Read Captive Pride Online

Authors: Bobbi Smith

Captive Pride (32 page)

“That will be fine.” Matthew couldn't wait for him to be gone, and he closed and locked the door with great relish. “Now, my sweet…”

Faith saw the flame of desire in Matt's eyes, and she didn't hesitate to go to him, wrapping her arms about him and nestling against the warm width of his chest. “I love you, Matthew Kincade. I always have and I always will.”

Matt stood still, cradling her against him, content for the time to just cherish the closeness and lightness of the embrace.

“Let's dine before the food grows cold,” he suggested as he felt his senses begin to stir. There was nothing Matt wanted more than to make love to Faith, but he wanted their first time to be perfect. He deliberately postponed the ultimate, knowing that anticipation always heightened the satisfaction.

With all the gallantry of a gentleman at court, Matt seated her at the table and poured a glass of wine for her before taking his own chair. They said little as they sampled of the inn's fare, each eating sparingly, for their thoughts were far from food. It was not food they craved, but a far more important nourishment—the nourishment of the soul from love's embrace. Across the narrow width of the small table their eyes met and held, and Matthew lifted his wineglass in toast to his bride.

“May we be this happy always.” He spoke in a low, intimate tone that sent a shiver of expectation through Faith. There was something innately sensual about the way Matthew lifted the glass to his lips. Faith suddenly wished his lips were tasting of hers instead of the full-bodied wine.

Faith remembered every touch and kiss they'd ever shared, and she longed to experience the fullness of his passion. His body was a mystery to her, and she was eager to learn everything she could about pleasing him. Her mother had told her very little of what to expect on her wedding night beyond that there might be some pain. In spite of that, she was to submit completely to her husband's will. Faith smiled to herself, for submitting was hardly the word to describe what she was feeling in giving herself to Matthew. She wanted him. Her body craved closeness with him in the instinctive way that had existed since the beginning of time. Her need was a deep, heart-stirring drive for possession that eclipsed every other emotion she'd ever experienced.

Again Carson's knock at the door shattered the mood. They exchanged heated, knowing smiles as they silently acknowledged that this would be their very last interruption.

“Your bath awaits, my lady,” he told her with flourish when at last they were alone again, the bath having been readied behind a privacy screen.

“You truly thought of everything, Matthew.” She regarded him with open enchantment. “Thank you…”

“I only wish it could have been more, love.” Matt grew solemn again as he thought of the past and the beauty of Kincade Hall.

Faith rose from the table and slipped her arms about his waist, resting her head against his heart. “I don't want more, Matthew. I have everything I could possibly want right now. I have you.” Her gaze lifted to his and he could see the truth of her words. “Nothing else is important…not the past, not the future…. Only this moment matters.”

Overcome by the heartfelt sentiment, Matt could not reply; instead, he lifted her into his arms. Their lips met in a gentle exploration as Matt slowly made his way to the bed and lowered her to its comfort, the bath suddenly completely forgotten.

“Matthew…” She whispered his name in a worshipful whisper as he broke off the kiss.

With impatience, Matt tugged off his coat. Turning slightly away, he tossed it negligently aside as he quickly untied his cravat. Faith watched his movements in sensual fascination, noticing how perfectly his snowy white shirt fit across his broad shoulders and how his dark pants clung like a second skin to his slim hips. It was as he turned back toward her that she noticed the unmistakable evidence of his growing desire, and she lifted her arms to him in ready welcome.

Matt could delay no longer and he lay down beside her, drawing her full-length against him, his hips pressing with breathtaking familiarity to hers. “It seems I've waited forever for this moment.”

“We don't have to wait any longer….” Faith drew his head down to her for an ardent kiss that told him of her own needs.

The quiet privacy of the moment, the intimacy of their position, and the heady sweetness of the wine they'd drunk all enhanced their senses. What began as only a kiss spiraled into a whirlwind of no longer forbidden desire. Their mouths met and parted only to meet again, as if unable to taste enough of the nectar of each other.

With tempered boldness, Matt worked at the buttons of her bodice. He remembered the sight of her naked loveliness, and he longed to touch those silken orbs. The memory of her bared breasts had haunted him all this time. When he finally pushed the material of her gown aside and unlaced her chemise, he lowered his lips to caress the satiny splendor of their creamy fullness.

Faith had never experienced the ecstasy of a lover's knowing touch before. Her breath caught in her throat at the rapture that flooded through her as Matthew pressed kiss after heated kiss upon her sensitive flesh. Waves of heat pulsed in her veins as his lips explored the peaks and valleys of her bosom. Her eyes widened in a mixture of delight and fear at the feverish feeling that was overpowering her.

“Matthew…” she gasped, frightened by the strength of her newly discovered desire.

Hearing the edge of panic in her voice and afraid that he might have hurt her in some way, Matt drew back. His eyes were dark with concern as he gazed down at her flushed features. “Faith? Did I hurt you?”

“Hurt me…? Oh no, Matthew. You didn't hurt me…. It's just that I…I…” She was suddenly too shy to put all she was feeling into words. “I'm sorry.”

“You're sorry?” He frowned, growing even more perplexed.

Knowing that she was botching the whole moment, she caressed his cheek. “It just felt so strange…so wonderful…I was almost frightened of the beauty of it all.”

The tension that had been building within him drained away at her words and he smiled tenderly. “I'm the one who's sorry. I'll go more slowly for you. It's just that I've wanted this for so long.”

“So have I, love,” she told him seriously. “Shall we start again?”

“There's no reason to start again.” He took her hand and held it over his heart so she could feel the heavy pounding of its excited rhythm beneath her palm.

“But…” Faith started to protest, for she thought he meant not to make love to her that night.

Matt saw her confusion and smiled tenderly. “There's no reason to start over, because we never quit. Our talking is just as important as our touching. I want to know that I please you in more ways than just the physical, sweetheart.”

“Oh, you do, Matthew. You do.” She took his hand then and drew it to her breast. “Please…”

His gaze was filled with adoration as he cupped one pale mound and teased the pink tip to pertness. “Did you like it when I kissed you there?”

Again Faith blushed, but she didn't hesitate to answer, “I think I must have, for I've never felt anything so…so…”

He bent to her breast and kissed the peak before lifting his head to supply the word. “Exciting?”

“Ummm…” she murmured, her eyes closing as he laved the taut crest with maddeningly arousing caresses.

With the utmost of care, he initiated her to the ecstasy of his touch, fondling and teasing her until she was clinging to him, weak with desire. Needing to be nearer, he left her embrace to strip off his shirt, and Faith looked up at him accusingly when he moved away.

“I want us to be closer….” he explained quickly as he tore at the buttons on his shirt in his eagerness to shed his clothing.

“I do, too,” she agreed, surprising him as she sat up and pushed her gown off her shoulders. “Help me?”

The invitation was innocently put, yet Matt knew the urge that sometimes drove men to rip gowns from women's bodies. There was nothing he wanted more than Faith naked beneath him, and had she an ample wardrobe, he might just have given in to his most primitive urge. As it was, he contained himself with an effort, and after divesting himself of everything save his pants, he hurried to help her remove her gown. Taking her hand, he helped her up from the bed. With as much restraint as he could manage, he finished loosening the gown and slipped it completely off her.

Faith had been quietly observing Matthew's expression as he helped her undress. When at last she stood before him clad only in her chemise, stockings, and shoes, she knew the ultimate glory of being a woman. His concentration on her was complete, and reflected in his expression was all his driving male need for her. It filled her with a sense of feminine power and emboldened her to bend forward and seductively remove her stockings and shoes. She had never fancied herself to be particularly sexy or beautiful, but the look on Matt's face made her feel that way, and she wanted to do all she could to heighten his pleasure in the moment.

“Will you help me with the chemise?” she asked softly.

Matt swallowed nervously at the thought that one last gesture would remove the final barrier protecting her and make her his…totally. Then, as if in a trance, he took a step forward and pushed the chemise down her arms. He had untied the garment earlier in their play, and it had been gaping open, revealing just the swelling curve of the sides of her breasts as she stood there. Now, as the soft material slid lower, it clung with tantalizing distraction to the taut peaks. Forced to touch her again in order to free the chemise so it could complete its descent, Matthew reached out with shaking hands and parted the garment. It fell the rest of the way to the floor unnoticed as he remained unmoving before her, his blue-eyed gaze aflame as he stared at her unclad loveliness.

Faith was more beautiful than he had remembered, and Matt hesitated for only an instant before crushing her to him in his most possessive embrace. She was his! Never before in his life had he experienced such a depth of emotion. He held her tightly in his arms, feeling how perfectly she fit against him. They had been made for each other. No one and nothing else mattered—only their love and need existed.

Together, without speaking, they moved to the bed and lay upon it, mindless to all but their desire to be one in love's most binding caress. Hands sought, lips met, and limbs intertwined as they explored the limits of pleasure together. With infinite care, he sought her most secret place. Though Faith balked at his first careful, questing touch, she soon gave herself over to his expertise, learning more of her body from Matthew than she had ever known before. His hands gentled her, readying her for his fullest possession. Faith felt herself growing more and more alive with his every rhythmic touch, and she could only wonder at the wonderful tension he was building deep within her.

It was when his lips sought her breasts again that the answer became known to her. She went rigid with delight as his knowing caress took her to unexpected heights of ecstasy. She cried out her rapture as the exhilarating sensations washed through her. Faith was so caught up in the throbbing pleasure of it all that she barely noticed when Matt shifted slightly away to shed his pants.

It seemed the most natural, most perfect thing in the world for Matthew to fit himself so intimately between her thighs. She welcomed him with a languid, sensual smile, wrapping her arms about him and pulling him down. The pain of their consummate melding was brief, but not blinding, and Faith went stiff only because of the newness of it as he first breached her virginal tightness.

“Oh, love,” Matthew groaned, locked in the heat of her body; his instincts were screaming at him to move, to seek his own release, but he held himself back, unwilling to lose the soul-stirring enthrallment of the moment. “You are so perfect.”

“We're perfect together, Matthew,” she whispered, her hands drifting down his back toward his hips in a slow exploration that was silently driving him out of his mind.

“I always knew it would be this way,” he told her as he kissed her deeply. “You feel so wonderful to me….”

As her hands reached lower, innocently trailing fire wherever she touched, he could no longer control the driving urge to take her, and he began to move.

“Matthew?” Faith was surprised, having had no idea quite what to expect.

“Move with me, Faith,” he urged, thrusting hungrily within her.

Faith moved experimentally at first, unsure of how best to please him. Matthew sensed her hesitancy, and he slipped his hands beneath her hips to help guide and instruct her movements. She understood then as he tutored her and she matched his motion excitedly, wanting to give to him as much joy as he'd given to her.

Matt had wanted to hold back, to prevent his passions from running away with him, but her eager sweetness drove him beyond all control and he sought his release deep in the hot velvet center of her body. He gasped her name as he peaked in triumphant splendor, and he clasped her to him as he collapsed against her.

Faith sensed that she had pleased him and she pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder as she lay beneath him. He was her husband and she had satisfied him. She felt very content.

Together they drifted in the soft silence of love's aftermath. Their joining had been everything they'd expected and more. They were perfect together and they knew without question that the future could hold nothing but happiness for them. Sleep stole over them as they lay still joined in that most intimate embrace, and they rested, filled with peace and love.

Chapter Nineteen

“Ben…what a wonderful surprise. Come in.” Ruth's expression was at first surprised and then welcoming as she opened the door wide for him to enter.

“Thank you, Ruth.” His gaze was warm upon her as he followed her inside.

“Is something wrong? Is that why you've come?” She was concerned, for Ben rarely paid a visit except for their traditional Sunday afternoons.

“No, absolutely nothing is wrong. I was just trying to get in contact with Matthew. I stopped at the Red Lion and spoke with his brother. He told me Matthew might be here….”

“He's not here right now, but I hope he and Faith will be back soon,” she told him as they sat down in the parlor.

“Oh? Where did they go?”

“Oh, Ben, I have the most fabulous news!” she began excitedly, wanting to share her joy with him.

Her smile was so bright that Ben thought she suddenly looked years younger, much like she had when he'd first fallen in love with her all those years ago. There was a painful tightness in his chest and his smile faded at the memory.

“What news?” He could not imagine what had happened to make her so happy.

“Matthew and Faith eloped last night. I expect them back any time now.”

“They eloped?” He was confused. “But why? I thought the plans were already made….”

“Things changed.” She tried to explain as simply as she could. “Matthew had a falling out with his brother. He was moving out of the Red Lion and into another inn. He stopped here to tell Faith, and she suggested that they just forget all the plans and elope.”

Ben knew a true moment of jealousy over the younger couple's happiness, and he wondered in a moment of bitterness why things couldn't work out that way for him.

“Isn't it wonderful?” Ruth was still talking.

“Yes…yes, it's wonderful,” he replied gruffly.

“You're not happy about it?” She perceptively sensed that something was troubling him.

“Of course I am. There's nothing I want more than Faith's happiness,” Ben said earnestly.

“Then why do I get the feeling that something is bothering you?”

“It's nothing,” he denied.

Ruth lay her hand upon his arm as she leaned toward him to meet his gaze. “Ben?”

Their eyes met, and he quickly looked away. The motion seemed almost guilt-ridden and intrigued Ruth even more.

“Ben Hardwick, what is troubling you?” she pressed.

“I said nothing.” He shrugged off her touch and hurriedly got to his feet. He knew if he allowed himself even the briefest of seconds to enjoy the closeness, all would be lost. “I came by to find Matthew. If he shows up early enough, tell him that I'm going to be at a meeting at the Green Dragon this afternoon around four and that he can meet me there.”

“And if he's late?”

“If he gets back after that, tell him I'm pretty sure there's going to be a big rally tonight at the hall.”

“Ben…” Ruth clutched at his arm as she rose to stand by him. “You don't think there's going to be trouble, do you?”

Instinctively, without conscious thought, he pressed his hand over hers reassuringly. “I hope not, Ruth. I hope not.” As he realized what he was doing, he moved quickly away, breaking off the contact. “I've got to go.”

She followed him to the door, and as he started outside, she said, “If you ever need me for anything, Ben, you know I'm here.”

He nodded tersely, and then, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coat, he strode off down the street.


Geoffrey eyed Bartley skeptically. “You say there has been no further contact between Eve and Kincade?”

“No, m'lord,” the servant replied quickly. “We have been watching them both very carefully. Mrs. Woodham has been seeing no one but you.”

“Good,” he replied with a self-satisfied grin. “Perhaps the rest of our work will prove unnecessary….”

“Shall I stop the surveillance of Lord Kincade and his brother, sir?”

Geoffrey was silent for a long moment. Even though Bartley had just reported to him that Eve had not been seeing Kincade, he was still not completely convinced that nothing existed between the two of them.

“No,” he finally answered, “don't cut it off yet.”

“Yes, m'lord.”

“What have you learned about the Kincades lately? Anything more regarding the possible connection with the dissidents?”

“Nothing directly,” he reported less than enthusiastically. “However, Lord Noah Kincade did make a large cash deposit at the bank.”

“Large? How large?” Geoffrey was instantly alert, and when Bartley quoted the sum, he was impressed. “Obviously they've just sold something or received a down payment of some kind….” He frowned as he considered the news.

“Also, sir, it appears that the brother has moved permanently out of the Red Lion.”

“He moved out?” This puzzled Geoffrey. “But why?”

“I don't know too much, sir. All I do know is that yesterday evening he hired a conveyance, had his trunks loaded, and went to the Hammond girl's house. She joined him then and they left town.”

Geoffrey chuckled. “Ah, a tryst…Where did they go?”

Bartley looked a bit uncomfortable. “It seems to be more than a mere tryst, m'lord. My man just reported back to me this morning that he followed them last night to a small village church, where they were married.”

“What? He actually married the wench?”

“Yes, sir, and they spent the night at a small inn out in the country.”

“So the rumor about a romance between Lord Matthew Kincade and this Hammond wench was true.”


“I find it totally appalling that a nobleman of his stature would feel the need to marry the chit. It's just amazing the depths to which some men sink in search of pleasure,” Geoffrey scoffed.

“Indeed, m'lord,” Bartley replied in dignified agreement with his master.

Geoffrey frowned. “It's a bit odd, don't you think, that a wealthy man like Matthew Kincade would elope with someone like this Hammond girl?”

“Odd, sir?”

“It had always been my feeling that the Kincade brothers were quite close. Why do you suppose the younger one felt the need to sneak off into the night to wed?”

“I'm sure I have no idea.”

“The damned fool could have had her just for the taking. She's only a colonial. See what more you can find out about that. It intrigues me.”

“I'll do that, sir.”

“Anything else pertinent? No meetings with Graves or Adams to report? No secret rendezvous?”

“No, nothing.”

“Fine. Continue to have them watched. Perhaps there is more to all this than we're discerning right now.”

“As you wish, m'lord.”


Faith leaned contentedly on Matthew's shoulder, a small smile playing about her lips. “You know, we never did make use of that bathwater….”

Matt chuckled as he tightened his arm about her. “I don't know about you, but by the time I thought of it, the water was far too cold for my liking.”

“I never gave the water a thought. I had other things of interest on my mind….” She leaned closer and kissed his cheek.

“I did, too,” he told her huskily, meeting her lips for a long, sensual exchange.

The fires of desire flamed to life anew, and Matt released Faith regretfully. He was still amazed by the power of his passion for her, and he knew it would not do to allow himself too many liberties with her here in the carriage.

“Matthew?” she asked. Her expression was petulant as she looked up at him, and her lips were pursed in an adorable pout, begging to be kissed.

“What?” He tried to ignore the stirring in his loins, and the voice inside him that urged him to kiss her again.

“Why did you stop kissing me?” she asked. She had come to thoroughly enjoy his lovemaking and could see no reason to deny themselves whatever intimacy they could share in the carriage. After all, they were married.

“Because it isn't proper,” he managed in a strangled voice.

“But we are married, Matthew,” she countered, pressing against him.

“That's true, but…”

“Don't you want me anymore?” Her eyes were aglow with her own need for him, and he tore his gaze away from hers.

“Of course I want you.”

“Then kiss me.” Brazenly she shifted from her sitting position to lean across his lap facing him. “Please?”

“Oh, Faith…” He gave up his fight and kissed her.

In victory, Faith smiled to herself as she unbuttoned his coat and slipped her hands within to touch his chest.

“Faith! Don't…stop that….” Matt came up gasping for air as he tried to remove her hands from beneath his coat.

“I thought you liked me to touch you….” she challenged.

“You know I do.” His answer was a growl.

“We have lots of time….” She glanced out the window at the passing countryside.

“We do?”

She nodded, and the coy look she gave him broke down his last barrier of resistance. Hungrily, his mouth sought hers and he quickly busied himself with unbuttoning her cloak. Faith gave a low-throated purr as his hands caressed her through the fabric of her gown.

“I never knew being married could be so delightful, husband,” she told him huskily as she linked her arms about his neck.

“I didn't either,” Matt replied.

When the carriage finally rolled to a stop in front of the Hammond house a long time later, they were resting most happily in each other's arms.

“We're here, love,” Matt told her as he brushed her hair aside and pressed a soft, thrilling kiss to her neck.

“I know,” she murmured almost sadly. She had wanted this time of enchantment to last forever, and she was afraid that returning to the reality of life would ruin what they had.

Matt descended from the carriage as soon as the driver opened the door for them. After paying him the substantial amount he owed, Matt helped Faith down and escorted her inside, leaving the driver to follow with their things.

“Mother? We're back….” Faith called out, her happiness evident in her voice as they entered the house.

“Faith? Matthew? You're back already….” Ruth came forth from the parlor eagerly to greet them. After kissing and hugging them both, she asked, “Did everything go well?”

“Perfectly, Mother. Matthew and I are now married.”

At that, Ruth hugged her again as her gaze met Matthew's with love and respect. “I'm so happy for the both of you.”

“Thank you.”

The driver came in then laden with their things, and while Faith showed him where to put everything, Ruth drew Matt aside.

“Ben came by looking for you earlier today.”

“Ben?” Matthew frowned. He had managed for the past twelve hours to put all thoughts of the growing unrest from his mind, but now he was back and nothing had changed. “Has something happened? Did he say?”

“He wanted you to know that there's an important meeting of some kind at the Green Dragon Inn at four o'clock this afternoon. I was supposed to tell you that you could meet him there.”

“I'd better go.” Matt was reluctant to leave Faith so soon.

“Go where?” Faith asked as she rejoined them after showing the driver out.

“Ben sent word that there's a meeting this afternoon at four,” he explained.

“Don't you want to go?” She noticed his lack of enthusiasm.

“It's not so much a matter of not wanting to go as it's a matter of not wanting to leave you.”

“You're only going to a meeting, Matthew.” Faith came to him and put her arms around him. “I'm sure you'll be back in time for dinner. Go on. It's almost three already. You know they need you.”

He lifted her chin and kissed her quickly, uncaring that Ruth looked on. “I'll go, but believe me, there's no place I'd rather be than here with you.”

She smiled up at him warmly. “I know.”


It was near dusk as Noah grimly approached the Hammond house. He had spent the better part of the day on board the
but even as he'd busied himself there, his thoughts had been of Matthew and their bitter parting the night before. Logically, he knew it was probably the best thing. For his business's sake, he could risk no overt connection to the rebels. Still, it troubled him that Matthew had left without taking his share of the money, and Noah was determined that he should have sufficient funds. He had deposited half of the rebel advance in a reputable bank in Matthew's name and was on his way to the Hammonds now to leave word that the money was available for him.

“Noah!” Faith was surprised to find her new brother-in-law standing on her doorstep when she opened the door.

“Hello, Faith.” Noah was unsure of his welcome and so kept his tone cool.

“Please, come in,” she invited warmly, holding the door wider for him to enter.

“No. Really, that's not necessary. I just came by to leave a message for Matthew. I don't know where he's taken up residence yet and—”

Before he could say any more, Faith cut him off. “He's taken up residence here, Noah. Please, come in. You can give him the message yourself, for he got home a short while ago.”

Noah looked decidedly uncomfortable to learn that Matthew had moved in with Faith and her mother, and he hesitated to take her up on her invitation.

“Noah, Matthew and I were married last night.”


“Please come in and we'll explain everything.” At her continued insistence, Noah entered the house. “He's in our bedroom. Make yourself comfortable in the parlor while I go tell him that you're here.”

Faith hurried down the short hall to her room at the back of the house.

“Matthew…” She entered their room without knocking and stopped dead still.

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