Read Come Home Bad Boy Online

Authors: Leah Holt

Come Home Bad Boy (9 page)

Heidi, and the baby she was going to give to me; they would be the life that kept me strong.

“Silas, I want to have your baby.” Her hand ran over my chest, massaging the muscles.

“I know you do, I'm glad you can say it now.” A soft smile pulled up on my cheek, tender eyes gazing down on her.

“How— Never mind, I won't even ask.” Heidi slapped my thigh, inches from my cock.

I felt my dick twitch, warming beneath my jeans. Even her subtle touch made me fucking hard, the bulge growing into a semi instantly. “Are you trying to get me to fuck you again? Because I will, you can't threaten me with a good time.” Winking, I dragged my tongue over my bottom lip.

Slitting her lids, she said, “You just can't get enough, can you?” Her hand teased my button, circling the small metal round.

“Of you, no. So get used to it, sweetheart.” Gyrating my hips, I jerked my waist up, forcing the hard-on into her hand.

“Damn, you're rock hard already.” Palming the covered erection, she followed the line and squeezed the tip. Her whole body shivered against my ribs, the feeling mimicking its way up my spine.

That will never get old. She can do that over and over and I'll always let her.
The hair stood against my neck, sparks shooting into my brain. I wasn't sure why, but this time it felt different.

Maybe it was hearing her say she wanted to have my child. Actually hearing the words that sent me into overdrive, or knowing that she was completely mine now. Either way, my entire body was flooded with primal need.

Brushing the hair over her shoulder, I twined it around my hand, and pulled. Her head snapped back, the sound floating off her tongue hit my ears, and went straight to my cock. “I'm going to fuck the shit out of you, your cunt's going to hurt for days.”

Biting her lower lip, a devious grin spread across her face. “Now you're threatening me with a good time.” In one swoop she was straddling me, hips grinding down.

A deep grunt hit my throat, hand climbing over her stomach, reaching her breast. Squeezing, I thumbed her hard nipple, pinching and rolling it between my fingers. There were no more words, only sounds.

A heavy breath hit her lips, back arching in an artful dip. Winding her hair tighter, I tugged again, her throat curving up. Straightening my back, I nibbled the exposed flesh. Small beads of sweat layered her skin, their salty taste coating my tongue, forcing my cock against the seam.

Heidi glided her pussy against the engorged length, rubbing it with need. In one swoop, I tore her shirt over her head. The red lace hit my eyes, her pink nipples hardened against the shear fabric. Her hands rode up her ribs, reaching in and popping the clasp.

I watched her in awe, fingers gently riding over the dips of her sides, the sensual way she touched herself. Each individual rib, up to the crease of her tits and her chest, it all drove me wild. The heat in my gut began to surge, hitting my veins, each one exploding against the skin.

I didn't have to see myself to know my face was flushed, the fire of my insides breaking free. Heidi leaned in, resting her breasts against my chin. Letting her hair fall, I gripped both tits, dragging my tongue over her nipples.

Her lips softly traced my ear, whispering. “Do you want to feel me, Silas?”

“Fuck, babe, I don't think I can take much more of this. I need your cunt.” Pinching her nipples, I rolled them between my teeth, biting down on each one.

Heidi's shoulders rolled forward, dipping into my ears. Lifting on her knees, she kicked her shoes off, slipping free of her pants. A sexy pair of lace boy shorts covered her cunt, lips outlined behind the tight lace.

Popping my button free, I slid the zipper down. “Let me get that,” she said, reaching her hand in, grabbing my thickened shaft.

My head fell back, her hand wrapping firmly around my length. Each stroke sent tingles up my thighs, hitting my stomach.
Fuck me, I'm going to blow my load so far in her cunt she's bound to get pregnant. And I'll keep fucking her till I've planted my seed.

A surge of adrenaline pulsed through my muscles, squeezing life into them. Curling my fingers into her panties, I split the seam, ripping the thin fabric in two. Her dripping wetness exposed, small bursts of light sparkled as she rocked her hips forward.

Gasping, the stream of air filled her throat, exploding out over her tongue. Heidi kept swaying, her pussy liquifying the mass against it. Thrusting my hips up, cock sliding between her lips, the tip of my dick hit her belly. “You're going to let me come in there, I'm not pulling out.”

“That's the idea, how else can you knock me up?” Running a single finger over the head of my cock, she twirled the pearly pre-cum resting on the surface. “Now shut up and fuck me.”

Pressing up, Heidi circled my dick around her entrance. I could feel her heat, the warmth of her cunt radiating down over my shaft. Slowly she lowered, my cock disappearing as her lips ate me up.

A buzzing sensation crawled up my chest, coalescing with the muscle pounding to keep blood flowing through my body. I couldn't think, my brain had shut down completely. That moment, knowing I had her fully in every way...

Heidi was mine, just like I planned, just like I needed.

Thrusting myself deeper, I gripped her ass. Digging into the skin, I helped her ride my length. We had the perfect rhythm, bodies moving as one. Up and down, she gyrated her hips, saturating my furry base with her juice.

“Mm, Si,” she moaned, throwing her hands behind my neck. Pressing her forehead against mine, she stared into my eyes. The chromatic color of her sight lit up, lashes fanning her widened gaze.

A tremble broke over her skin, forcing the beaded sweat to free, streaking over her curves. Heidi's pussy tightened, thighs shaking around my waist. I knew she was getting close, on the brink of climax.

That was my favorite part, feeling a woman come over my prick. It always drove me over the edge, the creamy feel of a woman draped over my cock.

I couldn't hold back anymore, a flutter hit my gut, balls pulling up. Closing my eyes, colors fired off behind my lids. Fireworks of pleasure as I blew my load deep into her cunt. Wave after wave of come filled her pussy, my cock throbbing so intensely it almost hurt.

Falling to my chest, I felt her body go limp. Breathing heavy, she laid voiceless, tracing her fingers over my chest. We sat like this for what seemed like hours, skin to skin, just the two of us. Glancing at the clock, I saw it almost one in the morning. “I have to get you home.”

“Already? I could stay the night if you want.” Lifting her head up, her sultry stare made me second guess my comment.

But I told her dad I'd bring her home, and after everything at the bar... I wasn't going back on what I told him. “As much as I would love that, I told your dad I'd get you home safely. I can't go back on that.”

“I know, especially if he's coming around about you.” Her lip rolled down to pout, a sad puppy dog face emerging.

“Are you working tomorrow?” I asked, twirling a strand of her hair.

“Nope, I'll be around all day.” Swinging her legs off my lap, she bent down to gather her clothes. Holding up a piece of the torn panties, she said, “You're lucky I have plenty of these.”

Laughing, I shrugged my shoulders. “What can I say, I get a little excited sometimes.”

Pursing her lips, she chuckled. “A little?” Cocking her head to her shoulder, she spun the fabric over her finger.

An overwhelming feeling hit me in the gut like a freight train. This woman was gorgeous, great in the sack, and had the best personality I'd ever seen.

I'd spent my entire life walking this earth thinking a family wasn't worth it, that if I had one it would only weigh me down.

At one point I was even happy there wasn't someone waiting for me at home, but not now.

When I met her, even just the instant I caught her in my eye, I knew.

No one had been waiting for me before, but that was only because I hadn't met

Now I couldn't imagine my life without her, I needed her.

It was that simple.

Chapter Nine


pening my eyes, the heat of the sun shined down on my face. It was the first time in a long while I could remember thinking how wonderful it felt.
My life is going to be different. Finally, after all these years.

After losing my mom, I often thought how hard it truly was to love someone. Because when they're gone, that's it. There's an empty hole that keeps eroding inside, it never goes away, never fills in.

I watched my dad lose the love of his life. With that came a whole different set of feelings. He was broken, a crack that couldn't be fixed.

Did I want that? Did I want to experience that loss, feel that type of pain?

It was hard enough dealing with the death of my mother, I wasn't sure I could love another person for fear of losing them too. That type of pain is unexplainable, a hurt that every dictionary on earth doesn't have a word to fully describe it.

Then, Silas walked into my world. And now, each day seemed brighter, like the sun grew in size by the thousands. I felt the warmth, saw the light, and began to understand what life was all about.

I'm going to have a baby with him, he wants a family, and I want to live again.

Smiling to myself, I sat up, tossing my legs over the edge of my bed. Slipping my feet into the penguin slippers on the floor, I padded down the hall to the bathroom.

Placing my hands on the cool porcelain, I looked in the mirror. Noticing a warming hue to my skin, I couldn't help but think I was glowing.
I've never seen my face that color before, that's strange.
Sliding my fingers over my cheeks, I pressed my face into the mirror, examining the flushed shade.

Butterflies started to roll in my stomach, a giant ball of nerves mixing with harsh coals. The heat fired off in the back of my throat, hitting the roof of my mouth. Twisting quickly, I threw my head into the toilet, throwing up what remained in my belly from the night before.

Could I be... No, not yet. It's too soon, I can't be pregnant already.
Convincing myself that it definitely took longer than a day to get pregnant, I wiped my mouth on the fuzzy blue towel next to the sink.

Even if he was able to actually get me knocked up in a day, I knew there wouldn't be symptoms this soon. Right?

Health class in school was a vague memory, and one of those classes kids barely paid attention to. But I knew enough, you don't even test positive till at least a week after you're late.

And I wasn't due for—
Fuck, when was I due?

The tips of my fingers twisted my bottom lip, eyes darting frantically around the room. I was trying to remember when I had my period last, but the past few weeks were a flash that blended together.

Poking my head out the bathroom door, I glanced around the hallway. I knew I was panicking, and every inch of me was showing it. My eyes were frozen open, large as saucers, sweat dribbling its way down my temples.

Clutching my chest, it hurt to breathe; Like the air was hot ash, and my lungs were gorging themselves on the tiny flaming debris.

And if my dad saw me like that, he'd know something was up.

I wasn't ready for that yet, he barely gave Silas the seal of approval. If Silas hadn't saved me, my father would never have left that bar shaking his hand.

Seeing the empty hall, I made a quick dash back to my room. Closing the door as quietly as possible, my forehead fell against the wood, eyes closing tight.
What the fuck do I do? I can't remember when I was due.

Tapping my finger against my thigh, I thought maybe if I looked at the calendar I could get a an idea. Hopefully, I was wrong, maybe I really wasn't due for another week or longer.

No, it had to be soon. I didn't have it a few weeks ago when I first...

Holy shit, that first night with Silas, it broke.

And I let him— Fuck, how stupid could I be?

I had forgotten what happened that night. The liquor dazed sex we had, the condom that broke.

How I still let him finish inside me.

Slapping my palm against my head, I slid down to my knees. Wrapping my arms around my legs, shock blanketed my body. If I was pregnant, everything was going to change. My entire world, from my relationship with my dad, to work, school, all of it would be different in some way.

I knew it was what I decided to do, but just the realization I could have gotten pregnant before I even agreed to it... made my stomach churn more than it was already.

Reaching up to my dresser, I grabbed my cell. Scrolling through the numbers, I switched back and forth between Livie and Silas. Hovering over Livie's name, I hit the message button.

-Hey, I might have big news.-

That was the only message I fired off, my phone lit brightly, her name sprawled across the screen.
And here she is. No time wasted.

Clicking to answer, I said, “Hey, how's Boston?”

“Tell me, tell me, tell me. What's the news? Did you get into Columbia?” I could hear the excitement in her voice. The high pitch tone sprang through the phone, hitting my ear drum.

Squinting one eye to the glass breaking sound, I laughed. “No, no, come on now. I can't afford that place yet.”

“So, what's the big news?” Livie eagerly spat.

“I said,
might have big news.
Nothing's concrete yet.” My fingers twitched against my leg, the spasm riding my hand and moving up my arm. I was nervous thinking I could be pregnant, and trying to actually say it, the words were hard to find.

“Tell me already, you're making me go crazy over here.” Pleading, Livie huffed under her breath.

“Well, I met this guy a few weeks back—”

“And?” she asked, cutting me off.

Just say it! Stop trying to hold back, and fucking say it already!
I had never been so afraid in my life to tell her a secret, to let Livie in on something only I new.

She had been the only one I shared everything with, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Livie knew the first time I had sex, the first time I even gave a guy head. She knew all my dark secrets, and in return I knew hers.

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