CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)
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“You’re a hard one to work out
Coral.” Tristan murmurs.

“Back at you,” I whisper, keeping
my eyes closed. This is crazy! I need to start avoiding him as much as
possible, create an impenetrable thick glass wall between us. Be smart, and not
get more involved than I already am. Maybe even get another job? Then I think
about never seeing him again and I’m suddenly overtaken with a feeling of
despair. I’m having a really hard time ignoring how I’m feeling for him. A
fleeting thought passes through my mind of just going for it and sleeping with
him, then I remember what my last sexual experience was like. I shiver
internally. I haven’t been with a man since....

“Come back to me Coral,” he
whispers against my ear, bringing me out of my reverie.

I open my eyes and stand there
like a statue, staring up into his warm chocolate eyes. I can see now that I’m
so close to him that he has tiny flecks of hazel in his eyes, and the blazing
sun is making all his natural highlights shine brightly, burnt copper and a
hint of reddish brown. I can’t decide which one I like best?

“Come on, let’s get you home.”
Tristan says.

Home – It’s a strange word. What
does it really imply? Is it the people that you love, a house, your hometown?
Or is it a feeling? A sense of safety, belonging? I’ve never really known where
home is, that is until now – I quickly push the thought aside and nod at
Tristan, he puts his arm around my waist and we head back to the car.




we head back to Brighton. I relax into the coolness of the leather

“Are you going to tell me what
you said to her?” I ask nicely.

Tristan turns to me and grins. “I
told her that you’re a food and restaurant critique, and I was simply a friend
joining you for lunch. And that I would try my very best to get you to change
your mind about the awful review you were going to put up, simply because the
waiter was rude and flirtatious.” He grins even wider, his dimples deepening.

I shake my head at him and start
chuckling. “What did she say?” I ask.

“The meal was free, and that she
would be having words with the waiter.” Tristan smiles back at me.

“That’s so cool,” I laugh. “What
a great story to come up with. I may have to use that one in future.”

“You don’t like it when you don’t
get your own way, do you?” He asks.

My face falls. “It’s not that, I
just don’t like things being kept from me. I don’t like secrets.”

“It wasn’t a secret,” he argues.

“I know…I just wanted you to tell
me.” I offer by way of explanation. “I’m sorry I walked out on you,” I add.

“Don’t be.” He answers.

“What are you doing for the rest
of the day?” I ask casually. But what I really want to know is who he’ll be

“Working,” he tells me.

“You’re going back to the

“No, the hotel.”

“Oh…is it nice?” I ask. Hoping
he’ll tell me what hotel he’s staying in.

“Yes, I suppose it is,” he smirks
at me his eyebrows raised -
Of course it’s nice Coral!

I try to think of the best hotel
in Brighton. I wonder if it is that one? “You wouldn’t be staying at The Hilton
by any chance?” I ask dryly.

“Yes.” I raise my eyebrows in
astonishment, I am right! And it is really nice; Debs had her wedding there.

“It’s a nice hotel.” I agree.

“You’ve been in there?” He asks a
little confused.

“My step-sister had her wedding
there, it was really lovely. The whole day was great, the food, the staff, and
Debs said the Wedding suite was gorgeous.” I look across at Tristan. “Oh...let
me guess you’re staying in a suite aren’t you?”

“Yes.” He sighs.

“Which one?” I giggle.

“The best one.” He shrugs.

Oh to live in

“Yes, the double Hilton.” He
sounds bored.

“Is that the top suite?” I ask teasing

“Yes.” He sighs again.

“If you don’t like hotels, why
did you bother getting the best room?”

“I always book the best suite.”
He answers bitterly
. Ouch!

“Sorry.” I whisper.

“Let’s get you home,” he says.
And for some reason I know the conversation has ended for now, so I turn and
look out of the window in brooding silence. We sit in silence for about ten
minutes, when I suddenly realise what Tristan meant,
‘let’s get you home’
Shit, he’s taking me back to the Marina!

“Aren’t you going to ask me where
I live?” I mutter to break the silence, knowing full well we are nearly there.
Tristan silently shakes his head at me.
God damn it! He knows where I live!

I remain silent for the rest of
the journey.


, I quickly unclip my seat belt, and I’m about to pull the door
handle when Tristan’s hand covers mine, sending tingles all the way up my arm.

“Let me,” he mutters, and then
jumps out. I watch him walk around the car and open my door for me, helping me
out with his hand again. He shrugs out of his jacket, and leaning into Stuart
he hands it to him, then he takes off his tie and hands him that too, muttering
something as he does.

I watch in panic as Stuart pulls
away, leaving me with Tristan who has taken his cufflinks off and is rolling up
his sleeves.

“Aren’t you going with him?” I
ask breathlessly.


“Why not?” I question.

“I’d like to walk you home,” he
says, unaffected by my brooding.

“Tristan, I’ve been living here
for two years. I’m fine, this place is safe; I feel safe here.” I say

“Still.” He shrugs

“No!” I bark and step away from

“You don’t want me to walk you
home?” I shake my head at him. I don’t want him to see where I live, I know it
would seem ridiculously small to him. Tristan moves closer to me again.

“I know you live in one of those
floating studios Coral’ – “How?” I snap taking another step back.

Tristan backs off his hands in
the air. “Joyce told me,” he states truthfully. “I wasn’t sneaking around
asking Coral. I’m not some crazy weird stalker, although I could easily get
your personal details from H.R.” He adds.

I sigh heavily, of course he
could, but he didn’t. Then I think he will soon have access to every member of
staff’s personal file, so it’s inevitable that he’s going to know where it is,

“Why did Joyce tell you?” I ask
feeling a little betrayed that she must have been discussing me with Tristan.

“You came up at dinner last
night. Joyce was saying that, well...that you haven’t had it easy, and that
you’ve pulled through really well. She was saying that she’s really proud of
you, and pleased that you finally got on the property market.”

I feel sick. Susannah was dinning
with them last night.

“As you know I’m looking to buy,
so out of interest I asked where you were...what?” He asks seeing the look on
my face.

“Joyce was discussing my private
life in front of Susannah?” I squeak feeling mortified.

“Good god no!” Tristan pulls me
into him, crushing me to his body and kissing the top of my head. “Susannah had
the meal then went back to her hotel room, Joyce and I stayed on.” He pulls
back and lifts my chin so I have to look up at him.
Oh crap!
don’t kiss me; I don’t think I’ll stop if you do!

“Coral don’t you know? Joyce
would never divulge personal information about you to just anyone. She knows I
need to be filled in about the staff, you came up.” He says softly.

I nod feeling a little better,
but I need to get out of his arms, his lovely strong arms. “Ok, it’s hot,” I
say struggling out of his arms. I smile tentatively at him, then march away.
“Are you coming?” I shout not looking back. Tristan is next to me again in no
time at all. “I’m sorry about lunch.” I say still feeling guilty.

“There’s no need’ – “Yes there
is. It’s something about me that you’re going to have to get used to Tristan,
as your future P.A. I do something on the fly, without really thinking it
through, then I mentally castigate myself for it, the guilt trips are well...”
I wave my hand in the air.

“I was the one to blame there.”
He argues.

“Doesn’t matter who’s to blame,
point is I would never forgive someone for throwing a wobbly and storming out
of a restaurant on me. I’m surprised you’re still talking to me, and that I
still have a job. When people are nice to me after doing something bad I...I
don’t understand it, I don’t get why they don’t just tell me to fuck off out of
their lives.” As we reach the steps to the concourse, I stop and look up at
him. “I really did mean it Tristan, I’m way beyond complicated. I’m a complete
fuck-up, and you’re a fool to want anything to do with me.” I march on down the
steps leaving Tristan standing there with a look of shock spread across his

He catches up to me again,
pushing his hands into his pockets. “It is lovely here,” he says sounding
genuine, not commenting at all about my little outburst. “Do you like boats

I turn and smile up at him. “I
don’t just like them, I love them.” I answer.

“What kind do you like?” He asks.

I shrug, unsure. “All of them, I
guess – I’ve never really thought about it, can't afford one so...” I drift off

“You’ve never been on one?” He

“No.” I sigh.

“Not even a dingy?” He chuckles.

“No.” I try not to smile. “Why?”

“Just curious,” he says shrugging
his shoulders. “So, you don't know if you’d like say...a wooden schooner, a
catamaran or a modern yacht?”

I stop walking and stare up at
him. “No I don't. Why are you asking?” I'm already suspicious. Tristan shrugs
again. I narrow my eyes at him. “Do you like boats?” I ask.

“Yes.” His tone is clipped.

“What kind do you like?”

Figures! He’s rich,
he can afford one!

“Let me guess, a big ass luxury
one?” I question sarcastically.

“That’s not a bad idea,” he says,
stroking his chin.
He’s laughing at me.

“Tristan!” I scold. He smiles a
slow, sexy smile at me.

“If you like boats so much why
haven’t you taken a sailing course or something?” He questions.

My mouth pops open, he has no
idea. “Tristan, do you have any idea how expensive it is?” I say my hands on my

“No, do you?”


“How much?” he asks, his smile
still visible –
Ok, I'm getting wound up again.

“Half my monthly wage for one day
out, I'm sure you know how much I earn, so work it out for yourself.” I huff
and walk off. Oh, I'm mad at him! He thinks this is funny, well it’s not – He
has no idea how fucking crushing it is to have something that you really want
to do, that sits in front of you every day, but can't afford to do it –

Reaching my patio door, I unlock
it and walk inside. I’m instantly bowled over by the heat. I march straight
over to the bathroom, and yank open the window. Tristan follows me in, casually
looking over the place, his cheeks start to pink and I wonder if he’s going to
pass out, he looks really hot. It feels very strange having him in here, I want
to tell him to go, that I got back safely so he’ll leave, but I feel like I
should refresh him with something...?

“Come outside,” I say. “Its
cooler on the sun-deck,” I add.

Walking back outside I see Bob,
he’s leaning back in his chair with his sunglasses on. I can't tell if he’s
sleeping, and I can't believe I missed him when I got here – My brain is
definitely not working properly.

“Know you’re there,” he shouts
making me jump just as Tristan joins us.

“Bob, meet Tristan.” I chuckle.
Tristan wonders over and they shake hands. “Anyone for lemonade?” Bob loves
Gladys’s homemade lemonade. “It’s homemade,” I tell Tristan, he nods in
approval. I walk back inside feeling instantly zapped from the heat, get three
tall glasses from the cupboard, add lots of ice from my tiny freezer, then top
them up with lemonade.

Taking my wedges off, I quickly
pad back outside and hand the drinks out. Bob drinks his down in one go and
hands me back the glass, I put it on the little table next to him. Within a
couple of minutes Bob is softly snoring.
Guess I’ll be asking him to Lily’s
party later then.

“Excuse me a moment.” Tristan
gently touches my arm and walks back into my studio. I watch him pull his
mobile out of his pocket and make a call. I can't help wondering what that’s
all about? I lean on the railing and stare out at the boats. I’m so lost in
thought that Tristan makes me jump when he rejoins me.

“Jesus Coral, it’s like an oven
in there,” he says, dabbing his top lip and his brow with his hand. Then he
leans against the railing, his body mimicking mine.

“Well I’m not normally home till
late, and by then it’s really cooled down – and I have my electric fans.” I
add, although I’ll probably spend the afternoon in the pool at the gym; it’s
too hot to stay indoors.

“Like that’ll make much off a
difference.” He answers dryly. I laugh and look out over the water - there are
lots of boats out today. “So why boats?” I shake my head not wanting to tell
him. “Is it that they can give you adventure, travelling to different places?”
He asks.

“That’s a huge bonus.” I reply.

“What then, escapism?” My eyes
widen. How is he doing that? Hitting the nail on the head all the time? He’s
starting to make me feel like I’m easy to read. “That’s it.” He says grinning

I nod solemnly. His face falls,
turning away from me he looks out at the boats bobbing on the water. “Must have
been pretty bad for you to want to escape Coral,” he adds darkly.

“You know why I bought this
place?” I say. Tristan turns and looks down at me. “When I first came here’ – I
take a deep breath – ‘to Brighton I mean, Gladys used to take me to all these
different places, the beach, the parks, the pier, it didn’t matter what she
did, I was...uncontrollable. Then one day she brings me here, I remember it
clearly. We sat right over there’ I point to the wall ‘and sat eating
ice-cream, three ice-creams actually. We were here so long. Gladys was
astonished, it was the only place I was calm and still, and as far as she

BOOK: CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)
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