Read Captive Online

Authors: Gale Stanley

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

Captive (4 page)

Wade hummed around his erection, then released him and looked up with heavy lidded eyes. “Tell me again what you want,” he murmured in a husky whisper.

“Dammit! You know what I want.” Noah growled. “I want to come.”

Wade sighed throatily. “Get down here and tell me.”

Noah kicked his slacks aside and tore off his shirt on the way down. He helped Wade get out of his clothes and then he lay on his side facing Wade’s crotch.

Wade already had Noah’s dick in his mouth. “Fuck, that’s good,” Noah murmured thickly. He bent his top leg to give Wade better access. Then he slipped an arm under Wade’s bottom leg and pulled him closer so he could lick and suck his balls. He wrapped his lips around Wade’s swollen cockhead and sucked, pulling the foreskin down and then up the shaft, flicking the tip with his tongue.

Wade made unintelligible noises around his cock, which only aroused him more. Noah gasped. Shit, he was too damn close, and he wanted to make sure Wade was with him. He gripped Wade’s cock and squeezed the base of his shaft, stroking and pumping in rhythm with his sucking.

The only sounds in the room were wet sucking noises and grunts of encouragement. They had done this so many times before. Each knew exactly what the other needed.

Wade’s body tensed, and his balls drew up tight. He shuddered and jerked with his release. Noah swallowed spurts of semen and felt his own orgasm coming like a runaway train.

His hips bucked, and Noah abandoned control. He groaned in blissful agony as Wade sucked him dry.

For a few minutes they lay sated and spent. Then Noah turned his body around and pulled Wade in for a passionate kiss.

“That was really nice,” Wade murmured against his mouth.

“You’re the best,” Noah whispered. “Baby, you blow me away.”

Chapter Four

Noah could find his way anywhere in the
, but here in the city, he was lost. Even if he’d visited the hospital before, which he hadn’t, he’d never be able to track it by scent.

His sensitive nose balked at the toxic fumes of car exhaust, garbage in alleyways, and the unwashed bodies of the homeless who warmed themselves on street vents. The urban rankness overwhelmed him. Everything he saw, smelled, or touched made him long for the unspoiled terrain of home. From desert to rugged mountains to deep canyons, his adopted land offered his people the solitude and escape they desired.

Sighing, he stopped to consult his street map. Annoyed pedestrians jostled him as they tried to reach their destinations, all of them so focused on their own wants they didn’t even try to avoid a collision. Noah stood his ground, and a few of the humans looked up, surprised that he didn’t give an inch.

Noah ignored them all, intent on his own business. He found a hospital icon on the map, and he realized they were closer than he’d first thought. He took off without a word, knowing Wade would follow. They covered the few blocks in silence.

A brick and wrought iron fence surrounded a quadrangle of four large buildings. Even if there hadn’t been a sign proclaiming the Foundation for Infertility and Reproductive Medicine in big black letters, he’d have no trouble identifying the FIRM. The modern façade was in complete contrast to the older brick buildings in the complex.

Noah gave their names to a redheaded woman at the reception desk. She told them to have a seat and then she disappeared through another door.

Wade frowned at him. “What are you so pissed about?”

“I’m not looking forward to our meeting with

“I’m sorry I made things more difficult.”

“It’s not you,” Noah said through clenched teeth. “He just rubs me the wrong way.”

“Do you want me to beat him up for you?” Wade said, a perfectly serious look on his face.

Noah’s eyes narrowed, and then he laughed. “No thanks, slugger. He might kill you, and I’d miss your blowjobs.”

Wade smiled and put a hand on his knee. “Well, if you change your mind, just let me know.”

The woman returned, and Wade quickly removed his hand. They both rose and followed her into
’s office. She slipped out and shut the door behind her.

looked nothing like the Lycan Noah remembered. His tan had faded, and he wore his dark hair short. The toned body he’d shown off at home was now covered up with khakis, button-down shirt and lab coat. He looked almost human sitting behind his modern desk, surrounded by cherry wood and leather.

gestured to two chairs. “It’s been a long time.”

Not long enough.
“It looks like you’ve embraced your new life,” Noah replied as he and Wade took seats.

’s face hardened. “I’ve adapted for the sake of my work. I have every intention of returning home when I’m done here. Make no mistake about that.”

Noah smiled tightly.
harbored some jealousy over Noah’s past with Alex, and he obviously wasn’t happy about the distance between him and the Alpha.

“I only meant that your guise is quite convincing. If I couldn’t smell your true nature, I’d believe you were human myself.” He knew
wouldn’t take it as a compliment.

’s eyes turned cold. “I do what I have to, for the good of the clan. I expect you’ll do the same.”

“Of course.” Noah meant it. No matter what, the preservation of their people remained their most important objective.

slid a photo across his desk.

Wade spoke for the first time. “We’ve seen this. She looks like our women, but it doesn’t prove anything.”

didn’t spare Wade a glance. “Can’t you keep a leash on your boy, Noah?”

Noah clenched his hands but ignored the comment. “Where did you get the picture,

“From Janis Outlaw.”

Noah and Wade exchanged a look that didn’t go unnoticed by

“Yes. Your landlady. Why do you think you were told to go to that particular building? You did rent an apartment?”


“And you’re settled in?”

“What’s to settle?” Noah asked. “We travel light, and we sleep on the floor.” The landlady was definitely not one of theirs. How did she figure into this? “How is Janis Outlaw involved?”

“Her family lives in Black Wolf Gorge, a small town in the Pennsylvania Wilds. Last year one of her brothers moved here for a short time. He was brought to the ER after being stabbed outside a bar. At the time Janis was seeing an ER doctor, and he admitted her brother for a few days, even though he wasn’t that badly hurt. I suspect Janis wanted him to dry out. The man’s an alcoholic.”

Noah glanced at Wade. “Can you get to the point,

settled back in his chair and narrowed his eyes at Noah. “I’m giving you background information. Focus, Noah. There’s nothing more important on your agenda than this. Alex wants all your attention on the matter at hand.”

Noah’s nostrils flared. That
called the Alpha by name wasn’t lost on him. Evidently
had risen in stature and ingratiated himself with Alex. The thought of Roy and Alex together made him ill. The fact that he’d done the same thing to Alex when he took Wade as his lover didn’t make it any easier to accept. Noah kept his face a composed mask. He refused to give
the satisfaction of knowing he’d struck a nerve.

waited a minute to let his words sink in then he continued. “A few weeks later I ran into Janis’ ex-boyfriend, and he shared an interesting story with me. Her brother went back home and entered into an unconventional relationship with his twin and a woman. The woman gave birth to twins.”

Wade crossed and uncrossed his legs. He tapped a foot on the floor. Noah suspected he did it solely to annoy

paused. He waited until he had their complete attention before he continued. “Having twins is not that unusual. Having twins, each fathered by a different man, is.”

had his attention. Wade’s too. His partner sat forward in his chair, all ears.

eteropaternal superfecundation is the medical term. The woman releases multiple eggs during ovulation and mates with more than one man within a short period of time. Rare in the human world. Not so rare in the animal kingdom. In fact, it’s very common in dogs. Strays have been known to produce litters in which every pup is from a different father. Years ago, before our people were slaughtered, I witnessed this phenomenon in my own family. Of course my interest was piqued.”

“And you confirmed that the twins have different fathers?” Noah asked.

“As much as I was able. I took advantage of the fact that Janis had broken up with the doctor. I saw her on the pretext of looking for a new apartment, and I asked her to dinner. We’ve been dating ever since. She discussed her family with me, and I urged her to have her sister-in-law come in for a workup. Janis told me there’s already been DNA testing. One of the brothers is a biologist.”

“Where did you get the photo?” Noah asked.

“I took it from her apartment, had copies made, and returned it. Everything fits. Her family lives in a forested area. Just the place a she-wolf would hide out. My instincts tell me she’s one of ours. Find out what you can from Janis. Then track the woman. Of course I would like you to keep the fact that you know me from Janis.”

Noah jumped in before Wade could say anything.
already had little confidence in Wade. Better to take the blame for this on himself. “It’s too late for that. I slipped up and told her we had jobs waiting for us here.”

“That was stupid,”
snarled. “Keep my name out of it when you see her again. If she asks, tell her the positions here were already filled.”

Noah thought they’d already seen the last of their landlady. Now it looked like they’d be paying her a visit. “How do you know the woman in the picture isn’t human? You said this does happen in the human population.”

“That’s your job, Noah. Sniff her out. Once you find her, you’ll have no trouble identifying her.”

“And if she is one of ours?”

“Then bring her in.”

Bile rose in Noah’s throat. The woman had children and mates. She wouldn’t come willingly.

* * * *

Janis tried to concentrate on paperwork and failed miserably. Last night she’d put a face on her dream lover, two faces in fact. Both of her new tenants played starring roles in her erotic fantasy.

For the first time she could imagine herself in Sable’s position, a woman with two gorgeous men fulfilling her every sexual desire.

Of course her tenants wouldn’t look twice at her. Two drop-dead gorgeous men walk into her office and they turn out to be gay. She was sure of it. It was something in the possessive way that Wade looked at Noah, the way he’d laid a hand on Noah’s arm. Life was so unfair.

Unfortunately, it just added to the allure. Knowing they were off-limits made them ten times more desirable.

But it was more than just wanting something she knew she couldn’t have. Chemistry was involved here, that magnetic pull that only happened with certain men. She’d never felt it with
. But as soon as Noah and Wade walked through her door, butterflies migrated from her stomach to her chest, and nervous jitters took over. Suddenly she felt flustered and couldn’t string a few words together to form a coherent sentence. Hopefully, she’d covered it well.

She’d focused on one, then the other. They were similar in looks with their black hair and those topaz eyes that reminded her so much of Sable’s.

Looking at Wade, her heart thumped against her ribs. When she’d turned to Noah, just the sight of him made her panties wet. Both men attracted her equally. How freaky was that?

She tried to picture them together, two naked, sweaty males doing whatever men did to each other. Blowjobs for sure. She wasn’t totally unfamiliar with the ways men satisfied each other.

She’d watched porn before. Hell, she had twin brothers who left their movies and magazines all over the house while they were growing up. Their taste ran to two guys with a woman. Fancy that. Ironic, they both ended up with the same woman.

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