Read Claiming Carter Online

Authors: W.S. Greer

Claiming Carter (19 page)

“Whose is it, baby?” Kelvin said as he slapped my ass sharply. “Tell me whose pussy this is.”

“It’s yours, Kelvin. Take it. It’s all yours.”

I couldn’t believe what I was saying. It had only been a few days and I was telling Kelvin that it was all his. Was it because
was all his? Not after such a short period of time. Or was it because of how amazing he was at making me feel so good that
was all his? He certainly took control of it as if it was all his. He’d earned the right for it to be his. He’d done it like no one else ever had.

After twenty minutes of splendid thrusting, feeling Kelvin’s sweat drip onto my back, and my second orgasm, Kelvin pulled out and positioned himself onto the couch. He waited for me to climb on top of him once again, and he stared into my eyes as I obliged him.

As I pushed him inside of me, I was overwhelmed by the size of his cock. It was as if I could feel him in my stomach as I slowly grinded on top of him. Kelvin took a firm grip of my waist with his strong hands and forced my body to go where he wanted it to. He started off slow at first, making sure that I felt all of him as deeply as I could. Then, he began to slowly pick up speed and I squeaked with intense pleasure.

“Yeah. Work it, baby. Take this dick,” Kelvin commanded as he spanked me once again.

“Oh my god, yes! I love it, Kelvin. It’s so good.”

The friction of my clit rubbing tightly against the base of his cock was impossibly intense, and the urge to come once again quickly pushed its way forward.

“Oh my god, baby. You’re going to make me come again,” I blurted, just as my third orgasm of the night exploded through me and I heard the echo of my screams bouncing off the walls of the massive penthouse suite.

Just then, Kelvin stood up, holding the full weight of my body in his arms as he continued thrusting me with long hard strokes. My feet dangled over his arms and I heard the sound of our bodies smacking together as he pumped in and out of me, fucking me like never before. I wrapped my hands around Kelvin’s neck and held on, screaming with pleasure as he fucked me harder and harder.

Then, Kelvin laid me down on my back, on the floor between his two couches and lifted both of my legs over his shoulders as he continued to thrust into me. The smacking of our bodies seemed to heighten the intensity and I could feel myself becoming wetter with every stroke of his cock.

“You feel so good, Lilliana,” Kelvin whispered as he perfectly executed long, hard strokes. “I’m going to come, baby. Are you ready to feel me come?”

“Yes. Let me feel it, Kelvin,” I said as Kelvin erupted into a powerful orgasm. The tension of his body and his heavy breathing put a joyous, satisfied smile across my face as Kelvin lay on top of me, breathing into my ear.

“Damn. You are absolutely amazing, Lilliana,” Kelvin said as he exhaled deeply.

“It’s not me who is amazing,” I replied with a smile.

Kelvin reached up above us and grabbed a remote control that was sitting on the end table, between the couches. With the click of a button, the small fireplace in front of us spontaneously ignited, sending flickering orange light dancing across the room.

Kelvin and I lay next to each other, breathing heavily on the floor. I thought about getting up and moving to the bedroom, but just like the last time, I physically didn’t have the energy to move. Kelvin had taken everything out of me once again. He’d apparently taken everything out of himself as well, because when I looked over at him, I noticed he’d fallen asleep next to me.

I smiled from ear to ear as I stared at him, still sweating from the work he’d put in. He’d swooped in and effortlessly changed the entire landscape of my day. I knew it was cliché, but tonight he’d become my knight in shining armor, rescuing me when I’d needed to be rescued. I inched my way closer to him, and lightly placed my hand on top of his as I closed my eyes and began to fall into an exhausted slumber, completely forgetting that my house had been broken into only a few hours earlier.




“What the fuck?” I mumbled as my phone began ringing inside my purse. It took me a minute to gauge my surroundings as my eyes fluttered open and I rolled over on the floor. My pants and panties were still rolled into a ball and lying about ten feet away from me. Next to me, Kelvin was still asleep. He too was bottomless and I couldn’t help but stare at his surprisingly thick penis as he lay on his back, but the ringing phone kept breaking my concentration.

I reached up and grabbed my purse off the end table, quickly pulling my phone out and glancing at the Caller ID. I scrunched my head in confusion when I saw the name Kelly Butterfield on the display. I noticed Kelvin was beginning to move around next to me so I hurriedly pressed the button to answer the phone.

“Hi, Kelly. What’s up?”

“Hi, Lily. I’m sorry to call you so early, especially on a Saturday, but I was wondering if you’d gotten around to finishing up the SBA papers,” Mrs. Butterfield said. I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration as I answered. “What? I thought you finished those.”

“Umm, no. I got about three quarters of the way finished but I didn’t have time to finish up the last segment that was completed on Friday. I was under the impression that you were going to finish it, but I just wanted to make sure.”

“Shit.” I replied under my breath. “No, I didn’t get to it, either.”

“Oh. I’m sorry, Lily. I can head up to the school and finish them if you want. I know they have to be completed by Monday morning.”

“No, no. Don’t worry about it. It’s my fault. I should’ve made sure it was done. You go ahead and enjoy your weekend. I’ll go up and finish grading them. It shouldn’t take me long.”

“Are you sure? I can do it if you need me to.”

I took a second to look over at Kelvin who was beginning to climb out of his slumber. I would have loved to just lay there with him and enjoy the morning, but I knew it was my responsibility to make sure those Standards Based Assessment tests were graded.

“No, it’s okay, Kelly. I’ll take care of it. Thanks for calling and letting me know. We would have been screwed if you hadn’t called.”

“Yeah, we would have. Well, let me know if you need any help or anything, okay?”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

I hung up with Mrs. Butterfield and leaned over to grab my pants. As I was slipping everything back on, Kelvin grabbed his shorts and covered himself.

“Have to go to work on a Saturday?” he said.

“Yeah, that was my aide. We forgot to grade some tests. It’s pretty important and I have to make sure it gets done before Monday. No sense in putting off until tomorrow.”

“Okay, then. It’s actually perfect because I have a meeting here in a little bit, so I’ll go handle that while you go handle the school stuff.”

“Great,” I replied.

Kelvin and I both stood up and walked into the bedroom. I was still exhausted from last night, and after I pulled my clothes out of my bag, I lay on the bed while Kelvin took his shower. I jumped in immediately after him and when I came out, Kelvin was standing in front of the mirror on his closet door, tying a navy blue tie around his neck. His navy blue slacks were neatly pressed, with a crisp crease running down the front of his legs, and his baby blue button up shirt was obviously starched and fresh out of the cleaners. I smiled when I looked down at his navy blue shoes, with baby blue stitching.

“Where do you find shoes like that?” I asked with a smile.

Kelvin smiled back at me. “I have a pretty nice place down in East Chicago. I’m a pretty frequent customer so they hook me up. They have everything.”

“I can tell. The way your shoes match up with your suits is nothing short of amazing.”

“Aww, well, I do try,” Kelvin joked.

I slipped on my jeans and white spaghetti strap shirt and headed towards the elevator. Kelvin stepped confidently as we walked together. I couldn’t help but notice that our hands were close to touching as we walked. I was tempted to grab his hand but I wasn’t sure if we were even at that stage yet. In all honesty, I still wasn’t sure where we were in our relationship. Sure, Kelvin had said some pretty amazing things to me last night, and I knew that he had some pretty strong feelings for me, and I had feelings for him also. But, I’d be lying if I said that my feelings weren’t still developing. I wasn’t sure if we were doing the boyfriend/girlfriend thing yet, or if we were just messing around, and enjoying each other’s sex. With all the uncertainty lingering, I shoved my hands in my pockets and stepped inside the elevator.

As the doors closed, I heard the familiar sound of my text alert chime.


What’s up, lady? Where ya been?


Kelvin looked over at me as I read the text. I could tell that he was curious who it was from, but didn’t want to ask. I wasn’t the only one was unsure about our relationship status.

“It’s from my friend, Lexy,” I stated, easing Kelvin’s mind.

“Oh,” he replied with a grin. “Was it that obvious that I was curious?”

I let out a small chuckle. “It was pretty obvious. It was cute though.”

Kelvin smiled softly, revealing his perfectly white teeth. I looked back down at my phone and began responding to Lexy.


I have A LOT to tell you, Lex. I’m on my way to the school to finish those damn SBA tests. Call you later.


When the elevator reached the basement, Kelvin walked me over to my car.

“Okay, so I’ll text you or something whenever the meeting is done and we will meet back up,” Kelvin said as I opened the door to my car.

“Okay. Hope it goes well,” I replied. It was then that Kelvin placed his hand softly on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me. His lips pressed against mine and his tongue slid into my mouth, awakening memories from last night. I felt the butterflies fluttering in my gut and the heat beginning to build up between my legs. When he pulled away, I felt disappointed that he’d broken our physical connection, but I was ecstatic that he’d kissed me goodbye. It was the kind of goodbye kiss that makes you miss the person you’re leaving and count down to the minute that you’re back together again.

When I arrived at North Park Elementary, the first thing I noticed was that the parking lot wasn’t completely empty. There were three cars already in the lot, and the first one I noticed was a blue Mercedes … Tim’s car.

“Shit,” I mumbled to myself as I parked as far away from Tim’s car as I could.

I hadn’t talked to Tim since he’d told me that Kelvin was a mob boss. I was trying as hard as I could to forget what he had told me, but it was easier said than done. Kelvin’s flawless wardrobe didn’t do much to make me forget, and neither did the little incident with the cop at my house yesterday. Nonetheless, I’d written Tim’s little fantasy off and told myself that there was absolutely no way that Kelvin could be a mob boss, and I was trying to focus on where we were going in our relationship. I had, however, left Tim standing in the middle of the gym parking lot with a stupid look on his face as I drove away in disgust, so I knew that if he saw me, he would definitely try to talk to me again.

As I made my way around the corner leading to my classroom, I let out a loud, frustrated sigh as I saw Tim leaving his classroom. He was wearing blue jeans and a Chicago Blackhawks t-shirt that was way too small for him, but I found pleasure in watching him close and lock the door to his class as I walked by. I’d hoped that I’d gone unseen, and twisted my mouth in disgust when I heard him speak to me just I was opening my door.

“Did you look into it?” I heard Tim say.

“Did I look into what, Tim?” I answered just I swung my door open and clicked on the lights. As I approached my desk, I heard Tim come shuffling in behind me.

“Did you look into the mob thing I told you about?” Tim replied.

“Tim, you know, I don’t have time for this right now, okay? I just want to finish these SBA papers and get out of here.”

“I understand that, Lily. I really do. I just think it’s important that you know the truth,” Tim said, folding his arms in front of him as he stood in front of my desk. I pulled out the stack of ungraded tests and began checking them with the answer key.

“I know all the truth that I need to know, okay? Kelvin and I are having a good time, and if something comes up that I feel like I need to be worried about, I’ll look into it then. I’m not going to let you ruin something that is just getting started for me.”

“I’m not trying to ruin anything, Lily. I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“I don’t need you to keep me safe, Tim!” I exclaimed, looking up at him in frustration. “It is not your job to keep me safe. You lost that privilege when you let Angela suck your cock.”

“But you might be in danger, don’t you fucking see that!” Tim screamed as he slammed his fist on my desk, knocking over my coffee mug full of pens and pencils.

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