Read Claimed & Seduced Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #sci-fi romance, shape shifter, paranormal romance

Claimed & Seduced (33 page)

She licked along his jawline, took tiny nibbles from his throat. When she paused at the fleshy part where neck and shoulder met, he groaned, his entire body shuddering.

“Bite me, Keira. Please.” He cupped her head, as if he was afraid she’d retreat.

She licked the spot, kissed it, and another shudder sped through him. He’d stopped stroking into her, instead remaining fully embedded while she kissed and nipped and teased him.

Finally, he voiced a protest. “Keira, please.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t, sweetheart. Please, I need this.”

The love in his eyes decided her. She lowered her head and licked the spot, pulling a needy groan from him. Emboldened, she gave him a hint of teeth. His cock pulsed inside her while his ridged abs rippled. She licked once and sank her teeth into his flesh until the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth. A moan escaped her while Jarlath cried out. She froze, thinking she was hurting him, but the jerk of his hips and the pulse of his cock said otherwise.

“Ah, Keira. Keira.” He groaned and shuddered.

The warm wash of his semen filled her quim, and she wriggled, her tongue flicking over the place where she’d bitten. His entire body jerked again, his groan one of enjoyment and satisfaction. He withdrew and pushed inside her again while his finger slid between them. The sensations built and built and a hungry little moan squeezed past her lips. Then, he bit her in the same spot he’d bitten her before.

It was delectable agony, and the bite felt so, so good a scream built in her throat. The sensual tension snapped, a spasm of white-hot pleasure searing through her lower belly and streaking to her toes.

“Yes, Jarlath. Yes.”

She was vaguely aware of him licking the spot and with each lave another spasm of delight shot through her. She writhed beneath him, each breath coming fast and choppy.

Jarlath lifted his head and pressed his forehead against hers. “I love you, Keira. Say you’ll marry me.”

“Yes,” she breathed, her mind still floating and full of ecstasy. “Wait, where will we live? I’ll smother if I have to live in the castle.”

“I thought I’d move in with you here at the farm, although we’ll need to spend the odd night at the castle, at least until we track down my brother. Can you cope with one or two nights a week at the castle?”

Keira sucked in a deep breath and idly scratched her cheek. “I can try.”

“Thank you. I know my mother won’t be easy, but the castle is a big place.” He kissed her cheek and pulled from her body.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes.” Jarlath climbed to his feet and offered her a hand. “Let’s dress and get those berries home, so we can tell everyone the news.”

Chapter Seventeen

aking up with Keira wrapped in his arms was the best feeling ever. Jarlath brushed her hair back from her face and bent to kiss her. He froze midway there and stared. Her cheek was a smooth and healthy color with her normal green tinge. The crow tattoo had disappeared overnight.


She stirred, yawned. “Is it morn?”

“She’s complaining about me keeping her awake already.”

Keira rolled toward him, giving Jarlath a glimpse of her back. Interesting.

He caressed her cheek, right where the tattoo used to sit on her skin. “You know your tattoo?”

“Is the skin irritated? It was very itchy last night.”

“It’s gone,” Jarlath said.

“No! Let me see.” She jumped off the sleep-bed and peered into her looking glass. “It’s vanished. How strange.”

“Not exactly.” Jarlath’s gaze ran down Keira’s bare back and the large crow tattoo now gracing her back.

Keira turned back to him, her gaze shooting to his biceps. “Wait. Where’s your tattoo? It’s not on your arm.”

Surprise hit Jarlath. He stared at his tattoo-free arm. “Check my back.”

“There is a big black leopard covering most of your back. How did you know?” The wonder in her voice brought a smile, and the feel of her fingers running over his skin pushed a tremor through his body.

“Your tattoo is on your back too. You’re sporting a big black crow.”

“No!” She turned back to the mirror and attempted to study her back, giving Jarlath a great view of her front.

“I like it when you flash me,” he said, his grin wicked and a little predatory.

“What does this mean?” Keira asked, a cute wrinkle marring her brow.

“According to the House of the Cat written history, when a couple mate in their human forms and their felines accept each other, the tattoos are a symbol of their bond. Of course, I’ve read of variations to this. There was one instance of a feline shifter mating with a non-shifter and the mating bonds formed and turned the non-shifter into a feline. I think we’re another anomaly—two different shifter races mating. Your crow and my feline accept each other. We love each other, and the tattoos make our match official. No one can argue with this.”

“You think?”

“I know,” Jarlath said firmly.

A tap on the chamber door had them both turning in that direction.

“Yes?” Keira called.

“Hortese said it’s time for you to get up. She said we have an important day before us and need to break our fast together.” Ollie sounded as if he was repeating Hortese word for word.

“We’ll be there in a few mins,” Jarlath said.

“Hortese said to tell you not to make her climb the stairs,” Ollie said.

Keira laughed, humor lighting up her face. “We’d better move. We don’t want Hortese marching up here.”

Jarlath climbed off the sleep-bed and prowled toward her. He twined his fingers with hers and led her to the sanitizer.

When they made it downstairs, Hortese said, “About time.” Her shrewd face took on a pleased grin. “Pleased to see you both so happy. Will you all be home for dinner this eve?”

“Yes,” Jarlath said.

“Ellard too, if he’d like to come and stay,” Keira suggested.

“Perfect,” Hortese said.

“I’ll sneak some bottles of Joyous wine from the castle cellar,” Jarlath said. “We’ll make it a celebration for our mating.” He reached for Keira’s hand, his happiness finding an outlet in a broad smile. He’d never felt like this before, and despite the cost of his love for Keira, he wouldn’t change a thing. He could still serve his House and support his brother, the new king. People in the House would accept Lynx as their king while they’d never truly accept him, not if he stayed with Keira.

The fact didn’t bother him one bit.

* * * * *

arlath tied his cravat and surveyed his image in the mirror of his suit at the castle. He turned to Keira. “How do I look?”


He closed the distance between them and brushed his lips over hers. “Thank you for being here to support me. And I apologize for my mother’s rudeness.”

“She doesn’t like me. It’s all right,” Keira said. “I thought I’d com my mother now that Razvan is dead. It would be a good idea to learn who takes over as ruler of the House of Cawdor.”

“True.” Jarlath checked the time.

“You’re nervous.”

He laughed, the sound carrying an edge of wryness and self-derision. “Until now my life has been very different. I’ve attended balls and public functions for the upper class. I’ve trained in self-defense with Ellard and his father and learned how to ride. Public speaking hasn’t been on my agenda.” Another sardonic laugh burst from him. “I don’t know what I’m worried about. I doubt anyone will come to listen to my speech.”

“Oh, Jarlath.” Keira wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his chest. “You’re a good man. A natural leader. Of course people will want to listen to you.” She glanced up and the love he saw made him caught his breath.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. It was never like this with Marcus.”

A tap on the door announced Ellard’s arrival. He stepped inside, his chin held high with pride, despite the empty sleeve of his ceremonial jacket.

“Enough of the mushy stuff.” Then he grinned. “I can’t believe the old myths about each of us having a mate is true.”

“You believe us,” Keira said.

“Jarlath showed me his tattoo earlier and said you had a matching one of a crow on your back. I offered to check your tattoo, but Jarlath didn’t like that idea,” Ellard said, offering his friend a smirk.

“What? He tells a joke,” Keira said.

Ellard sobered. “I was wrong about you, Keira. I don’t care what other people say—you’re good for Jarlath, and for what’s it’s worth, you both have my full support.”

“Thank you.” Keira stood on tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “You’re coming to the farm with us tonight? We’re having a celebration dinner.”

Ellard patted her hand. “I’ll be there. King Jarlath, you ready?”

“Just Jarlath, please. Lead the way.” An annoying jump of nerves had him pressing his hand to his stomach.

Keira seemed to sense his anxiety and curled her fingers around his. Her touch soothed both him and his beast, and when he stepped into the balcony room of the castle, he had his nerves under control.

“What is she doing here?” his mother demanded.

“Keira is my mate,” Jarlath said.

“Leave the boy alone, and let us get this ordeal done,” his father said in a tired voice.

“She is of our enemy. I will not have her here. She helped you trick your father into making you king. Now you intend to throw this gift away.” His mother was winding up into another of her tirades.

“I will wait here out of sight with Ellard,” Keira said, offering a silent message of acceptance by squeezing his fingers.

Jarlath sent his mother a stern look, an order to silence her viperous tongue. The firming of her lips told him message received. Jarlath stepped onto the balcony, flanked by his parents.

The castle crier waited on the balcony and straightened when he saw them.

“Hear ye! Hear ye!” His voice boomed through the auto-amplifier. “All stand for King Jarlath.”

Jarlath stared down at the square, packed with the people. He didn’t think he’d ever seen so many Virosian massed together before.

“All hail King Jarlath!”

Their words rippled through the square, taking Jarlath by surprise. He stared at the many faces—those of the upper class seated in a roped-off area and the other citizens crammed in the remaining space.

“Please start, Jarlath. The sooner we end this travesty the better,” his mother said.

“Bryna, cease your torment of the boy. He is doing what he believes is right,” his father snapped. “I don’t want to hear another word.”

Jarlath acknowledged his father with a nod, took a deep breath and waved at the people in the square.

“Thank you for taking the time to listen to me today. The House of the Cat has come through a period of turmoil, and I want to salute you, the people, who stood strong and helped us to repel the enemy. We have already set plans in action to help rebuild the city and intend to introduce many such improvements to make all our lives easier and to encourage visitors and investors to the planet of Viros.

“As your lives have gone through upheaval, so has mine. My father has decided to resign his position of king and has passed the pendant of power to me. The constitution of the House of the Cat states the king must be betrothed or married to a woman of suitable birth. Unfortunately, I am unable to discharge this part of my responsibility because I am not willing to undertake my duties without the help of the woman I love.

“Therefore, it is with regret that I must pass the pendant of power to my brother, Prince Lynx. My parents and the members of the council have agreed I may continue as interim ruler until Prince Lynx returns to Viros.

“I intend to carry out my interim duties to the best of my abilities until Prince Lynx is able to accept his role as king. My brother is eminently suited to this role, and he will have my full support during the transition and once he wears pendant of power.

“I wish him and you, the people of Viros, a prosperous and happy existence. May the House of the Cat flourish with success.”

Jarlath bowed and retreated, leaving his parents on the balcony to receive the cheers of the people.

“Good speech,” Ellard said.

Jarlath walked straight to Keira, only relaxing when he touched his mate. He tugged her against his side, tossing a wicked grin at his friend. “Thanks. You know, I can’t wait to see Lynx’s face when he learns he’ll be king.”

Ellard guffawed. “It’ll be a moment of history.”

“He won’t want to be king?” Keira asked.

“Once Lynx gets over the shock he’ll make an excellent ruler,” Jarlath said. “We won’t worry about my brother. He’ll come home soon. Meantime, we have work to do and a mating to celebrate.”

He grinned at the woman who’d grabbed his attention and pulled him from his narrow world, the woman who pushed him to be the best he could, the woman he loved with all his heart. Sometimes taking a different path yielded the greatest riches. He gave her a quick squeeze and stole a kiss.

Ellard rolled his eyes. “Take the rest of the day off. Go home and do whatever new mates do.”

“I like the way he thinks,” Keira said.

Jarlath felt his grin widen. “Me too. You’re in charge, Ellard.” He tugged Keira down the corridor. “We’ll start the celebration in my suite.”

Keira’s joyous laugh echoed with happiness. “An excellent plan. See you later, Ellard.”

Left alone, Ellard snorted softly and shook his head as he ambled in the opposite direction. Interesting times ahead. Of that, he was certain, and in truth, he was looking forward to the challenge.

Long live the king.

They just had to find Prince—ah—King Lynx first.

The End

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House of the Cat
world? Sign up for my
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While you’re waiting for the next book maybe you’d like to check out
Fringe Benefits
, one of my erotic contemporary titles. I’m also including the blurb from
Merry & Seduced,
which should hit the virtual stores in early December 2014. Turn the page for a glimpse!

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