CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1) (37 page)

“Oh!” Relief floods through me,
then I re-run his words,
‘I wanted to watch you’
“You watched me all
night?” I whisper.

“Yes,” he huskily croaks.
sweet is that?

“Jeez Tristan you must be
whacked?” He starts chuckling harder this time, then sighs in a high pitch

“You’re funny Coral,” he says,
then plants a soft kiss on my hair. It’s such a sweet gesture, making my heart
ache. Oh what am I doing?
Falling hard, that’s what you’re doing!

“Hey Tristan,” I mumble. I can
barely keep my eyes open.


“Thanks for everything. Looking
after me...I’m really glad you’re here.” I tell him giving him a little squeeze
of my own.

“Me too,” he whispers, squeezing me
tightly again, only this time he keeps both arms wrapped around me. I am
cocooned in a Tristan bubble. A stupid smile starts to play across my face. I
am officially in heaven...



. I sleepily open my eyes.
Oh, I’m still straddled over Tristan
I crane my neck back to see his face, he’s out cold. I watch him for a moment,
peacefully sleeping. Then it hits me –
Holy crap!
I’ve been lying here
sleeping with him and I’ve had the best sleep ever, no nightmares! I never did
that with Justin.

I sigh blissfully and put my head
back on his chest.
Tap, Tap, Tap...
I frown at the noise and lift my head
up. What is that?

“Aunty Coral?” I hear Lily’s
voice squeak.
Am I dreaming?
I look back at Tristan. I hope so, then
bang, bang...

Tristan’s eyes dart open. “Did
you hear that?”

“Yes,” I groan. “I thought I was
still dreaming,” I add grumpily. Tristan and I gaze at each other for a moment,
the reflection in our eyes saying the same thing – our blissful time has ended
for now.

“Coral, it’s Debs, you in there?”
I hear her shout.

“Yes.” I shout back pushing
myself up.

“I’ll get it.” Tristan says,
stopping me from getting up off the sofa. I watch him walk over to the patio
door, pull the curtains across, unlock the door, and pull it open. Lily comes
bounding in first, followed by Debs who just stares open mouthed at Tristan
then at me.

“Aunty Coral!” Lily screeches
throwing herself onto me. I quickly catch her so that she doesn’t bash my nose

“Hey birthday girl, did you have
a nice day?” I ask.

“Your nose looks terrible,” she
tells me.

“Thanks, how’s your head?”

“I have a big bump,” she says
proudly, touching the top of her head. I reach around and feel the lump.
“Ouch!” I say.

“It doesn’t hurt now,” she says
mockingly, as though I should now this.

“Oh good, my nose still hurts,” I
tell her. She goes to poke it with her finger, with lighting quick speed I grab
hold of it just in time. “No Lily, you can’t touch it, it’s too painful,” I
admonish, trying not to sound too angry.

“Sorry,” she whimpers, looking
very forlorn.

“It’s ok, just no poking!” I say
playfully widening my eyes.

Her big smile returns. “Ok!” she
giggles. She looks so much like her Mom, long blonde ringlets, bright blue
eyes, but she’s got her Dad’s smile. Then, she’s up off my lap and pulling on
Debs hand. “Mommy, Mommy, let me show Aunty Coral,” she says excitedly.

“Ok darling.” Debs bends down and
takes something out of the big bag she’s carrying.

“Look, look,” Lily says running
over to me. I see she has already half painted one of the Russian dolls from
the set.

“Wow Lily, you did this already?”
I ask quite astonished.

“It’s her favourite present.”
Debs says winking at me.

“It is?” I say in surprise.

“I love it,” she says jumping up
and down with the energy that only a five year old can have. “Can I kiss your
cheek?” she asks with big innocent wide eyes.

“Carefully Lily!” Deb warns.

“It’s ok,” I say and lean my
cheek toward her, she kisses it lightly. “Love you Aunty Coral, thank you for
my present.” Tears prick the back of my eyes.
Damn it!

“You are very welcome.” I sniff
and softly stroke her cheek.
Stop crying!

“Don’t cry,” she says, her little
hand gently stroking my cheek again.

“I’m just so happy you liked your
present, they’re happy tears,” I tell her. She looks a little confused at that

“Lily, let Mommy talk to Aunty
Coral for a moment ok. Here, play with your tablet for a while.”

Lily shakes her head. “I want to
look at the boats,” she says jumping up and down again.

“No darling’ – “I’ll take her,”
Tristan offers.

Debs and I look up at one
another, I nod to her.

“Ok, go with Tristan. But you
hold his hand and you don’t let go young lady!”

“Ok Mommy.” She calmly walks over
to Tristan and puts her tiny hand in his. Tristan smiles then shrugs, and they
both walk out the studio together. Debs crosses her arms and watches them walking
away. Then she turns and looks at me, her one eyebrow cocked up.

“He’s good with her.” She says
coming and sitting next to me.

“Lily’s sweet, everyone likes
her.” I admit.

“Well you haven’t done badly
there girl.” She says nodding her head towards the window.

“It isn’t like that.” I say
standing up and walking over to the kitchenette. “Tea?” I ask artlessly.

“I know what you’re doing.” Debs
says coming and standing beside me.

“Really, what am I doing Debs?” I

“Avoiding the fact, as usual,”
she says flicking her blonde hair back.

“Debs, seriously my head is banging,
I feel like I’ve had a nose job. Can't you just...” I sigh heavily and begin
making the tea.

“Alright, don’t get your knickers
in a twist.” She huffs.

“My knickers are not twisted.” I
bark back.

“Well I would,” she sniggers.
“He’s got a wicked, sexy body, a really cute arse, and he’s pretty dreamy in
the looks department too.” She swoons.

“Debs! You’re married.” I gasp in

“I am well aware of that, doesn’t
mean I can't fantasise.” She says dreamily.

“You fantasise about other men?”
I am shocked.

“Hey, there’s no harm in looking!”

“’re happy with Scott
though, right?”

“Of course I am. I still think
he’s the sexiest man ever, it’s just…well, I would be going for it if I were in
your shoes,” she says teasingly.

I roll my eyes at her. “Right,
duly noted,” I say handing her a cuppa. We make our way back over to the sofa,
I carefully sit down.

“God Coral does it really hurt
that much?” She says all big sisterly. Reaching across and rubbing my back.

“Yeah, I was thinking about that
earlier. I think it’s so bad because as Lily bounced up I was coming down, made
more of an impact I think.”

“You could be right,” she says
cupping my hair behind my ear. “You’re going to the hospital today though?” She
asks softly.

“No, I hate know
that!” She goes to argue with me. “I am not spending all day in A&E just to
be told to go home and take pain killers...besides, Tristan’s taking me to see
his doc tomorrow.”

“Is he now?” Debs grins widely. I
roll my eyes at her again and take a sip of my tea. “So is there anything
there?” I look at her wide-eyed expression.

“Maybe…” I finally admit. “But
it’s difficult. He’s my new that doesn’t make it...” I stop right
there. I don’t want her nagging me about it every five seconds.

“Ok, I get the hint. Just trying
to find out the juicy gossip,” she giggles and takes a sip of her tea. Just as
I’m taking another sip of my tea, I get a flashback of us arguing.

“I’m still mad at you.” I tell

“About what?” she asks, sighing

“You knew about Malcolm.” I bite.

“For god’s sake Coral,” Debs says
looking flustered.

“Is there anything else I don’t
know about?” Debs looks away from me, so I immediately know she’s hiding
something. “Is there?” I probe.

“No!” She barks, turning to glare
at me.

“Hope not.” I threaten.

“Look, I’m really happy for Mom,
why can't you be?”

“Who said I’m not happy for her?”

“You’re not acting like it.” She

“You know, sometimes I don’t
think you know me at all. I think it’s awesome, I didn’t know Gladys was
feeling lonely, I’m really happy for her. But that doesn’t mean I’m not pissed
with you both for not telling me.” Debs looks away again.

“Well we thought’ – “We?” I
interrupt. “So you all had a nice little chat and decided best not to tell
Coral, hardly seems fair, and doesn’t really make me feel like I’m part of a
family.” I hiss, feeling more hurt as I go on.

“Oh for god’s sake!” Debs gets up
and slams her cup into the sink. Then she turns and glares at me. “Maybe if you
integrated yourself more with your family’– she says making little speech marks
to the word family – ‘ever since you got this place you’ve just faded away, you
never see me anymore, which means you don’t see Lily either and I know you only
go to Mom’s once a month now, what did you expect?” I sigh heavily, everything
she is saying is true.

“I know that, I just – “Just
what?” she barks, interrupting me.

I look up at her big blue eyes. “There’s
so much you don’t know about me Debs. It’s taken me a long time to get over
Justin, to...get some normality back, and then before I got this place I...” I
break off. I don’t actually want to spill too much to her. She walks over and
crouches in front of me.

“What don’t I know?” she softly

I shake my head at her. “I’m
sorry I stopped coming to see you so much.” I offer.

“And I’m sorry I stopped calling
and nagging you to come over,” she says.

We finally smile at one another. “Can’t
blame you,” I tell her. “I wasn’t really very good company,” I admit.

“So, you’re my sister. Always
there for each other in hard times, right?” I nod my head and attempt a smile. Debs
hasn’t always been there for me when I’ve needed her. But I’ve always
understood, it’s not easy to go running off into the night when you have a
husband and a child at home, they become your priority.

I mean we love each other as
sisters do or should, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we get along that well,
we have nothing in common, and I’ve always thought she was pissed that I came
along. Gladys gave so much of her attention to me, that I think it caused Debs
to reject me in some way. And with such an age difference, we rarely spent time
together as kids. Debs was always with her friends, while I was always with

“Listen Coral there’s
something...” Debs stares off into the distance, she looks odd?

“What?” I say trying to bring her

“Nothing…” She says smiling up at
me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

I frown back at her. “Are
ok?” I ask instantly feeling worried.

“Of course,” she answers beaming
even wider, but she’s not fooling me. I decide when I next go to see Gladys
I’ll ask her if she knows why Debs is acting strange. And why the hell she lied
to me about Debs knowing about Malcolm.

“Well, we’d better get going.” I
put my cup down and we hug.

“Thanks for stopping by.” I say.

“What’s a big sis for!” she says,
hugging me a little harder, then whispers. “Shag his brains out.”
pull away from her and frown, Debs is still tittering as she picks up her bags.

I walk out onto the sundeck with
her. It’s not as hot today as it has been, there’s quite a cool wind blowing
and the sun is intermittent. I really feel like going for a walk, stretch my
legs. I wonder if Tristan would like to go?

We spot Tristan and Lily in the
distance’ He has Lily up on the railing holding her carefully as he’s pointing
things out to her, she’s laughing and giggling with him. Lily spots us and
waves enthusiastically, we both wave back. Tristan helps her down, takes hold
of her hand and they start walking back over to us.

“I’ve never asked you this Coral,
but do you want kids?” Debs asks watching Lily. It takes me by complete
surprise; we’ve never had this conversation.

“No,” I admit. “I don’t think
that’s for me.” I tell her.

“You’d make a great Mom,” she
says warmly. I frown wondering how on earth she has come to that conclusion.

“I doubt it, it’s different when
you don’t have them all day...I don’t think I’d really have the patience.” I

“You would,” she says nodding her
head at me. “They change you so you become patient it’s weird how it works.” I
stare back at her wondering how Debbie became so wise and worldly. Lily runs to
Debs who picks her up, embracing her and kissing her cheeks. I can't believe
she’s five already – I'm reminded for a moment what happened to me when I was
five – I wince at the memory and try to focus on what’s happening.

“Thanks Tristan,” Debs says

“My pleasure,” he croons.

“Say goodbye then Lily.” She puts
Lily down and I bend down and hug her.

“Bye Lily, be good for Mommy.” I
tell her.

“I will.” She says sweetly and
kisses my cheek, then surprising us all she turns to Tristan with her arms open
wide, waiting for a hug. Tristan crouches down and they hug, awkwardly on
Tristan’s part. “Thank you for showing me the boats.” She sweetly says.

Tristan’s cheeks flush. “You’re
welcome,” he chuckles. Lily turns her face and kisses his cheek, then she makes
a funny face and rubs her lips.

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