Read Captured Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Captured (11 page)

Venise’s heart leapt in her chest. One of her favorite scenes in the book was when Michael spanked Melanie. She didn’t have to search for it, because she knew exactly where it was in the book. She flipped to it and cleared her throat, then she described how Michael had her kneel on the bed, her bottom bared for a spanking.

Rugoff turned her so that she sat with her back to him. He spread his legs and she settled between them, his cock nestled between her ass cheeks. He snaked his arms around her, cupping her breasts and capturing her nipples between a thumb and forefinger.

He rubbed and tugged them, the tingle spreading down to her pussy. She didn’t want to read anymore. She wanted to fuck.


“Tell me more.”

She giggled, thinking how the story was titled
Ticket Me More
and he was demanding that she tell him more.

“You are taking too long.” The command in his voice made her shiver.

“Sorry,” she said, even though she wasn’t. “Let me continue, then. Let’s see, where were we? Melanie was on the bed and…” she cleared her throat before she continued reading,
Twirling her nipple in his fingertips, he placed his other hand on the curve of her ass. ‘So, you know you were a naughty girl for breaking your promise not to speed?’

“Yes,” she responded breathlessly.

He tweaked her nipple as he delivered a sharp smack to her rear end. Melanie gasped. He massaged the red print on her cheek, and resumed caressing her breast.

The pressure on her nipples increased and when Rugoff spoke again his lips were right against her ear.

“Is she being punished?”

“Yes.” She pressed her ass against his cock.

“Do you like to be punished?”

“Yes.” She tried to control her breathing. “The fantasy of being spanked is another of my guilty pleasures.”

“Guilty. That means you’ve done something wrong.” He nuzzled against her neck.

“It can also mean that it just makes you feel guilty, which can be fun sometimes.”

“And bring about a spanking.” Venise shivered as he nibbled on her earlobe. “I believe you’ve been guilty and need a spanking.”

His hands had not left her breasts yet and her nipples were plump from his attentions. She wanted to tell him she would take anything he gave her right now.

“Stand up, naughty girl.”

Excitement raced through her as she obeyed his command. She wanted to tell him he’d absorbed Michael’s personality perfectly, but she didn’t want to spoil the scene. When he stood, he led her to the bed.

“Kneel on the bed, with your ass high in the air.” Venise shivered as she knelt.
about Melanie’s spanking always thrilled her, and led to a stimulating encounter with her vibrator. She’d never found a lover to spank her though. Until now. When he’s slapped her ass during their lovemaking, she’d wanted to scream at him to do it more. Now he was doing it without her asking.

She’d barely settled into her position when his hand came down on her ass. The strike was hard, the tingle painful yet full of pleasure at the same time. He slapped her ass again, and again. Her clit pulsed in response and she wiggled her bottom.

“Hold still.” His deep command sent shivers up her spine, and when he slapped her ass twice more, she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the pleasure of finally experiencing something she’d always dreamed about.

Rugoff continued to spank her, the slaps varying between hard and soft. She moaned and simpered as he spanked, and when he finally caressed her burning behind, she thrust herself back at him.

“More please.”

“Step off the bed.”

A pleasant ache spread through her as she stood, turning her head slightly to look at him. “Please?”

“No more right now.” He kissed her gently before settling her on the bed face down. She heard rustling behind her and she turned her head to look, but his sharp, “Turn back around,” made her do just that.

What was he doing? She was ready to fuck, despite the soreness she felt from earlier, and he was messing around behind her. If she screamed at him to get over here and take her, would he spank her more, or would he fill her with his hard cock?

She didn’t have time. He was over her quickly, pressing her into the covers. She closed her eyes and anticipated the feel of his cock pressing into her.

When it didn’t come, she looked back at him.

“Tell me about this vibrator.”

“Rugoff!” She wiggled against him. “I’ll tell you later. Fuck me.”

“No, you’ll tell me now.” He thrust against her and she felt the promise of his cock hard against her.

“I already told you. It’s shaped like a penis, but it’s made of…” she searched for a word he would understand, “…different material. Batteries power it, much like the computer is, only they’re smaller. You turn it on by twisting the base and it vibrates, which is why it’s called a vibrator.”

He shifted on top of her and then she heard a humming noise, one she knew well. She turned her head to see him holding a vibrator, one she recognized. It was only about four inches long, but she always took it with her when she traveled. She’d put it in one of the cosmetic bags in her purse when she’d left the hotel, not wanting to leave it there for someone to find if they broke into her room. And then she’d forgotten about it.

Rugoff must have seen it when she’d spilled her bag onto the chair.

“Oh good lord.” She flushed as he passed it in front of her face.

“Like this?”

“Yes, that’s a vibrator.”

He turned it back and forth, examining it. “Show me how you use it.”

“Rugoff.” Shyness soaked into her even though they’d fucked like bunnies for the last day and a half. She’d never used a vibrator in front of someone before. It was a private thing she did when no one else was around.

“Show me, or I’ll never spank you again, and I can tell by how wet your core is that you enjoyed that very much.”

She huffed out an angry breath. “That’s blackmail, and on top of that, it’s just plain mean.”

“Do it.” Oh lord, she loved it when he used that deep, commanding voice. It was exactly what she thought a romance hero sounded like, only he was flesh and blood.

Using the vibrator in front of him would force her to lose every inhibition she’d ever felt. But it would be worth it. He moved off her and she felt his loss acutely, until she saw him sitting with his back against the wall, watching her. He fisted his cock, then licked his lips as he looked held up with vibrator with the other.

“Come and get it.”

Her senses reeled at the invitation. “What can I have? The vibrator, or your cock?”

“You can have the cock once you’re one with the vibrator. Not before.”

Spurred on by the idea of her reward, Venise hurried to her hands and knees and crawled toward him, snatching the vibrator from his hand and lying down so that he had a perfect view of her pussy. She spread her legs before switching the vibrator to high.

Its whirring sound made her shiver, and when she touched it to her clit, she didn’t know how she held back the need to come. She undulated her hips as she moved it around her hardened bud. She could hear Rugoff’s labored breathing and she had no doubt his gaze never left her.

She moved the vibrator around, determined to let the feeling build, to keep the show going for him.

“Wider.” She obeyed, running her free hand over her breast. “You’re glistening with the need to be filled. Can that tiny thing please you?”

“It does the job unless I have the real thing.” She wiggled her hips as she moved the vibrator again. She hit the right spot and soared as her orgasm peaked.

“Rugoff! Fuck me, please.” Her hips rocked back and forth of their own accord as if seeking out a male body to slide between them. “Please!”

His hands were on her thighs now, stroking her. The vibrator still whirled between her legs but she no longer held it on her clit. It teased her swollen lips, making her want to feel him inside her even more than she had before.

“Rugoff.” Her voice was soft now, pleading. “I’m begging you.”

He lowered himself onto her, sliding his length against her folds. “Do you really want me inside you?”

“Yes.” He folded her legs, grasping her around the ankles.

“Keep the vibrator tight between your folds.” He slipped inside her the minute the words were out of his mouth, then started to thrust setting a slow pace that she thought of as sweet torture.

He’d slid into her, lowering his head to capture her lips in a deep, searing kiss, his tongue invading her mouth and making her feel as if they were one. When he pulled back out, he lifted his mouth from hers and stared down into her eyes.

She kept the vibrator placed next to her clit, afraid if she touched it directly she would shoot off again, and she wasn’t ready for that yet. She was afraid if she climaxed he would take it as a sign that she was ready for things to end, and she was nowhere near ready.

He captured her lips on a down thrust, his body moving the vibrator over just a tic. It touched her clit, sending the climax she’d been holding onto soaring through her veins. He captured her scream as she came and she tightened around him. At the same time she screamed, she felt him pulse inside her as he reached his peak.

Their moans of pleasure mixed until they sounded as if it they were coming from one voice. He lifted his lips from hers long enough to catch his breath. She’d barely felt air enter her lungs when he kissed her again. And again. And again.

Venise wondered if she’d ever feel anything so intense again in her life.

“So good,” she whispered when he dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “If we keep this up I may be dead within the week.”

“Never,” he said, tumbling to the side of the bed before setting up. “No one can die from extreme pleasure. Do you need something to drink?”

“Yes, please.”

She watched him walk to the table, the most perfect specimen of manhood she’d ever seen. She needed to thank Mrs. Westergard when they returned for sending her down here.

Thinking of the woman who’d arranged all this reminded Venise they needed to be devising a way out. If the witch answered the questions they’d put to her they might find a way. If not, then they needed to find a different way.

“Did you remember to put the paper with the questions on the table?” She took the glass he held out for her, taking a deep drink.

“I did.” He sat down next to her, pulling her into his arms. “In the morning we’ll find out whether or not she’s in an agreeable mood.”

“I wonder if it’s possible that the witch found a way to come back. Do you think it’s possible that she’s actually Mrs. Westergard?”

“I don’t know.” He stroked her hair. “I remember she was an older woman, with nary a wrinkle on her.”

Venise shivered, then pushed away from his chest. Mrs. Westergard had been older, but didn’t look her age.

“I wonder if…” she jumped up and went to her purse, taking out her phone and praying the battery was still good. A quick check showed she had one bar left. She flipped to photos, and then called up the one she’d taken of Mrs. Westergard.

He was behind her now, and when she turned, she saw the look of shock on his face. “Do you recognize this woman? Is she the witch?”

“No.” The color had drained out of his face. When he spoke, there was a hitch in his voice and she saw a tear slip from his eye. “That’s my mother.”




Chapter Nine


“How did you capture her in there?” He tried to grab the device from her, but she sidestepped him. Could it be possible his enticing new bedmate was the witch in disguise? Were he and his brothers not enough for her vengeance? Had she found some new way to torture the remainder of his family for how his father betrayed her?

His stomach felt as if someone were jabbing sharp sticks into it repeatedly and his palms started to sweat. This wasn’t what he’d expected at all. To see someone from his past life brought to him in such a strange fashion was disconcerting, to say the least.

He eyed his swords, judging which would be best to kill a witch. But Venise couldn’t be a witch, could she? She was too tempting, too beautiful to be so cruel as to torture him when he was already in Hel.

He thought again of his swords, but before he could move toward them, reasoning soaked into him. He needed to think before he acted. Venise couldn’t be the witch. The panic she felt when they’d met had been real. And why would she come to him now, after an eternity alone?

“Did she send you here?”

“Yes.” She touched him lightly and sparks spread through him. “I thought she was crazy when she told me the story, and then pushed me toward the chair and… I think she’s expecting others, too.”

She’d paused, as if an idea had just occurred to her. “What if she’s tried all these years to free you and your brothers? What if she’s finally discovered a way out?”

“By sending you here?” He licked his lips, resisting the urge to kiss her. The way she looked at him made him lose control of his senses and think only with his manhood. “That defeats the purpose, don’t you think? If she has power now, and had the ability to send you here, why didn’t she just take me out instead?”

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