Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (19 page)

“Fuck,” Burner grunted before suddenly gripping her ass hard and lifting her off the counter moving quickly down the stairs to the cellar, making her gasp and cling to him.

“What are you doing?” Kelsey hissed when they were in the darkened storage room.

He rested her on a case of whiskey and pulled free of her, quickly jerking his pants up and stepping back into the shadows of the cellar, confusing her further. She stared after him until she heard footsteps on the stairs and her brain kicked in. Kelsey jumped down from the crate fixing her underwear and her skirt before tugging her top into place, her brain still fuzzed with the events of the last few minutes.

“What are you doing down here? I thought you were going to eat in the kitchen?” Hanna asked, confusion on her face as she watched Kelsey.

Jerking the first bottle off the shelf near her, she blurted, “Um, I thought I’d grab a bottle of,” she glanced at the label before continuing, “Jack while I was down here.”

“Why? We still have one upstairs,” Hanna said, her voice filled with confusion, her brow furrowed.

“Huh, I thought we were out,” Kelsey finished lamely, wanting to hit her palm to her forehead because even she knew that she sounded like she had lost her mind. She put the bottle back and turned back to Hanna.

“No, but we’re getting busy so I came to see if you were done eating so you could help me and Brenda at the bar,” Hanna finally said after staring at her for a long moment.

“Sure, I can do that,” Kelsey said, her voice high and a little desperate even to her own ears.

“Why are you acting so weird?” Hanna asked, still watching her suspiciously.

“What are you on about? I’m not acting weird. Let’s go on upstairs and help Brenda.” Kelsey grabbed her sister’s arm to guide her up the stairs. Hanna allowed her to but she eyed her with distrust. Kelsey practically dragged her up to the kitchen before Hanna noticed Burner lurking in the corner of the cellar and figured out exactly why she was acting strange.



Burner watched Kelsey drag her sister up the stairs with a bit of unease in the pit of his stomach. He hadn’t meant to take her here but once he’d touched her it was as if the world had faded away and he’d not been aware of it until he heard Hanna say she’d be right back to their bartender. That was when he’d rushed down here to protect Kelsey from the embarrassment of her sister finding them.

Fuck, he was such a bastard.

If he really wanted to protect her he’d leave her alone, but he couldn’t. The last two days had shown him in blinding clarity that he would not be leaving her alone and a few minutes ago when he fucked her senseless in a public place where anyone could walk in on them had proved it. He finished buckling his belt since he’d stopped when Hanna had walked into the cellar so she wouldn’t see him moving and notice him.

Kelsey’s reaction to her coming down here was bad enough. She’d been awkward and he would bet her cheeks had been flooded with color even though he couldn’t make it out in the darkness of the cellar. She deserved better than him treating her like that and he needed to stop handling her like a sweetbutt.

Running a hand over the back of his neck, he adjusted his cock before heading up the stairs, pausing near the top to be sure they’d left the kitchen before he entered it, using the side door to head out into the bar to watch her. Sitting down at a table a few feet from the counter, his eyes on her as she served drinks to three women, he signaled for the waitress.

“What’ll it be?” the woman asked.

“Whiskey neat,” he grunted, not even looking at her, his eyes on Kelsey as she moved down the bar to a man who’d raised his hand. He watched her lean forward and smile sweetly and that was all it took to have him gritting his teeth while trying not to get up and rip the man’s head off.

“Damn, if looks could kill.” Hawk chuckled sitting down across from him.

Burner glanced at him briefly before turning back to watch Kelsey laugh at something the man had said, his fist clenching on his knee. That son of a bitch better stop flirting with her or he was going to be eating his teeth.

“You going to kill someone or are you just practicing your glare?” Hawk asked.

“What do you care? Besides aren’t you supposed to be at the Blue Bird serving someone drinks or something?” Burner asked, not taking his eye off of Kelsey as she handed the man his drink.

“I do get time off, you know,” Hawk told him, his slight laugh annoying Burner because he wasn’t in the mood to deal with the other man’s humor.

“Yep, but why are you annoying me is what I want to know,” Burner grunted, finally looking at him.

“Shit man, you’d think since I picked you up when you needed it the other morning you’d at least be nice to me,” Hawk muttered, taking the beer from the waitress when she came back and handed it to him. She set Burner’s whiskey down in front of him as well before turning to leave after Hawk tossed some credits on her tray.

“Why?” Burner asked, taking a sip of his drink.

“Cause you owe me? I don’t know, asshole, but it would be nice.” Hawk lifted his beer, taking a swig before nodding to the man at the bar Burner had been glaring at when he’d sat down. “What did that dude do to you anyway?” Hawk asked, watching the man before he sat forward, a frown on his face. “Or is he involved with the drugging?”

“Nope, I just don’t like the way he was looking at the girls,” Burner growled, not wanting to say Kelsey even though that was who that fucker shouldn’t be looking at.

“Huh, well he could be involved. We still haven’t gotten any leads on that person and we had another one drugged this week only at Spangles this time. I don’t get how they managed it there because Animal has that place locked down. Ever since Sammy had that issue with a man who took her home from there he’s been a freak about security. Not that it would have prevented what happened to her but he wanted to be sure nothing like that happened inside the club.” He frowned before he turned to watch the man at the bar.

Burner was watching Kelsey as she laughed at something Hanna had said and shot a bit of beer at her from the tap, making a smile curl the corners of his lips as he watched her jerk away when Hanna tried to put an ice-cube down her shirt.

“Earth to Burner,” Hawk muttered, trying to get his attention. Burner turned to look at him.

“What?” he snapped, glancing at him briefly.

“Damn, you’re not very good company tonight, are you?” Hawk grunted. Downing the last of his beer, he smacked the empty bottle on the table. “Fine, I’ll see you later and you really should at least try to act like you’re not pussy-whipped.”

Burner wanted to knock the bastard on his ass for that comment but Hawk was already weaving away in the crowd by the time he’d pulled his eyes off Kelsey, who was again flirting with the man at the end of the bar. Shaking it off, he drank his whiskey, still observing her while seething with anger over her blatantly flirting with another man.


Chapter Fifteen




Kelsey felt a shiver roll down her spine when Burner followed her into the back room a half hour after she had dragged her sister upstairs. She didn’t know what was going on inside his head but she could almost feel the anger pouring off him. She’d felt it in the bar and she didn’t know what the hell he had to be mad about. If anyone had a right to be mad it was her because what had happened a little while ago made her feel cheap.

“Kelsey, I will only tell you this once. Stop flirting with other men.” Burner was glaring at her, his eyes narrowed on her.

“What are you talking about, Burner?” she asked looking at him wearily. She’d only been flirting a little with Cody and this was an overreaction on his part. After all, not even forty minutes ago he’d been telling her that what they were doing was simply sex and now he wanted to say she couldn’t flirt with other men?

Nope, not happening.

“You heard me.”

“I am sure I heard you wrong,” Kelsey shot back, her brows raised.

“You didn’t. No flirting with other men. In fact, no going near other men period,” Burner growled, his fists tightly clenched and his eyes narrowed to slits of blue fire.

Shock poured through her as she watched him standing a few feet from her with his eyes glued to hers. What made him think he could decide that she wasn’t allowed to have another man near her?

“You don’t get to decide that, Burner. We’re not in a relationship, remember?” Kelsey managed to get out past her numb lips.

He strode to her, his eyes dark and narrowed to slits as he came towards her. His nostrils flared and his body tensed as he neared her. One arm went around her waist jerking her towards him while his other hand buried in her hair cupping the back of her head as he jerked her head back roughly so her eyes were forced to meet his.

“Don’t push me on this, Kelsey. I warned you to run and I told you that you didn’t want to keep taunting me, but you didn’t listen. I’ve been telling you that I’m not a good man anymore and I will take what I want and damn the consequence. And now that I’ve touched you there is no going back. Every inch of you is
and if I find another man anywhere near you I will rip him apart with my bare hands.”

Her breath caught and she couldn’t seem to look away from the dark pools of desire that glared down at her. Her heart drummed in her ears and her fingers trembled where they gripped his shoulders. She felt vulnerable pressed into him, still remembering how he’d taken her so roughly against this very counter not even an hour ago. He was commanding her to not allow another man near her and he wasn’t kidding. She could tell from the darkness that burned in his eyes that Burner was deadly serious. Kelsey knew she should protest or at the very least ask him if he was going to be screwing around on her but she was trembling inside and her frozen lips couldn’t form the words.

“That’s cr–razy,” Kelsey finally managed to get out.

“No, it’s a fact. You should have run when you had the chance, babe,” Burner grunted before his lips were on hers and his tongue was thrusting inside her mouth as he pressed her back into the wall. Kelsey moaned, her body recognizing his, and melted against him. Her brain tried to tell the hussy it should object but it wasn’t paying attention as she was lifted off her feet. Her legs were pulled around his waist and she was set on the counter again, her breaths coming in little pants as she desperately tried to find the strength to push him away.

She needed to put her foot down because he wasn’t going to tell her one minute that they were nothing more than bed buddies and the next that she wasn’t allowed to flirt with other men. It didn’t work that way. Either they were exclusive or they were just having random sex and he needed to decide which one he wanted.

Thankfully that problem was solved for her because Hanna chose that moment to come into the back room and Burner jerked away from her to stand a few feet away. She stared at him, her breathing heavy in her chest, and she decided that if she wasn’t allowed to flirt with men then he wasn’t allowed to flirt with other women. She would be informing him of that fact as soon as they were alone again. She wouldn’t allow him to make rules he didn’t have to follow.

“What are you two up to back here?” Hanna asked, her look suspicious as she glanced back and forth between them. Burner was casually leaning on the sink and shrugged.

“Talking,” he grunted.

“Uh-huh, talking,” Hanna said, her expression clearly disbelieving.

Kelsey knew her face was red from the heat she could feel in her cheeks. Sliding off the counter, she grabbed the vodka she’d come back here to get for the bar and headed towards the door without looking at Burner. She almost made it when she heard his hard voice call after her.

“Remember what I said, Kelsey.”

She glanced back at him, her insides jumping because she knew he was likely to make a scene in front of Hanna if she told him there were conditions to her agreement to that bold decree. Knowing that she couldn’t say anything in front of Hanna, she just nodded. She would make damned sure they talked about this before they had sex again. Her thoughts now chaotic, she escaped the room with a little sigh of relief.

Burner watched Kelsey exit the back room after throwing him a little nod that he would bet was only because she didn’t want him to make a scene in front of her sister. He wanted to go after her and grab her and make her agree. He didn’t like the idea of her flirting but that was nothing compared to the absolute fury that broke free inside him at the thought of another man touching her and that scared the shit out of him. It meant that he wasn’t sticking to his own rule about this just being sex. What the hell was he doing, his brain demanded of his cock, but it wasn’t forthcoming with any answers.

All he could think about was throwing her over his shoulder and taking her back to her place so he could have his fill of her. If the visceral need for her that shook him to his core was any indication, it wouldn’t be anytime soon that he allowed her to be free of him. Burner was a little frightened by the depth of his cravings for her sweetness.

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