Read Cat Tales Online

Authors: Alma Alexander

Tags: #fantasy, #magic, #short stories, #cats, #good and evil, #alma alexander, #whine

Cat Tales (6 page)

Figure 1 Alma Alexander


About the Author

Alma Alexander was born on the banks of an
ancient river in a country which no longer exists.

She began telling stories as a child and
never stopped. To date, Alma has written close to three million
words in more than a dozen published books. Her novel, The Secrets
of Jin-shei, has been published in 14 languages in more than a
score of countries. Her popular Young Adult Worldweavers series
features New World magic and a heroine who is as American as Harry
Potter is British.

The woman underneath the author likes books,
embroidery, music ranging from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" to
Dvorak's New World Symphony, animals, coffee, chocolate, snow,
velvet -- and, in people, kindness, intelligence and an
off-the-wall sense of humor.

She is a punaholic, a chronic worrier,
sentimental and passionate. She is married to a man who wooed her
over the Internet and lured her to America, where she is currently
owned by two cats.

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