Read Class Trip Online

Authors: Rachel Burns

Class Trip (23 page)

“I'm fine.
Thank you for asking.”

She looked
pained. “I didn't mean it.”

“I know. You
were hurting and you wanted to share that.”

“Stop it,
Sandra. I don't want you to be so understanding. I don't deserve

“Yes, you do.
Someone should start being fair to you.” I tried to sit up a
little. “What happened to your arm?”

“Your dog bit

“Wolf? Really?
He is normally so nice.”

“I would have
killed you if he hadn't. He stopped me from making the biggest
mistake in my life.” She sounded so regretful.

I looked at her
surprised. She had really pulled the trigger. “I always wanted a
sister.” Tears were running down her face.

“I'll be a
better sister. I promise. We are all going to go home together. Mom
and Dad are going to get us help. We will live together, one happy
family. We will stand behind you, no matter what you decide about the

“Baby?” I
looked over at Tata. He was smiling.

“The doctor
said you passed out because of the baby and not from being shot.”
Kelly was shaking her head. “He was really clear that that wasn't
my fault.”

I moved my hand
over my tummy. I wanted the baby to be warm. “Is everything alright
with the baby?”

everything looks just fine,” Tata answered me.

“We have
everything under control here. You can leave.” My father was taller
than Tata. He had blond brown hair and a fine face but he was mad.
His hatred was plain to see.

“I'll leave if
Sandra tells me to.” Tata stood his ground and stared back at my

“I don't
believe this country. How can a person not be arrested for the things
you did?”

“He bribed the
cops and they left,” Kelly explained to us. “That's normal here,

“Well, it
shouldn't be. Sandra, tell him to go.”

“But where
would he go? He promised to love me forever. He has to stay here to
do that.”

“Honey, he
kidnapped you. If you get a little distance you'll see that he isn't
good for you or for your child.”

“We both wanted
this child. We made it with lots of love.”

“If you want to
keep it you may but you can't stay with him.”

“But – we
belong together.” I couldn't understand what he meant. I looked at
Tata. He needed to take control.

“Okay, this is
what we are going to do. Both girls are going home with us. They will
get help. Sandra is barely pregnant. She doesn't have to make a
decision today. Once the doctor gets her head straightened out she
will see this all differently.”

“Who are you?”
I asked him. I couldn't remember him. He had dropped me like a hot
stone. Just like he had Kelly and now he wanted to tell me what to

“I'm your
father. Your mother and I went through a rough patch there for a
while but I'm here now.”

“A rough patch.
I haven't seen or heard from you in years. You don't need to show up
and pretend to be interested in me now. It's too late.”

“I'm sorry mom
but I'm going with him.” I looked at Tata. He looked so relieved.
“I know that you will be there for me in future. I want to leave

“I'll call the
doctor.” Tata was beaming at me.

“No, that isn't
how this works.” My father was turning beet red. If I had ever
gotten Tata that mad I would be afraid that he would spank me.

“Yes, it is.
She chose me.” Tata wasn't going to back down.

“Listen,” my
mother moved in between them. “I think the best thing would be for
our family, to take a moment and get to know each other. We have so
much to catch up on. Sandra, will be going home with us.”

“But she wants
to be with me. I already see us as being married. If it will make you
feel better than we will get married in a church. But we have to stay
together. We are a family too.” Tata was trying so hard to sound
like he was convinced about what he was saying but I could see that
he expected rejection. I wouldn't do that to him.

“Over my dead
body will she leave this hospital with you. You are just a criminal.
The things Kelly has already told us broke my heart. You are scum.
Get away from my family.”

I was about to
tell my mom that she couldn't talk to him that way when Tata bowed
and turned away and left.

The last thing I
saw of him was the heel of his shoe as the door swung closed.

“Why did you do
that? I love him.”

My mother wrapped
her arms around me and let me cry on her shoulder.

I expected Tata
to come back but he never did. My parents got Kelly and I out of the
country as quickly as they could. That was magically made easier when
my passport turned up at the nurse's station.

I was constantly
looking over my shoulder, trying to see if he was anywhere. I didn't
spot him. He wasn't at the airport and he wasn't in my hometown

Every time the
phone rang or the doorbell I hurried to get it. I was afraid that if
it was him and I didn't answer that he would hang up and never call

Chapter 17

Seven months
later I was outside walking around the lake that was behind our
house. When I took off like that someone always followed. I was
pretending not to see Kelly behind me. We now got along really well.
She felt really bad about the scar on my shoulder.

Her therapy was
going well the doctor said, but mine wasn't. He told my parents that
he feared that I would run away from home. He asked me if I had
contact to Daniel, as I was supposed to call him. I told him no.
Everyone had wanted me to get rid of the baby. They weren't warming
up to it at all. The baby was going to be a boy. I wanted to name him
Daniel. Everyone said that that was a very bad idea.

I stopped on the
path and looked back to the area where I guessed Kelly was hiding.
“Just walk with me. I promise I won't run away.” I was so large
that I couldn't walk at all anymore. I was waddling like a penguin.

“Hi, I wanted
to go for a walk and I saw you and I didn't want you to think that I
was following you so I hid.”

“If that's the
version you want to go with, then by all means.” I smiled at her.
She was babbling away and lying so badly.

Kelly smiled at
me and laid her arm around me. “So how is my little sister feeling

“I'm fine.
Everything is going well.”

“Due date is in
two weeks. That is so exciting. You are going to be a mom. Unless you
change your mind and give the baby up for adoption. No matter what
you want we'll stand behind you.”

This whole
talk had started a month after we got home. Kelly was now happy and
glad to be home. She was even dating a guy. He would come over to our
house and want to talk to her, breaking things as he followed her
around the house. He just couldn't watch where he was going when he
looked at her.

She looked at him the same way, but she was a lot more classy. I was
so happy for her. I had gotten to know her and grown to love her. It
often felt like we hadn't been apart at all. She was my best friend.
That one person who knew the whole truth and still loved me anyway.

She was so glad that she called my father often and made our parents
get back together to get us. My dad had moved back in with us and he
was trying to bring the family together. That wasn't a problem for
Kelly, she remembered them together but I didn't remember him at all.

At first I avoided him but then I started to give him a chance, like
my therapist wanted. He seemed nice enough but he was disappointed
that I wanted to keep the baby. He wanted me to go to college and put
my past behind me.

I wasn't interested in anything like that. I wanted to have my baby
and hold him. I decided that I could figure things out from there.
But giving him up for adoption wasn't an option. I would keep him and
love him and be there for him. I would never turn my back on him.

Kelly was talking about her boyfriend. She figured that he was going
to ask her to marry him soon. They had gone to meet his parents. They
of course lied to them about her past. The story was that she had
lived with my father and that my parents were now getting back

Her boyfriend knew the truth but he didn't mind. He was kind of a
nerd. It was clear that a guy like him would have never gotten her
under normal circumstances. She wanted him because he was sweet and

cellphone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and smiled. It was
clear who it was but she
it's him
to me all the

He told her that he was at the house. She excused herself and hurried
off to see him. I smiled at her as she took off. Once she was gone I
continued my walk. It was a nice day. It was warm and there was a
nice breeze coming off the lake.

I was half way around the lake when someone called my name. I turned
to see who it was. I was surprised to see my dog running towards me.
I bent down and hugged him. “Wolf, how did you get here?” I
looked around to see if Tata was with him.

Tata was walking towards me. I start to bawl, happy tears. I hurried
to him and threw my arms around his neck. “Oh, Tata.”

“Sandra, you are finally alone. I watch you walking every day.”
He was crying too.

“Really? You didn't forget me.”

His forehead wrinkled up surprised. “No, I could never forget you.
I'm here to take you home. That is if you still want to go with me?”

“Yes, let's go right now. Can we?”

“Yes, I have a car parked at the country club.”

“Okay, but I have to warn you. I'm not very fast.”

“That's fine. He was steering me off with him.”

“You aren't mad at me, are you?”

“No. Are you mad at me?” he asked.

“Sort off. Why did you just leave like that?” That had hurt me so

He was quiet for a moment. “I did it for Kelly. She needed you at
home so she could get better. She is better now, isn't she?”

“Yes, she had found someone.”

“I guess I was right not to want to marry her.” He helped me move
along the gravel path that led to the country club.

“The baby is going to be a boy.”

He paused for a moment. “I had hoped for a girl. One that looked
just like you. I just need to readjust my thinking. Do you think I
could be a good father to a son?”

“I'm sure you can.”

My words were relaxing him. He just wanted a lot of praise and
approval. When we reached his car he opened the door for me and
carefully helped me in before he ran to his side and got in.

“We need to hurry. In this country they won't hesitate to arrest
me.” He drove off and I wondered at the direction that he was
taking. “You're going to the beach. That's a dead end.”

“Not for us.”

He parked the car, leaving the keys in the ignition. He walked me
along the dock to the boats. I got a little nervous when I saw that
he wanted me to get into a speedboat. That seemed a little risky in
my condition.

He helped me get on board and sat down. “We will be home very

He turned away from me and started the boat. “Hold tight. I don't
want to lose you.”

I grabbed onto the railing next to me and held on tight. The boat
took off. I wasn't sure where we were going but he looked like he
knew what he was doing.

Fifteen minutes later I could see a large boat ahead of us. He was
heading that way, steering in that direction. He slowed the boat down
when we approached the big ship. Was he going to ask if we could

He didn't ask. The back opened up and he drove into the cargo bay
like he owned the ship.

“We're home. Let me help you out.” His hands took hold of me
gently and he helped me out of the boat. Three men were taking care
of the speedboat that we had arrived on. The men all greeted him.

“Do you like your new home?”

“You live here on this ship?”

“This is our ship. I have everything here that you could need.
There is even a doctor on board. I'll take care of you and our baby.”
He looked at my huge tummy.

I looked around taking in so many new things. It was a bit much for
me. “Could I have a glass of water? I'm feeling a little dizzy.”

“Of course, Sandra. I'm bring you to our room.”

“I need to call my parents. I have to let them know that I am

“Fine, you can call as soon as we are in international waters. For
now you should lie down.” He took hold of my arm and helped me
waddle up a flight of stairs. My dog was trying to push his way past
us. He obviously knew the way.

“Wow.” The view from the top was amazing. “Look Tata, I can see
really far.”

He beamed at me. “Yes, you can, angel.”

We were now on a deck that looked like an office working area. “This
is where our staff meets. I'll show you our private quarters.”

“Tata, can you afford this,” I whispered in his ear.

“Yes, this is what I saved up for. I don't think a person can feel
any freer than on a ship.”

I nodded at him even though I was a little water shy. It was first
then that I realized that Tata had been a prisoner too, held captive
and forced to do things by his father. Later, after his father's
death he had stayed to help his family. I saw him for what he was. He
was a great man despite what had been forced upon his shoulders. Of
course, the girls he kidnapped would never see it that way, but
beneath the surface he was a husband that I could be proud of.

Tata was watching my reactions as he showed me our private rooms. He
wanted my approval. We had a whole house of rooms for us to use. They
were all very lavish. The difference to how he had lived before of
striking. He was rich now and able to enjoy what was here.

Tata proudly showed me a nursery for the baby. He had thought of
everything. Diapers were piled up and waiting. The closet was filled
with clothes for both boys and girls, all the clothes were adorable
and tiny.

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