Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (15 page)

Wanting to get Lance on his own, Griff knew he needed to pull him away from his pack, in particular from his strongest beta, Darren. So he had kept up a pace just fast enough to keep out of their way, but enough for Lance to think he could catch him. It was a risk. If the pack caught him, they would have torn him to shreds. But the part of him that loved the challenges of BDSM was a risk taker, someone who lived on the edge, someone who enjoyed taunting others. His heart raced in excitement.

When he took them up a steep narrow path which led to the top of a hillside, he grinned and wagged his tail.

He was pleased to note it was just him and Lance, just as he knew it would be. Lance, being stronger than his cohorts, had, in turn, left them behind, possibly irritated at how slow they were or possibly just not noticing it in his desire to confront Griff. Either way, it didn’t matter because it was just him and Lance.

At last!

It was a battle long since coming as he needed to prove he was nothing like this brute who used women for his own ends, not caring a jot about them. But the ensuing fight between the two alphas hadn’t taken long. Despite being strong, Griff knew he had to get it over with quickly as his reserves were sorely diminished after the earlier fight against so many. But, in fact, it had been over in seconds, much to his disgust. When Lance had flown at him, intending to take him down, he had instead flown over Griff’s head as he had ducked. The fall took Lance unexpectedly over the side of the hill, with an eerie cry. Griff was astonished.

He trotted the few paces to the edge and could see the broken body of the other alpha laid out on the rocks below. The angle of Lance’s head told Griff that his opponent was dead. There was nothing anyone could do for him, but he was aware of being sorely disappointed as he had wanted to kill the bastard for everything he had done to Natasha, even if it had meant banishment from the community.

Taking a very dicey route down the other side of the steep cliff was chancing his luck, but Griff didn’t dare go back the way he came in case Darren and the rest caught up with him. The way was hard going, and his footing had slipped a couple of times on the loose shingle, but he managed to stay on the extremely narrow path and eventually came out not far from the grotto. He, too, had known exactly where Callum would take the girl. In fact, he had strongly suggested it to him.

But now he was here he didn’t know whether to stay or go. It wasn’t that he was particularly into voyeurism, as he enjoyed being the participant too much. However, as he stood there in human form watching Tasha, listening to her cries of passion, observing her with the three betas and seeing how she was finally relaxed enough to let them penetrate her in every way, for the first time in his life Griff knew he had to walk away and let the others have her. It was a sacrifice for her sake.

However, when he tried, he found he couldn’t force himself to move, to turn, to deny his basic instinct. It was more than the need for his alpha to take what was rightfully his. There was something about this girl. He needed her. She called to his innermost self. He knew beyond a doubt now that she was his mate, their mate. It was something in the genes, probably from their animal heritage, that drew one or more wolves to the most compatible person for them. He just hadn’t expected it in a human and wondered if she had wolf ancestry herself.

As he stepped forward, almost in a trance, he heard Ford say, “Go to him. He’s the alpha.” Griff hadn’t even realized he had been seen, and that shocked him as he was normally a most alert person, aware of everything going on around him so that he could react instantly.

Stopping a few feet away from Tasha, his heart pounded in case she rejected him, a rebuff that would be doubly humiliating if it happened in front of these three men.

“Is she all right?” he asked Ford in concern as she looked up at him with uncertainty in her eyes. A fear came over him that she was hurt from what Lance’s men had done, but then he recalled her moans as he had arrived at the grotto, so she couldn’t be that badly hurt.

“Yeah. She’ll be fine. But what about you? And what about them?”

Griff started. He wasn’t used to anyone worrying about him. He couldn’t speak for a moment he was so startled. Then he recalled the rest of Ford’s query. “I’ve lost them. They won’t bother us again.”

He saw Ford’s face tighten. “Oh yes they will. They’ll come back. Once they get a scent of something, they never stop.”

Tasha cried and held her face in her hands.

“Not without Lance they won’t.”

A gasp came from all of them. It was Ford who responded to Griff’s statement. “He’s dead?”

“You’ve killed him?” That came from Tasha, her eyes wide in the moonlight showing her fear, and Griff cursed under his breath. He hadn’t meant to scare her even more.

“No, we didn’t fight. He fell over the side of the cliff, at the far end of this escarpment.”

Ford snorted. “Just fell?”

Griff gave him a look of “shut up” and continued, “No one will bother you again. If you stay with us. Will you?” He held out a hand, inviting her to come to him.

She was still uncertain, so Max crouched and ran a gentle hand over her back. “It’s all right. We’ll still be here.”

It was what Callum did that shook Griff the most. He took Tasha by the shoulders, lifted her to her feet, and firmly walked her forward a few paces to stand in front of him. She wasn’t reluctant, but her eyes showed her hesitation.

“I–I want this, but I don’t know what to do.” It was almost a whisper, her voice was so quiet.

Callum bent his head to her ear, and as he spoke to her he looked at Griff, his eyes showing his deference. “Kneel down facing away from him.”

“Sorry?” She clearly didn’t understand wolf behavior.

“Show him your backside. Show him you want him.”


Griff had to resist the urge to chuckle, her face was so red with embarrassment, but she did as Callum encouraged, and his heart lurched as he watched her present herself, showing her submission to
, the alpha wolf. But he’d let the others have her. Afterward, as pack law demanded.

Kneeling down behind her, his cock hard and throbbing with need, he nudged her legs wider, and as he did, she automatically braced her forearms on the floor and lowered her chest, pushing her rump toward him.

Gently spanking her luscious backside with one hand, he guided his cock into her wet pussy. It didn’t matter that she smelled of the other three. They were part of his pack now.

God, that feels good. So good. So right.
The sense of fulfillment that came over him shook him to the core. He’d never felt that way before.

Tasha trembled beneath him, so he breathed deeply to calm himself, caressing her back as he did, gentling himself as much as her, although part of him wanted to tense as he took in the cuts and grazes on her body.

After a short while of softly thrusting in her, relishing having her beneath him, accepting him as her alpha, letting the sensations wash over him, he raised an eyebrow at the three waiting men who watched him, uncertain of what their place was. He jerked his chin to indicate they could come closer and nearly laughed out loud as they scrambled over, bumping into each other in their eagerness.

“Carefully, guys. I think she’s here to stay.”

As she began to lift her head, Griff patted her back firmly, indicating she remain as she was. The men settled into place, kneeling or crouching in a semicircle around him, one hand on their cocks, the other stroking Tasha’s hair, caressing her skin, fondling her breasts.

Griff smiled as Tasha’s moans increased echoing around the cave. It gave an unnatural element to her arousal. Or rather an elemental sound which felt just right, in keeping with everything natural in the world.

When she started pushing her rump back at him in her need for him to go faster, he acquiesced. His need to go faster was as strong as hers. His fingers gripped her hips tightly as his knees nudged her legs even wider. Gritting his teeth, he silently begged her to come. He couldn’t hold off his climax much longer.

“Oh God, please. I’m so close.”

He floundered momentarily, not knowing how to give her more. But Ford knew exactly what was necessary, and he saw his second-in-command reach under Tasha’s body to rub her clit. It only took a brief brush of his fingers, and she screamed her cry of completion. Griff swore afterward that every werewolf in the county must have heard her.

It was enough, and his cum thundered into her as he groaned in relief, his body shuddering as he achieved this. Meanwhile, each of his betas ejaculated over her body, having reached their own orgasms, mingling their smells in ownership.

Griff grinned at them as they all began to relax, the air full of the scent of aroused people having achieved their fulfillment. He rubbed Tasha’s back, calming her.

“Are you all right, Tasha?”

“Oh yessss.” Her breathy response made them all laugh, and he relished the camaraderie, for once in his life feeling he was part of a pack.

Rubbing his thumb over her soft neck, he thought that they’d have to get her a collar soon, one with their initials entwined, something to prove that Tasha was their submissive, their mate, and maybe their wife one day, if they could persuade her—jointly owned by all.



The Entity smiled.

He was always pleased when a plan worked. They didn’t always. Like the time he had sent a human to the old club to link her up with a particular werewolf that he felt would be a great partnership.

The problem was that several other humans had followed, including the fiancé of the girl in question. That ended up in a disaster, not only for the proposed relationship, which hadn’t gone as he wanted, and instead of being attracted, they had hated each other.

Well, how was he to know that the werewolf was a human-despiser and the girl had a reputation of getting involved with someone and then “crying wolf”?

He chuckled at his pun but then groaned remembering the effort it had taken to stop the ensuing fight between humans and werewolves. It took a lot of work to make mental or emotional suggestions to a being, whether they be werewolf, human, or any other animal.

And he absolutely hated having to do The Shroud as that involved forcing everyone to change to human and he was a wreck for weeks afterward.

But in that instance it had also been a calamity for the future of the club in that location. And it had been such a good place so far off the beaten track with just the bridge access by road. The current venue wasn’t as good, and he had to work hard to disguise the location from prying human eyes—at least until he wanted them to find it.

For once things had worked as he wanted when he had sent Natasha the invitation, and she had ended up with exactly the men he planned—and as nature intended. He had known about her wolf genes for some years but had to wait for her to grow up.

He grimaced. It had nearly gone awry when Lance had interfered in his plans. The bastard! It had been time to remove him altogether, although the nudge he had given him as he leaped at Griff had been a tad too strong.

However, he had now got that troublesome individual out of his fur, and some deft moves on his part had worked well when he had pushed the betas to stand up to the alpha, bolstered their strength during the fight, boosted Griff’s mental skills, and gently suggested to the girl that she really wanted to stay. The guys had their work cut out on that relationship, but he knew it could work.

Yes, he was being an old fart. But what else was there for a werewolf entity to do in eternity?

Now for his next project which revolved around the new sub, Evie…









Jennifer is English and lives in a lovely historical city in the UK. Other than writing, her interests include reading (Naturally! She always has at least one book on the go, if not one by her bed, one by the bath, and one in the lounge), all things historical, including genealogy, which she has done for many, many years, watching films (particularly sci-fi), gardening, jigsaw puzzles, and walking. She lives with her pet rabbit, who is thoroughly spoilt. Jennifer says she wants to come back as her own rabbit in the next life—unfortunately that would mean she still needs to be alive herself. Maybe there is a time travel story there…

She writes for several publishing houses. This is her ninth book for Siren, the first in the Haunt of the Wolves series. Find out more about all her books on her blog/website.

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