Read Chained (Brides of the Kindred) Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Chained (Brides of the Kindred) (29 page)

BOOK: Chained (Brides of the Kindred)
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“See, that’s the problem,” Kor said. “Do I
like the feel of your hot little tongue on me? Hell yes. But do I want you to
feel guilty about it and hate yourself for it? Absolutely not. So it has to be
up to you, Maggie. But not tonight.” He yawned. “I’m too damn sleepy to debate
how guilty you should feel about one little lick right now. What about you?
Aren’t’ you tired?”

“I’m fine. I could…could sleep now.”

“Good. Lights out,” he called and the
already dim room was immediately plunged into darkness. “Good night.”

“Good night.” Maggie shifted restlessly
against him, trying to get comfortable. The pulse of the implant was so slow
now it was barely there but it seemed to be telling her something else,
something she couldn’t ignore.

Kor yawned again but he seemed to sense
her restlessness. “What is it, Maggie? Just say,” he growled softly.

“It’s just…” She shifted against him
again. “I have this…this thought in my head and it won’t go away.”

“And?” He seemed to be waiting. Maggie
could sense him looking at her but she couldn’t see him in the darkness, for
which she was profoundly grateful.

“I keep thinking…” She took a deep breath.
“This is crazy but I keep thinking that maybe there’s a little bit left—just a
few more drops—you know? And I feel like…like I can’t sleep until I, um, taste

“What are you saying, Maggie?” His voice
was soft and deep in the darkness. “You need to suck me?”

“Not…not all of you.” Maggie blushed
furiously, unable to believe she was saying this. And yet the slow but steady
pulse of the implant drove her on. “Just…maybe just the very tip,” she said
slowly. “Would that be okay?”

“Only if you really need to,” he murmured.
“I’m afraid you’ll feel guilty about it otherwise.”

Maggie tried to hold back the impulse but
she couldn’t. “I really do need to,” she whispered in the darkness. “I’m sorry,
Kor. I swear I won’t…won’t do more than just suck the tip.”

“All right.” There was a rustling sound
and she knew he had thrown back the covers. “Go ahead, blondie. But only take
what you need.”

“I need this—I need
With a
little moan of pure desire, Maggie leaned over and grasped his thick shaft in
her hand once more.

Just the tip,
she promised herself as she lowered her head to his
heated cock. She loved the feel of his warm, silky skin, so iron hard and hot
in her palm, loved his dark male musk which was stronger here and completely

Kor groaned softly in the darkness as she
dragged the flat of her tongue over the head of his cock once more. Then,
trying to be careful, Maggie took just the broad tip into her mouth, wrapping
her lips around it and sucking to get the last few droplets of cum she was sure
were lingering there.

Sure enough, she tasted that warm melted
ice cream flavor on her tongue almost at once. There wasn’t much, though. It
seemed to only whet her appetite for him. Maggie sighed restlessly and then a
new idea occurred to her. Kor was still hard—pulsing under her light touch as
though he was ready to go off again at any moment. Naturally she wasn’t going
to actually suck him—well, not any more than she already was, anyway. But if he
should happen to come again and she was right there to catch it…

“Kor,” she said before she thought. “Are
you…could you come again?”

“What do you mean, come again?” he

“I mean now…right now,” Maggie said. “Please?”
Leaning forward, she captured the tip of his pulsing shaft with her lips again
and gave him a sucking kiss, hoping to speed the process along.

Kor groaned softly and she heard him say, “Lights
dim.” Then he was propped up on one elbow, looking down at her. “You mean could
I come again right now with your lips wrapped around my cock?” he asked,

“I didn’t…I wouldn’t really…” Maggie shook
her head, feeling sudden shame. “It’s not like that.”

He frowned. “What is it like then? What
are you asking—you want me to come in your mouth?”

The directness of his question took Maggie
aback. She sat up, taking her hand off his pulsing shaft, putting some distance
between them. “I guess so,” she said in a small voice, drawing her knees up to
her chin. “I don’t…don’t know what that says about me.”

Kor sighed and stroked her hair gently. “It
says that damn implant has really got you going, that’s all. Look, I wasn’t
trying to make you upset—I just wanted to know what you wanted.”

“I don’t know.” Maggie looked down. “I
guess…I just want…

“More cum?” He lay back on the pillow and
began to stroke his cock again. “If that’s what you need, I can give it to you.
Just want to be sure we’re on the same page.”

Already a droplet of pearly precum was
beading at the head of his cock. Maggie found herself watching it and licking
her lips. God, what was wrong with her? She’d never had these hungers before,
these desires. And now she felt like she couldn’t stop until her need was

“Kor…” she whispered hesitantly, watching

“Come here and get close to me,” he
growled, reaching for her. “It helps to feel your naked body next to mine.”

“Okay.” Maggie snuggled close to him,
pressing her breasts to his side and watching with wide eyes as he stroked
himself a second time—just for her. “Will it be soon?” she asked softly, keeping
her eyes on his shaft. “I mean, I just want to…want to taste it, right from the
source.” She looked up at him. “Oh God, does that make me bad? Awful? Wanting
to drink your…” But she couldn’t finish.

“It’s just the implant,” Kor reminded her.
His deep voice was harsh with tension. “Don’t feel bad, Maggie. Just give it
what it wants—that’s all we can do until we get it out of you.” He groaned low
in his throat. “Gods…so

“Are you close?” She didn’t mean to pester
him but the need inside her seemed to be growing and the ruby implant was
pulsing again, slowly but surely.

“Pretty close,” Kor growled. “You want it
faster? Wrap your sweet lips around me, just like you did before.”

Maggie hesitated but only for a minute.
After all, she told herself, she wouldn’t really be sucking him. She was just
going to take the very tip of his cock—not even the whole head—between her
lips, just to make sure she didn’t spill a drop.

Leaning down, she wrapped her lips around
the tip of his cock and sucked gently, swirling her tongue around the broad
head for good measure.

Her efforts paid off in a big way.

“Oh God, sweetheart!” Kor groaned, arching
his hips. “Gonna come now. Gonna come so hard, just for you…”

Maggie nearly moaned with pleasure as the
first sweet pulse of his melted ice cream seed hit her tongue. God, he was
coming, coming just for her, as he had said. She was tasting it right from the
source and somehow it was the best, most delicious thing she’d ever tasted.

Kor groaned and jerked against her, his
thick cock spurting again and again, coating her tongue and filling her belly
as she swallowed eagerly. No matter how erratically he moved, she kept her lips
wrapped firmly around his cock, sucking and swallowing, finally getting what
the implant insisted she needed.

At last he was limp but Maggie still kept
sucking…kept sucking until she had gotten every last bit of cum out.

Finally, she also relaxed with a contented
sigh. She released Kor’s shaft and rested her head for a moment on his hip. She
didn’t know how she knew it, but somehow it was clear to her that she would be
able to sleep through the night peacefully now, without fear of being woken by
desire so intense it was painful.

“Got what you needed?” In the semi-darkness,
she felt his big fingers carding through her hair.

“Mmm-hmm.” Maggie murmured. “Thank you, Kor.
For not…thinking I’m weird.”

“You’re all right, blondie. It’s just the implant.
Once it’s out of you, you won’t act like this anymore. Won’t
to act
like this anymore. Not with anyone but your fiancé, anyway.” His voice was
gruff but his fingers in her hair were slow and tender.

“Oh, Kor…” Maggie didn’t know what to say
but he didn’t give her a chance anyway.

“Time to sleep. Good night, blondie.”

“Good night,” she murmured but despite the
fact that the implant was finally satiated, she still couldn’t sleep.

What’s happening to
me? What else is the implant going to make me do?
And more importantly, what was it going to make her
She felt so warm and safe in Kor’s arms, so protected and content in a way
she’d never felt with Donald. Was that all the implant’s doing…or was she
really beginning to have feelings for the huge warrior?

I guess I won’t know
until I finally get the implant out,
told herself. But in the meantime, was it wrong to enjoy the new feelings she
was having? Wrong to enjoy Kor’s hands and mouth on her or crave the taste of
his cum? Wrong to—?

“C’mere, blondie.” A large hand pulled her
up and Kor fit her against his side again. “You’re thinking too much,” he
murmured. I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head from here.”

“I’m sorry.” Maggie sighed. “I’m just…so

“You and me both, sweetheart. But we can’t
solve the problems of the universe tonight. Come on, try and get some sleep.”

“All right.” Maggie sighed and snuggled
against him. Feeling much more content than she had a right to feel, she
finally drifted off to sleep.


* * * * *


“We are losing him.”
Xandra the swamp witch peered into her cauldron, frowning at the scene she had
just witnessed. “First he wanders off course to go rescue that stupid little
human girl and now he’s falling in love with her.”

“We won’t lose him.”
The glowing red eyes of her demon husband flared briefly. “I’ll make sure of

“What can you
possibly do? He may not know it but he’s Kindred—Touch Kindred. If he bonds her
to him…if he gives her the Deep Touch…”

“He won’t.” A deep,
animalistic growl sounded. “And even if he does, the seed has been planted. A
seed that grows every day and night. A seed that will bring him back to us.”

“I hope you’re
right.” Xandra frowned and stirred the cauldron. “He must if I am ever to have
my revenge.”

“And if I am to be
made flesh…even for a time.”

“Do you think his
body will last once you enter it? Hosting one of your kind is difficult for us

“You did fine as I
recall,” the demon murmured.

“You only fucked me,”
she reminded him. “You wish to indwell Therron—to invade him and push his
consciousness aside so you can use his body as your own.”

“And so I shall,” he
growled. “This human girl shall not have him—I won’t let her ruin our plans. We
have worked too hard and too long to surrender now simply because Therron
thinks himself in love.”

“But…” Xandra began.
However, she was speaking to the empty air. The glowing red eyes were gone.

Chapter Twenty-four


Maggie woke up to the sound of low,
animalistic growling in the darkness.

“Who…what? What’s going on?” She sat up
abruptly, forgetting where she was and who she was with.

The growl sounded again and this time it
was very close—actually in the bed with her! An unspeakable terror came over
her and the room suddenly seemed to be twenty degrees colder. Maggie wanted to
run, wanted to get away from that low growling but she felt frozen, barely able
to move. Turning her head in that slow, horror movie way, she saw a pair of
glowing red eyes burning in the darkness. Then a low, grating, inhuman voice
began to speak.

“Therron is mine, little human. The seed has been
planted. The pain of the past will mix with the pain of the future and he will
My flesh puppet to do with as I wish.”

“I…I…” Maggie couldn’t make any words come
out. Beside her in the darkness the burning red eyes blazed and the growling
voice continued.

“I will drag him back to the Black Planet and then I will
wear him…wear him until he is useless and worn out and then I will discard him
like the others before.”

Maggie’s vocal chords finally unfroze. She
gave a high pitched scream and scrambled off the bed.
Oh my God, oh my God,
OhmyGod! What the hell is that thing and where is Kor?

Kor—suddenly everything came back to her.
She was supposed to be with Kor. He was sleeping beside her. So what was this creature
with the glowing red eyes doing in his place?

“Kor!” she screamed. “Kor, help me! Where
are you?”

There was a sudden commotion on the other
side of the bed and she heard him roaring for lights. They came on at once,
flooding the room with brilliance that made Maggie blink. She looked wildly
around for a dark creature with glowing red eyes but there was nothing—no one
but Kor and his eyes were still their normal pale blue, though they were filled
with concern for her.

“Maggie? Maggie what is it?” He took her
by the shoulders and shook her once, firmly. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

“I saw a creature—a
. Its eyes
were red and glowing and it said it owned you and it would use you as a…” She
started to cry. “As some kind of a puppet, whatever that means.”

“Means you had a nightmare,” he said,
looking into her eyes. “Listen to me, Maggie—it wasn’t real.”

real.” Maggie pressed
the edge of the sheet to her eyes. “It was sitting right where you are now and
I felt such a…such a presence of evil. The room got colder all of a sudden and
that thing, it called you ‘Therron’ or ‘Faron’ or something like that. I didn’t
understand why but I knew it was talking about you.”

say?” Kor frowned and shifted uncomfortably.

“Yes.” Maggie nodded frantically. “Do
you…do you know the name?”

Kor shook his head and looked away. “No
and neither do you. Because it was just a dream, Maggie—only a dream.”

“I’m telling you, it seemed
finished drying her eyes on the sheet and frowned at him. “Tell me, where did
you say you were going before you came to get me? Was it the Black Planet?”

Kor looked even more uncomfortable. “I was
following a lead. Remember what the night porter said about only seeing one
other person like me before? I just wanted to know my origins—wanted to be able
to control my vision so I didn’t hurt anybody. So I didn’t hurt

“Well, you can’t go back there,” Maggie
said with utter conviction. “You can’t, Kor—no matter what. It’s a bad place
and I’m afraid if you go, something awful will happen to you.”

“It was just a dream. Hey, come here, come
on…” Slowly he coaxed her back into his arms, stroking her hair and murmuring
sweet nothings until she was almost calm. He dimmed the lights but didn’t put
them all the way out. Then he lay back on the bed and simply held her.

“Promise,” Maggie murmured drowsily when
her heartbeat had calmed down and she was finally sleepy again. “Promise you
won’t go there.”

But she never heard Kor’s promise—before
she could, she drifted off to sleep again. This time there were no
interruptions and she slept until morning.

BOOK: Chained (Brides of the Kindred)
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