Read Command Decision (Project Gliese 581g #1) Online

Authors: S.E. Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Science

Command Decision (Project Gliese 581g #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Command Decision (Project Gliese 581g #1)
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“Have you intercepted the other pod?” Andri asked in a sharp tone.

“Pod? If you are referring to the signal, then no, not yet,” Roan responded stiffly. “The one on Tesla Terra has been retrieved?”

“The pod, yes, the contents, no,” Andri replied. “Find the pod you are searching for – and the contents. Do not underestimate the danger. General Cota did and he and a troop of Legion soldiers are dead. I want the contents, General.”

“Yes, my Lord,” Roan replied with a bow of his head.

Andri cut the communications once again. He raised his head and stared out the window. A thoughtful expression crossed his face and he once again touched the communications console. This time a very different face appeared.

“I have a job for you,” he said, staring at the shadowy image.




Josh’s gaze followed Cassa as she moved around the narrow galley on board the
Hutu’s modified transport. The battle earlier had caused only minor damage thanks to Hutu’s defense systems. Hutu came in wiping the dirt off of his dark red hands.

“Your brother has become a good pilot,” he said, nodding to Cassa when she handed him a hot drink. “If I had known earlier, I would have talked to your father about recruiting him sooner.”

Pain flashed across Cassa’s face and she slid onto the seat next to Josh. Josh immediately wrapped his arm protectively around her. Shooting Hutu a warning glance, he held Cassa close to him.

“What is the real reason the Legion Director wants me and my crew?” Josh demanded. “They were determined to capture us.”

Hutu sighed and slipped into the seat across from Josh and Cassa. He glanced at Cassa for a moment before he turned his attention to Josh. Josh could tell the man was having an internal battle with himself.

“A long, long time ago, this region was ruled by an advanced species, more so than what is here now. It is said they studied the stars, wondering what was out there. In time, they built great spaceships and they left Jeslean, the birthplace of the Gallant Order.

Cassa shook her head and laid her hand over Josh’s hand. “Surely no one really believes this, it is a child’s tale told to children. Before the Legion, it was another monster,” she argued.

“It matters not whether it is true, it is what gives people hope. That is something that Lord Andronikos does not want. If the people have hope, they have a reason to fight. Word is already spreading about the strange spaceship that was discovered. No matter how hard the Legion tries to keep it a secret, people will find out. What happened yesterday will only make it more mythical.” Hutu paused and looked at Josh. “It is imperative that we discover what happened to your friends before Lord Andronikos’ forces do.”

“If they are even alive,” Josh murmured, glancing down at where Cassa held his hand.

“There were five signals reported, each moving in different directions. Yours and another have been tracked. I have men looking for the other three. If they are alive, we will find them,” Hutu promised.

“How do you know so much about what is going on?” Josh asked, tilting his head and staring at Hutu.

“The Legion isn’t the only one with spies,” Hutu replied. “I will relieve Pack for a while. I suggest you both get some rest. The next few days are going to be dangerous at the most, exciting at the least.”

“Why do you say that?” Cassa asked, sliding out from behind the table when Hutu stood up.

Hutu grinned. “We are going to be right under General Landais’ nose,” he said with a chuckle. “It does not get more dangerous, or exciting, than that.”

“I hope you know what you are doing, Hutu,” Josh retorted with a grim look.

Hutu’s eyes softened for a moment. “I do,” he promised. “I want to see how much training Jemar did with you, Pack, and Cassa. I will start tomorrow. I suggest you worry more about that at the moment. If you are to fight and win, you need to be ready.”




Josh walked in silence slightly behind Cassa down the narrow corridor. There wasn’t much room on the transport, so sleeping accommodations would be tight. He paused, glancing into the narrow room. It was barely big enough for the bunk.

“How are you doing?” He asked quietly, reaching up to touch her cheek when she paused and turned towards him. A trembling smile curved her lips and tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them away. “I never did thank you for your help back there at the Spaceport.”

“You never have to thank me for helping you,” she murmured. “It will take time. It is still hard to believe that my father and Jes… Jesup are gone. The Legion has a lot to answer for.” She glanced down at her hands which were splayed across his chest. “I had heard stories of their brutality. I’m ashamed that I was reluctant to stand up against them.”

Josh’s hand slid up under her chin and he lifted it. His expression was serious as he stared down at her. He wished there had been some way to shield her from the pain of losing her father and little brother. Deep down, he still fought with his own guilt that he had been partially responsible for bringing this grief to Cassa’s family, even if it had been unintentional.

“Never be ashamed of being who you are,” he said in a quiet, firm voice. “You are an incredibly beautiful and strong woman.”

“Josh,” Cassa whispered, gazing up at him. “Just so you know, I’m going to kiss you.”

A soft chuckle escaped him before her lips captured the sound. The feelings that had been burning inside him flared into white-hot embers, refusing to be extinguished this time. Life held no guarantees, he and Ash had always known that. The last few weeks, and his growing feelings for Cassa, had just made it more obvious.

“I want…,” Josh started to say.

“… You to stay,” Cassa’s hushed words mixed with his. “Stay with me tonight.”

Josh pulled back and stared down at her with a fierce expression. If he stayed, it would be for more than one night – it would be for a lifetime. Cassa was not a woman to be toyed with and discarded. She was the type of woman to make a man realize he was being given a chance at something special the moment he saw her.

“This isn’t about one night, Cassa,” Josh warned her. “This is about forever.”

A sad expression swept across Cassa’s face before it cleared. “Then, I accept your forever, Josh,” she responded in a soft voice.

Josh stepped forward, pressing Cassa backwards into the long, narrow room. His lips captured hers in a hot passionate kiss that sealed his vow that this was not just a short term relationship, but one that he planned to make permanent.

“You have no idea how hard it has been to keep my hands off of you,” he muttered, working the fastenings of her tunic.

“You are not the only one,” she whispered, brushing her lips along his jaw.




Josh was surprised by the trembling in his fingers as he carefully pushed Cassa’s outer tunic off her shoulders. The faint markings along her forehead and left cheek ran down over her shoulders. He wanted to kiss every one of the marks.

A soft, startled hiss escaped him when Cassa pressed her lips against him and twisted so she could push him back against the closed door. Her hand fumbled for the panel and she locked it. His own hands began moving frantically over her. He pulled far enough back to grab the bottom of her shirt and tugged it over her head. He tossed it to the floor, his eyes narrowing in desire.

“You have no idea how beautiful you are,” he murmured.

Cassa raised an eyebrow before she leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Why don’t you show me?” She murmured in invitation before kissing him again.

Josh’s mind sizzled as he turned her and pressed her back against the bed. There were times when it was best to take your time and there were times when you just couldn’t wait. A soft groan escaped him when she ran her hands up under his shirt.

This was definitely a time when waiting was highly overrated,
he thought as he let go of his control.

“You have too many clothes on,” she whispered frantically, tugging at his shirt.

Josh released a soft chuckle and sat back, straddling Cassa’s slender hips. He quickly pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor next to hers. His jaw clenched when she ran her hands over the heated skin of his stomach. The muscles tightened at her touch and his hips jerked forward. The movement caused his already aching body to tighten even more.

His hands moved to the fastening of his trousers. He undid them and scooted off the bed so he could kick them and his boots off. He felt like a schoolboy for a moment, clumsy and uncoordinated. Of course, it didn’t help that Cassa was lying back against the pillows watching him with a heated look of desire that was guaranteed to bring his blood to a boil.

Kicking his pants to the side, he glared down at her when her lips lifted in amusement. She knew perfectly well the effect she was having on him. His own lips twitched when she flushed and he saw her nipples harden. Two could play this game.

“Do you like what you see?” He asked in a husky voice, not bothering to hide his arousal. “I certainly do.”

Cassa’s hands started to move up to cover her breasts, but Josh leaned down and grabbed them. He shook his head and allowed his gaze to run down over her. His hands slid away from hers. Running his palms over her skin, he followed the path of the markings until he could cup her breasts.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” he murmured, bending over her so he could press a kiss to one of them.

“The markings you have are very small and scattered,” she whispered, arching upward when he pressed another kiss to her side. “I want to kiss them.”

It took a moment for Josh to realize she was talking about the few dark freckles he had. The marks on her skin were slightly darker and ran along both sides of her body, up over her shoulders and up her neck before the left side continued up her cheek to her forehead. Each one was about the size of a dime, but instead of being perfectly round, they were uneven. He noticed that each one fit together. It was going to take a while to work his way down each and every delicious one.

He bent to capture one taut nipple between his lips even as his hands moved down to push her trousers off her hips. Her hands grasped his shoulders, her fingers gently kneading them while her hips lifted to help him. A soft moan escaped her and she pulled him over her.

He sucked on the rosy tip, feeling it swell at his rough attention. Her legs moved restlessly and she kicked her trousers away so she could lift her legs to wrap them around his hips. He didn’t need any more encouragement. His body was hard and ready for her.

Bracing his arms on either side of her, sweat beaded on his brow when she reached between them and guided him to her slick channel. A shudder swept through both of them as they fought for the slender thread of control they had on their emotions. All hope of that disintegrated when she ran her strong fingers along his cock. His hips jerked forward, pushing deeper into her when she released him. Her hand slid along his side and she gripped his hip, urging him on.

“Oh, Cassa,” Josh groaned, closing his eyes when he felt her moist heat slowly surrounding him. “Oh, sweetheart.”

He opened his eyes and stared down at her as he buried his cock to the hilt. A long, soft hiss escaped him and he trembled. His jaw clenched when she began to move her hips. The slow, deliberate movements shattered his control and he lowered himself over her so that he could wrap his arms around her and bury his face in her neck.

His own hips began moving, faster and harder. Each stroke becoming rougher and more urgent than the one before. Cassa’s uneven breaths echoed through him. Her soft moans growing louder with each thrust until she released a sharp, harsh cry and stiffened.

Josh felt her body shudder and tremble with her release. His arms tighten around her and he continued to drive into her with a frantic urgency that was driven by the primitive need to possess, conquer, and worship the woman in his arms. His head tilted backwards and the muscles in his neck strained as his own body exploded with his release. He could feel his seed emptying into her as his cock pulsed, throbbing in time with her shuddering gasps.

Josh closed his eyes and pressed a kiss to Cassa’s shoulder. Her arms tightened around him and her legs slowly slid down along his. He ran his lips along her hot skin, enjoying the silky feel of it.

“I love you, Josh,” Cassa replied in a quiet voice, squeezing him tighter to her and pressing her cheek against his hair.

Another shudder ran through Josh at her tender words. He’d had other women tell him that they loved him over the years, but their words never affected him the way her softly spoken confession did. Like finely woven threads of molten silver, they sank into his soul, warming him and sending another wave of primitive feeling through him, this time one of protectiveness.

Lifting his head, he gazed down at her. His throat swelled with emotion, an emotion that choked him, making it impossible for him to speak. He could only hope that she could see the impact her words had on him. Capturing her lips again in a kiss that he hoped conveyed his feelings, he knew that he’d never let her go.

One night will never be enough,
he thought as the flame inside him ignited once again.




Chapter 16


“I wondered where you had disappeared to,” Pack muttered, walking up behind Josh as he stepped out of the cabin much later.

Josh turned and looked at the younger male. He could see the wary expression in his eyes and the hint of anger. While Cassa didn’t blame him for their father and brother’s death, something told him that Pack wasn’t as forgiving. Drawing in a deep breath, Josh knew that if he didn’t resolve the issue that was brewing between the two of them, it could get dangerous.

“Pack,” Josh greeted with a grim nod. Pack’s face tightened when he moved so he could block the man’s way. “I need to talk to you.”

BOOK: Command Decision (Project Gliese 581g #1)
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