Read Conall: The 93rd Highlanders, Book Two Online

Authors: Samantha Kane

Tags: #romance, #menage, #erotic romance, #historical romance, #scottish romance, #military romance, #victorian romance, #highlander romance, #mmf erotic romance, #menage a trois romance m m f

Conall: The 93rd Highlanders, Book Two (11 page)

I’ve never
fucked a sweeter mouth,” he groaned, cupping one hand around
Conall’s jaw so he could feel how wide his mouth was as he accepted
Graeme’s cock. “Christ, Conall, you were born to suck

Conall scooted closer to
him, squeezing his balls, and Graeme pressed his cock hard into
Conall, holding it there, forcing Conall to practically hold his
breath. Conall whimpered and Graeme pulled back hard, leaving his
mouth. The cold air of the tent did nothing to hold back his
impending climax. “I’m going to come,” he growled. Conall
immediately leaned forward and sucked the tip of his cock into his
mouth again. It was all Graeme had needed to let go. With a hoarse,
subdued cry he came, shooting into Conall’s mouth. Conall choked
and coughed and then Graeme could feel him swallowing around him
and he moaned at the exquisite pleasure. He pulled out just as he
felt another wave hit and his come splashed against Conall’s mouth
and into his beard. In the dim light, the white, wet smear

He and Conall stared at
one another, panting, stunned. Then Conall pulled back his own kilt
and Graeme saw how hard he was, stiff and straight up, a drop of
moisture on the tip. Conall tugged on his arm and Graeme dropped to
his knees. “I won’t last long,” Conall said, his voice low and
unsteady. “Take me in your mouth, Graeme. Please.”

Graeme put his hands on
Conall’s thighs, which were hairy and heavily muscled, just as his
were. He loved that feeling, a man’s body under his hands. The
contrast to the soft sweetness of a woman’s. He loved both of them,
actually, embraced the differences and all the pleasure both gave
him. He leaned over and slipped his mouth over Conall’s cock.
Conall grunted softly and fell back on his hands behind him. Graeme
looked up and he could see Conall watching him from the better
vantage point. He pulled off and Conall looked devastated for a

Suck or
fuck?” Graeme asked with a grin. “I can suck you hard, or I can
fuck you with my mouth. Which do you want?”

Conall said eagerly. “But when I come, I want you sucking. So I’ll
give you a warning. It won’t take long. I’m fair close

Graeme did as Conall
asked and at some point Conall raised one hand from the floor and
began to run it through Graeme’s hair and caress his cheek softly.
When Graeme sucked hard, Conall would cry out softly, and when he
would fuck his mouth up and down Conall would meet his mouth with
strokes of his hips, but never hard. Graeme knew he’d be rougher
the more they did this, when he realized he didn’t have to be as
careful of Graeme as he was of Avril. But for now, Graeme liked his
softness, liked being able to enjoy him leisurely like this.
Finally Conall gasped, “Now. I’m going to come now.” Graeme
immediately took Conall to the back of his throat and swallowed
around him. Conall pulled his hair tightly and then he came, and
Graeme wished he hadn’t come yet so he could come with Conall, but
that was for another time.

When it was over and they
both sat there spent on the floor, Conall grinned at him foolishly.
“I didn’t know,” he said in wonder. “I didn’t know it could be like
that with a man.” Graeme had no answer to that. Conall leaned
forward and gently kissed Graeme’s lips, leaving some of his own
come behind. Graeme licked it off and Conall groaned. “Come to
bed,” he whispered in Graeme’s ear. “I could taste her on you. Come
to bed and whisper in my ear what you did with Avril while you wrap
my cock in your big fist, Munro.”

Graeme heaved himself to
his feet and held out his hand to Conall. “All right,” he said,
anticipation already firing his blood again. It was madness not to
end it right then, but Graeme didn’t care. He couldn’t, not when he
had Conall like this at last. For just a moment he wondered if it
was him or his new relationship with Avril that had finally brought
Conall to his bed, but he pushed the thought aside, determined not
to waste the night on questions he wasn’t sure he wanted the
answers to.







Have you
been with him?” Avril asked Graeme, pretending a calm she was far
from feeling. They were in her tent and she was making him some
tea. Last night she’d woken up and not been able to go back to
sleep, imagining the two men together. It made her some sort of
unnatural creature, she was sure, but the thought of them touching
and kissing each other made her ache with lust. She wanted to hear
about it. She wanted to know what her two men were doing together
when they weren’t with her. Even though Conall had left her, she
still thought of him as hers, especially knowing that Graeme shared
their intimacies with him.

I saw him
last night,” Graeme hedged, not looking at her.

You saw me
last night too,” she said. “As a matter of fact you saw a great
deal of me. Did you see as much of him?” If she had to she’d pull
it out of him word by word.

Aye,” he
said reluctantly, and Avril’s mouth went dry. As usual, he refused
to say any more than was necessary. He was the most aggravating

I see,” she
said. She finally turned and faced him, crossing her arms. “And did
you put that fancy mouth of yours on what you could see of him,
just like you did me?”

Aye,” he
practically growled, crossing his arms too.

She closed her eyes and
sighed and counted to ten. Then she opened her eyes and asked, “And
did you both like it?” She held up a hand. “And you better be
answering with more than an ‘aye.’”

Aye, we
did,” Graeme answered with a grin.

Avril crossed the hut and
grabbed him by the arms and tried to shake him. “Are you going to
make me ask every little thing, or are you going to tell me what

Why do you
want to know?” he asked, and she wasn’t sure if he was teasing her
or genuinely didn’t know.

Because I
like the idea of the two of you together,” she said slowly and
clearly. “As much as you two like the idea of me with one of you.
Or both of you.”

Graeme got a queer sort
of look on his face at her words. “Both of us?” he asked a little

You know
what I mean,” she said impatiently. “You like hearing about me and
Conall and he likes hearing about you and me. And know I want to
hear about you and him.”

You know,”
Graeme said, walking over and taking a seat on her cot, “most women
would faint dead away at even the thought of their men fucking
another man.”

So you
fucked him?” she asked, her eyes big as she tried to imagine

Graeme laughed. “Just
look at you,” he said. “Hanging on every word, just like

I’m going to
strangle you if you don’t give me some details right now, Graeme
Munro,” she threatened.

Fine,” he
said, as if she were nagging him. She wasn’t fooled. He couldn’t
wait to tell her now. “When I got to my tent he was waiting.
Wanting to know if I fucked you. I said yes, there may have been
some heated words about—well, never mind, nothing. I was just

You?” she
exclaimed. “Nervous? I can’t believe it.”

I can’t
either,” he said. The look he gave her was serious. “Avril, you
should know that Conall isn’t the first man I’ve been with like
that. There’ve been others, and other women too. I’m no virgin like

Conall’s not a virgin either,” she said, exasperated. “I don’t care
how many men or women you’ve been with, Graeme. You’re with me and
Conall now.” She could tell that pleased him. “Now, go

Well, he
came over and wanted to know which hand I’d had on your sweet

Did he say
that?” she interrupted. “About me?”

Yes, he
did,” Graeme said, the very picture of patience. “And so I showed
him my right hand and he pulled off the glove and sucked the finger
I’d had inside you.”

He didn’t,”
she breathed out in wonder.

Aye, he
did,” Graeme assured her. “Then he asked if my cock would taste
like you too, and when I said yes, he fell to his knees, yanked up
my kilt, and sucked my cock pretty as you please.”

Oh my God,”
Avril said, breathless with excitement. “I did too! I mean suck you
like that. And?”

And I
thought about that, you doing it, while he was doing it, and it was
like having you both doing it.” He shook his head. “I never had it
so good.”

He’s better
than me?” she asked, not sure if she was upset or not. “It’s true I
haven’t had a lot of practice.”

No, not
better,” Graeme said, “just different. It was just having the
experience with both of you that made it feel so much stronger, you
understand? After all, he told me the only thing he knew of it was
when you sucked his. So you did teach him all he knows.” He grinned
at her.

That I did,”
she agreed. “And then? Did you come?”

I had my
cock in the man’s mouth,” Graeme said. “What do you

She laughed in delight.
“And did he like that? When you came in his mouth?”

He did,”
Graeme said nodding. “Very much. So much that as soon as I did he
pulled me down on the floor with him, yanked up his own kilt and
begged me to do the same to him. He was hard as a rock from sucking

Avril put her hands to
her cheeks and felt them burning. It wasn’t embarrassment, but heat
from the desire washing through her. “I’m sure he was,” she said.
“Just as I was so aroused from doing it. You’ve got a mighty fine

Graeme laughed again.
“Thank you kindly.”

So did you?”
she asked as she went to get his tea, wanting to hear

Of course I
did,” Graeme said in surprise. “Conall’s got a mighty fine cock

Aye, he
does,” she said dreamily. “So straight and proud when he’s wanting

Yes,” said
Graeme with the same sort of longing in his voice. “And sweet too.
Did you taste the sweetness in him?”

Oh, yes,”
Avril said with a sigh. “I loved the taste of that man.”

I’m sorry,”
Graeme said solemnly.

Avril turned back with
his steaming cup in hand. “Whatever for?” she asked.

For having
him when you’re still wanting him.”

Avril waved away his
apologies. “We both know why I can’t have Conall, the stubborn
fool. But don’t ever forget that I want you like that too. And I
don’t mind the two of you together. Surely you can see that.” This
time the heat in her cheeks was embarrassment.

Aye,” Graeme
growled, “I can see that. Come closer and I’ll whisper in your ear
same as I did him. I laid him down and told him everything I’d done
to you and how much you liked it while I fucked his sweet cock with
my hand.”

Avril took the teacup
from his hand and set it down on the table. Then she pushed Graeme
down on his back on her cot and climbed on top of him, straddling
his hips. She leaned down and whispered against his mouth, “Every
detail. Don’t leave anything out.” He just laughed and reached for
her skirt.



Munro.” The
harsh whisper through his tent flap had Graeme sitting up next to
Conall. He turned panicked eyes to Conall, who lay next to him
naked as the day he was born. Silently Conall rolled off the cot to
the floor behind it, hidden under the fall of the blanket off the
cot. It was cold enough to freeze his balls off, but he lay there
with his teeth chattering, not wanting to be found here like

Graeme rose from his cot
and grabbed his kilt, wrapping it around his waist. “What is it?”
he asked in a harsh whisper.

Hamish Fletcher sent me for you.” The speaker was unfamiliar, a
thick burr in his voice. “He says to come to Mrs. Scott’s tent
right away, and bring his brother. He said you’d know where to find

Aye, I know
where,” Graeme said, glancing over at Conall, who was peering over
the bed, no longer afraid the man would come in. “Why? What’s

Some men
tried to break into her hut,” the man said. “You better hurry.
Fletcher can only hold them off for so long. I want no part of it,”
he whispered harshly. “I’ve only come to get you as a favor I owed
him.” They heard the sound of booted feet hurrying away.

Conall wasted no time
grabbing his kilt off the floor and wrapping it around himself. He
searched in the dark for his jacket. The first one he grabbed was
Graeme’s, and he threw it at him. “Hurry up,” he whispered

Graeme threw his clothes
on almost as fast as Conall. Neither man bothered with a full mess,
just kilt and jacket, boots and weapons. They were out the door in
minutes, racing across the cold ground.

When they arrived they
found Ham facing off with three men who looked the worse for wear.
Ham looked like he’d taken a lick or two himself as well. “Now,
lads,” he was saying, “this isn’t a good idea. Not only can I lick
you all, but I can have you in the brig tomorrow as I outrank you

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