close, so our bodies touch once more.

“Can’t say we’re in over our heads
at least,” he remarked with dry humor in that most wet of

And even though I’m sullied and soaking, and
the uptight little-miss-Princess part of me might’ve been
pissed, all I can do is laugh, my wet mouth finding his once more as
we entangle our bodies in the water. It’s freezing and my skin
immediately goosebumps, but as his tongue presses against mine, I
feel like all my cares and worries have simply... disappeared.

Kaiden holds me in his strong arms, and with the aid
of the lifejackets and his kicking legs, we’re floating and
kissing, making out in the dark lake as we cling to one another.

It’s not exactly ideal, and neither of us seems
to know exactly how to screw in a lake at night. Though pawing at
each other for warmth and comfort, we manage to find a way to make it

Kaiden and I lock bodies once more in the cool night
waters, and it coaxes a moan from my lips as we bob upon the surface.

“I’m never gonna let you go out of my
sight again, Abby,” he pledges to me there in our foolish
predicament. “I’m gonna be a husband… and a dad,
and I couldn’t be happier,” he confesses before lunging
for my lips, kissing me deep and hard as our wet lips smack.

There’s no more doubts in my mind as we grind
and tangle ourselves together that we’ve learned our lesson.
That we won’t keep fighting our perfection for one another.

I cling to him, and though we keep bobbing low and
water splashes in our faces, my body’s getting used to the cold
temperature, in no small part because of the heat I feel for him.

I pull apart long enough to smile at him, to see the
sparkle in his eyes, and I let out a small giggle.

“Oh my God, you are
I tease, splashing some water against his face. His fine suit is
ruined, my jeans are tied around my ankles, and this is definitely
one of the silliest and strangest things I’ve ever done. But it
is so damn
at the same time. Because of him.

After all, our loins are still enmeshed, our bodies
one, and I can feel every beat of his heart, every pulse of desire he
has for me through that carnal link.

“I’m lovin’ this, and I’m in
love with you, Abby,” he says with a grin, the two of us
bobbing in the water, grinding and fucking in such a surreally
different way.

It’s hard to describe, it’s not like any
of our other times having sex, the necessities of floating on the
water make it slower paced than the usual wild rutting we do. But I
can see the love in his eyes, feel the desire as we grind and slowly
pump our hips together.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my forehead
against his as he grinds into me, my legs somehow wrapped around his

My nose touches against his and I smile at him with
such affection.

“We’re gonna be parents, Kaiden,” I
whisper softly, my mouth lightly brushing against his. “We’re
gonna have to make up for a lot of lost time before we have a baby to
deal with,” I add with a wicked grin.

“A whole lotta time,” he growled huskily.

Though truth is, as much as it's nice to just float
and grind like that, we have to come in before long. The chill of the
water is in us as Kaiden swims to shore and lifts my soggy ass up,
dragging what he can find of our wet clothes with us.

“Here ya go, drink some of this,” he
says, heading to his motorcycle, pulling a thermos out of the back
and pouring up some piping hot chocolate, handing it over to me with
a smile.

I let out another laugh as I accept it, my eyes
narrow at him.

“Oh, don’t tell me you had this planned
all along,” I grin as I take a sip, and it’s just like we
used to make at home. Too sweet, with way too much cream.

His eyes sparkle with devious delight, and he lunges
forward once more.

It’s going to be a long, long night.

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