Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (32 page)

“Yeah, I quickly found out that most of the couples around here are completely committed to each other. It’s one of the main things that drew me in,” Breeanna said.

“I’ve got to ask girl, how in the hell did you go living the life of luxury to waiting tables at the dinner and the bar? What sent you running?”

“Well, when I went to register for my classes for my junior year my parents shot down my dreams yet again. I was at the point where I had to start taking classes pertaining to one major of the other so like the good little daughter I was supposed to be of course I took the path in business. The lack of attraction to the business field soon showed in my grades. A ‘C’ was the best I was able to manage. After a quick trip home for Thanksgiving break I made my choice to run.”

“What happened during break that would send you running? Don’t be mad because I’m surly not judging, hell look at the mess I’m still trying to clean up because I ran,” I questioned again.

Breeanna went on to tell me how during her last break in college she went home to nothing but angry parents. The lectured and threatened that whole four days she was home apparently. Her father threatened that if she didn’t get her grades up and earn her degree in business that he would make sure she would do the next best thing to ensure her family legacy. Her crazy ass dad threatened to marry her off to the son of the man she caught her mother fucking around with. Before she left, with her parents thinking she was returning to school, she made a stop to drain her bank account and get the title for her car from the safety deposit box at the bank. Next thing she did was make her way to Nashville, where she picked up a P.O. box to use for an address and then proceeded to trade her car in for what she said her parents would refer to as a downgrade at the first dealership she came to. She left the Mercedes behind with her cell phone in the cup holder and drove off in a new Chevrolet pickup. Using the card her dear old dad gave her for emergencies she decided to buy as many gift cards to Food lion and Piggly Wiggly as she could, as well as all the fuel cards she could muster. She kept her cash for emergencies and had the gift cards to ensure she would have food and gas to get away. I soon found out that she only had roughly two thousand dollars’ cash when she left but, was able to get close to nine thousand dollars in gift cards before the credit card company made the call to her father for suspicious activity. With the cash, gift cards and new truck she took off to destination unknown.

“Okay, so how did you end up here in Great Falls? It’s not that I’m not happy you did, I’m just curious why here? You could be in Key West or out in California soaking up the sun and yet you chose here,” I said putting her on the spot.

“This is where the silly came into play. I was making my way through South Carolina looking for a place to hold up for the night and a Piggly Wiggly to grab some grub to pack my little cooler with. I was planning on trying to make it to Texas to set up roots but when I stepped into the Piggly Wiggly I met not only Carrin and Brookes for the first time but also Happy and Tank. I had been on the road for almost a week by the time I ended up walking into the store in town. After a brief conversation with the group I was hooked,” she explained before I cut in.

“Oh my! So you met Tank your first day into town and it was love at first sight. Hot damn my boy must have charmed the pants off of you,” I said jokingly.

Breeanna laughed a bit before crushing my thoughts. “I wish that was the case but, it was the total opposite. You’ve seen how the guys can be to outsiders. Happy and Tank weren’t rude per say but they weren’t throwing out the welcome wagon either. Carrin ended up talking me into walking over to the diner to join them for dinner. Other than Olivia, my best friend in high school, I never really had any friends. So when Carrin extended me the offer I jumped at it. I could tell the guys were a little hesitant but by the end of dinner everyone but Tank was cutting up and carrying on. Happy found it hysterical that I didn’t use any foul language, which I must say is slowly but surely wearing off on me after almost three years at the bar.”

“Okay so you made it here, decided to stay after talking to Carrin and somehow won the guys over into getting you a job at the bar or was it the diner,” I asked?

“Actually that night at the diner Carrin introduce me to Elaine and helped me get the job. I didn’t start working nights at the bar until roughly two weeks later. You see I still had some money but I was down to a little over a thousand. It wasn’t enough to put security deposit and first month’s rent down so I was staying in my truck until I could get another five hundred bucks or so saved up. One night I was parked in my usual spot over by the falls just passed the club house, which at the time I had no idea what it was, when Tank came pulling up behind me with one of the club girls on the back of his bike. After him reading me the riot act for trespassing and then for me sleeping out there on my own he made me follow him back to the club house to face the guys,” she told me.

“Well that was a dick move. What the hell was such the big deal that you couldn’t crash in the truck? It’s not like the rest of us haven’t spent nights camping and partying out their overnight and technically if it’s where I think it was you weren’t on club property. You would have been on the parcel that belongs with this house, right?”

“Yep, your exactly right. Axle wasn’t around so I was left to talk to Boomer, Viking, Ghost and your dad. After a few hours of questioning they offered me a job working at the bar at night helping Queenie. Viking also reached out to someone about an apartment. All it took was his word and bam I had a place to lay my head. It’s the same place I’ve been renting or until I was attacked. I guess I don’t have it anymore. It’s neither here nor there at this point in time. Anyway, I don’t know why but they took pity on me. From my three years being around here I now know that it was totally out of character but I will forever be grateful.”

“Ok so you’re not upset about being stuck here now, right?” Breeana shook her head no at my question which lead me to my next question. “Is it Tank? Is he being an ass because I won’t have a problem sending Izzy or Romy to kick his ass. I’d do it for you but as you heard early I’m carrying precious cargo.”

My offer had Breezy finally laughing, thank god. With a smile on my face she confided in me. “No need to kick his butt, although he is being very overprotective and could probably use a smack to the head to straighten him out. Either way, it has nothing to do with Tank. I was just a little overwhelmed at watching this family come together time and time again. You all have had each other’s backs since day one, something I’ve never had. This is what I always wanted and to be an outsider looking in had me reminiscing about what I left behind. Hell, if my mother found out I was pregnant before I got married and the one I chose to marry worked with his hands, she’d have me locked away forever. Trust me when I say that I couldn’t be happier for you and I mean no disrespect, it just had me wishing my mother and my family were more like yours. Pathetic, I know, but it doesn’t mean it hurts any less to watch.”

“First of all, if you think for one minute that someone around here is going to hit Tank in the head for being overprotective you’ve lost your goddamn mind. News flash sweetheart every one of these assholes is born with the overprotective gene. Even us girls are protective over them, we just go about it differently. Second of all you need to realize that you do have that girl. We all consider you family, with or without your fascination with Tank. There’s a reason why you and that horse dog of yours were moved in here with the rest of us. It’s because you belong here chick,” I said just before being pulled into a bear hug by Breeanna.

I held on too Breezy for a few minutes before the sounds of little footsteps had me pulling back looking at the clock. Dammit it was after seven already and from the sound of things, the little ones were up leaving me no time for a nap. I got up to head to the stove leaving Breeanna at the table. I started pulling out frying pans and breakfast food out of the fridge. Without being asked Breeanna left her post at the table to join me in making breakfast for the crew.


Yasmin had nothing new for us after an hour or so of interrogation. We were getting nowhere fast and the only thing coming from it was a raging Blaze. I couldn’t blame the fucker after seeing the fire with my own eyes that was set where his family not only worked but slept. I was ready to just let Blaze finish the bitch when Throttle jumped in front of Blaze trying to calm him down.

“I know everything in you is telling you to kill this cunt but brother we need to keep her around until we can figure out where the other two pieces of shit are,” Throttle reasoned with an enraged Blaze.

“It wasn’t your fucking family they went after asshole. They set my fucking sisters’ apartment on fire. If it had been just one day later god only knows what would have happened to Izzy and Romy or even Trevor. Imma kill every one of these bitches starting with that bitch right there,” Blaze yelled pointing at Yasmin.

“You kill her you might be ending the only possible way we have to draw these assholes out. Think about your sisters and the rest of the goddamn women in this club. You want all the bitches having to look over their damn shoulders every time they leave the fucking house. I know I sure as hell don’t. I say we cut the bitch down and keep her as a fucking prisoner until the other two fuckers are caught. Then when we have the last three will throw a fucking barbeque and watch them all fucking burn,” Throttle said to Blaze.

I took it as a sign to step in, “Blaze I have to agree with Throttle. I think it’s time to go back over to the house and check on everyone. We’ll cut the bitch down and chain her to the anchor in the floor. As much as I want to see this cunt dead for everything else we’ve been through over the last fucking year, I believe she had no clue about the fire earlier. I promise you we’ll get the other two before month’s end.”

Blaze said nothing as he turned his back walking out of the barn with Viking hot on his heels. The rest of us stayed back to cut the bitch down and get her set up for a nice long stay. Happy took the liberty of cuffing her foot to the thick ass chain that was attached to the eyelet anchor cemented in the floor. I might not be killing the bitch but she wasn’t getting any sympathy from me. There was a five-gallon bucket for her to piss and shit in, a pack of saltines and a few bottles of water. I’d make sure one of the prospects was monitoring the live feed from the camera at all times.

“Alright fellas, it’s time to head back up to the house. It’s after seven in the fucking morning and my ass is hungry,” I said to my motley crew. We shut the lights out and made our way back over to the house.  The sun was already rising as we were walking through the back door of the house only to find Avery and Breeanna cooking away while Hunter and Tivie sat at the table with bowls of Applejacks. The boys didn’t wait for an invitation before digging in. My girl had a spread complete with eggs, bacon, grits and pancakes. She already had the orange juice out and the coffee pot was full. That’s right, my woman was on top of shit.

I walked up behind her while she was cooking away on the stove and pulled her back to my front. My dick was already coming to attention. “None of that right now stud. I’ve got a freaking army to feed and the rest of the bitches are down stairs snoozing away,” Avery told me while continuing to move the eggs around in the frying pan so they wouldn’t burn.

“Hey Breeanna you mind watching those eggs for a minute? I think Avery needs to run upstairs and get something she needs to show me,” I was willing to put my need for her aside until after breakfast but, if she thought I was waiting another minute to look at the pictures of my two kids I buried in her belly she was batshit crazy.

“Oh sure Ax, I’ll take care of it,” Breezy responded without looking at me as usual. That girl was still too timid.

“There’s no need, I grabbed what you wanted earlier when I went to bring Tivie down,” Avery said as she pulled me out into the living room away from every one. She reached around and pulled two grainy black and white photos out of her back pocket and placed them in my hand. I stood still looking at the little blobs on the picture.

“Babe you gonna help me out, what exactly am I looking at. I’m assuming that its pictures of my kids but I can tell shit,” I told her needing some help deciphering exactly what I should be seeing.

I listen as she explained where the heart was and how they both had strong heart beats already. She let me know that at this stage it was really hard to see exactly how developed they are. She was only nine weeks along and it was still hard to see anything other than the little blob on the sonogram.

“Okay, so when do I get to tell everyone. I know the girls are sleeping but it’s killing me to keep a lid on this shit Avery. I say we walk in there and drop the bomb now,” I told my fiancé.

“Well, baby I hate to break it too you but the women already know and have been sworn to secrecy.” Avery raised her hand at me before I could respond. She must have read my mind as she went on. “Before you say what you thinking I need you to know I haven’t said a damn thing to anyone other than Romy and that’s only because she went with me to the doctor’s appointment. I even lied to Layla and Ben blaming it on cervical cysts because I wanted you to know first. I never thought my mother would be able to tell me I was pregnant without telling her. Apparently she’s been watching me for a week or so and has been noticing changes, then when I was getting sick she claims it sealed the deal but she wasn’t saying anything to me until she was sure we had worked our shit out.”

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