Read Choices of Fate (Fate Series) Online

Authors: S. Simone Chavous

Choices of Fate (Fate Series) (5 page)

Dr. Kline chuckled. “Let us just say I have had many years in practice to hone my bedside manner. I cannot take all the credit, most likely Chloe was so exhausted she would have fallen asleep for anyone.”

Alexa sensed he was holding something back, but decided to let it go as he escorted her back to the main reception area. They confirmed her three o’clock appointment for the next day and she and Chloe were on their way.

Miraculously, Chloe stayed asleep through getting in her car seat and most of the thirty minute drive back to their home in Fishers. With about ten minutes to go, Alexa glanced in the rearview mirror of her 2009 Lexus LX 570 to see Chloe starting to stir in the light-up mirror she had installed in back so she could see her while driving.

When Chloe began fussing, Alexa switched the satellite radio over to Kids Place Live hoping for one of their favorites to sing along with and keep her occupied for the last few minutes of the drive.

Singing the last line of “Down By The Bay” as the garage door came down, Alexa cut the engine and rushed to get Chloe unloaded. She wanted to get her in the house and fed before whatever magic Dr. Kline had used wore off completely.

Stepping into the laundry room/entryway, Alexa looked around at the mess of clothes she hadn’t gotten around to washing along with various other items she’d carried in and set on the utility table. She had a bad habit of dropping things there and forgetting about them until she passed them the next time she came home, usually with her arms full, so many things had sat there for weeks. Making a mental note to give the room some much needed attention after Chloe went to sleep, Alexa opened the next door and stepped into the kitchen where they were greeted by a very excited Tilly whose tail was wagging so hard it shook her entire body.

“Hey Tilly Wiggles, look who’s home!”

As was customary, she bent down with Chloe and let Tilly inspect her thoroughly. Chloe giggled as the giant dog’s whiskers tickled her face and she gave her a quick lick. It always made Alexa smile, the way Tilly would dance around anxiously until she was allowed to check the baby. The last two weeks had been hard on her too. While Chloe was crying she would pace around the house anxiously whining. She hardly ate anything and had obviously lost some weight as a result.

“Don’t worry big girl. I think everything is going to be okay now.” Alexa stood and gave her a good scratch behind the ear before making her way around the island of cabinets to the sliding glass door that led out to a spacious patio and intricately landscaped backyard. She flipped up the latch and used her left foot to kick up the wooden dowel rod that she used for a little extra security before letting Tilly out for some overdo exercise. If left to her own devices, the four year old Great Dane would probably never leave Chloe’s side.

Unable to resist, Alexa stepped outside to take a quick walk around her own private oasis. She paused at her favorite spot, an Amish-made freestanding hammock she had picked up in Shipshewana which was positioned next to the koi pond, complete with a soothing waterfall that had often lulled her to sleep when she relaxed there during her pregnancy.

Giving Chloe a big kiss on the cheek, Alexa turned and headed back along the stone path to the house. Once inside she pulled the package of supplements that Dr. Kline had given her from the diaper bag and retrieved a clean bottle from one of the cherry cabinets. Setting the container on the black granite countertop, she used her free hand to twist off the top and emptied in an ounce of the milky liquid. She twisted the nipple on securely and presented it to Chloe, saying a silent prayer that she would take it. She refused it as first, but Alexa was persistent. She squeezed the nipple and smeared a little drop of the mixture on her lips to let her get a taste. Once she did, she latched on and gripped onto the bottle with both hands, gulping the rest of it down in record time.

Feeling encouraged, Alexa placed the empty bottle in the sink and walked out of the kitchen into the great room where Chloe, like usual, looked up and pointed to the skylights at the top of the cathedral ceiling. Before the chaos of the last couple of weeks, she often liked to stand beneath the glass and look up for birds that sometimes passed over. After pausing for a moment, they continued down the hallway to the nursery that adjoined the master bedroom. She laid Chloe on top of the padded changing table/dresser and pulled a pair of Winnie the Pooh pajamas from the top drawer. Quickly stripping off her clothes, Alexa looked down at a calm and quiet Chloe and flashed her a big grin. Chloe began to squirm and giggle in anticipation, knowing what was to come as Alexa inched closer to her exposed belly, her smile growing even wider before she pounced blowing a loud raspberry against Chloe’s soft skin. The resulting laughter was music to Alexa’s ears and a sound that had been missing from her life for two deceptively long weeks.

Though she was overjoyed at Chloe’s improved mood, she knew it was probably a bad idea to continue playing and getting her riled up. She had taken a nice nap earlier, but it was already after six and she was in desperate need of a nice long night of sleep, as was Alexa.

After quickly changing her diaper and slipping on her pajamas, Alexa picked her up and moved to sit in the rocking chair positioned below a colorful moon and stars decoration that hung from the ceiling. She sat back and lifted her shirt, offering her breast to Chloe as she sang the first words of “Dream A Little Dream”. She cringed a little in anticipation of the pain that she had come to associate with nursing, but cried a few grateful tears of joy as Chloe latched on and nursed gently while they rocked slowly as Alexa continued to sing the words of one of her favorite songs.

Stars shining bright above you.

NIght breezes seem to whisper, I love you.

Birds singing in the sycamore tree.

Dream a little dream of me.

Say nightie-night and kiss me.

Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me.

While I’m alone and blue as can be,

dream a little dream of me.

Alexa looked around the little room at all of the cute baby animal faces surrounded by soft pastels that adorned the walls. It had taken her nearly a week to complete the intricate jungle mural and she was quite proud of it. Though she had chosen a very practical career, her heart had always been in art. She laid her head back on the chair and smiled as she continued to rock and sing, enjoying the quiet for the first time in weeks.

A Night At The Zoo

“Where are we going?” Alexa asked as she strolled alongside Ethan who had been holding her hand since they left the crowded club.

“Well, first we are going to my car,” he said smiling.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” she replied worrying her bottom lip.

“Listen, Alexa, I understand, you do not know me, but for whatever it is worth, I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. I just want to spend some time with you, to get to know you better. I cannot really explain it; I am just drawn to you in a way I have never experienced before. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I had to know you, to be near you.”

Maybe she was being foolish, but Alexa felt it too. The moment she first heard his voice, she was lost.

She smiled up at him, deciding for once in her life to take a chance, to put herself out there. “Ok, so first to your car, then what?”

“Have you ever been to the zoo?”

Well, she certainly hadn’t expected that.

“Wow, um, no. I’ve lived in the area for like seven years, but I’ve never made it there. You know, I keep meaning to go, I love animals so much, it’s just, I never seem to have the time.”

Ethan stopped and grinned at her as he lightly ran his thumb over her hand. “Well, Alexa. I think it is time we remedy that situation.”

She looked up at him then furrowed her brow as a thought occurred to her. “Wait, it’s almost eight, is the zoo even still open?”

“It is open until nine from Thanksgiving until the New Year, and I happen to know a few people. We can stay later if we like.”

“Huh, a man with connections, I like that.” She smiled up at Ethan and squeezed his hand playfully.

She didn’t know him at all, yet this all felt so comfortable. So natural. And the chemistry was undeniable. Even now, walking in the cold December air she could feel the electricity of his touch running up her arm and touching her in places she’d never even known existed. Maybe this man was what she had been waiting for all this time as she went through the motions of her life without being connected to any of it. Perhaps he was what was missing.

The thought was terrifying, yet exhilarating.

“Wow, is this your car?”

They had stopped alongside a slick black Maserati convertible.

“Yes.” Ethan looked down, seeming almost embarrassed. “It was a rather impulsive purchase. My tastes are not usually so, flashy.”

She laughed lightly, “I know exactly what you mean. I bought a Lexus right out of college to celebrate my new job. Granted it was used, just a year old though. Considering that I’m an accountant and very practical, it was definitely out of character. I didn’t have any student loans and I managed to save quite a bit of money working while I was in school, so I figured what the hell.”

Not to mention she had a hefty trust fund left by her parents, but she never touched that money. She was too angry to think about it most of the time.

“An accountant, really? I certainly would not have guessed that.”

“Really, why not?” she asked curiously.

Ethan turned her so that her back was facing the side of his car and eased her towards it until she was pressed against the cold side. He let one hand rest lightly on her side, right at the base of her coat and just at the top of her hip while he brought the other up to cup her cheek as he looked into her eyes.

“I guess I blame it on the stereotype to which I have grown accustomed. When I picture an accountant I see a nerdy little man with glasses and a pocket protector. Trust me when I say you have entirely shattered that perception.”

Slightly embarrassed by the compliment and feeling overwhelmed by her body’s response to his closeness, Alexa looked down as she said, “Well, I don’t usually wear glasses, just contacts, but I definitely am a nerd.” She smiled shyly and chanced a look up at Ethan.

Ethan’s gaze shifted to her lips as she spoke and his eyes darkened. “You are the most beautiful, sexy woman I have ever laid eyes on, Alexa.”

His mouth was mere inches from hers and she could feel his hot breath caressing her lips as he spoke, sending shivers all over her body.

“Are you cold?” He inquired still staring at her lips and already knowing the answer. Even though it was freezing outside, the intense heat that was passing between them was almost enough to make him sweat, if that was something his body actually did.

“No, I’m fine.” What was she saying? She was outside, in the dark, with a strange and probably dangerous man pressing her up against his car on a freezing December night. But even considering all of that, she had never felt warmer, or safer, or more alive for that matter, in all her life.

“Alexa, I know this probably seems very strange to you, but I have never felt anything like this before. Please tell me you are feeling it too. That there is something extraordinary happening between us.”

There was a pleading in his voice and his eyes as he said the words that took her breath away. She was shocked by his sincerity and openness. Though she still couldn’t hear his thoughts, she was certain that he meant what he was saying to her. Knowing that, in her heart she wanted her to scream her response, instead it came out in a quiet whisper as she looked up at him and said, “Yes, Ethan. I do, I feel it too.”

There was so much she wanted to ask him. Before she could get another word out, Ethan closed the short distance between them and demandingly crushed his mouth against hers. Though initially shocked by his forcefulness, Alexa quickly melted into Ethan’s kiss. As she relaxed against him, his kiss softened and he gently traced the seam of her lips with his tongue. When her lips parted slightly, his tongue delved into her mouth, brushing against her own as he mimicked the action with his hips.

Alexa felt her already damp panties flood with moisture. Ethan’s hand that had been resting on her hip slid down under the edge of her coat and back up to find her bare skin. A lustful moan escaped her throat as he lightly traced circles along her waist and back as he continued to explore her mouth.

Breaking away, Ethan placed his forehead against Alexa’s as he panted attempting to get ahold of himself before things went too far. “God, you taste so good.”

Breathless herself, Alexa took a moment listening to Ethan’s pained breathing before she asked, “Why did you stop?”

She could feel his conflict in her mind. His body clearly did not want to stop based on the rather intimidating hardness she felt pressing into her stomach before he moved away.

He took a deep, fortifying breath, trying to compose himself and then said, “Well, sweetheart, we are in a public parking lot, so I have to stop sometime.”

Alexa felt the color rise in her cheeks. What had gotten into her? She was acting like some wanton teenager and when he said the words she realized she had no intention of making him stop. She was fairly certain he could have laid her down and taken her in the thin layer of snow that was still on the ground without a word of protest exiting her lips.

It was the alcohol. Of course it was, at least that was the story she was going to stick to as she attempted to regain some of her pride even though she had sobered up a while ago. Just as she opened her mouth to explain as much, Ethan pulled out his keys and said, “Besides, we have a date.” He kissed the tip of her nose and smiled. “I have a feeling you are going to love the zoo at night.”

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