Chasing Trouble (Texas Trouble) (15 page)

Jenny moved her mouth over him, working in time with her hand, he gently rocked his hips with her rhythm, until a tremor passed through his body.  His fingers tightened in her hair and he pulled her up to him, then closed his mouth over hers.

When he pulled back, his breathing was as erratic as the pulse she saw beating at the side of his neck. 
"Enough, sugar..." he said in a gravelly voice then dragged her to the bed and with a gentle push she landed on the bed with a bounce. 

A mischievous grin spread across his handsome face as he
knelt between her legs.  "Your turn, sweetheart," he told her then shoved her thighs wider and bent down to lick his way up her inner thigh, easing his arms beneath her thighs to lift her up to him.

The tender skin of her inner thighs connected with his beard-stubbled cheeks and she gasped a
s the strange sensation sent fire spiraling up to her core.  The first lick of his tongue had her trying to scoot away from him, but he held her firmly and repeated the motion.

"Relax, baby..." he
murmured, his hot breath teasing over her, as he rubbed his cheek against her inner thigh once more, before circling her with his tongue. 

Chase moved lower and his tongue darted inside of her, Jenny screamed, her hips lifting off of the bed. as a climax nearly took her.  With a frantic mewl, she slammed back against bed gripping the sheets, and tossing her head from side, seized by pleasure so intense she felt like she might pass out.

His talented tongue moved upward in one stroke and then he sucked her bud into his mouth. An orgasm slammed into her and
calling out his name, Jenny splintered into a million pieces.  Her body vibrated violently and Chase anchored her continuing his sensual torture until the last tremor had left her.

Stunned, Jenny laid there a minute panting
, trying to regain her senses.  Her limbs felt like rubber, and her heart was beating so fast she felt like she'd run a marathon.  When she settled, she whispered weakly, "Good god, are you trying to kill me?"

His chuckle rumbled against her thigh
, before he kissed her there then rolled to lay beside her.  "Helluva way to go, huh?"

Jenny huffed out a breath then tried to corral her
stampeding heart.

"That was just an appetizer to take the edge off," he told her with a wink and a grin.

Jenny moaned and threw her arm over her eyes.  He pulled it off and laid it up beside her ear, then his mouth closed over her nipple and he sucked hard then circled it with his tongue.  He let it go with a pop then said, "You taste so damned good..."

Running his
hand over her stomach, he moved toward the apex of her thighs, then slipped his fingers between her legs and inserted one long finger inside.  Jenny gasped and lifted her hips toward his hand. 

hh, so wet and ready...I can't wait to feel you around me," he groaned then rolled away for her and reached for the top drawer of the bedside table. 

When he rolled back over, Jenny sat up and jerked the packet from his fingers tearing it open with her teeth. 

"Playtime is over," she told him
and pushed him back to the bed and straddled him.

"Yes, ma'am..." he told her with a grin that made her wetter than she was.  She rolled the condom onto his erection then scooted up and lifted herself on top of him. 

Closing her eyes she eased herself down on him a few inches and moaned, closing her eyes to savor the stretching sensation of having him inside of her.  Slowly, she eased down to take all of him, and he sucked in a sharp breath, then put his hands on her hips and squeezed.

one swift motion, he flipped her on her back, lifted her leg then buried himself inside of her with a groan.  His body trembled with the effort he was evidently exerting to go slowly.

I don't think I can go slow this time, baby..." he said in a strained voice.

"So don't
," she told him then dug her heels into the mattress and lifted up toward him.  She wanted him fast and furious too, deep inside of her, the friction of their bodies driving her over the edge to oblivion. 

With a growl
, he put his hands under her and lifted her up then pulled out of her and eased back in slowly.  "Amazing," he said in a harsh whisper and did it again.

"Faster," Jenny panted and rotated her hips to increase the friction
and pace.  Her inner muscles clutched him, and she felt another orgasm building.

His fingers gripped her butt and he increased his pace, driving deeper into her and harder, his breathing ragged and beads of sweat on his forehead.
  Jenny clamped her legs around him and met him stroke for stroke, wanting more and more of him. 

"Oh, god yes, that's it," she
screamed when he shortened his strokes and increased the speed, then angled down and hit a spot that sent her spiraling into another mind-blowing orgasm.  Whimpering, she clutched his shoulders as every muscle in her body tensed and she rode out the ecstasy that seized her.

"That's it, baby," he told her gruffly, then when she heaved a long sigh, he increased his pace and buried himself inside
of her over and over, until he roared his own release.

He opened his clear blue eyes and looked down into hers.  "Jenny, you rocked my world, sweetheart...again," he told her then grinned and huffed a breath, before moving to her side and pulling her into his arms. 

Jenny slid a thigh across his and put her arm over his chest, snuggling her face into his neck. 
When the sexual haze cleared from her brain though, a sudden realization hit her and Jenny's heart tweaked in her chest.  "You have sex out here often?"

Chase looked down at her and frowned.  "No, why?"

"You knew exactly where those condoms were in the drawer, so you either left them here from a previous, um, encounter, or you put them there because you knew I would be here," she said flatly. 

The charming man who'd just blown the top off of her head with not one, but
explosive orgasms was a player.  He'd learned those tricks of his somewhere, and he was so smooth it was real easy to forget that fact.

"Jenny, I'm not a virgin
, or a monk, but that drawer is always stocked with condoms.  I've known that since I was a teenager.  Believe this or not, Maria puts them in there to make sure we're protected.  Joel knows it too.  Even though we're grown now, she still does it."

Maria must know he was
a hound dog too, Jenny thought, and that's why she still kept it stocked.  She pulled away from him and went to sit up.  It wasn't the green monster that was making her queasy, it was the fact that she'd forgotten that Chase Rhodes had a harem. 

women who'd been calling him constantly, while he was at her apartment, including Jazzie Ramos, Beau's new girlfriend, were members.  He'd probably brought her here...maybe even cooked her breakfast too.  The thought increased the swirling in her stomach.  Those women might be married now, but they weren't always married.  And obviously, they still cared about him.

"I think you better leave," she said and tried to scoot away from him.  "We need to get ready to go meet the Realtor."  Jenny wanted to get out of this house, and get Chase out
of her personal life as soon as possible.  Until she found a place of her own, that would be impossible.  He was a weakness for her, she knew that now....there'd be no resisting him as long as he was in close proximity.

Chase grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, then wrapped his arms around her tightly,
and growled near her ear, "I told you I'm not a player, Jenny.  What will it take for you to believe me?  A sworn statement from my mother?"

Jenny groaned
, because that was another thing she'd forgotten...he was a mama's boy.  He still lived here because it would upset his mother if he moved.  Yeah he said he was going to move, had stood up to her about her interference in his life, but the proof was in the doing.

Those t
wo traits weren't very desirable in someone she was having a relationship with.   Hell, who was she kidding?  There was no relationship, it was sex--incredible sex--nothing more.  And although both times, her world had tilted on its axis, Jenny wasn't going to let it happen again if she could help herself.  She had no desire to be one of a number, or stand in line for a man's attention.




Chase was still trying to figure out where it had all gone to shit.  He and Jenny had been hotter than
coals in a campfire for each other one minute, then the next she was accusing him of being a man whore.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Truth be told, Chase hadn't had sex in six months, before her.  He hadn't had a relationship in twice that long, not for the lack of trying for sure.  But it didn't look like she was going to believe that. 

She thought the worst of him, and it pissed him off.
  And it looked like no amount of convincing was going to change her mind.  Chase glanced over at her solemn face then back at the road.  The best thing he could do was probably stop trying to convince the hard-headed doctor, and just accept they'd be nothing more than friends.  A pain shot through the middle of his chest and he rubbed it.

'd left the house thirty minutes ago.  Not a word had passed between them since.  The cab of the truck was eerily quiet, but fraught with tension as they drove to the restaurant to meet Lara Spencer, the Realtor, who also happened to be a friend.  They'd dated a few times in the past, but figured out really fast that they'd be better off as friends.  She was beautiful enough, and a sweetheart, but there hadn't been any spark between them.  Now, he was worried about how Jenny would react and what she'd think when she met Lara.

He pulled up in the parking lot and saw Lara's little red sports car parked by the door
.  There was a spot open beside it, so he swung the truck in and killed the engine.  Chase leaned on the steering wheel and took a couple of deep breaths trying to rid himself of the anxious knot in his stomach.

"You okay?" she asked not really sounding like she cared
one way or the other if he was on death's door.

he said shortly then pushed open his door and got out. 

Without a glance in Jenny's direction, he walked the last mile toward the door.
Behind him, he heard her door open and close and held the restaurant door open for her.  She swept by him in a wave of subtle perfume heated by her attitude.  He followed and stood beside her at the hostess stand looking around the restaurant for Lara. 

the crowded tables, Chase saw Lara's red hair, then their eyes met. She stood giving him a warm smile.  Chase felt Jenny's eyes burning into him and glanced down at her. 

Her eyes were narrowed
, her lips pinched.  Whatever, he thought, let her believe what she wanted to believe, she would anyway.  He was tired of walking on eggshells, so he smiled at Lara, then headed toward where the short curvy redhead in the blue power suit and skyscraper heels beckoned from a table in the center of the dining room. 

When he got close enough, she opened her arms wide and pushed up on her tiptoes to put her arms around his neck
, then put a kiss right on his lips.  She set back on her heels then stepped back.  With her hands in the center of his chest, she looked up at him and said with a smile, "I swear, you get better looking every time I see you, sugar."

He put his hands on her elbows and chuckled. 
"You still need those glasses, darlin?" he asked then leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"No, I had surgery," she told him
then her green eyes moved up and down his body, before she purred, "20/20 now, and I like what I see."

had more than one surgery he noticed glancing down at her enhanced cleavage showing above the deep V of her double breasted suit.

"Yeah those are new too," she laughed
and waved for him to sit in the chair beside where she had been sitting. 

, who had been standing beside him frowning, stepped around him and raised an eyebrow, her gorgeous aqua eyes shooting laser beams down at his shorter friend.  Lara cast a questioning glance at Chase then stuck her hand out to Jenny and stammered, "Hi, um...I'm Lara Spencer."

"Dr. Jenny Anderson," Jenny told her flatly and looked at
Lara's hand, but she didn't take it.  "So, you're our real estate agent?" she asked instead.

"Yes, Chase called and asked me to pull some listings.  I thought they were for him."

"They're for us," Jenny corrected then put her purse down beside the chair and sat down.  "Why don't you show us what you have."

glanced at him briefly, but sat down in the chair next to Jenny.  Chase sat across from them, hoping the heat pouring off of Jenny didn't set Lara's hair on fire.  She probably had enough hairspray in it for that to happen.  The dichotomy between the women was striking.  Lara was short, curvy and cute, bubbly.  Jenny on the other hand was tall, lithe and so damned beautiful it hurt his eyes to look at her sometimes.  What hurt worse was her opinion of him.

Chase cleared his throat then said,
"Jenny is the new Vice President of Health and Safety for Rhodes and needs to find a place to rent.  I'm looking for a place to buy, I'm moving away from the family estate."

"Your mama's gonna be upset about that, isn't she?"

A smirk formed on Jenny's full lips and Chase held back a groan to reply, "Yeah, probably, but I need some space."

"I'd like to purchase a home as well," Jenny informed her.

That was news to Chase.  Her contract stipulated a rent subsidy, not a down payment.  "Really?"

"Yes, Really," she told him smugly.  "I'd like to use the rent allowance to purchase a home."

They hadn't agreed to that, and at this point he wasn't sure he wanted to agree to it.  That would mean putting out more money up front on the contract.  As mad as she seemed to be, she could leave tomorrow, putting him in the position of having to answer to his dad.  Even though his dad had helped him work out the details of her contract, he knew if things went south, he'd get the blame.  He'd already put out a bundle to pay off her student loans.  From a business standpoint, giving her the money now wasn't a good idea.

"We need to talk about that later, Jenny," he told her and watched
a slow freeze move over her face, as her shoulders tensed.

aggers shot from her eyes, then she said dismissively, "Nothing to talk about," before her gaze swung back to Lara. "If you can't show me homes to purchase, I'm sure I can find another agent who can."

A flush spread up Lara's neck and settled on her cheeks.  She held up a hand and said, "Whoa, I didn't say I wouldn't show you homes.  I'd be happy to show you homes, the rest you need to work out with Chase."

"Actually, I think it would be better if I give you a call and set up another appointment.  You can help Chase today, I just remembered I have other things to take care of.  Do you have a card?" she asked then stood up and reached down for her purse.

"Um, yes, one second," Lara told her
, then pulled a card out of her pocket and handed it to Jenny.   "My cell phone number's on the back, but if you lose it, Chase has it," she said with a tight smile.

"I'm sure he does," Jenny replied in a sarcastic tone
then snatched the card from her hand.  "It was nice meeting you, Lara." 

Without a backward glance, Jenny walked out of the restaurant.

When she got out of the front door, Jenny stopped and breathed deeply trying to get herself under some semblance of control.  Thoughts of running somewhere far, far away from Amarillo, Texas crossed her mind. 

Chase Rhodes was a philandering asshole, and he was her boss.  Short of going to
Africa to get away from him, she was stuck with him on a professional level.  The salary he'd given her couldn't be matched anywhere else, not at another hospital, or a private practice...not even in Africa.  Besides, she'd made a commitment to work for them for two years, and Jenny wasn't a quitter. 

She was not going to let Chase Rhodes
, or his women, run her off. 

Although at this point, Jenny felt like she had signed a deal with the devil, she was going to fulfill the contract she'd signed.  She was going to let him know though, that he hadn't bought her soul in the terms of that contract. 
There wouldn't be anymore Sunday morning breakfasts with dessert.  She would deal with him on a professional basis, but her personal life was her own.  He was not going to tell her what to do or how to spend her money. 

His bimbos
, like the one she'd just met, might be impressed with his money and good looks, but she was not.  Well, that wasn't entirely true, she had been impressed enough to agree to go to work for him, and to sleep with him.  The blinders were off now though, and she wouldn't be repeating her mistake.

Jenny would learn the oil and gas business, she'd train his medics, but she was going to st
eer clear of her new boss, starting now.  Pulling her phone out of her purse, Jenny dialed the only person in Amarillo who would help her, who she would ask for help, Ben Bowman.

He was surprised to hear from her,
and next to stunned that she was moving back to town.   Like she expected though, he was more than happy to offer her a place to stay at his ranch until she found a place of her own.  She told him she'd be there in a little while. 

Jenny tried to convince herself that she was not running again, but fell a little short.  The last time, when she left
Amarillo, that had been running.  This was merely removing herself from the devil's den to protect herself from screwing up her life again. 

She was smarter now, so she knew when she was on that precipice.  She was on the verge of letting her heart get involved with another man who would stomp on it.  The jealousy
and anger that she felt when she watched that woman kiss him told her so.  What she'd felt when he got those calls at her apartment, when she realized he kept a stock of condoms in the pool house, and when he'd flirted with Lara Spencer was ten times what she'd felt when she left Beau and that scared the hell out of her.  Jenny needed some space to get her head screwed on right again.

Since t
hey hadn't unloaded any of her things from the moving truck, it would be easy for her to leave quickly.  All she had to do was pick up Chloe and drive the truck to Ben's ranch.  How she was going to get back to the Rhodes mansion was the only issue now.

chewed her lip and then dialed her brother's cell phone number.

Luck was on her side and her brother wasn't far from the restaurant, so a few minutes later, she opened the creaky door on the rattletrap Honda he'd had for ten years and slid onto the duct taped seat.

Jenny glanced over at her brother and forced a smile.  His fingers tightened on the wheel, then he said, "Hey, Sis...this is a surprise.  You here slumming?" 

When she called
him, Jenny hadn't told Nick she'd moved back to town, she'd only asked him to come and pick her up.  "I'm not slumming, I'm back," she told him.  She looked back over her shoulder when the restaurant door opened and saw Chase and Lara Spencer walk out arm in arm.  Her stomach jolted and she swallowed hard. 

"Just drive..." she instructed then slid down in the seat not wanting Chase to see her.  He hadn't bothered to come outside after her, so that pretty much told her he didn't care if she was upset.  Obviously he was too preoccupied with Lara Spencer.  She could have him, Jenny thought, and slid a little further down when her brother put his foot to the gas.




Chase was as mad as he could ever remember being.  He was a pretty laidback kind of guy, not much upset him.  Jenny Anderson was the exception.  He'd spent a fruitless four hours looking at houses with Lara, not really seeing anything through the red haze surrounding him.  Now, he was back at the mansion expecting to be able to have a showdown with Jenny and release some of the tension that was boiling in his gut, and she was gone. 
For all he knew she was headed back to Henrietta.

The moving truck, Chloe and all of her possessions were gone.  Maria said that she hadn't come into the house, but that she'd seen an old brown Honda drop her off earlier.
  As far as he knew, the only people she knew in Amarillo were members of her family and Beau Bowman.  Even thinking that man's name made him want to put his fist through something.  He wondered if Jazzie had seen how cold the asshole was yet and moved on to greener pastures.  Probably not, because women were stupid.  They preferred the assholes who treated them like crap.  Even smart women like Jenny Anderson.

As far as he knew, t
here were only a few places she could have gone.  Terri's house in Henrietta, her parents house in Amarillo, or Beau Bowman's ranch.  Chase didn't know where her family lived, or even her dad's name, he had no idea where the Bowman ranch was either, so he had no way of finding her.  He did have Terri's cell phone number and called her to find out if she'd heard from Jenny...she hadn't.

If he wanted to find her, he'd have to have help.  He knew who could help him find her, Dave Logan.  Quickly he called Dave and gave him a rundown on the situation.  Dave said he'd get right on it and promised to call as soon as he had any information.  All Chase could do now was wait and stew. 

He tried calling Jenny's cell phone one more time and got her voice mail...again.  Huffing out a breath, he left the pool house and headed to his own for a drink...or ten.
  Even if she had taken off to Africa, Chase would find her, because, like his dad, in business he wasn't one to be messed with.  Jenny Anderson owed him, and he was going to collect.

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