Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) (6 page)

Aodhan nervously shifted his feet looking at Kedryn. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Your mother’s father, your grandfather, is in a different realm.” Aodhan paused looked down and up at Kedryn and shifted feet again. “What I am trying to say is. I would like your permission to marry your mother.”

Kedryn felt tears prick at his eyes. He looked at his mother and knew what her answer would be. Kedryn concentrated on them both and saw that their colors were now the same, a deep emerald green. His mom truly has chosen Aodhan.

“It would be an honor to have you as my father.” and he clasped forearms with Aodhan and gave him a huge bear hug.

Lara couldn’t help it and a tear slid down her cheek. She watched as Aodhan slowly walked over to her looking her in the eyes the whole time. He held out his hand and she took it and stood. Aodhan bent down

to one knee and opened his other hand. It held the small ring that his mother had given him.

“My heart. I fell in love with you the minute I barged through your door and you clocked me on the chin. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and an honor fighting by your side. Would you give me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She looked down at him and held back the tears the best she could. Lara place a hand on his cheek. “Yes, my heart. I couldn’t and wouldn’t say no to you.”

Aodhan took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger. He stood up and pulled her into a kiss.

Everyone around them cheered. Tara leaned close against Ruark and Eion stepped up to Orla and placed his hand on her shoulder. “A more pleasant memory of this place.”

Orla turned to him. “That it will be.”

As Aodhan and Lara kissed they both felt the rest of their walls slip away and there was nothing but pure love. To everyone’s disbelief a white feathery light surrounded them. The light feathers touched each surrounding person and they felt the love that Lara and Aodhan shared for a brief moment.

“It’s just like in the tale.” Serina said as she turned to Scanlon and kissed him nearly making him fall as he went weak in the knees.

“Let’s head to bed, my love.” Scanlon said and they both ran back into the inn to their quarters.

Out of the corner of her eye Lara saw Eion quickly step away from Orla and retreat back into the house. She gave Aodhan a questioning look and he gave her a don’t ask look.

Lara kissed Aodhan again feeling the love surrounding them. “We should head to bed too.”

He let out a sigh. “If only.” Aodhan kissed her again.

“I know.” she said and took his hand leading him into the house.

Chapter 8

In the morning Lara woke to both Kedryn and Aodhan walking into her room. She stretched and sat up pushing strands of hair away that were stuck to her face.

“Does it take two of you to wake me now?” she asked as she pushed down the covers and scooted off the bed.

“No, my Lady. Mother sent me to politely remind you that you are to ride with her and the ladies today. Kedryn came on his own.” Aodhan ran his fingers through his hair.

“I ordered breakfast for the three of us to have together before Aodhan and I go off scouting. Quality time you know.” Kedryn said as he walked over to her door after hearing a knock. He took a tray of food from the servant and walked over to the sitting area.

Lara walked over to the table and inhaled the aroma of fresh coffee. They three sat down and started to eat.

“We leave in an hour’s time. That should give you enough time to get ready doing what you women do.” Aodhan said giving her a sly grin.

“Only an hour?” she gave him a look.

“If you need more time?” Aodhan said and glanced at Kedryn giving him a confused look.

Kedryn let out a laugh. “You will find mom to be very low maintenance. Unless she has to gussy up. She fusses a bit.”

Aodhan raised his eyebrow and grinned at her. “Do you plan on gussying up for the carriage ride.”

“Less talk, more eating. I have to gussy up boys.” Lara said and started to dig into her croissant and fruit.

When Aodhan and Kedryn left Lara decided not to gussy up too much. She wanted to be comfortable. She pulled out the first dress Shanna had given her along with the shawl. Lara had Gobnait loosen the

bodice enough to be a little bit less constraining. As she French braided her hair back Kedryn walked into her room.

He looked her over. “Time to head out. You know, out of all the dresses you’ve worn. I like that one the best.”

“Thanks.” Lara said as she tied the belt around her waist. She was at a loss as to what to do with her dagger as she pulled on the soft brown leather boots. She decided to stick the sheath and dagger into the top part of her boot. Even though it was a bit uncomfortable it was a good feeling having it close. Lara adjusted her necklace and picked up her pack.

“Let’s head out. This should be an interesting ride.” Lara said as she followed Kedryn out the door.

When they reached the procession she noticed that behind Lady Orla’s carriage a smaller similar one was directly behind it. A glace at the horses showed Jodi in the lead of Lady Orla’s carriage and she grinned to herself.

Orla gave a dainty wave to Lara. “I believe that Aodhan is waiting for Kedryn.”

“Right, I better get going. See you when we stop.” Kedryn said and gave Lara a hug before he headed out.

Orla led Lara to her carriage and Kory appeared by the door opening it for them. She motioned for Lara to go first and the he took her hand as she stepped up.

“Derrick and I will be guarding this carriage as we head to Quenith, my Lady.”

“I will feel the more safer for it. Thank you Lieutenant.” Lara said as she nodded to him and stepped up to find Lady Orla sitting directly across from her.

Lara looked around. “Where are the others?”

“If you do not mind on this stretch I would like to get to know my future daughter. Tara will join us after this first stop and Fand, Serina and Kaylee will stay in the other carriage.”

“That sounds good to me.” Lara said with a slight frown on her face.

Lady Orla noticed the frown. “Is that a problem dear?”

Lara looked up and smiled. “No. It is most certainly not. You must be referring to my thinking face. That is the first thing you have now learned about me. When I think, I frown, not sure why, I just do. I was just wondering where I should start first.”

“Anywhere you would like.” Orla said as they felt the carriage lurch forward.

Lara started out with her family. She told Orla about her mother and father and how they now are happily married for thirty seven years. She talked proudly about her sister who is a pediatric surgeon and described a little bit of what she did. Lara smiled when she spoke of her brothers Shane and Glen. Orla let out a bell of a laugh at Lara’s brother’s antics when they were younger.

“It seems I am not the only mother whose son has given her fits.” Orla said.

“They grew out of it.“ Lara laughed. “Somewhat. My brother Glen is getting married soon. I would have loved to have been there.”

“How sad that must be for them. Not knowing you and your son are still alive.”

“His fiancé Cassie is a dear. I’m sure she will help him and the rest of my family pull through.”

Reaching over to a square box Orla pulled out two goblets and some wine. She poured both of them a glass. “Let us speak of happier matters. Aodhan says that you were quite well known in your realm. What is it that you did?”

Starting with what she did in the carriage house behind her Victorian. Lara told Orla about the art classes she taught to children and adults. She explained her job as a freelance archeologist and about the digs that she went on alone and with Kedryn. Then about the find of the dagger.

“You have led a brilliant life. What about Kedryn? His dad? His education?”

“His dad is not around. His choice, not ours and we will leave it at that. His education was almost finished when Aodhan came along. He is an honor student in all of his classes. Was even looked at to be recruited to play baseball and football which I suppose you would call an honor in your realm.”

“It seems that you have raised him to be a fine young man. From what I have seen and heard from Aodhan he has a sharp mind and is a natural warrior.”

They felt a jolt and heard a shout. Lara reached down for her dagger. When the door opened she was ready to pounce. Derrick appeared and gave a short bow. He glanced at her dagger and gave Lara an amused look.

“Expecting trouble my lady?”

“It never hurts to be prepared.” Lara said as she put the dagger back into her boot.

“We are at our first stop and the servants have started to set up the pavilions. Do you wish to stretch your legs or prefer to stay in the carriage?”

Lara scooted on the bench to the door and Derrick offered his hand. “I would like to stretch.” She looked back at Orla. “Are you staying?”

“Tara said she was going to accompany me when we stopped.” Lady Orla gave her a smile.

“I will see you soon. I am going to find Aodhan and Kedryn. On the ride tomorrow I would like to hear about your life and family.” Lara said and watched Lady Orla’s grin grow wider. She took Derricks hand and stepped out of the carriage. Lara turned to shut the carriage door and stopped.

“Can I ask you something? You do not have to answer unless you want to.”

Orla raised her eyebrow. “What is it?”

“Eion seems on edge around you since Shanhold. Why is that?” Lara blew a stray hair out of her face.

Orla looked out the window. “That is a story long lost and forgotten. I wish for it to stay that way.”

“Understood.” Lara said and closed the carriage door.

Lara looked around at the camp and took in a breath. It was have to believe that a war was soon to rage on. Her thoughts moved to Lord Faolan and she quickly dismissed them not wanting to cloud her thoughts with negative.

“Positive thoughts.” Lara whispered to herself and smiled at Kedryn who was walking her way.

Chapter 9

Lord Faolan leaned against the side of the fireplace drumming his fingers on the head of the carved wolf. He studied Lady Paili who stood poised by a black velvet over stuffed chair awaiting the fate of her brother. Faolan straightened and walked up to Paili stopping a foot away from her and crossed his arms.

“The Battle Raven must die. I have ordered a small team of assassins to take care of what Damon has failed to do. In two days time he will face the blood eagle. Unless you can convince me otherwise, my dear, say farewell to your brother.”

Lady Paili straightened and said with an edge of ice to her voice. “I would rather die than live without my brother, my Lord.”

Lord Faolan slapped her with such force she backed into the arm of the chair. Her heel caught on the hem of her skirt tripping her over and she hit the floor. Surprising herself and Lord Faolan, Lady Paili let out a muffled sob. It was not like her to show weakness. She took in a few deep breaths to calm her nerves. Lord Faolan gave her a couple of seconds to compose herself.

“You will Never take your leave of me.” he said. The thought of her leaving set him on edge. Faolan regretted hitting her but would never let Paili know.

She slowly rose to her knees and brushed her hair out of her face not even trying to hide the shakiness in her hands. Paili’s eyes went hard steel gray as she looked up at him.

“Spare my brother and you can have my power.” Paili said with resignation in her voice as she lowered her head.

Lord Faolan moved close and ran a hand down her cheek and under her chin tipping her head back. He outlined her lips with his thumb. “You would make such a sacrifice for such a foul failure of a creature?”

“Yes.” she said pushing his hand away from her face.

“You have seen how I have taken the menial powers from the few who have agreed to sacrifice for me. by Blood eagle.”

“Yes, my Lord.” she looked down to the floor.

Faolan noted the waiver in her voice. He bent down taking Paili’s hands and helped her up. He pulled her close speaking soft words as he lightly kissed her bruised cheek. Paili leaned against him as he pulled her close burying his head in her long black hair inhaling her scent.

Faolan whispered. “It is all for show. Necessary to install fear and to prove the loyalty of my followers to the masses. It is not necessary for the transfer of the power.”

She took a step away from him and composed her regal bearing. “The oath. The consent?”

“That is necessary. Know this. I would not and will not hurt you.” he said as he thought about the slap.

Lady Paili put her hand to her cheek still confused but relieved that her brother would be spared. “You have my consent, my Lord. Swear it on your sphere that my brother will live.”

Lord Faolan looked her in the eyes and he pulled out his sphere which started to emanate a ghastly glow.

“Upon my Carnelian Sphere your brother will live.”

Afraid that he might change his mind Paili stepped as close to him as she dared. “Do it now, my Lord.”

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